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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. biden weasel is going to let the world fall apart, while he makes America fall apart. Hoorta is so proud???????
  2. every single anti-Pres Trump voter is responsible for this garbage. They should own up to it instead of running and hiding.
  3. where was this sentiment the four years of hating Pres Trump for zero good legit reason????? criticizing biden for DELAYING the leaving (for no legit reason) only po'd the Taliban. biden did it to get at Pres Trump. Biden is a complete and total disastrous puppet screw up. "but let's just be positive and not negative now". nah.
  4. more and more blood on the hands of those who voted against Pres Trump and finishing the wall. meanwhile...... https://www.foxnews.com/us/new-york-city-police-ms-13-gang-members-caught-lugging-blanket-wrapped-body-to-car-sources
  5. Yep. The same old "perception changes when the emotions change on the exact same subject"
  6. same old again. Lie, repeated endlessly again and again ad nauseam.... walked back. But it was another attempt at regaining intel brass power over the WH. meaning, clapper and brennan are liars, totally corrupt napoleonic sombeitches. Think Hoorta will apologize? I don't think so. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/04/15/that-russian-bounty-story-media-flayed-trump-with-just-got-officially-walked-back-n361628
  7. I love the signing. We now have a brilliantly improved depth chart to look at. The defensive line rotation looks like a kick ass unit. But absolutely nailed it you did - "Top defensive player available regardless of position" - I'm fine with it. so different now: https://www.ourlads.com/nfldepthcharts/depthchart/CLE
  8. EXCELLENT !!!! btw, on the list of funders of the fact checkers? not just farcebook. "open society" org. that is ....george soros, folks. and others. I'll have to go take a look at that when I have time....
  9. My parents grew up with the same understanding that they taught me - different skin colors are just skin deep. We're all people - what matters is what is in people's hearts. Now the left is slandering entire groups right and left - deliberately causing hatred and division. They know united we stand and divided they take America over.
  10. Here's the thing: NO. but ..... think about this .... if they pack the court...how do they not think a flip of government won't put it to even more numbers or go back to what it is now and should be? They don't plan on that - because they will have taken permanent control of America - at every turn, every opportunity. or, they won't bother to pack the court in the first place. dangerous times, folks. but "orange man bad" hahaha? sick joke on America.
  11. She must read my stuff - there is going to be war. With us in economic and social turmoil, our military cohesiveness being disrupted by the left in power now -.... don't miss this, folks: ***************************** The Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China, the two largest communist nations in the world, announce the signing of a mutual defense and assistance treaty. The negotiations for the treaty were conducted in Moscow between PRC leaders Mao Zedong and Zhou En-lai, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin and Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinsky. USSR and PRC sign mutual defense treaty - HISTORY www.history.com/this-day-in-history/ussr-and-prc-sign-mutual-defense-treaty
  12. dangerous times ahead. Hyperinflation can kill our economy, and a lot of our way of life. Extremely destructive to our country. think... Cloward-Piven folks. Cloward-Piven is where America is going - the Fed is refusing to let the indicators be known to the American public and media. Hiding the truth - til maybe it's too late? and remember - Cloward-Piven both were profs at Columbia. Guess who went to Columbia? corrupt radical sombeitch lowlife scumbag - Hoorta's hero.... Buttock ObaMao Commie. Stock up on some food that can be stored for a couple of years, some stuff can be stored far longer. I've heard some of the big expensive packages of stuff that lasts 25 yrs... isn't very good. Depends on what you and your family like. Economic complete crash = radical party control ... over every aspect of all our lives. https://redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2021/04/15/why-is-the-fed-not-reporting-m1-and-m2-numbers-n361319 Why Is the Fed Not Reporting M1 and M2 Numbers? Conclusion. No wonder the Fed stopped announcing the monthly M1 and M2 numbers in February. M1 and M2 will shoot up through the roof with all that Democrat-initiated spending, with massive inflation sure to follow. Commodities prices were already surging upward, and consumer prices have made the biggest month-on-month jump since 2009 even before the passage of the Democrat spending bills. The Biden regime and Democrats in general don’t want any discussion about the hyper-inflationary aspects of their proposed spending because that would potentially derail their once-in-a-generation opportunity to change the US economy forever. As for me, I’m buying silver… The end.
  13. to sum it up, ....really big, dangerously serious trouble. it's here and it's going to get worse.
  14. makes no sense at all, outside of a giant new addition to their welfare socialistic voting bloc https://news.yahoo.com/brazils-p1-coronavirus-variant-mutating-143931728.html
  15. My smallpox vaccine scar has faded away, but it was there a long time. I think we had a liquid - one ounce or something to drink for the polio. Saw some guy at the grocery walk in...no mask. some people are just stupid and contrary. At the funeral - everybody was wearing masks, except when we went out to have a dinner and the food was delivered. I still resent this whole covid garbage happening. I think it's a war crime......and it was the wuhan lab.
