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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Remember when the woodpecker ridiculed the Bible? and the story about Jonah and the Whale? who is the moron, woodpecker? https://www.theblaze.com/news/lobster-diver-says-he-was-swallowed-by-humpback-whale-off-mass-coast-but-creature-spit-him-out 'Oh my God, I'm in a whale's mouth': Lobster diver says he was 'swallowed' by humpback whale off Mass. coast but whale spit him out
  2. The left hates like the nazis did. like communists/socialists do. like the kkk, blm, antifa.... it grows as a movement til it fizzles out. Sometimes much later than the societies can survive. Freedom is hated by the left - they can't control/dominate freedom. But hate like a cancer grows. ************************************** as a public service announcement - birds cannot get rabies, so that is not an excuse for woodpecker's behavior on the forum. Can Birds Get Rabies? - The Happy Birder https://thehappybirder.com/can-birds-get-rabies/ So, can birds get rabies? The short answer is no. Birds cannot get rabies because rabies only affects mammals. Although birds can't get rabies, other wild animals can. If you encounter a wild animal when you're out birding, it's important to know what to look for and what to do if you feel the animal might have rabies.
  3. woodpecker NEVER knows what he's talking about, and doesn't care to look into any issue. just bitch, twerk, bitch, whine, pout, bitch and make himself look like a really stinking birdbrain. Maybe he can't read. Or can't comprehend what he tries to read..... https://economics21.org/real-costs-doubling-minimum-wage The Real Cost of Doubling the Minimum Wage https://fee.org/articles/what-the-minimum-wage-does-to-food-prices-and-job-hiring/ What the Minimum Wage Does to Food Prices (and Job Hiring) even the CBO admits it - but no, not the weaselly woodpecker with dimwititis. Examining the Effects of Raising the Federal Minimum Wage ... https://www.americanactionforum.org/insight/examining-the-effects-of-raising-the-federal-minimum-wage-to-15/ The Congressional Budget Office, for example, projected that an increase to a $15 minimum wage by 2025 could mean an average of 1.4 million jobs lost, a fall in business revenues leading to a $9 billion drop in real income, and increases in the prices of goods and services across the economy.
  4. woodpecker just hates because he's moulting again, lost his feathers, and his buddy won't sell him a blanket. on the verge of hypothermia maybe. Or the bird flu. "woodpecker rage" maybe. No friends. No feathers. No understanding about life. Can't figure out what woodpecker gender he is. could be parasites - Maybe it's no air conditioning in his nest, and no roof. No cleaning woman will come and clean his next for him. Twists his beak around "SCIENCE" as a cover for being a mentally diseased bird maybe? only his dodo nanny knows. maybe. Common Bird Parasites & Diseases - Mass Audubon https://www.massaudubon.org/learn/nature-wildlife/birds/common-bird-parasites-diseases The four diseases that most frequently affect birds that use feeders are: salmonella, trichomoniasis, aspergillosis, and avian pox. All of these diseases are transmitted from one bird to another at feeding stations, especially when overcrowding occurs. Birds are also susceptible to mites and lice.
  5. "oh no, the lefties will be all outraged at how bad our relationship is with ...." nope. they never cared - just pretended to, to try to bash Pres Trump. stupid stuff. Countries around the world RESPECTED PRES TRUMP AND AMERICA - they don't respect biden. nobody does. Especially our enemies in the world.
  6. that is how sleazy and dishonest cnn is. We labeled cnn "communist news network" many years ago - they were that bad.
  7. sure, one of the resident TDS BSer Knee Jerkers will swim in Egypt over it, but the evidence is coming in. of course, they don't NEED NO STINKING EVIDENCE. Their feelings "tell" them reality. like a whole bunch of genders. But America (they hate America too) needs the TRUTH to come out. https://redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2021/06/11/a-u-d-i-t-of-elections-hot-and-getting-hotter-n394861 A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Hot and Getting Hotter!
