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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Mex demands negative attention in lieu of being ignorant on the issues, and blind when it comes to the severe damage that is being done to America. He can't name one thing that his biden and ObaMao commie ever did good/great for America. But we can name over 200 GOOD/GREAT THINGS that PRESIDENT TRUMP did for America - all of us. Mex = rabbithole
  2. note: they passed a law to register all ar-15s.... then they pass a law to BAN THEM. that is the purpose of "registering".... they want to know where they are, so they can eliminate them, take them from you. By hook or crook, the left wants to disarm Americans - so make them afraid. Afraid of their blm/antifa brownshirts/blackshirts... afraid of their "civilian security force as well-armed as our military." https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/10/remember_obamas_civilian_national_security_force.html Remember Obama's Civilian National Security Force?
  3. farci has outed himself to be a corrupt, self-aborbed dirtbag. too bad Pres Trump didn't know that earlier on.
  4. Pres Trump did over 200 GOOD/GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA obaMao and biden - none. biden's 47 years - nothing but lies, bad decisions, fraud, pretense, sex harrassment, bad policies...and plagiarizing . but Pres Trump did "mean tweets". only a birdbrain could live with voting against their own country.
  5. a lot of folks need an angry emoji over that lie. Not one mouthpiece in the lefty msm would call him out on it. sad.
  6. I'm really respecting Leo Terrell these days. He couldn't take the direction the left has taken the "democrat party" - which is, it is no longer a democratic party.
  7. and Pres Trump DID. His fast track on the development of the vaccine saved millions of Americans from covid. It could have taken years. That is a legit miracle of medical science - THANKS to PRESIDENT TRUMP for making it possible. https://republicandaily.net/2021/06/msnbcs-scarborough-trump-made-some-really-good-choices-on-covid-the-eu-did-not/ MSNBC’s Scarborough: Trump Made Some Really Good Choices on Covid, the EU Did Not
  8. the more we learn, the more I'm astounded that he has had the fame the last 4 years. "Listen to the 'science'"...farci doesn't.
  9. it seems that biden was kicked off another planet outside of our galaxy, by a bunch of dumb sliens who sent him to earth because he was too stupid to stay with them.....
  10. this person is a diseased toad. Every voter who voted against Pres Trump should be ashamed.
  11. you know the commercial where they explain the dire poverty of old Jewish folks? that will be us after biden and the leftwing gov gets done, if we can't flip the House and Senate in 22.
  12. So, Marino started his career in 1983. Drafted by the Dolphins in April. In 1983 January, the Dolphins were in Superbowl XV!!. Baker started with a non-playoff team. With crap coaching. Marino had Don Shula. Baker had...well...you know. Dan Marino went to a superbowl team with a great legendary coach. So..................yes.😎 Miami Dolphins (2) (AFC) (7–2) Washington Redskins (1) (NFC) (8–1) 17 27
  13. Anti-Jewish legislation in pre-war Nazi Germany - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Jewish_legislation_in_prewar_Nazi_Germany Anti-Jewish legislation in pre-war Nazi Germany comprised several laws that segregated the Jews from German society and restricted Jewish people's political, legal and civil rights. Major legislative initiatives included a series of restrictive laws passed in 1933, the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, and a final wave of legislation preceding Germany's entry into World War II
  14. obaMao biden - dividing America into Real America, and nazi-like America
  15. so......Baker started week 3 of his rookie year, started all 16 games in 2019, started all 16 games in 2020...so.... it WAS his first three seasons played, he just didn't start the first two.... and still ranks up there with Marino ........isn't that even a bit MORE impressive?
  16. he's a turd. But lib whackos never apologize for their stupid destructive to America, selfish emotional knee jerk votes https://thepatriotjournal.com/biden-russian-lobbyist-funding/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=pjnewsletter Biden’s Russian Lobbyist Funding Slips Out – Months After He Received Cash, He Dropped Russian Sanctions
  17. but the biden smoochers won't listen, don't give a crap. https://redstate.com/scotthounsell/2021/06/02/fauci-emails-immunology-expert-warned-in-january-2020-that-sars-cov-2-virus-potentially-looks-engineered-n390150
  18. and who was obaMao commie's puppetmaster? the deep swamp. clapper. brennan. etc etc etc etc etc. https://newspunch.com/whos-obamas-puppet-master/
  19. ObaMao commie spied on us, Pres Trump, etc etc now we find he spied on our Allies. Think of it. A lot of the same deep swamp will be doing the same for biden and his puppeteers. https://republicandaily.net/2021/06/obama-just-got-busted-for-another-spying-scandal-heres-what-we-know/ ***************************************************************** Obama Admits To Puppet-Mastering Biden So He Can Have A ... https://defconnews.com/2020/12/13/obama-admits-to... In related news, Obama has admitted that he is the puppet master behind Biden, allowing him to serve a 3rd term. Remember when O.J. wrote that book about how he would have killed his ex-wife if he were the real killer but it was really just a confession of guilt? This sit down with Colbert is Obama’s version of If I …
  20. just so Hoorta and MEx know - the blm is not a good/great thing their obaMao commie and mental biben did TO America.
  21. far worse than than that .......\ just like the nazis and the KKK .... https://republicandaily.net/2021/06/black-people-will-kill-everything-white-in-sight-shocking-footage-from-national-black-power-convention-in-tulsa/ “Black people will kill everything White in sight!” – Shocking footage from ‘National Black Power Convention’ in Tulsa CONSERVATIVE REVIEW – Hundreds of black men and women from across the country gathered in Tulsa and staged an armed march through the city on the centenary anniversary of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. The New Black Panther Party was the largest group at the march. “We’re pushing death to white supremacy, death to capitalism, death to imperialism, and death to fascism. We’re pushing an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a head for a head, and a life for a life,” a man shouts through a megaphone to the gathered crowd. “White supremacists bust us upside the head and drug us over here to pick cotton, so they can get rich, so they can get wealthy,” he says. “That’s what they did!” A man shouts from the crowd. “But I would like to tell you,” the speaker continues, “even though you are not in Africa, Africa was born in you. Africa was born in you!” “Black power!” People cheer from the crowd. The speaker continues, saying “This is a powerful historical event, we must not let it stop right there. We must push deeply into the so-called black-on-black violence, the community violence, the fear, the self-hatred, which pits us against each other, which pits us to gang violence. We must go into our hood,” he said. He called for people to deal with the gang violence in their neighborhoods. “They put us through vicious suffering, vicious oppression,” he said. “Once they are buried, we must bury them, dig them up, and kill them again.” This became an audience chant. Another speaker took the megaphone and said “Black people will kill everything white in sight,” because of “all what you’ve done to us, all of what you’re done in the 6,000 year span and killing 600 million of us and 408 years in particular,” he said. “They are a race that’s trying to hold on to power, and a race has beginning and an ending and your ending time has been made up since 1914, no-good peckerwood,” he said. “This is the time when Malcolm talked about,” he said. He spoke about a “united front,” and that it was time to “give these crackers hell.” Another speaker spoke about how “the white man, his graveyard, only goes back a few hundred years,” in the US, and that called for reparations in the form of land. He said that the number of black Oklahomans that were killed during the Tulsa race riots 100 years ago was far greater than has been reported. Demonstrators were demanding reparations, and calling for black Americans to stage armed defenses of themselves and their communities. This weekend marked the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race riots.
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