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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. you are getting to be more incoherent and irrelevant in your posts. It's like some folks I've met in years past. They would use a Bible verse, take it out of context, to manipulate people to do what they wanted them to do. Paint the church, mow lawn, come every single Sunday, teach Sunday School, sweep the floor. There were a few times they tried that with me - I explained the original Hebrew and Greek context of the verse, and explained that they were out of line trying to manipulate me. Never happened again. She actually came up much later on and apologized. I was good with that. You are very much like her - except you would be quoting some witches incantation, here's a good read for you, since you are engrossed in gross bs: Occultism in Nazism - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism_and_occultism Historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke 's 1985 book, The Occult Roots of Nazism, discussed the possibility of links between the ideas of the occult and those of Nazism. The book's main subject was the racist-
  2. all military ballots in that group? that is a FARCE right there.
  3. as did the nazis and other fascist governments. hitler youth. breaking the definition of Real Marriage. force trans into opposite lockerrooms. create havoc socially and morally. I just keep saying - the left demands control over everything and everyone. I should write a book on it, but I already have a another adventure novel planned, and a non-fiction book. interesting read: https://bloomp.net/ten-pillars-of-fascism/pillar-number-1-a-mythic-past-a-rebuttal.htm Jason Stanley’s Pillar Number 1 of Fascism – A Mythic Past - A Rebuttal Ryan Wiseman ".... So, if the family structure is good for blacks, other minorities, and women, and everyone else for that matter, why does the political left attack the traditional family as "patriarchal and fascist"? The answer to me is quite simple. If we work to destroy the family structure, people will have no choice but to become more dependent on the government and its programs, which don't actually work, but keep us dependent on the state. And as long as we're dependent on them, they have more control over us. Remember, fascists want complete control of everybody and everything, and part of their process of acquiring and keeping power is to work to destroy many of the institutions and structures and dynamics we have that keep them from having more control over us. "
  4. how many hands ARE up biden's rear end? does he know it? He is the left's president. Not America's. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/05/24/biden-admin-authorizes-blm-messaging-and-flying-blm-flag-at-us-embassies-n385830 Biden Admin Authorizes BLM Messaging and Flying BLM Flag at US Embassies
  5. getting more dangerous all the time. Think - the rise of fascism in Germany, Spain...Italy..... https://thepatriotjournal.com/supr-court-case-dems-pack/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=pjnewsletter After 6-3 Supreme Court Takes Up Case – Democrats Quickly Threaten To Go Ahead And Pack The Court guess who this leftie hater is?
  6. Saul Alinsky: American Marxist – I Prefer Dangerous Liberty https://ipreferdangerousliberty.com/communist... Sep 01, 2020 · Saul Alinsky was an activist, organizer, and author. Often, he dismissed the naivety and idealism of the 1960s protest movement. He became a communist agitator with …
  7. the nazis were national socialists. blm, antifa - blackshirts/brownshirts - socialists. rabid fans of saul alinsky -? obaMao. Higgardly clinton. The Hillary-Alinsky-Lucifer Connection | The American ... https://spectator.org/the-hillary-alinsky-lucifer-connection Jul 26, 2016 · Alinsky’s influence on the Democratic Party today is so pronounced that his son, David, boasted eight years ago that the “Democratic campaign in 2008… is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky.”
  8. Let's look at the patterns...... 1. They are angry - they are not in power and they fight a war against them not being in charge. The ultimate arrogance, the sick egotistical demand for control. 2. They use militant tactics to force the population into go along. Intimidate them. 3. They start using fascist techniques in intimidation and forcing the public to be afraid to oppose them. Brownshirts/blackshirts. We have antifia/blacklivesmatter. Doing the same things - blockading roads, perpetrating violence against those who disagree with them politically, using fear to suppress those who disagree. https://capitalresearch.org/article/how-fascists-take-power/ How Fascists Take Power So, what’s the pattern? How do fascists take power? First, they are angry with election results or how the country is being run. Then fascists use militant tactics to force the population into supporting, or acquiescing in, their cause, even though most citizens don’t actually support the fascist agenda. Today, some persons who claim to oppose fascism have started using fascist techniques, such as blockading roads and other modes of transit into the city, perpetrating violence against those who disagree with them politically, and using fear to suppress those who have different political views. But using fascist techniques is never right, and if you just removed “we will fight the fascists” from the Occupy Oakland tweet, it could be easily mistaken for a quote from Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco, or Adolf Hitler.
  9. ha, they know they stupidly emotionally knee jerked. wish Hoorta and Mex would get honest about their takes.
  10. dirty joe biden, Hoorta's hero, and mex's poster on his wall, walked away from a reporter asking a legit question about inflation. It's going to hit, folks. https://republicandaily.net/2021/05/biden-walks-away-from-question-about-rising-prices-for-americans/ Biden Walks Away From Question About Rising Prices For Americans
  11. I do agree - here is the problem. The left will try to destroy any republican who runs. They attacked Pres Reagan the same way. He was NOT polarizing. He was just pro-America, anti-corrupt big government....but the sick arrogance and hatred and demand for complete control is far, far worse these days. Actually, here's another problem - what republicans do we trust to stand up and fight for us vs the left? Bush W buckled and did nothing about illegal immigration....I think Cheney was actually the president - a staunch deep swamper like Bush H. Personally, I believe Desantis should run, with Pres Trump rallying Real Americans who put America before their own egos..... but they have already gone after anyone who won't play their game. Y'All watch - no matter who becomes a republican president and leads without the dems/swamp, they will get fake scandalized, fake investigations, ridicule his wife and kids, lie about everything he does and says..... it's out of control.
