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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Mex and Hoorta develop instant temporary amnesia when shown their TDS BS is apparent. They swim in Egypt, run and hide for a few days, and/or...they change the subject. so far, seems like every single time they do it.
  2. is isn't the amount of posting, it's how YOU post. sarcastic bs apparently because you are too ignorant and cowardly to honestly talk issues. Always with the "in your face hahaha" stupid crap. sasse is a loser. and very weird. no wonder you would love to lick joe bdien's toes. just one sick twisted smartaleck. what a claim to fame and attention. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/18/politics/ben-sasse-commencement-speech/index.html
  3. but if say the same thing to Hoorta or Mex, they would feign being OFFENDED and "warning points" would be issued...? TDS is a psychological defense mechanism to protect their egos and keeps them from having to own up to reality.
  4. and not one comment from the three irrational haters on the forum. sad. 4 years of pretending to hate Pres Trump because of his "mean tweets".... but their Kamoola trash can mean tweat all she wants, and they are fine with her dishonoring Memorial Day? hypocrisy is the left.
  5. more blah blah mex chicken poop. More cowardly "look at me, pay attention to me I'll even say stupid stuff for it" cowardly lyin.
  6. I seriously doubt it was made to be a bio weapon. But it's COMMUNISM. Everything that goes on, goes on for government power. The gov IS the communist military. Of COURSE they would use the research to make bioweapons more deadly. It was just common sense that the covid came from china - it ORIGINATED in communist china. they hid the facts, and LIED. Sad these days - so much a subculture of nazi/kkk/blm/democrat/liberal/progressive;/marxist HATE spewing out against God, patriotsim, America, Real Marriage, white people, Jews, republicans...Christian churches.... it's out of countrol. Now, they HATE America and love communist china? NOW they love russia? no, they just crave that kind of power those governments have. Hoorta and Mex are two of those. It's sad. Defending CRT is a sick bunch of KKK/nazi like garbage.
  7. https://republicandaily.net/2021/05/virginia-phys-ed-teacher-placed-on-leave-after-refusing-to-say-biological-males-can-be-girls/ Virginia Phys Ed Teacher Placed on Leave After Refusing to Say Biological Males Can Be Girls "join the nazi party or your life and career will be ruined" "we will assimilate you" "KKK we don't want no black folks around here" "Is it safe?" "Jews must put a gold star on their clothes....." "register all guns" "get rid of the filibuster we loved when WE used it" "pack the supreme court" "carbon tax" "agree with mmgw, 37 emotional "genders", America is bad, etc..............or your life and career will be over" It's all about total totalitarian power - permanently. fascism can't exist when the people are armed, so.......... ************************ NO ONE with any sense - can deny that America is being damaged, and subverted into obedience. "1984", "Ayn Rand"..........that is where we are pointed. But we are still plenty far enough away for many with their eyes shut and who ignore history..........to ignore it.
  8. https://usdebtclock.org/ 28 trillion + at least 6 trillion that biden's socialist America hating puppeteers want to spend... and welfare costs are going to explode due to illegal immigration... 2024 is a long ways away. 2022 hopefully will save us...maybe. History teaches hard lessons about countries that print vast sums of money. Cloward-Piven. Obama’s Cloward-Piven Strategy | Furthermore https://klsouth.wordpress.com/obamas-cloward-piven-strategy Cloward-Piven is a strategy for forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The strategy was first proposed in 1966 by Columbia University political scientists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox
  9. Hoorta and Mex emotionally knee jerked the other direction. Karma.
  10. he's too busy cowardly lyin' so Mex compares someone who is a well known author, who STUDIED it, and wrote an excellent article about it....... Wayne Allyn Root | @RealWayneRoot. Biography Wayne Allyn Root is a nationally syndicated conservative TV and radio host known as "the Capitalist Evangelist" and "the conservative warrior." He is a CEO, business owner, business speaker, conservative media commentator and best-selling conservative author of "Angry White Male" "Murder of the Middle Class" "The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide" and "The Power of RELENTLESS!" Wayne is creator and executive producer of many hit reality TV series in Hollywood. He is host of “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” at www.USAradio.com and www.NewsmaxTV.com For more, visit his website: www.ROOTforAmerica.com. Follow him on Twitter @RealWayneRoot ...compares it to his Wife's college roomates at CORNELL? kids in college? who didn't study it? We don't know their opinions, Mex could be faking it again. So "I know 20 Jewish women from the Air Force who say Mex is a cockroach" hahahaha. except I'm kidding and obviously mocking his narratives that are apparently all in his deliberate emotional knee jerk imagination.
  11. many on college campuses. They aren't conservatives, they are college kids looking for a new group to socialize with. Zero emissions? you first, kiddies. stop breathing and pass out all you want.
  12. weirder and more dangerously destructive all the time. Hamas can buy MORE missiles with it. https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2021/05/28/biden-hands-100-million-to-palestinians-no-guarantees-it-wont-end-up-in-hamas-coffers-n388009 Biden Hands $100 Million to Palestinians, 'No Guarantees' It Won't End up in Hamas Coffers
  13. I suppose because of Hick's salary, and injuries in the past, and his size - 6'1", 236 - they went ahead and make the change, but it does put pressure on the rookie. Hicks is quite productive - it would have made more sense to let Zaven Collins EARN the starter position. If it was as soon as the first regular season game, so be it.
  14. dammit. what next? no more American flags on Soldier's arms? the left is trying to own America - THEIR symbolism must reign over everything. That's why the communists plastered mao everywhere. russia - stalin. etc etc etc. Now the left is trying to "woke" our military to defuse it - more military vote, eh?
