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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. well, if you drive out all Americans who don't like it, you'll win every election...so.....
  2. The Unintended Consequences Of Raising Minimum Wage To $15 https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2019/07/10/... Jul 10, 2019 · A rough back-of-the-envelope calculation of a typical restaurant that employs workers at $15 an hour exemplifies the unintended consequences of the minimum wage increase.
  3. it isn't a matter of more fake "common sense" gun laws.
  4. Fla. shooting suspect had a history of explosive anger, depression, killing animals FBI’s near-brush with suspect in Florida school shooting draws scrutiny no laws would have stopped this kid. and to the point about Obamao? it's true. Nikolas Cruz avoided police scrutiny with help from Obama ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/mar/5/ni... Mar 06, 2018 · The 19-year-old Cruz was transferred six times in three years, the Miami Herald reported, but never expelled, taken into custody or arrested. Author: Valerie Richardson Nikolas Cruz violated Obama's Promise diversion program ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/may/14/... May 15, 2018 · School officials failed to send Nikolas Cruz to court after he violated Obama-era diversion program. ... based on what the district has released, according to Timothy Sternberg, a …
  5. maybe we should put all Americans into straight jackets so no murders can happen? after all, "we have to DO SOMETHING" ? as in, do something to screw over say, 180 million gun owners, and the murders will still happen once in a while? Answer: mental health for threats, domestic abuse. And, history. From the Bible. I posted what Phil Robertson said. Our country is going anti-God, and no amount of draconian oppression from a leftwing dicktatership will resolve it. Back in the 40's? organized crime was in most big cities in America. gangland shootings bigtime, famous gangsters etc. It wasn't political anti-gun laws that stopped it all. It was arrests of the criminals and HARD TIME for a LONG TIME. right now, the shooter at Parkland, the high school? the shooter was known beforehand. But via obaMao's edict about a program that lessens serious repercussions, the murderer got off again and again and again and again ... why the hell support laws on maybe 180 million innocent legit American gun owners, when that murderer got off with serious threats etc etc etc ??????????? Liberal weiner activism kept letting him skate. Go figure. Read on. There is already all the common sense gun laws we need. No law would have stopped this sick kid. and the warning signs were many and then some: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/national/timeline-parkland-shooter-nikolas-cruz/ Red flags: The troubled path of accused Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz The suspected gunman charged with killing 17 people at a Florida school in February 2018 left a long trail of 911 calls, school suspensions and alleged threats of violence. By Washington Post staff March 10, 2018 In the years leading up to the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, accused gunman Nikolas Cruz accumulated a long list of disciplinary problems and mental health concerns. The teenager was suspended for a fight, transferred to a school for troubled students and reported to law enforcement numerous times. At least three times, people contacted law enforcement to warn that Cruz could carry out a school shooting. Here’s a look at the red flags in the life of Cruz.
  6. fourth round? https://www.brownsnation.com/browns-had-virtual-meeting-with-west-virginia-dt-darius-stills/ https://www.si.com/college/westvirginia/football/draft-analysis-potential-landing-spots-for-darius-stills-in-2021-nfl-draft
  7. so, 14,123 murders in 2018.... and 36,560 people were killed in traffic crashes in 2018, a 2.4% decrease from 2017 1,038 children (14 and younger) died, a more than 10% decline 9,378 speeding-related deaths, an almost 6% drop 4,985 motorcycle fatalities, an almost 5% decrease 6,283 pedestrians died, a more than 3% increase, and the most deaths since 1990 857 bicyclist deaths, a more than 6% increase ************************** The left doesn't want to ban cars, restrict them to only 25 miles per hr....they couldn't care less. But 300 people murdered with some kind of rifle is the gigantic concern. More gun laws are strictly political leftwing attempts at power. That is the only genuine way to explain the contradictions. "outrage" about one hoodlum getting shot and killed with false narratives about the hoodlum - purely dirty corrupt leftwing political garbage'. Meanwhile tens of thousands of other deaths - they do NOT care one whit. Meanwhile, where is the left's outrage about ...abortion? This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day. In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion [1] , there are over 3,000 abortions per day. So, I deduce from it all - the left is only feigns outrage over gun tragedies out of political power mongering, NOT a legit abhorence to innocent deaths that should not happen.
