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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. obviously you don't understand the definition of the words you use. autocratic [ˌôdəˈkradik] ADJECTIVE relating to a ruler who has absolute power. "the constitutional reforms threatened his autocratic power" synonyms: monocratic · undemocratic · totalitarian · authoritarian · despotic · tyrannical · tyrannous · absolute · unrestricted · unlimited · unaccountable · arbitrary · omnipotent · all-powerful · supreme · autarchic · autarchical taking no account of other people's wishes or opinions; domineering. "an autocratic management style" synonyms: despotic · tyrannical · oppressive · repressive · dictatorial · totalitarian · autarchic · absolute · all-powerful · arbitrary · undemocratic · antidemocratic · [more] ********************************** Your biden puppet has become what you posted. But you are afraid of Hoorta and won't criticize biden fer nothin. nope. no legitimacy at all do you have. *********************************** democracy [dəˈmäkrəsē] NOUN a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. "capitalism and democracy are ascendant in the third world" synonyms: representative government · elective government · constitutional government · popular government · self-government · government by the people · autonomy · republic · commonwealth ****************************************************** you and Hoorta FEEEEELLLLLL that democracy is your leftwing deep swamp controlling our gov. that is what you voted for. blood and widespread despair on your hands.
  2. Hoorta can't explain his dumb stances, it's all for antagonistic show. resorting to false bombastic slurs that have zero legitimacy is all he has. not workin, emotionally jerkin.
  3. strange, I was reading it... https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2021/05/05/doj-attempts-to-get-involved-in-arizona-ballot-audit-as-predicted-doj-civil-rights-division-cites-lawfare-activists-and-media-reports-as-evidence-of-concern/comment-page-3/#comment-7746921
  4. they are terrified of the fraud that will surely be found. So they are attacking Arizona already. since when do they care about "legality" ??? seriously. https://www.npr.org/2021/05/06/994246426/justice-department-shares-concerns-with-arizona-senate-audit-recount
  5. Nevada 'fraud': 1,500 ‘dead’ voters, 42,248 voted ... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington... The Trump campaign on Wednesday unveiled a tranche of information it plans to present to a Nevada state court Thursday that suggests there were thousands of fraudulent votes cast — possibly ...
  6. and blood on his hands for his vote. https://www.texastribune.org/2021/04/07/greg-abbott-migrant-children-texas/
  7. that is just another glaring example of Hoorta's TDS BS. The OP had NOTHING TO DO WITH PRES TRUMP. That is after I clearing explained my contention on the subject previously in the past. It makes for a very, very legit discussion. all Tex and Hoorta can do is troll, and change subjects because they can't keep up with any legit thread. Too bad, but - it's emotional knee jerk time, every time, with them.
  8. her picture - she isn't right in her stupid head. Moochelle is full of bull. and it has nothing to do with that fact that she entered into a gay marriage.......
  9. bacon isn't a republican, and Tex won't man up and be serious about any subject. it's what liberals do to support their egos.
  10. (more drop boxes/mail in voting) = (encouraging MORE radical "democrat" voter fraud).
  11. man up and read it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloward–Piven_strategy Cloward–Piven strategy The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.
  12. Liz Cheney -= only a moderate DEMOCRAT would agree with anything she spews. she just wants a part of being elected as a democrat because the left is that vicious. She is not a republican, she just pretended to be one to get elected in Wyoming. She is just a "conservative" member of the deep swamp. I didn't like her father, either. both were just big players in the deep swamp.
