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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. just a very dumb opinion based on ego driven bs. Older folks have a lifetime of experience to guide them. woodpecker doesn't believe in anything, doesn't believe anything, doesn't believe in anyone. Just wants to feel superior. It's a sad state of birdbrain affairs. Woodpecker and old sheply believed al gore on the fraud "crisis" man made global warming on the internet. There are non so blind as those who will not see past their own bloated fragile egos.
  2. Most of us can. But whatever drives lefties to hate, drives them to hate everwhere. The rest of us clearly separate the two easily.
  3. yeah, so convenient, isn't it? and we haven't heard ONCE from them about Pres Trump and his "Fast Track" that dramatically abled the development of the vaccine. The dishonesty and extreme bias is just out of the park. and after all they 4 years of nitpicking Pres Trump, who did over 200 GOOD/GREAT things FOR AMERICA (while obaMao commie and biden have never done one thing good/great for America)... they can't find fault with the goings on now. Just fixated on Pres Trump - and not based on performance for America. Just weird. But they get their attention to their egos.
  4. anyone who has been in the military, knows this is self-destructive crap.
  5. might pick up a few myself. the left want to declare war on ammo, too.
  6. gun stores are veru. veru busy. people buying guns and ammo. Our country is starting to fall apart - just a little.
  7. translation: biden sucked up to putin becuse his son got too much money..
  8. and every single voter who voted against Pres Trump, including the hundreds of thousands of fake votes, and duplicate votes, and stolen votes, and stupidass votes... voted for him.
  9. if the shoe fits, a few nobody's should wear it. but elitist haters never do. They ...feeeeelllllll.....it's the whole rest of the world that has a problem.
  10. Communism: Censorship and Freedom of Speech https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/cs201/projects/communism-computing-china/censorship.html Two conflicting positions on these freedoms arise with analysis of communist theory. The first is an argument against individual freedoms. In a communist society, the individual's best interests are indistinguishable from the society's best interest. Thus, the idea of an individual freedom is incompatible with a communist ideology.
  11. Polls find most Republicans say 2020 election was stolen ... https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/28/politics/poll-qanon-election-conspiracies/index.html May 28, 2021Most Americans reject QAnon-linked conspiracy theories and believe that Donald Trump lost legitimately in 2020, a set of new polling finds. But a substantial minority within the Republican party ...
  12. Mark Levin's list: 15 ways Democrats stole the election https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/mark-levin-s-list-15-ways-democrats-stole-the-election/ar-BB1cnJNV Mark Levin's list: 15 ways Democrats stole the election. Top conservative talker Mark Levin is urging Republicans to ignore "unreliable and cowardly" GOP leaders and back the effort started ...
  13. I suppose it's our faults on this board - those of us who don't bow down to the "king" - for about half the country disapproving of the job biden bumfook's fake news presidency. really bad - considering the locked in socialist and communist support. President Biden Job Approval President Job Approval: Trump | Obama | Bush Job Approval on Economy | Job Approval on Immigration | Job Approval on Coronavirus | Direction of the Country Polling Data Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread RCP Average 6/5 - 6/17 -- 52.3 43.7 +8.6 Reuters 6/16 - 6/17 1002 A 52 42 +10 Rasmussen 6/15 - 6/17 1500 LV 51 48 +3 YouGov 6/13 - 6/15 1305 RV 48 45 +3 Politico 6/11 - 6/13 1994 RV 53 44 +9 Monmouth 6/9 - 6/14 758 RV 49 43 +6 GU Politics 6/5 - 6/10 1000 RV 52 45 +7 The Hill 6/7 - 6/9 1885 RV 61 39 +22 All President Biden Job Approval Polling Data
  14. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/lies-damned-lies-and-insane-statistics/ Home/Articles/Politics/Lies, Damned Lies, and Insane Statistics Politics Lies, Damned Lies, and Insane Statistics By the same standard of statistical analysis that the left applies to everything, it is easy to prove that the election was stolen from Donald Trump.
  15. Renowned Physicist Confirms with Indisputable Evidence ... https://stateofthenation.co/?p=59179 Renowned Physicist Confirms with Indisputable Evidence that 2020 POTUS Election was Stolen via a Complex Cyber-Crime Conspiracy (Video) Posted on April 5, 2021 by State of the Nation Mike Lindell TV Releases Irrefutable Election Theft Proof on New Television Special That Features World Renowned Physicist
  16. hoorta 3,467 Started conversation: 1 minute ago Mike, You can stop this shit right now, or you're gone for a week... Seek mental help...
  17. so there ya go, woodpecker, plain and simple, now fly to a library, find a clerk and have them explain it to ya
  18. https://redstate.com/slee/2021/06/17/california-exported-activists-to-cure-ballots-in-arizona-georgia-in-days-following-election-n398491 California Exported Activists To Cure Ballots in Arizona, Georgia In Days Following Election By Sarah Lee | Jun 17, 2021 9:30 PM ET
  19. can't be seriously denied anymore. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2021/06/17/huge-significant-election-irregularities-exposed-in-fulton-county-georgia-n1455273
  20. sad to say, that fits woodpecker to a "t" She accused American higher education institutions of stripping people's ability to think critically.
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