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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. well, it would help you not die, for one thing. but thanks to the irresponsible and war criminals communist china and... "farci" ? who said it was a risk worth taking to mess with this virus in the Wuhan lab?.. it's all over the world. Smallpox was another one. Polio was another one. We wiped them out. OF course, when the left invites hundreds of thousands of illegals, some of them will be carrying smallpox, aids, covid.... and folks like you could catch it because "if the vaccine works for you....". really? Again, a best friend went to Myrtle beach with her husband - somehow, somewhere, they got covid. My Wife said she should go to the hospital and she did. her husband refused to go. Somehow, after he got back, I found out he got a vaccine. But he already had the covid. Since they always ask you....He finally allowed himself to be taken to the hospital - but 4 or 5? days later, it was too late. he died last week. But I can't support some communistic mandate to all Americans to get a vaccine. Not happenin.
  2. they want to completely destroy America. Every moral, legal, economic and spritual part of it. Plus, in doing it, they constantly emotionalize words, despite the words' meaning. Now "infrastructure" means "turning America into a welfare state"
  3. Biden's Shameless Lies about Guns and Gun Owners This last Thursday, Joe Biden got on national TV and proceeded to tell a long string of outright LIES about guns and gun owners. For example, he claimed that the background check system has "kept more than 3 million firearms out of the hands of dangerous people." That's a LIE. Since 1994 when it began, the Brady background checks have logged around 3.5 million initial denials. But that doesn't mean all 3.5 million denials were related to "dangerous people" or criminal activity. In fact, the vast majority were mistaken identities and other flaws in the system. And hardly any of the denials led to prosecutions. In 2017, there were 112,000 initial denials, but only 12 resulted in federal prosecutions related to prohibited people trying to buy guns. He LIED when he said gun manufacturers are exempt from being sued. Of course you can sue them if they sell defective projects. But Biden wants gun manufactures sued when their legal products are misused or used in crimes, the goal being to put them out of business. He LIED when he said the recent spike in crime was due to a lack of gun control laws. Actually, the spike is due to politicians cutting police budgets and ordering them to stand down, prosecutors refusing to prosecute criminals, and prisons releasing hoards of inmates because of COVID-19. He LIED when he suggested that a "red flag" law could stop murderers like the one who slaughtered people in a Colorado grocery store. But he didn't mention that there is already a red flag law in place there. And the LIES just kept coming. Did the mainstream media question any of these LIES? Of course not. If President Trump had claimed 2 + 2 = 4, the media pundits would have consulted with Nobel Prize winning mathematicians to verify the facts. But President Biden spews LIE after blatant LIE about guns and it's all accepted as gospel. And these LIES will be the basis for a continued push for dishonest and draconian gun control. But then, what else is new? Yours for Liberty, Dean Rieck Executive Director
  4. Oh, absolutely TRUE. It's just that bad percentage that is going to cause Americans serious grief. There's a migrant center over yonder in town - they are some of the nicest families you'd ever meet at a garage sale. Their kids are adorably polite, the parents are, really decent folks. But unvetted, illegals are lawbreakers from the gitgo. And some, aren't going to be a constructive part of wherever they land. the bad... Illegal immigrants convicted of child sex crimes caught at ... https://nypost.com/2021/04/07/illegal-immigrants... An illegal immigrant who was previously deported for raping a minor in California was arrested after re-entering the United States amid the record migrant surge, federal authorities said. The 46-ye… Illegal Immigrant Crime Rates | National Review https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/illegal-immigrant-crime-rates Using Arizona Department of Corrections data spanning 1985–2017, Lott calculates that illegal immigrants in Arizona aged 18-35, for example, are 250 percent more likely to commit crimes … Illegals Crime Report: Sexual Assaults in North Carolina ... https://www.libertynation.com/illegals-crime... The Illegals Crime Report looks at crimes reported in the United States at the hands of those listed as illegal or undocumented.
  5. https://www.militarytrader.com/militaria-collectibles/show-me-your-papers
  6. emotional power- getting emotional manipulation.
  7. and all the fools will continue to live in poverty, but she laughs all the way to the bank.
  8. dangerously corrupt - they want that gigantic addition to their base. and the destitute spanish speaking welfare recipients will be EASILY manipulated to vote for the dem/marxist welfare state. ...they want it because more and more - the black community is walking away. that is why they had to commit widespread voter fraud in the big dem cities.
  9. really dismal. Control our elections, schools, economic system/capitalism, small business, gun owners, Christians, Christian churches, conservative groups, our military, our sports, ........our ENERGY.... you name it, Hoorta's biden is happy to be the leader of the entire group of radicals that want to screw it all up, to have power over it all. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/04/11/why-biden-is-breaking-america-n359066
  10. https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2021/04/10/three-children-knifed-to-death-in-los-angeles-yet-border-kids-and-gun-control-take-priority-n358554
  11. a terrible history is in the making. But this is AMERICA dammit. Nearly One Million New Yorkers Didn't Register Their ... https://www.forbes.com/sites/frankminiter/2015/06/... Jun 24, 2015 · After a deranged 20-year-old brought unthinkable evil to Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary in December 2012, both Connecticut and New York banned the sale of semiautomatic firearms they deem to... Author: Frank Miniter Gun Owners Refuse to Register Under New York Law | The ... https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/gun-owners-refuse... After Democrats in New York rammed a sweeping assault on the right to keep and bear arms through the legislature that failed to exempt police officers from the draconian restrictions, gun owners and even some lawmakers are planning what has been dubbed potentially the largest act of civil disobedience in state history. According to news reports, gun rights activists are urging everyone to defy far-left Governor Andrew Cuomo’s new registration
  12. crazy old Gates should just jettison his supreme Darth Vader ego into space - that should shade the earth for a good while...
  13. aw, go "Bashum" yourself....wannabe Mr. Know-it-all.
  14. Exactly they are HAPPY to beneifit from no voter ID voter fraud - the left is the party that does it. and screwing over political opponents... also makes them happy. They live by emotion alone.
  15. she was "only going to stay a hundred days? " til when? Biden makes her sick of his stupidity? big serious trouble
  16. THANK YOU, I even put it in italics to make the fun point of his misspelling. LOL Not good for Tour to try to be such a smart ass when he can be a dumb ass at times.
  17. liberals thrive on their own twisted emotions. They worship their own emotions. facts don't matter. reality doesn't matter.
  18. happened again. This is liberal democrap emotional knee jerking at it's best...? "I WANT TO BE A VICTIM" garbage. https://www.theblaze.com/news/racist-graffiti-appears-in-college-dorm-naacp-condemns-the-act-students-march-and-boycott-then-a-black-student-admits-he-did-it Racist graffiti appears in college dorm. NAACP condemns the act; students march and boycott — then a black student admits he did it. News The graffiti in question included racist epithets and references to the Ku Klux Klan News The graffiti in question included racist epithets and references to the Ku Klux Klan
  19. According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day. In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion [1] , there are over 3,000 abortions per day.
  20. packing the court with radicals, a trifecta for tyranny, the gov oppression that folks from all over the world have fled to come here for freedom
  21. nope. Carlos Basham Jr. EDGE Wake Forest - Draft Player Profile ...
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