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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. you have added nearly nothing to this forum. Just stupid quips that make you look like an asswhole. "congrats" if that makes you feel like a human being with value.
  2. Really? crap. He paniced? Went insane? sad.
  3. Just seems America is heading down a bad road. Not just potholes, but a complete washout with a 100' fall into war. It's history. Weakness leads to aggression. https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2021/06/14/the-coma-before-the-storm-n2590897 russia massing troops near Ukraine https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-masses-troops-near-ukraine-border-sending-shivers-of-unease-through-the-west/ar-BB1fDHXh war is going to break out. somewhere. World War 3 warning: China and US '100 percent' heading ... https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1143764/us-china-war-news-donald-trump-xi-jinping-tensions World War 3 warning: China and US '100 percent' heading for war - shock warning THE US is heading towards a war with China with "100 percent certainty", a political expert has shockingly ... https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2020/july/experts-warn-a-horrible-surprise-coming-us-china-military-clash-within-six-months
  4. Except world wars happen over weakness. ************************************************ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_World_War_II "At first, the aggressive moves met with only feeble and ineffectual policies of appeasement from the other major world powers. The League of Nations proved helpless, especially regarding China and Ethiopia. A decisive proximate event was the 1938 Munich Conference, which formally approved Germany's annexation of the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia. Hitler promised it was his last territorial claim, but in early 1939, he became even more aggressive, and European governments finally realised that appeasement would not guarantee peace."
  5. I think it's the May 4th/Kent State syndrome. I believe some policeman fired a warning shot, and it ricocheted and hit someone. But the protesters had no business being there. I've heard an audio of someone yelling "let me through I have a knife" which seemed so articial - like just trying to raise hell. With all the blm violence, they knew if they'd make a scene, the msm and the "dems" would make a giant federal case out of it, which wsa justified....except burning down cities was cheered by the dems when it was done by blm/antifa.... and not one criticism came from the local leftwing hate groupies. not one thing did they criticize. too bad.
  6. by pushing conservatives out of favor in military. May as well make conservatives put a gold star on their collars.... https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/06/13/tom-cotton-reveals-hundreds-of-whistleblowers-tales-of-anti-american-indoctrination-in-us-military-n396195
  7. and not one word from the fraud squad about how we aren't respected in the world. We WERE RESPECTED, other countries didn't like not having us being the world's stupid money bags. now, they can take advantage of us once again. but they are not respecting this dimwitted anti-America First sleazeball fake president.
  8. oh yeah? well, here's some science for ya. Take two magnets, and shove them up your beak. Then you can have your gay marriage, and if you take another magnet and hold that one up to your beak it would stick. because you're a moron, and a chickenpecker if you don't try it. and all you ever done on this forum is smart off to people and bitch. You brag about your math skills, but the rainman was outstanding at stuff too. You get the conversation better than you ever are able to take part in, so you bitch at people in birdwise CYA. In your case, it would be CYTF
  9. yep. soro paid no taxes. said he "lost money in investments". flat tax. we need it.
  10. the left invented this stupid magetism crap to discredit Pres Trump's dramatic and successful "FAST TRACK" decision. anti-vaccine. I suppose if they were consistent, they would be against all vaccines. oth, woodpecker could dip a magnet into a pan of melted chocolate, hold the magnet against his beak, and sure enough, it would stick. and he's had the vaccine for birdbrain flu. go figure.
  11. Christian, affluent family - obamao/biden tried desperately to deport them back into Germany. but they invite hundreds of of thousands of destitute illegals to cross our border with nothing. No English, (maybe), no money, no education, no skills....some are violent criminals...all welcomed. But not that terrific Christian family. Go figure. You should come up with a stark evil reality with the left.
  12. Remember this https://abcnews.go.com/US/home-schooling-german-family-allowed-stay-us/story?id=22788876 Home Schooling German Family Allowed to Stay in US The Romeike family fled to the US in order to home school their children. " The Romeikes were initially granted asylum by a Memphis judge who believed that Germany had unfairly restricted the family's religious freedom. That decision was challenged and overturned by the Obama administration on appeal, which argued that Germany's home schooling ban did not constitute religious persecution and could not be used as a basis for asylum in the United States. "
  13. woodpecker is a pecker piker. He pecks on a high ignorant level.
  14. I wonder if a woodpecker can get heartworm. That would explain a good bit.
  15. the list of people who out the clintons and DIE....gets longer. https://www.theblaze.com/news/reporter-clinton-lynch-tarmac-meeting-found-dead
  16. crazier and crazier. Yeah, "what idiot denied the possibility because he's an emotional knee jerk antagonist? https://www.theblaze.com/news/live-bats-wuhan-lab-video-who Video reportedly shows live bats at Wuhan lab, contradicting WHO investigation
  17. reverse discrimination was always a sad, self-destructive fake solution to any racial problem. it got the left a lot of the black vote though
  18. So the hysterical leftwing hater threesome demand people take the vaccines, defend the vaccines, but refuse to admit Pres Trump's FAST TRACK enabled the historically fastest emergency development of a vaccine - or we still wouldn't have one. makes no sense to anyone with any sense.
  19. sick stuff from an arrogant, power mongering president. wait, it isn't Pres Trump. it's mentally not right biden and his corrupt sleazeball Jill. almost had the lefties piling on and bashing Pres Trump for arrogance. Watch what happens........ https://www.theblaze.com/news/video-bbc-crew-claims-joe-biden-had-them-booted-from-their-pub-table-so-he-and-jill-could-take-it
  20. the left is furious that the judge ruled against them on illegals. craps their plan for illegals voting in 2024...especially if states outlaw ballot harvesting of mailin ballots.
  21. the truth hits aoc into her own pile of crap - stated by her own aunt.
  22. he pretends that for the sake of his feeble feelings. no friends, all alone, super sissy, fragile fragile, ego bitter hater.... must really suck being a woodypeckerhead in real life.
  23. so, this is SCIENCE woodpecker. You are a negative worthless occurence on this forum most all the time when you post: read this and shove it up your beak: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/could-a-whale-accidentally-swallow-you-it-is-possible-26353362/
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