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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. BLM Leaders Get Rich by Exploiting Black Community ... https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/blm-leaders-get-rich-by-exploiting-black-community-attacking-israel/ BLM Leaders Get Rich by Exploiting Black Community, Attacking Israel Apr 13, 2021, 7:33 AM ... Ironically, many of those who continue to defend BLM are not members of the black community. BLM leader arrested for allegedly spending $200K in ... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/blm-leader-arrested-for-allegedly-spending-200k-in-donations-on-tailored-suits-a-house-and-guns/ar-BB19tnUQ BLM leader arrested for allegedly spending $200K in donations on tailored suits, a house, and guns Emma Colton 9/27/2020. Walmart joins Target in saying stores will be closed on Thanksgiving Day.
  2. like the filthy rich blm ex-board member? soros funded leftwing damage-America-to-own-the-global-market... and all the investors who take part.... selling America and freedom down the drain .... tik tok "star" and her new 2 million dollar apartment she brags about? yeah, "tax the rich". but they love the money. and some don't get the money, but they love the FAME anyways. It's a sick cult. https://www.theblaze.com/news/nicole-sanchez-neekolul-hypocrite-apartment Popular supporter of Bernie Sanders and AOC branded a 'hypocrite' after bragging about $2 million apartment News
  3. How many times do they end up being wrong and stupid before they stop the nonsense? or maybe they crave false narratives, because it FEELS so good to them. Maybe like the kkk lies about black folks. Justifies their irrational hatred. too bad for America. The left is the ultimate lack of honesty, integrity - no principles-based lives. Just self-centered, emotional knee jerking ego-floating falsehoods all the time.
  4. just another deliberate lie that is poltiically expedient, and "cool" to haters. No, Trump Didn't Wear His Pants Backwards at That North ... https://www.thewrap.com/trump-didnt-wear-his-pants-backwards/ Former President Donald Trump has had his fair share of public gaffes — from Tim Apple to covfefe — but somehow managing to wear his suit pants backward at a recent rally isn't one of them ...
  5. How was censorship and propaganda used to exert control in ... https://www.allsaintsacademydunstable.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/15propaganda_and_censorship.pdf •Nazi Germany can be classified as a Totalitarian State. Hitler sought to control all aspects of society and individual life. •Censorship and propaganda were two ways in which Nazi Germany tried to control society. •Censorship is the act of restricting and banning information and ideas whereas Propaganda tries to publicise information.
  6. Nazi Propaganda and Censorship | Holocaust Encyclopedia https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/nazi-propaganda-and-censorship Nazi Propaganda and Censorship The Nazis wanted Germans to support the Nazi dictatorship and believe in Nazi ideas.To accomplish this goal, they tried to control forms of communication through censorship and propaganda. This included control of newspapers, magazines, books, art, theater, music, movies, and radio.
  7. The deliberate TDS BS false narratives are getting old. "russian collusion - Trump going to prison before his first two years are up" blah blah. It's the inability to admit biden/ObaMao commie are damaging our America. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/06/06/this-is-definitely-the-dumbest-tds-infused-conspiracy-theory-ever-n392123 his Is Definitely the Dumbest, TDS-Infused Conspiracy Theory Ever
  8. I still say mexico emptied out their prisons to let us pay for the criminals. This is seriously critical - out of hand damaging America https://redstate.com/jeffc/2021/06/06/border-patrol-notes-3166-percent-rise-in-sex-offender-attempts-to-enter-us-n392353
  9. that should get him a trip back to Congress, and prosecution. https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2021/06/06/breaking-video-shows-fauci-lied-to-congress-about-funding-virus-weaponization-at-wuhan-n392473 BREAKING: Video Shows Fauci Lied to Congress About Funding Virus Weaponization at Wuhan
  10. it's odd that liberals stare at Pres Trump's crotch. that's sick. I suppose that the suit pants are just without a zipper. Only worn to rallies. Maybe it is good that the zipper isn't there to break. or something. I suppose just another false narrative - politically expedient assumption.
  11. I guess it's a simple logical point - but there are ramifications of simple points. If Women could be drafted - what to do about women with children? And if you only would draft women without children.... guess how many single women would be getting pregnant ... just like the "great society". If the single women had kids, they get $$$$ to pay for the raising of the kids. So, single women had kids. for the housing and money and .........
  12. liberals demand to control the narrative. Disagreeing with them offends their egos - they have to strike back with censorship when the liberal ego meter hits empty.
  13. sad that instigators start trouble to get the board to be full of trouble so .... yeah. But the constant? "you're a moron" from the woodpecker is apparently sanctioned. Kinda like antifa/blm burning down cities........
  14. the nazis used racial hatred to grow the power of their movement. They actually learned it from hostile Arabic leaders they had met with in their earlier years. before the woodpecker emotionally beak jerks, he should read the truth:
  15. the only valid point you've ever made on this board, is having a beak to type with. Your replies are extremely ignorat, and your seriously invalid arrogance doesn't help. Do you have a nazi symbol tattooed on your beak? just curious. It would explain a lot of your hate and bad judgement. and yes, if we take a poll - go ahead and do it - you are a moron.
  16. the lefties around here refuse to criticize their party, but even Manchin is admitting it openly. The lefties should start being honest for a change - our country's well-being hangs in the balance. and the left is trying to break the scale with their side up.
  17. yep - the left cried "cospiracy theory" as usual, they emotionally knee jerked like the woodpecker and Mex always? do.
  18. "waaaaaa Calfox and Vambo post more than I do! Mex Translation:
  19. and every single voter who thought it was cool to vote against Pres Trump and America First should start apologizing any month now. That's Mex and woodpecker. and Derth Vader.....
  20. generally I have no use for rap, that that was really great Love the message, really great rhymes that I didn't think could happen, lol. and true. I'll have to look for more stuff from him. I'll watch it again and try to imagine Westside doing the same thing. lol
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