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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Gipper offered a lot of assistance with planning our vacation out west with very close friends - we ended up not going after all. So sad - God Bless his family and friends.
  2. YEP. There is a risk - any surgery, there is a risk. But I'm really glad I got my shoulder put back right, delighted to have an artificial bionic super knee. Wife's best friend's husband didn't want to get the vaccine. Got covid. Refused to go to the hospital until too late. Died. Was getting ready to retire. Personally, I"m wasn't keen on the J&J - we got the Phizer. Don't know of anyone who has had any problem, exempt one friend who said her arm hurt after the second shot. There is surely a nurse here and there that can't aim right.
  3. you know who is fishing with no bait. like woodpecker - he won't read over 200 GOOD/GREAT accomplishments by Pres Trump, and he falsely claims posted the non-existent things on the flip side. Meaning, his obaMao commie and slidin biden have NEVER done ANYTHING good/great FOR AMERICA, ever. There is no list. ONE TIME, he mentioned obaMaocommiecare. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. I suppose obaMao wanted a "civilian security force as well funded and armed like our military" for America. Like hitler had the same. Hoorta's honey obaMao commie - had the same in common with hitler. Attacking a few of us personally with garbage, won't make Hoorta's love affair with power go away. read on: Adolf Hitler Could Not Have Conquered Europe Without His ... https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/adolf-hitler-could-not-have-conquered-europe-without-his-nazi-secret-police-125821 Nazi police and security forces maintained control in Germany and occupied territories. by Warfare History Network Hitler's Germany was known for its organization and efficiency, as well as its... What do you call Civilian National Security Force? https://texasfred.net/archives/2715/ Listen to the words of Barack Obama in this video, what do you think you would call a Civilian National Security Force? In 1925 Adolf Hitler formed his own personal bodyguard called the Schutzstaffel (SS). Four years later Hitler appointed Heinrich Himmler as the leader of the SS. By the time of Himmler's appointment the SS had only 280 members. Civilian force evokes Hitler | Letters to the Editor ... https://missoulian.com/news/opinion/mailbag/civilian-force-evokes-hitler/article_e3794370-a780-11de-858c-001cc4c03286.html Five days before the presidential election last November, candidate Barack Obama said on national TV that we were five days away from revolutionizing the structure of the American government.
  4. I just don't know.... how America doesn't end up damaged permanently from all this stupid garbage
  5. Oh, my. Been so busy for a few days, and THIS TRAGEDY hits. God Bless his family and friends - I got to meet Gipper at a tailgate some years ago - was a great guy - nothing like he posts often on the board.... this is really shocking. I didn't know about it til Canton Mike called me. Very, very sad to lose a member of the Brownsboard. See ya one day in that big Browns stadium loge in the sky, Gip.
  6. it's what Pres Trump DID GREAT FOR AMERICA. You have NOTHING to list for your ObaMao commie/senile biden. Again - here's Pres Trump's LIST: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/ top 20 https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/12/31/trumps_top_10_accomplishments_of_2020_144945.html#! top 25 https://sharylattkisson.com/2021/01/25-top-accomplishments-of-president-donald-j-trump/ your obaMao commie/senile corrupt biden list: " ....."
  7. biden will probably invite them to our WH and offer them reparations........
  8. corrupt birdbrains of a feather flock together. Unless it's our local annoying stupid woodpecker who lives alone in a decrepit nest.
  9. just another one of those emotional knee jerk stupid comments meant to emotionally manipulate other people. The lefties live on bombastic emotionalism. It's just who they are - corrupt minds
  10. so all you "stop the wall" (let destitute illegals vote for our leftwing socialist garbage) folks can just go cry us a river and stick a cork in it.
  11. extremely stupid and corrupt is as extremely stupid and corrupt does.
  12. fraudulent votes DO NOT COUNT, I don't care who does it. and it's the left who has done it widespread, in several states. STOP ALL MAIL IN BALLOTS/BALLOT HARVESTING.
  13. https://thenewamerican.com/widespread-voter-fraud-myth-or-reality/ Vote Fraud: Here’s the Proof Texas AG Says Trump Would've 'Lost' State If It Hadn't ... https://www.newsweek.com/texas-ag-says-trump-wouldve-lost-state-if-it-hadnt-blocked-mail-ballots-applications-being-1597909 "If we'd lost Harris County—Trump won by 620,000 votes in Texas. Harris County mail-in ballots that they wanted to send out were 2.5 million, ... the 2020 election through widespread voter fraud.
  14. the "look at me, I'm superior because I hate, too" garbage is getting old, and more asinine as time goes on.