  15. I admire Dr. Carson hugely. The corrupt/fascist government of Venezuela drove the public into severe poverty - to control them and keep them helpless to stop the carnage. The left in America will drive inflation and dependency on the government to the end. Word of warning - never let the government disarm the American people. It isn't for safety - it's for also rendering them HELPLESS - Americans will be helpless economically and will not be safe from leftwing violence and intimidation. Letting in illegals, supporting and condoning leftwing extreme violence - creates a national crisis mode in the future where the leftwing gov can claim "NOW we need to disarm all of you". The most dangerous part is - we have no other country to flee to. https://www.americas1stfreedom.org/articles/2020/2/9/how-venezuela-s-good-citizens-were-disarmed-is-a-lesson-for-us/ How Venezuela’s Good Citizens Were Disarmed is a Lesson For Us ' “Venezuela is paying the price for the gun ban. The civilians are unable to defend themselves from criminal actors and from this Maduro regime’s abuses,” activist and university teacher, Miguel Mandrade, 34, said from the fog-laden, barren city of San Cristobal. “The uprising would have taken a different path and a different result if civilians had the right to defend themselves with the firearms they once owned.” '
  16. Thank God for guys like Cotton who bring this liberal crap out. This nominee for the ATF? is a partisan hack. and a turd. "greater than a .22..." would also apply to a .22 magnum? or a .17 that travels faster than a .22? so freaking stupid. Truth is, Americans are being intimidated. Many Americans? are afraid of putting a Pres Trump sign or bumper sticker on their car for fear of vandalism. Same goes for a Pres Trump hat. Trump flag on your house? Does anybody NOT think that could up end up having your house, and your family targeted? Talk about the corruption in the last election - youtube and twitter will ban you? In NY - they passed a law requiring gun licenses to own a gun. "for the public safety" ??? Know what a newspaper did? They PUBLISHED the names and addresses of those licensed/registered. That's why the left craves the chance at a national gun registry. Just like socially ostracizing and harrassing Jews out of German society - they can disarm the people - which they did back then. this ATF nominee is just like biden - a wimpy loser hack who will do the leftwing swamp's bidding - no matter what. Clapper and brennan were better liars and stooges.
  17. It is a subject of legit discussion: It isn't just me - take it from an American Jew who studied the comparison. https://townhall.com/columnists/wayneallynroot/2020/06/21/is-america-starting-down-the-path-of-nazi-germany-n2570979 'I cannot express how truly sad writing this op-ed has made me. But I'm a patriotic American. And I'm an American Jew. I have studied the beginnings of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. And I can clearly see parallels with what is happening in America today. Thank God we have President Trump (at the moment) keeping us from heading too far down this tragic path. But I must warn my fellow Americans that we are clearly headed in a frightening and tragic direction. I know I'm not alone. A recent poll shows 80% of the American public believes things are spiraling "out of control." '
  18. Yesterday's Nazis and today's national socialist left https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2017/12/the... Dec 07, 2017 · Today's intolerant national socialist left appears to be consciously patterning itself on the intolerant official Nazis of the pre-WWII era. Shirer notes that Nazi judges were virulently political ... Dennis Prager: Here's How the Left Is Taking a Page from ... https://www.westernjournal.com/dennis-prager-left... Jan 12, 2021 · Then, like the Nazi regime after the Reichstag fire, the left immediately moved to further curtail civil liberties, specifically conservatives’ ability to promote their ideas. Twitter and Amazon made it
  19. Lunatic Left Shares Scary Similarities with Nazism – RedState https://redstate.com/diary/heartlandinstitute/2020/09/04/lunatic-left-shares-scary... Sep 04, 2020 · Lunatic Left Shares Scary Similarities with Nazism. Although the modern far-Left of America claims it is anti-fascist, there are some striking similarities between its tactics and those perpetuated by the Nazi Party during its rise to power. From relying on
  20. https://thepatriotjournal.com/state-election-voted-investigation/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=pjnewsletter Days After Officials Find A Voting Error – PA County Votes To Open A Full Investigation
  21. bill clinton lied. obaMao commie lied. but the lefties loved them, now they won't criticize their joe biden is has always been a liar and a fraud and a plagiarizer etc. who DO they HATE? the "mean tweets" Pres Trump - who did more than 200 GOOD/GREAT things FOR AMERICA. Maybe they feel the power of being part of the hating msm. https://thepatriotjournal.com/biden-family-report-business/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=pjnewsletter Joe and Hunter Biden’s Closet Swings Open – Report Claims VP Biden Met with Hunter’s Business Buddies
  22. sounds like they know they are in deep crap? I think so. https://republicandaily.net/2021/05/fulton-county-flips-out-over-election-audit-hires-top-criminal-defense-attorneys/ Fulton County Flips Out Over Election Audit, Hires Top Criminal Defense Attorneys It is unknown why the Fulton County Board of Elections might hire criminal defense “super lawyers,” but if one might proffer a guess, Ruby Freeman might know why. In March, emails were obtained the further corroborated that the State Farm Arena sending home election observers preceded potentially illegal vote counting. “Two separate sworn affidavits from Election Night poll workers claimed that, at roughly 10:30 p.m. on Nov. 3, an official directed workers to stop working and to return the next day at 8:30 a.m,” the Just the News report said.
  23. https://nypost.com/2021/01/07/known-antifa-members-posed-as-pro-trump-to-infiltrate-capitol-riot-sources/ Two known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol riot: sources
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