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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. This so sad. And it truly IS their fault for their stupid, emotional msm inspired votes to ruin America. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2021/05/12/how-many-people-will-die-because-of-bidens-incompetence-n379026
  2. our country is being damaged badly, the world is starting to fall apart.... and egocentric hysterical leftwing conspriacy freaks are still emotionally knee jerking over "Trump's Tweets". that none of them have ever read on their own.... https://www.theblaze.com/news/inflation-fastest-pace-since-2008
  3. OK, there are a few corrections I should make: Was not political at all. I did jokingly bash him about the girlfriend thing just to be funny. I did not ignore character, work ethic and smarts etc - that is what I based my lack of belief in rosen. He just didn't have leadership, didn't seem to love the game, and his personality was seriously lacking. Actually, it was few who kept up with the "best drop back passer" who disregarded who he was as a person. Rosen was very, very accurate. Allen was often not. But it was easier for Allen to develop fundamentals to be more accurate, than for Rosen to undo a life of becoming who he was as a person. for those same reasons, I didn't like the qb's you listed, and you can ask Canton Mike - I was a huge NO FREAKING WAY on manziel. it was about hoorta demanding I not disagree with him and his friends about rosen. I just got stubborn about that. Right now, the Niners having drafted Trey Lance, Rosen is third string, and the question is if he will stay with the Niners. Rosen hasn't had much of a career so far - with him having been labeled another "Tom Brady" type qb. https://www.si.com/nfl/49ers/news/why-the-san-francisco-49ers-should-keep-josh-rosen
  4. the emotional knee jerkers run and hide from reality like terrified chipmunks.
  5. friend from NC going to fly in. Has ticket. Can't find gas to drive to airport.
  6. sad part is, he wouldn't understand it if they did.... they'll be like:
  7. Hoorta sent you, I'm guessing? attention getting TDS bs.
  8. el wrongo. The stems are bitter, just not tasty to eat. The green part underneath the yellow blossoms hold the petals together. If you cut off the green part, you have petals. You fry up the blossoms whole, just not the stems. Early in the year, the roots make good coffee. Later on, you can mix chicory roots with them (roasted and ground), and make coffee that isn't too bitter. You do cut off the green part as much as possible to make the dandelion jelly. Our friends rave about it. But the wild blackberry jam is absolutely amazing. btw, another thing I'm going to do this spring/summer, is make birch beer and try it. https://renegadebrewing.com/birch-beer-recipe/
  9. and.... high odds to win Rookie of the Year: https://www.brownsnation.com/jeremiah-owusu-koramoah-given-high-odds-to-win-rookie-of-the-year/
  10. lol. Meanwhile...Schrager says Browns got the best value pick of the draft. And were the only team that got an A+ grade. guess who that pick is.... https://www.brownsnation.com/peter-schrager-says-browns-got-the-best-value-pick-in-entire-draft/
  11. you are missing the point. Jok is an amazing PLAYMAKER. He blew plays up in college. Troy Pollyfullapupu was an amazing PLAYMAKER. He blew plays up in college. Maybe it's just me, but I see similarities, so here's their college highlights. watch their highlights:
  12. too bad for Israel and the rest of the decent world. for four years the nasty mouthpieces trashed Pres Trump for the color of his skin, and adopted the lies because they were manipulated by the msm. It was "cool" to hate the president that put AMERICA FIRST. I asked a hater once, she kept saying "his mean tweets, I can't stand them" .... to name one. Just like Hoorta and his little woodpecker, and Tex... she couldn't. because of their stupidass emotional knee jerk votes, this was bound to happen with a completely unfit screwball president and vice president. The guilt is theirs, and yes, the blood is on their hands, along with all the despair the left is causing within our own country. https://dailycaller.com/2021/05/11/trump-biden-omar-unrest-israel/
  13. I said it before- they will strike while we are weak, divided, and have turds elected to our WH and dem/fascist lefties into congress.
  14. there's going to be a war. and every single voter who voted against Pres Trump and America First will be responsible for America and the Middle East going to hell. blood on their hands.
  15. really offensive. dirtbag racists/marxists/communists gov headed but not led by biden commie. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/05/11/brian-mast-blasts-biden-for-denying-veterans-group-a-permit-for-memorial-day-while-blm-has-free-rein-n378134 Brian Mast Blasts Biden for Denying Veterans Group a Permit for Memorial Day, While BLM Has Free Rein
  16. think about it. for you liberal wingnuts out there.... FEEL about it. Thanks to all the emotional knee jerk STUPID votes against Pres Trump and America First: ******************************************************* Will Russia End Up Controlling 73% of Global Oil Supply ... https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Will... Mar 06, 2016 · If the above scenario plays out, Russia will emerge as the de facto leader of the major oil producing nations of the world, accounting for almost 73 percent of the global oil supply.
  17. geez. How stupid of them to think they can raid the rich people and corporations, and it won't blow prices to consumers out of the ability to purchase? not going to end well. Hoorta, his little woodpecker, and Tex and all, should be very ashamed. but it won't hit home, if ever, til it's too late, and all of America suffers.
  18. when they create enough helter-skelter/despair and damage and strife... they can happily declare martial law, which is the permanent power they dream of. they already have their own "joseph mengele" in farci, who decided that the research at that wuhan lab was "worth the risk".
  19. maybe that is the intention of the democrat communist governors etc?
  20. I wonder if Hoorta and his little woodpecker will ever admit they are responsible for all this despair.
  21. so, what lefties around here want to be living in a third world communist country?
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