  15. So, Marino started his career in 1983. Drafted by the Dolphins in April. In 1983 January, the Dolphins were in Superbowl XV!!. Baker started with a non-playoff team. With crap coaching. Marino had Don Shula. Baker had...well...you know. Dan Marino went to a superbowl team with a great legendary coach. So..................yes.😎 Miami Dolphins (2) (AFC) (7–2) Washington Redskins (1) (NFC) (8–1) 17 27
  16. the illegal alien crime soar will be used by the left to try to further their goals - like disarming Americans and clamping down on conservative rallies, censorship of conservatives... but they won't use it to clamp down on their own. just like blm and antifa have free range criminal permission from the left in our government. blackshirts. brownshirts
  17. even the leftwing Justices know what illegal immigration is doing to our country, all of us. Serious Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens | FAIRus.org https://www.fairus.org/issue/border-security/examples-serious-crimes-illegal-aliens Illegal immigration is often portrayed as a victimless crime, or is downplayed by asserting that most charges are for non-violent crimes. This simplistic approach shows a callousness towards the victims of crimes perpetrated by some unlawfully present foreign nationals and ignores the real threat posed by criminal illegal aliens. Crimes by Illegal Immigrants Widespread Across U.S ... https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/commentary/crimes-illegal-immigrants-widespread-across-us-sanctuaries-shouldnt According to the Texas report, over the course of their criminal careers those illegal immigrants were charged with committing 494,000 criminal offenses. Some of these cases are still being
  18. no wonder she's leaving. Both of them are totally corrupt and arrogantly belligerent.
  19. A. NO PERSON on this board had an answer for what obaMao/biden ever did that was good/great FOR AMERICA. beezlebub says he did mention two, but they were so bogus he can't bring them up again. the key is, FOR AMERICA. open borders is NOT for America. obaMao care was NOT for America. and the crap about Pres Trump America First like Hilter and german ancestry superiority is worse than a stupid take. Hitler's mental illness socialism dictatorship was based on race. blond hair, pure german ancestry. Pres Trump's "America First" encompasses all races, creeds, colors, economic class, religion. ALL OF US. The current support for biden's puppeteers' corrupt socialism (an oxymoron like woodpecker is) reeks of pre-WWII nazi extreme arrogance, and white german superiority. Meanwhile, obaMao/biden - score ZERO FOR AMERICA. America is being dangerously divided, being compromised, Christianity and patriotism and our Constitution/Bill of Rights are under attack, and the FARCE manmanglobalwarming and covid and critical race theory are just excuses. The left says ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE GUILTY. just like the nazis said ALL JEWS ARE GUILTY. The correlation isn't just mine - it's from historians and folks who lived in the nazi years. But most of the board can plainly see that leftwing emotionalism has nothing to do with the truth and critical appraisal of historical and current facts.
  20. but millions and millions of new destitute, ignorant voter block ensures the "dems" of permanent power and wealth and control. It's total corruption of the their souls, satanic like.
  21. it's very strange. leftwing Americans throw America into the sewer because it is popular in their circles to hate - including hating a president that did over 200 GOOD/GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA. An affluent, healthy, free America is their hope for their country. Otherwise, they come here destitute, oppressed, and desperate for...welfare in a "socialist" totalitarian state. They won't be any happier maybe. So many people have given up everything, even lost their lives - to get to freedom. America in the last hope for freedom. But the leftwing fools feel that it would be good to be slaves - a regular pittance they don't have to work for. Never realizing that losing freedom is a path towards despair and destruction of lives. We're still America the beautiful, but the left up on high diss the rule of law - our Constitution. It's just turning in a direction that on down the line, in years, despair will hit - based on a fraudulent movement of racial hatred, tossed in with other destructive emotions. Other countries citizens CHERISH freedom. America is the "Shining LIght" in that regard. That is why they come here. But it disturbs the global market for America to be free and dynamically prosperous. And globalists will sell their souls for that kind of wealth and power, if only they could all get it. But they won't. And they won't realize it til too late. It's history, folks.
  22. It could be coming to this. It's been the leftwing subterfuge of our America. Maybe, eventually, it's time to fight back. We'll have to elect those to Congress etc, who will fight for AMERICA and not the leftwing agenda. Trouble is, who will keep running when the left goes after their reputation and families? We already have cowards who fear the left like anthony chickencrap gonzalex, and lilly livered rob portman. Can it get so bad an American patriotic resistance has to start using methods that were never necessary before? Right now, oppression and corruption by the left strongly resembles the oppression and corruption of pre-WWII nazis, complete with the bashing of Jews and Israel. They don't believe in God because THEY demand to have that kind of influence. Nothing can be more important than their power, their feeeeeellllllings, and their egos. and ill-gotten wealth, while America falls further and further into damage. There can be no more freedom, with leftwing movements like them running amok. And it's way, way out of hand. The author is ahead of his time - but if the elections in 2022, 2024 go corrupted like 2020 did, if ballot harvesting continues widespread, then, the author is right on the money. https://redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2021/06/07/how-to-resist-effectively-n392243
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