  16. sick stuff. there is zero excuse for encouraging illegal immigration and complaining about the wall. What was that whining about - that some countries didn't agree with PRes Trump? https://www.theblaze.com/news/guatemalan-president-biden-migrant-messaging Guatemalan president says Biden's confusing messaging encouraged smugglers to drop off children at the border
  17. oh, stop and think about that reply. You don't think medical technology - specifically vaccines, have dramatically skyrocketed in improvement since 1918? come on, man.
  18. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/04/13/joe-biden-proclaims-wafers-are-infrastructure-because-everything-is-infrastructure-n360075
  19. Yep. Some of us KNEW it would happen. China and Russia can make huge gains by intimidating a corrupt, cowardly America leadership while the "sun shines", they will make their hay. There is going to be a war.
  20. well, it would help you not die, for one thing. but thanks to the irresponsible and war criminals communist china and... "farci" ? who said it was a risk worth taking to mess with this virus in the Wuhan lab?.. it's all over the world. Smallpox was another one. Polio was another one. We wiped them out. OF course, when the left invites hundreds of thousands of illegals, some of them will be carrying smallpox, aids, covid.... and folks like you could catch it because "if the vaccine works for you....". really? Again, a best friend went to Myrtle beach with her husband - somehow, somewhere, they got covid. My Wife said she should go to the hospital and she did. her husband refused to go. Somehow, after he got back, I found out he got a vaccine. But he already had the covid. Since they always ask you....He finally allowed himself to be taken to the hospital - but 4 or 5? days later, it was too late. he died last week. But I can't support some communistic mandate to all Americans to get a vaccine. Not happenin.
  21. they want to completely destroy America. Every moral, legal, economic and spritual part of it. Plus, in doing it, they constantly emotionalize words, despite the words' meaning. Now "infrastructure" means "turning America into a welfare state"
  22. Biden's Shameless Lies about Guns and Gun Owners This last Thursday, Joe Biden got on national TV and proceeded to tell a long string of outright LIES about guns and gun owners. For example, he claimed that the background check system has "kept more than 3 million firearms out of the hands of dangerous people." That's a LIE. Since 1994 when it began, the Brady background checks have logged around 3.5 million initial denials. But that doesn't mean all 3.5 million denials were related to "dangerous people" or criminal activity. In fact, the vast majority were mistaken identities and other flaws in the system. And hardly any of the denials led to prosecutions. In 2017, there were 112,000 initial denials, but only 12 resulted in federal prosecutions related to prohibited people trying to buy guns. He LIED when he said gun manufacturers are exempt from being sued. Of course you can sue them if they sell defective projects. But Biden wants gun manufactures sued when their legal products are misused or used in crimes, the goal being to put them out of business. He LIED when he said the recent spike in crime was due to a lack of gun control laws. Actually, the spike is due to politicians cutting police budgets and ordering them to stand down, prosecutors refusing to prosecute criminals, and prisons releasing hoards of inmates because of COVID-19. He LIED when he suggested that a "red flag" law could stop murderers like the one who slaughtered people in a Colorado grocery store. But he didn't mention that there is already a red flag law in place there. And the LIES just kept coming. Did the mainstream media question any of these LIES? Of course not. If President Trump had claimed 2 + 2 = 4, the media pundits would have consulted with Nobel Prize winning mathematicians to verify the facts. But President Biden spews LIE after blatant LIE about guns and it's all accepted as gospel. And these LIES will be the basis for a continued push for dishonest and draconian gun control. But then, what else is new? Yours for Liberty, Dean Rieck Executive Director
  23. Oh, absolutely TRUE. It's just that bad percentage that is going to cause Americans serious grief. There's a migrant center over yonder in town - they are some of the nicest families you'd ever meet at a garage sale. Their kids are adorably polite, the parents are, really decent folks. But unvetted, illegals are lawbreakers from the gitgo. And some, aren't going to be a constructive part of wherever they land. the bad... Illegal immigrants convicted of child sex crimes caught at ... https://nypost.com/2021/04/07/illegal-immigrants... An illegal immigrant who was previously deported for raping a minor in California was arrested after re-entering the United States amid the record migrant surge, federal authorities said. The 46-ye… Illegal Immigrant Crime Rates | National Review https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/illegal-immigrant-crime-rates Using Arizona Department of Corrections data spanning 1985–2017, Lott calculates that illegal immigrants in Arizona aged 18-35, for example, are 250 percent more likely to commit crimes … Illegals Crime Report: Sexual Assaults in North Carolina ... https://www.libertynation.com/illegals-crime... The Illegals Crime Report looks at crimes reported in the United States at the hands of those listed as illegal or undocumented.
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