  12. to Hoorta and Mex, and woodpecker - the boo hoo crew:
  13. Hoorta is just a liberal pretending to be "objective". No, Hoorta, you never listed one, because there isn't one. You're so much like your woodpecker - "I won that debate, blah blah, nonsense TDS BS". There is NOTHING your obaMao commie or biden did that was good/great FOR AMERICA, because they failed to do anything good/great FOR AMERICA = they did good for you, Constitution, Israel ignoring/bashing, military disrespecting, Constitution hating wannabe fascists. You and Mex cry about the Constitution - yet you fully support this: Promises Broken: Obama’s Attack on the Constitution - The ... https://thenewamerican.com/promises-broken-obama-s... Jul 28, 2011 · Obama turned the U.S. Constitution on its head in that signing statement, taking for himself and the imperial presidency a power that is exclusively reserved to … Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins President Obama Says U.S. Constitution ‘Just a Piece of ... https://www.mrctv.org/blog/president-obama-says-us... Jan 10, 2017 · President Obama, as he concluded his farewell address in Chicago on Tuesday, called the U.S. Constitution “just a piece of parchment." “Our Constitution is a remarkable, beautiful gift,” said... Barack Obama's Poor Understanding of the Constitution | Op ... https://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2008/11/03/... Nov 03, 2008 · But Obama, like many leftists before him, is unhappy with the constraints of our Constitution. He wants to turn voluntary responsibilities and moral obligations that citizens choose to … Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Obama’s Contempt for the U.S. Constitution | Canada Free Press https://canadafreepress.com/article/obamas-contempt-for-the-us-constitution Nov 01, 2008 · Barack Obama complains that the Constitution is a `charter of negative liberties.’ That’s because the Constitution was intended as a limiting document, to curtail the power of the federal...
  14. and biden is it. totally corrupt. Now, even the compromised FBI brass had to report it. https://thepatriotjournal.com/biden-payoff-fbi-director-grandkids/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=pjnewsletter Joe Biden Accused Of Major Payoff – Report Claims Former FBI Director Put $100,000 In Trust For Joe’s Grandkids
  15. Third best defense - interesting opinion - we'll see. Needs time to jell etc. https://www.brownsnation.com/cbs-sports-analyst-says-browns-have-third-best-defense-in-2021/
  16. History and facts don't matter. Being on the side of terrorists - hamas, palesinian haters, iran, etc etc...the left seems to wish they had that kind of power to intimidate people. People like Hoorta and Mex, for instance.
  17. SO, you are a veteran, but act like woodpecker, you post attack slur garbage to make yourself feeeeellllll goooood about your sick ego. If you ever start using words accurately, it would be great. "democracy" ? that is like "if you don't agree with my obstinate stupid ass-backwards garbage, I will give you warning points?" The facts are in. Read this political coward: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/ don't make me list the entirety of it. Man up and READ THEM. and YES it is about what Pres Trump DID GOOD/GREAT FOR AMERICA. You vote for our country, but apparently your loyalty is to mexico, Mex. You are supposed to vote FOR AMERICA - you voted to feel superior about yourself, by voting AGAINST America. You voted for yourself at the expense of all the rest of us who DID vote for America. Look at the damage being done. Look at how great we were doing. You should probably just go cloward-piven yourself - that is what you voted to do to America. READ THOSE ACCOMPLISHMENTS, THEN LIST the good/great things FOR AMERICA that your obaMao commie and biden ever did FOR AMERICA in their lives. You can't name one. Don't go away mad, just have a nice communist red flag day as usual, Mr. communist sympathizer negative attention wonk. Try being honest with yourself, just once. Maybe it will carry over into this forum. or just keep getting negative attention and ignore all the damage being done to America because you want to FEEL superior to everything and everyone. sick stuff, says I.
  18. free stuff ... https://www.pacificpundit.com/2020/03/14/michigan-socialist-democrat-governor-gretchen-whitmer-considering-martial-law-over-covid-19/
  19. deny that, Hoorta and Mex. it's only reps that were affected? this last election was severly corrupted. Not a FAIR genuine election - generally tainted by a few? swing states. Corrupted it all. just wait til after the audits..
  20. Let's call it depth? Interesting - The Browns are the only team with TWO ROY candidates - Newsome and Owusu-Kamorah. I had no hunch at all that either one would be available to the Browns in the first round. https://www.brownsnation.com/nfl-analyst-says-browns-have-2-defensive-roy-candidates/ NFL Analyst Says Browns Have 2 Defensive ROY Candidates I think Tommy Togiai will eventually surprise us - he has plenty of time to learn and grow behind veterans. https://dawgpounddaily.com/2021/05/01/cleveland-browns-tommy-togiai-home-run/ Cleveland Browns: DT Tommy Togiai is another home run pick
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