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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. yep. Our close friend who lost husband bought the last house in a beautiful development, "phase one"... before new home prices went up 30,000 dollars automatically. and "phase 3" is far worse an increase. It's all about control. They have to screw stuff up - to control it. The repercussions are going to hit every single America, despite their emotional knee-jerk denials. Our national debt is...28 TRILLION. https://usdebtclock.org/ check this out: Biden’s agenda to cost $36 trillion, up to $49K per family ... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington... Oct 15, 2020 · Biden’s agenda to cost $36 trillion, up to $49K per family: Study. by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist |. | October 15, 2020 09:22 AM. A … so add 28 trillion to 36 trillion.... the sum adds up to devastating crash, debt, despair and failure as a country. We are now like a freight train rampaging downhill toward a bridge that has collapsed.
  2. How about a baker for Baker? BUDDY VALESTRO for Baker trade? yeah, this subject is worse than stupid. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddy_Valastro
  3. https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/sports/college/auburn/2021/04/30/anthony-schwartz-nfl-draft-2021-cleveland-browns-auburn-football/7300991002/
  4. This is amazing. Anthony Schwartz was coined the fastest man in the draft. https://draftwire.usatoday.com/2021/03/20/2021-nfl-draft-pro-day-highlights-auburn-anthony-schwartz-40-yard-dash-video/
  5. Vag may have gone into hiding..... https://www.brownsnation.com/espns-mel-kiper-jr-gives-steelers-lowest-nfl-draft-grade/
  6. they don't vote for marxist/communist traitors... permit denied. If you want to riot and burn down a city blackshirt/brownshirt nazi style.... you don't need a permit.
  7. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/5a4AAOSwmoxfd4Y0/s-l1600.png
  8. why should I? I already have one and two- Pfizer. Liberals are never satisfied.
  9. I was hoping the Browns could have fit Quinn Meinerz, OG into their draft. Nope. broncos got him at #98.
  10. patent. they own the patent. yeeeeesh patent [patent] NOUN a government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention.Compare with letters patent.
  11. so...Hoorta is "against abortion"....but votes against an outstanding spokesman for PROLIFE Pres Trump, and votes biden for president who isn't even allowed to take communion because of his total support for torturing and murdering innocent unborn and born children.......
  12. more and more paranoid by the week. Only been about 100 days...."he disagrees with our stance on abortion he's an extremist"...or "he won't promise to vote for the left he/she is an extremist" etc. etc. etc. etc. They just use self-advancing definitions of words EMOTIONALLY...definitions that don't exist. https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-considers-surveilling-extremist-chatter-online Report: Biden considers using private firms to surveil 'extremist chatter' online in response to domestic terrorism, Capitol riot
  13. https://dawgpounddaily.com/2021/05/03/2021-nfl-draft-cleveland-browns-linebackers/ versatility and speed, ability to cover (no more TE's getting open across the middle...)
  14. sad. the left craves control. make America have crisis after crisis ********************************* It’s been 100 days since President Joe Biden signed the executive order killing the Keystone Pipeline. There are still no “green” jobs for those union workers who were laid off. When President Biden rescinded the Keystone permits to win favor with the green left, approximately 11,000 jobs with an estimated $800 million in wages for 2021 were soon lost. The numbers are disturbing — but the personal stories will hit you even worse. At the time, Fox News highlighted a 46-year-old welding foreman, a member of Pipeliners Local Union 798, who “admitted to breaking down and crying in his truck after laying off his team.” Later, in a local TV interview, he explained, “The president, it was easy for him. He just signed a piece of paper. I got to go look at these people in their faces and tell them they don’t have a job anymore. That's hard to do.” And the response from the Biden White House? Jaw-droppingly bad. John Kerry, the Biden “climate czar,” said workers in natural gas, oil, and coal who lost their jobs due to his boss’ extreme political agenda could now have “better choices” and “can be the people to go to work to make the solar panels.” It was a Kerry trifecta: condescending; dismissive of the work, training, and knowledge of skilled union workers; and absolutely wrong. According to the Washington Post, there will be just 12,000 new solar installer jobs in the next 10 years, bringing the industry total from 6,100 to 18,100. Sadly, this is no surprise. President Biden has shown he cares more about radical ideologues and politically connected special interests than he does about hardworking Americans. In just 100 days in office, President Biden has destroyed approximately 11,000 good-paying jobs on the Keystone Pipeline … forced America to rejoin the Paris Agreement, putting U.N. bureaucrats in charge of our country’s future … and done all he can to put us on a path to skyrocketing energy costs, loss of our energy independence, and increased dependence on often-hostile foreign regimes, like China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. But Mike, in those same 100 days, YOU have taken action as a pro-American energy activist too — and you speaking up in support of our pro-America energy agenda is more important now than ever. The future of American workers, of American prosperity, economic growth, and way of living, and of America’s ability to lead as an energy-producing global superpower are all on the line. We can’t give up the fight and, if we stick with it and work together through the American Energy Alliance, I know that we’ll win. Thank you for your support of the American Energy Alliance. Together we can make sure our future remains bright. Tom Tom Pyle President American Energy Alliance
  15. My opinion - the Browns will have him all over the place, driving offenses to try to know what the defense is going to be doing. Owusu is far more Derwine James than Isaiah Simmons. Simmons is amazing, but at 6'4", 238, he is more Simmons was more of an amazingly athletic lb, and Owusu is more a true safety that can play all sorts of positions like the squealers used to do with Troy Pollywannaquacker. Simmons had a tough rookie year - they ran a lot of 3-4 and that didn't fit.
  16. Every single voter who voted against Pres Trump and America First should weriously be ashamed they were emotionally manipulated by the legtwing msm more blood on their hands
  17. LOL. sorry, I didn't get it - never saw that one. lol
  18. interesting ! Eddie Johnson was 6'1", 220 lbs !
  19. https://www.bing.com/search?form=MOZTSB&pc=MOZI&q=steve+urkel
  20. but https://www.si.com/nfl/browns/news/browns-pick-tommy-togiai
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