  13. I've been looking for a couple of Credence CD's. That was a great song.
  14. https://www.brownsnation.com/how-anthony-schwartz-will-fit-into-the-browns-offense-in-2021/
  15. Oh, I'd be campaigning in 2024 for that. or Trump- Senator Tim Scott https://thepatriotjournal.com/candace-owens-trump-vp/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=pjnewsletter
  16. as well they should. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wrote a letter to them about that. https://thepatriotjournal.com/swing-10-rino-trump-censure/
  17. The "deep swamp" is a lot of extremely arrogant and corrupt self-serving bureaucrats who apparently will stop at nothing to keep their power and wealth they've accrued in our government. These turds have to leave office eventually. For too many years, the top brass have been able to identify those who will be loyal to them, and not loyal to our country and our Constitution. https://thepatriotjournal.com/jordan-fbi-declassified-fisa/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=pjnewsletter Jim Jordan Just Gave Orders To The FBI – He Commands Them To Justify Declassified FISA Violations
  18. as I've showed in the past, America changes direction ever 4/8 years to put the Great Ship America back on course. except the dems are working on dismantling the steering.... the left are a lot of people who demand control over other people. It's a sick thing - they are hell bent to prop up their fragile egos and inherent failings as human beings - by accruing the power to manipulate other people. You can find these people in churches, not just politics. You can find them in education...the military.....some coaching positions - especially of kids... the clergy.... forums...managers of online platforms.....some police depts......colleges......etc. That is why so many people joined the ranks of the nazis. Why so many joined the communist parties in communist china and the soviet union. It's sickening - the extremes that have occurred in history, groups of people controlling. the nazis were worse than dangerous in this way - they were ruthlessly satanic like in their demand for control and power over people. It's like a narcotic to most - they get that power, and it rages in groups. like the kkk, blm, weathermen....antifa, ms13.... and social media has enabled collective groups emerging. A lot like the borg of Star Trek, who were famous for their cold blooded You will be assimilated" to every non-Borg human being. The left in America is saying to Real America - "you must be assimilated" so they don't lose their power. They have to have more and more and more and more of it. At every single aspect of Real American life, they bitch, endlessly, and insist on turning everything upside-down, inside-out and bass-ackwards. At this point - what HAVEN"T they bitched about? Christians, Christian churches, conservatives, right to life, property ownership, people who worked hard all their lives to be successful, imaginary victimhood at every single second they imagine some kind of fake persecution so they can rally other controllers' demands for. "all police". "all conservatives". "all rich people". "all white people", capitalism, Real Marriage, anything Biblical, cows, pickup trucks, every single hamburger bun is racist, guns, fishing rods, boats, campers, traveling, farming.... etc etc etc - they label "RACIST" because the black power groups in cities don't do those things. But it is all just a play for power. Just....like.... how the nazis grew to dominate Germany and other countries - POWER. and they always have to have persecuted people. The nazis persecuted Jews - blamed them for anything they could think of. Socially and economically destroyed their lives and livelihoods, destroyed their safety, put them on the run, and finally put them in death camps. Right now, it's ok for blm/antifa/ms13 to burn cities down, murder rape beat up other people. nazis had that kind of power, too. the nazi brownshirts served their purpose well. See the similarities? Just read - and see it. History repeats itself for those who don't know it. And, btw, note the definition of "left". Compare leftwing behavior..to nazi behavior. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page https://www.historyhit.com/hitlers-bullyboys-the-role-of-the-sa-in-nazi-germany/ The Brownshirts: The Role of the Sturmabteilung (SA) in Nazi Germany 
  19. the offensive line is the "engine of the car"
  20. TRUE. The trial had no business being done right there. And of course the defense attoney's asked all prospective jurors if they had any kind of bias, etc. at least one LIED. neutral location, fair trial, which in my nonlegal opinion would result in "involuntary manslaughter", would have been acceptable. oh, and the jury was NOT SEQUESTERED. very strange and wrong.
  21. I enlisted in 73 - Nixon was pres. I can't imagine enlisting with having an obaMao commie or incompetent biden as pres. Instead of basic training- it will be "instruction on being woke regardless of imagined gender".
  22. they don't go by "illegal". anything the nazis did was fine.
  23. eventually, leftwing control of all giant businesses will occur - the relatively few monopolies will be "government owned" by influence etc. Just like some huge businesses collaborated with the nazis back in the day....sellout greed and corruption. https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/giant-corporations-that-collaborated-with-the-nazis/ss-BB16ApY8 https://newspunch.com/american-companies-nazi-germany/
  24. so, if anyone has not read up on Cloward-Piven - you should do it now.
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