  8. hey, sissy birdboy, you either didn't read my post, or you are worse than stupid, because you may have a serious reading comprehension problem. I dissed magnetism foolish crap, dissed mmgw crap you to suck up into your beak. You never know what you are talking about, and all you do is emotionally beak-jerk to slur other people. Why not STFU and read the link? it clearly says the magnetism vaccine is not to be believed. and, my values are my own. Developed over a lifetime of looking at things. Several decades before Pres Trump. Yes, I thought he was a con man circus barker. I've said it several times at least. But then I realized he was sincere. See, he KEPT MOST IF NOT ALL HIS PROMISES TO AMERICA, to US. https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/ As of January 2021 Trump Administration Accomplishments now, you list your obaMao commie hero's and your senile birdbrain hero's things they did good/great FOR AMERICA. Just try. Don't cry. Don't change the subject,
  9. but seriously, repeating "you're a moron" doesn't help anything. JAF just needs to do some of his own research - he is very much like woodpecker. They both never try to learn the truth about anything before going hognibble on some dumb idea. Like has been mentioned - 27 "genders" ??????????? THAT is HOW FAR crazy people take their own emotionalism? I mean, SERIOUSLY? mmgw is a severe immediate crisis? HAHAHAHAHA. That started decades ago. from the UN. for the redistribution of wealth around the world. The UN is corrupt. "yes, but glaciers calve, I've seen it" LOL LOL. So have I. BEEN THERE. Glaciers move. The edge of the glacier breaks off because the water is warmer. Now, about the magnetism. When somebody says they are a woman or man when they are not, it is biology they ignore. That is SCIENCE. Their FEEEEEEEEEELLLLLINGS are NOT science. It ranks right up there with "covid injections make people magnetic" whatever. LOL. But claiming it makes certain people FEEL very, very, very special. Elite to FEEL so special. but it's a crock. nobody is getting magnetic. I have a magnet I use to find dropped screws in an engine, etc. I went an touched it, and, I guess I'm not super duper Scooby Doo special. Nothin. Not magnetic. and I never feel like a woman. Never once. I never feel like any kind of different gender. In conclusion - a very tiny bit of information is a dangerous thing, and can lead to conspiracy theories like woodpecker's bunch of different genders or believing the earth is going to dehydrate twenty years ago. LOL anyways, ...... https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/safety-availability-biologics/thimerosal-and-vaccines
  10. Watching opposing rbs try to figure out which side to try to block should be fun. ..."Garrett" or... "Clowney" ....
  11. yep. Woodpeckers Flat Bars, Side Kicks and Magnetic Clamping ... www.newwoodworker.com/reviews/wdpkrclmpsolutns.html The length of the Woodpeckers Magnetic Clamp Blocks spreads the clamping force over a much larger area, making each clamp more effective and often reducing the number of clamps needed. The Woodpeckers Magnetic Clamp Blocks (#Woodpeckers Magnetic Clamp Blocks-4) sell for $23.95 per pair. In The Shop
  12. woodpecker is always with the smart mouth proving he's a dumb ass.
  13. The wannabe napoleon doesn't understaind much.
  14. great. somebody drinks too much wine, and goes emotionally violent trying to get on peoples nerves, yet says stuff like Texas is snowing and really cold in June. My brother-in-law was just visiting up from Texas - he says it's too hot. too bad he doesn't drink a lot of wine, he could pretend to cool off like....... meanwhile, you-know-who's honey biden - https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/06/10/biden-border-crisis-numbers-explode-worst-in-21-years-and-theyre-still-increasing-n394636
  15. but the lefties are emotionally manipulated to HATE THE WALL and love criminal illegals flooding out country.
  16. it's stupid = damaging America's security just to spite all of us who elected Pres Trump. sick garbage.
  17. sick. Veterans tend to strongly believe in America, so.... the illegals are welfare voters.
  18. ...to a serious problem. woodpeckeritis. and all those who feel like a woodpecker: public service announcement to the woodpecker public sector: (very, very small, btw).
  19. that is probably too sophisticated for our resident Ghengis Khan wannabe -
  20. Again with the maybe intentional stupid false narrative. Absentee ballots are fine. Main in ballots to everybody is not fine. You should read and learn, and give up emotionally knee jerking. Letter: Why absentee voting is fine, simple mail-in voting ... https://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/opinion/2020/08/30/letter-why-absentee-voting-fine-simple-mail-voting-not/5642563002/ The absentee process helps to prevent that. Expanding eligibility for absentee voting, such as by lowering the age for automatic qualification, would be fine. But simple mail-in voting is not.... *******************************************************************
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