  8. Reasonable reply, but arson happens a lot, and we don't ban fire, because it would be stupid. ban matches...lighters, ferro rods, ban flint... arson will still happen. More gun control is ONLY a political attack on more than half of America - the half that isn't leftwing. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2016/crime-in-the-u.s.-2016/tables/table-10 for instance: Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter (ILLEGAL) 16,459 Violent Crime (ILLEGAL) 1,217,400 Rape ILLEGAL) 112,470 Arson (ILLEGAL) 43,249 https://lidblog.com/fbi-2018-crime-report/ Here’s what the FBI report said: Last year there were an estimated 14,123 murders in the United States, down from the 15,129 reported in 2017. In 2018, an estimated 10,256 killings involved firearms, down slightly from the 10,982 reported by the FBI in its 2017 UCR. One thing that caught CCRKBA’s attention was the number of slayings that involved rifles of any kind (they are not separated into categories of action type). According to the FBI, last year saw 297 homicides that definitely involved rifles, although there were 3,130 murders committed with an unknown or unidentified kind of firearm. On a ratio of roughly 20-to-1 between handguns and rifles that is fairly typical in any given year, it’s not likely a whole lot of those “unknown” weapons were rifles. That said, CCRKBA wants to know why there is such a feverish push to ban so-called “assault weapons.” If they are involved in a fraction of all the homicides in any given year, it might seem that the effort to ban them is more than theatrics or to prevent gun-related crimes. Some people believe that the effort is to get people to accept the notion that it’s okay to ban a whole class of firearms without violating the Second Amendment. “Democrats including all of those now running for president want to ban modern semiautomatic sporting rifles,” Gottlieb noted in a news release, “which they repeatedly mischaracterize as ‘weapons of war.’ Millions of honest citizens own such firearms, and they have harmed nobody.” Interesting point. At the Gun Rights Conference, it was estimated that there may be as many as 15 million such rifles in circulation today. Against less than 300 rifles used in homicides, the crime data amounts to a flyspeck. “Let’s have this discussion,” he challenged, “and let’s stick to the facts. Let’s leave the emotions and theatrics outside. It’s time for the gun prohibition lobby, and their Democrat allies, to explain why they want to unilaterally disarm this country’s law-abiding gun owners. Why are they determined to penalize every gun owner for crimes they didn’t commit? Why do they treat the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms as a government-regulated privilege? The right to keep and bear arms predates the Second Amendment. We have the Second Amendment to prevent the government from taking away our liberty, and it’s time for Democrats and gun grabbers to explain why they want to change that.”
  9. wait, this op story can't be true. DUI is ILLEGAL. and Illegal gun possession is ILLEGAL. Why, resisting arrest is ILLEGAL, so those things couldn't happen. that is why we need more "gun control".....
  10. https://www.theblaze.com/shows/in-the-woods/phil-robertson-gun-argument?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1
  11. Elerson Smith. Edge Rusher. Probably 4th ? round. Not ready for prime time, really high upside. Don't think he'll be there late in the fifth round. Possible huge steal. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/2021-nfl-draft-prospect-profile-elerson-smith-edge-northern-iowa/ar-BB1djQGP https://www.arrowheadpride.com/2021/4/13/22381517/northern-iowas-elerson-smith-is-a-chiefs-friendly-edge-who-also-has-elite-athleticism-nfl-draft
  12. and, the truth comes out more and more. With project Vertas. but dirty soros? money talks. and the corrupt fake "journalists" love the money. Just sad for America.
  13. so, the lefties around here feigned outrage that Pres Trump was making china and russia behave themselves, by making them respect us. Mean old Pres Trump - bad international relations. haha. but, biden does anything they don't like, and now that is complimented as being "tough" on china and russia. emotional knee jerk flippity-floppity.
  14. he's a dicktater. Every single voter who voted against Pres Trump...... voted for this. The lefties have gone into hiding - they made fools of themselves at America's expense.
  15. that isn't a "loophole". a private person can have a garage sale and sell guns. A private citizen can advertise his guns for sale. Now, if you want to say "private citizens have to go through a background check before they sell a gun to anybody at a gun show"...I'm fine with it. Except it's nonsense - private citizens will just advertise at a gun show and sell their guns later. Meaning... you have to register all guns to control all sales. Meaning... registration is gun confiscation, by force, by economic means via exorbitant taxes, fees, etc to eliminate ownership, social and legal harrassment and endangerment of private citizens who own guns. The left wants to make "red flag" laws a legal harrassment. Before disagreeing...read: ************************************************************************ New York Journal News Publishes Gun Owners' Names In ... https://www.huffpost.com/entry/new-york-journal... Dec 25, 2012 · A New York newspaper is under criticism for publishing the names and addresses of local gun owners on Monday. In a piece titled, "The gun owner next door: What you don't know about the weapons in your neighborhood," the Journal News requested the names and addresses of local residents *************************************************************************** why make New Yorkers register their guns? I said why. Why publish names? even of policemen? firemen? criminal attorneys? no good reason, folks. "register guns so it will make us safer...so we can "haha" make you gun owners a target and very, very unsafe. We hope you all get fake "red flagged" by our haters"
  16. and still "plagiarizes..." https://thepatriotjournal.com/op-biden-plagiarize-mccain/?utm_source=constitution&utm_medium=email
  17. emotional manipulation and desperate need for a little power and glory - in front of a large rabid left.
  18. wait....HE SIGNS THEM. unless he's hypnotized to be stupid...(about 47 years ago)....
  19. What goes around, comes around. The left changed the "rules", but the left is finding out that their tactics are a double-edged sword. it is now biting them back. https://thepatriotjournal.com/republicans-playbook-swamp-biden/ Republicans Use Democrats’ Playbook Against Them – New Group Uses Swamp Tactics To Undermine Biden Agenda
  20. Why Don't We Hear About Soros' Ties to Over 30 Major News ... https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/why-dont-we-hear... Author: Dan Gainor May 11, 2011 · When liberal investor George Soros gave $1.8 million to National Public Radio, it became part of the firestorm of controversy that jeopardized NPR’s …
  21. we have plenty of reasonable gun legislation. Criminals don't obey the legislation. More legislation is not going to solve that
  22. wern't Ginsburg, Sotomayor , Kagan and Breyer put on the court to make it more liberal to the demise of the Constitution ?
  23. I told ya'll. biden is a corrupt cowardly puppet, and russia and china will go for it - biden has made us extremely vulnerable on the world stage. there is going to be a war.
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