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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. and the AP is "outraged" that they hit a building with journalists inside. not one mention of hamas terorrists and intel terrorist hamas right there, too. money talks. al qajerra sp? and AP probably get paid pretty well to help them with publicity. dirtbags. terrorists hiding behind civilian fronts.... complaining, when Israel gave them one hour advance warning. too bad they couldn't just take out the hamas there. hamas also uses children, schools and hospitals as cover. sick stuff.
  2. a plague of locusts is on it's way - because of the stink of corruption in this American marxist government.
  3. corrupt biden commie is po'd that the president is allowing all this garbage to ruin America. he forgets who the president is......
  4. the left were working on permanently owning America, so we elected Pres Trump, who accomplished over 200 good/great things FOR AMERICA... and the left fought him out of vicious spite for over 4 years. now they are going all out in corruption and working on it for good, as FAST as they can.' even if they have to actually create obaMao commie's "civilian security force" to help them win a civil war, throwing out the supreme court and the Constitution. freaking sick nutjob marxist sombeitches. and all their emotional knee jerk groupies who have no idea what they feel and why they act out on their feelings.
  5. Liberals like Hoorta and woodpecker and the rest - love the grandiose feeling they get with bashing the great things about America that most Americans love. Hate drives them, but they cover it up with bashing a popular GREAT for AMERICA president. All of them are on board the "elitist feeling train". I think they are somewhere between feeling sad or euphoric. When they are sad, they lash out, because it make them happy to vent and criticize. Note - they will NOT criticize biden or kamoola or any dem, ever. They also don't know/reject HISTORY - they don't support Israel because America supports Israel, and when they don't... it makes them FEEL SO special and elite. Same thing for torturing and murdering unborn and born children. They are so SUPERIOR they feel, that their convenience is supreme. Just like, a liberal can belligerently rail at a poster, and the liberal FEELS WONDERFUL, but if the poster rails back, why that upsets the liberals' feelings of superiority, and the responder might get warning points or socially ostracized....even lose their job to the "cancel culture". See, history teachers that the Jews in Germany were "cancel cultured". They were made the objects of derision, laid down as a norm by the power of the nazi party. The nazi party came to dominate with evil because so many Germans kept quiet, and egocentrically went CYA and collarborated. Even to the point of george soros turning in fellow Jews to end up in death camps. But, this is America - we don't have to worry about the left getting that much a hold on us that it ruins America and all of us. But, I would stock up a little here and there with food, make sure you have water and can protect yourselves. these next 3.75 years are not going to be American freedom and prosperity norm, I think.
  6. https://republicandaily.net/2021/05/virginia-gas-station-raises-gas-prices-to-7-per-gallon/ Virginia gas station raises gas prices to $7 per gallon
  7. except PRes Trump did over 200 good/GREAT things FOR AMERICA. that is the point. Your fake god biden has never done anything good/great for America in his life. Neither has your obaMao commie. You can't name one, and you are terrified of criticizing your main idol: https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/05/14/report-biden-snapping-and-losing-it-in-profanity-laced-tirades-at-staff-n380650
  8. your assumptions are nonsense. My views are my own, you just can't stand being disagreed with. My principles are definite - they don't change. Like abortion, why the hell should I be "more balanced" ??? The "more balanced" approach is often bs. "both parties do it". right - some reps do here and there, and the dems are ALWAYS doing it. the two sides are not the same just because both are imperfect. Pres Trump did over 200 hundred good/great things FOR AMERICA. biden hasn't done one his entire life. neither has obaMao commie. I call it as I see it. I told y'all there was going to be a war - I didn't get that from any media, I got it from my understanding of history.
  9. election was STOLEN. now, dirty dominion refuses to cooperate with an independent audit. America demands to know what all the hell went on with these stupid machines. https://republicandaily.net/2021/05/what-is-going-on-dominion-voting-says-they-will-not-release-info-on-maricopa-voting-machines/ WHAT IS GOING ON? Dominion Voting Says They Will NOT Release Info On Maricopa Voting Machines
  10. The truth will come out eventually. https://redstate.com/scotthounsell/2021/05/14/us-scientist-involved-in-gain-of-function-research-calls-for-investigation-into-possible-lab-leak-origin-of-covid-19-n380100
  11. I hope we can go to one. https://republicandaily.net/2021/05/breaking-trump-to-relaunch-rallies-next-month/
  12. You're a liberal at times. Telling falsehoods about other people to get attention to FEEL GOOD is what they do. You outed yourself. For no good reason. Bud.
  13. told y'all. gonna be a war. so many people will die. all because feelings are the "god" of voters like Hoorta, his little woodpecker, Tex, etc. sad.
  14. woodpeckers have tiny petrified brains so they just feel. and woodpecker is angry all the time. must really suck to be that dense
  15. not true. I bashed bush w for not doing anything about illegal immigration back then. It was politically expedient to ignore it. I agreed going to war in Iraq. I had a liberal friend in intel over there - he said if the American people knew the truth, they would have ALL been on board. so, pay more attention, bud. Pres Trump did over 200 good/great things FOR AMERICA. what was there to bitch about?
  16. the big coverup? of course it is. The election was stolen - that crap happened in several states. OH THAT IS WHY DEMOCRAT STATES SUED TO KEEP IT FROM BEING FOUND OUT. major fraud. biden did not win that election. https://republicandaily.net/2021/05/bombshell-maricopa-county-officials-deleted-election-databases-from-voting-machines-arizonas-auditors-find/ BOMBSHELL: Maricopa County Officials *Deleted* Election Databases from Voting Machines, Arizona’s Auditors Find
  17. no, it can't be, because it makes Hoorta whine like a damaged jet engine.
  18. so, if it doesn't happen, like ALL of your nonsense slurs and attention-getting counters, how willing are you to buy the rest of us season tickets ? or, you can just admit you are a sold out liberal who hates not being able to manipulate and control other people.
  19. I think it is a bit like when I slipped in the mud one rainy night , walking back to the house, and fell on my elbow - snapped a rotator cuff in two. Never thought about not being able to use an arm, but had outstanding surgery, and when I got done with phys therapy, I had it back one hundred percent. It was emotional for me to be able to throw hay bales again. But before? Took my shoulders for granted. It's part of the human condition I think. I think too many American Jews take life for granted, because they don't live in the danger that is in Israel. They can't relate to it. And the lies from the dems sound so good. But we all end up with garbage from the same dems. Look at the gov of California. The mayor of NYC. etc etc etc etc.
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