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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. say, they demand we get rid of gas powered cars. maybe they had russian hackers help them?
  2. and food. water. medicine. Skyrocketing gas prices will kick in inflation like we've never seen before, because this corrupt wh and commie democrats are going full bore Cloward-Piven, and their leftwing political energy hitjobs are going to help. Add in the enormous costs of funding illegals' entire lives for their dependent communist democrat votes.... isn't going to end well maybe. Could? be despair all over our country. Unless history doesn't repeat itself. That would be wonderful.
  3. russia has been working for years to own the globe's oil transportation. They fought a war over it. now, it's serious. and everyone who voted against Pres Trump and America First is responsible for this crisis, too. who remembers jimmy peanutbrain carter's gas lines? well, biden is mentally unfit to be president, only far worse so. America is heading down a very bad road, folks. Might want to buy some gas for later..... https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/05/11/biden-wh-response-on-paying-ransom-for-pipeline-attack-is-more-than-a-little-concerning-n378069 Biden WH Response on Paying Ransom for Pipeline Attack Is More Than a Little Concerning
  4. works fine for me? Unless you tried it before I reposted that link. OFTEN< I post it and it's text the first time. Then I have to paste it again over itself, and THEN it's an active link. Haven't figured out why https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2021/05/11/china-seeks-to-build-an-island-airbase-1800-miles-from-hawaii-n378014
  5. because every single voter who voted against OUR GREAT AMERICAN president, Pres Trump, and voted against America First... we are becoming tragically divided, socially and economically devastated/distracted, military morale going down, police are demeaned/attacked/defunded, ... and they allowed themselves to be full on emotionally manipulated to vote against America First... there will be despair and war. There is going to be a war while we are distracted, and badly weakened, in turmoil. I said well before - russia and communist china would start making big moves. they are. God help us all if it all comes crashing down. ON the bright side, we can still stock up on food and water if necessary, and Hamburger Station and hardware stores are still open, and ice cream shops are still open, so there's hope for us yet. lol anyways, anyone want to guess why the communist china want to do this? https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2021/05/11/china-seeks-to-build-an-island-airbase-1800-miles-from-hawaii-n378014
  6. don't worry - Hoorta had Josh Rosen rated higher than Allen before the draft. Not worth arguing over.....
  7. "You know, Neil, I've been a symbol to them of what they don't like about anything that has to do with things that are contrary to them," Fauci said. ***************************************************************** he's an egomaniac. and he just let out the secret.... the left is doing everything they can to fight American culture. To them, it's "us", and they are going contrary to us at every chance they can. They are desperate for permenent complete control over...us. Real America is what they are contrary to, with serious dangerous intention. that is how the nazis came to power. that is how the soviets subdued and controlled other countries. It's history.
  8. anything goes-they crave that total control over every single thing they can think of.
  9. over every single aspect of our lives. All the local lefty emotional knee jerk collaborators probably should apologize. It IS true - biden commie wants a gun ban. *********************************************************** BREAKING NEWS: ATF Posts Proposed Rule Change to Upend the Firearm Industry Dear Mike, We recently reported on a leaked ATF document outlining a proposed rule to change the definition of frame or receiver and alter federal marking requirements for firearms. The rule, if implemented, would completely upend the firearm industry by changing what parts must legally be considered a “firearm” under federal law. The ATF has now posted this rule for comments from the public. CLICK HERE to download and read the document. This link also provides instructions for how to submit comments. The proposed rule is an end run around Congress. It would give the ATF unprecedented control over the firearm industry. It would even require manufacturers to ask permission for new gun designs. And this comes at a time when President Biden has nominated anti-gun lobbyist and gun ban proponent David Chipman to head the agency. We'll be tracking this issue and will share more information as it develops. We also hope to do a podcast on it soon to take a deep dive into how disruptive a dictatorial rule change like this could be. Yours for Liberty, Dean Rieck Executive Director
  10. There is going to be a war I think. America is damaged and at it's weakest and most divided and distracted. russian hackers attacked our oil pipeline, hamas going after Israel, china threatening to send missiles into Australia, russia lining troops at the Ukraine border..... our enemies, the enemies of freedom....will act out since this is their great chance. None of this would be happening with Pres Trump in our WH.
  11. interesting - this analysis says his one weakness is his size. He's 6'1", 215. Pollyneedstotakapupu was 5'10", 207.
  12. or maybe the second after Newsome? I was going to do one more mock draft and draft a lb, but it was so convoluted I gave up. But Owusu has intrigued me from the beginning. I watched his film the first time, and I realized he is a playmaker like Troy Pollywearsatutu was for the squealers. I'm serious. Maybe nobody else sees that, but I saw it, still do. He has the instincts and speed and amazing athleticism to just blow plays up. To have gotten him in the second round is freaking amazing. I swear the squealers would have drafted him in the second, if the Browns hadn't traded up. Freaking brilliant. Some interesting analysis:
  13. They get money to be activists. It's their job - it's what they get paid for. slant and fight against our rights. ****************************************** Bias exposed: Media asks Bloomberg groups how to cover mass shootings Gun-control activists want reporters to pledge in writing to cover gun violence their way. Have you ever heard of The Trace? It describes itself as the “only newsroom dedicated to reporting on gun violence.” It has slick digital packages that are chockfull of stories, photos and videos, so it’s easy to confuse the Trace with an actual news website. But a news website it is not. The Trace was founded in 2015 by former New York City mayor and staunch gun-control advocate, Michael Bloomberg. The Trace operates as the propaganda arm of Bloomberg’s anti-gun empire, which includes the astro-turf (not grassroots) groups Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demanding Action, which the New York City billionaire also bankrolls. Like his other groups, the Trace advocates for more restrictive gun laws, but their message is a lot slicker than the handmade signs carried by Demanding Moms and Everytown employees. The Trace’s work resembles actual news stories. It was designed that way. As a result, the legacy media frequently cites the Trace as a legitimate news source, without disclosing that it is a gun-control propaganda factory financed by Bloomberg. The relationship between the Trace and the legacy media got even murkier recently, thanks to the Columbia Journalism Review – once a respected and well-regarded journalism thinktank. According to its website: “CJR’s mission is to be the intellectual leader in the rapidly changing world of journalism. It is the most respected voice on press criticism, and it shapes the ideas that make media leaders and journalists smarter about their work. Through its fast-turn analysis and deep reporting, CJR is an essential venue not just for journalists, but also for the thousands of professionals in communications, technology, academia, and other fields reliant on solid media industry knowledge.” About a month ago, CJR convened a panel discussion “from across the industry to talk about how to improve gun-violence coverage in the country.” “We’re here because we have a sense that the way we cover guns needs to be rewritten,” CJR Editor in Chief and Publisher Kyle Pope, who led the discussion, told the online audience. Pope wrote in a subsequent story that the roundtable, “included conversations with journalists from the New York Times, the Washington Post, The Trace, The Guardian and others to detail what was working, what wasn’t, and what we can do about it. For two hours, we hashed through what the news business can do to cover American gun violence like the public health crisis that it has become.” In addition to the Trace staffer, the discussion included a gun-control activist from the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma – a CJR affiliate, which also receives Bloomberg dollars. At no point during the discussion did Pope disclose to the audience or to the other attendees that the Trace and the Dart Center were both on the payroll of the country’s wealthiest gun-controller. Instead, Pope introduced the Trace’s west coast correspondent, Alain Stephens, by saying that “the Trace is devoted fulltime to gun coverage and understanding the root causes of how the gun industry works.” “They did this fantastic piece called ghost guns, which are guns that are untraceable that are now becoming a thing that people are turning to,” Pope said. “You live in the gun world and you watch it,” Pope said to Stephens. “I know what this is like because CJR is also a trade publication.” It should be noted that unlike the Trace, CJR is not committed to the destruction of the industry it covers.
  14. but our enemies are emboldened while America has an asswhole dimwit destroying America. There is going to be a war. it will be tons of blood on the hands of those who voted against Pres Trump and America First. https://redstate.com/scotthounsell/2021/05/10/israel-retaliates-for-hamas-rocket-attack-n377618 srael Retaliates for Hamas Rocket Attack
  15. welfare state for future leftwing voters that want to bankrupt America. Just wait til the money runs out
  16. The left's war on America and all of us is in full revenge mode after we elected our EXCELLENT for AMERICA president, President TRUMP https://www.theblaze.com/news/nyc-veterans-memorial-day-parade NYC veterans vow to sue city if Memorial Day parade is barred, point out Black Lives Matter protests and cannabis event were permitted: 'Slap in the face'
  17. the left's brownshirts, illegals/gangs would be the only gun owners if biden's handlers (obaMao commie and co.) have their way. https://www.theblaze.com/news/portland-attack-leftists-protest-video Portland man hospitalized after armed standoff with militant leftists: 'I stood my ground and I would do it all over again'
  18. True. unless it was a deliberate racial hate crime or a case of DUI illegal....
  19. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-police-now-enforcing-rather-than-dismantling-violent-blm-roadblocks
  20. Every single vote against President Trump and America First...is a vote to continue this, and make it happen more and more and more and ... blood and despair on their hands. ******************************************************************** HOME | IllegalAlienReport https://www.illegalaliencrimereport.com Illegal Alien Charged With Sexually Assaulting 11-Year-Old Girl He Met On Facebook NEW PORT RICHEY, FL – On April 12, Hillsborough County sheriff's deputies found an 11-year-old girl at a residence located in the 200... Crime committed by undocumented aliens is a real issue https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/crime... © iStock Crime committed by undocumented aliens is a real issue According to an article in Scientific American, immigration-crime research over the past 20 years has corroborated the conclusions of... Serious Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens | FAIRus.org https://www.fairus.org/issue/border-security/... March 2016 — Juan Razo, a Mexican illegal alien living in Painesville, Ohio, agreed to plead guilty to a crime spree that included the shooting death of a 60-year old woman, attempted rape of a 14-year old girl, kidnapping and burglary. His plea was to avoid the death penalty and accept a life sentence.
  21. Tex can't comment seriously on any legit subject. Diversion to protect their emotions. I guess the driving emotion is guilt over his vote to screw up America.
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