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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. why should they do R&D when your biden puppet canceled covid patents ? Why would they put all that expense into it when they can't get their R&D investments return? Biden's plan to cancel life-saving cures for seniors
  2. all that birdbrain sissy sassy bs, and we still don't know ANYTHING that woodpecker DOES believe. Just bitch, bitch, bitch.
  3. and every single voter who voted against Pres Trump and America First voted for this garbage.
  4. or what? why in the hell would you do that? Kill all incentive to develop life saving drugs? R&D to the max to develop critical vaccines? just to hand it all over to the corrupt communist chinese? what in the hell? https://conservativeangle.com/bidens-plan-to-cancel-life-saving-cures-for-seniors/ Biden's plan to cancel life-saving cures for seniors
  5. and every single voter who voted against Pres Trump and America First voted for this garbage.
  6. Joe Biden's tax hikes will cause your life savings to ... https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/biden-tax-hikes-will-cause-your-life-savings-to-collapse-grover-norquist-warns Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's " tax hikes will cause your life savings to collapse," founder of Americans for Tax Reform Grover Norquist said on Thursday. "Remember, this is ...
  7. Exciting player, probably wouldn't see that much of him this season, except.... how amazing would it be to see him return kicks? With THAT speed? He's also a rb. Might see more of him that I thought. https://www.brownsnation.com/could-rookie-anthony-schwartz-win-the-kick-returning-job/
  8. I question mark it, because it is reported by Mary Kay. If true, he didn't want to be here. "It's a business" - football players know that - whether they want more money, or want traded, whatever. But getting released was "business" - and Richardson either wanted to go live in Minnesota or felt he was better with less competition. Their stadium is downtown Minneapolis. That is not a nicer safer city. But I reckon he has a lot of friends at the Vikings so, whatever. IMHO, the Browns should be in great shape anyways. https://www.brownsnation.com/report-sheldon-richardson-turned-down-bigger-offer-from-browns/ Jordon Elliot takes his place, and Elliot is the real deal it seems. A terrific player in college - excellent work ethic - dropped from 300 to 290 to be quicker off the line, ...maybe Richardson saw the competition writing on the wall. Elliots Browns teammates were impressed by him. Ready to roll, the Browns are. https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news/jordan-elliott-ready-to-step-up-to-the-plate https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news/news-notes-another-browns-rookie-is-seeing-his-role-expand " ith Ogunjobi sidelined for most of Sunday's second half, Elliott saw an uptick in his playing time and finished the game with 31 snaps. Though he has just three tackles on the year, Elliott has been among Pro Football Focus' highest-graded rookie defensive tackles. Elliott's teammates have been impressed with how he's acclimated himself to the NFL game. In August, Ogunjobi raved about Elliott's attitude and desire to be great. Earlier in the season, Richardson said Elliott "knew his stuff." "
  9. War on the Christian Church again https://redstate.com/jeffc/2021/06/20/irs-denies-christian-organization-tax-exempt-status-their-justification-is-preposterous-n399860 IRS Denies Christian Organization Tax-Exempt Status; Their Justification Is Preposterous
  10. and those who knee jerked on this forum ridiculing Pres Trump over it.......have egg on their faces again. rotten egg, I hope. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/06/19/trump-gets-proven-right-again-on-climate-change-this-time-by-california-n399348
  11. Pres Trump accomplished over 200 good/GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA. Pres Trump kept his promises. woodpecker, you are the one who fell for the con willingly. even an obaMao insider admits it. but you won't, sissy bird. Former top Obama ethics official unleashes on Biden: 'I'm ... https://newsbeyonddetroit.net/2021/06/19/former-top-obama-ethics-official-unleashes-on-biden-im-the-stupid-moron-who-fell-for-his-false-promises/ Former top Obama ethics official unleashes on Biden: 'I'm the stupid moron who fell for his false promises' 3 mins ago Detroit City Limits . CHRIS ENLOE. Walter Shaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics during the Obama administration, tore into President Joe Biden Friday, charging the Democratic president lied when he ... 'I'm Disgusted': Obama Ethics Official Tears Into Biden ... https://www.westernjournal.com/disgusted-obama-ethics-official-tears-biden-admin-nepotism-scandal/ You almost want to dunk on former Obama administration ethics official Walter Shaub for suddenly realizing President Joe Biden is a nepotist. It's a Captain Renault moment from "Casablanca." The morally fungible French military official is shocked, shocked that there's gambling at Rick's Cafe — right before he's handed his winnings .
  12. too little too late. The damage being done, raff doesn't fear the left trying to destroy him anymore, so NOW he does what he wussed out about before.
  13. I listened, I learned. Let us know when you try it for the first time in your miserable fowl existence.
  14. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/06/19/blm-antifa-harass-and-attack-people-outside-conservative-event-in-denver-n399089
  15. ermany in WW2 +2 Why did so many people join the Nazi party? Wiki User ∙ November 26, 2010 5:35PM Best Answer so many people joined the Nazi party because they thought that that was the way forward and the best option which would bring Germany back to normal Also, vast personal improvements were available if you were able to join; promotion, access to rare wartime goods and of course the ability to 'denounce' anyone you didn't like. Most shocking were the implications of trying to ''leave'' the party... a near impossible task. **************************************** Notice the "ability to denounce anyone you didn't like". Think about that, in the msm ....and this forum............
  16. https://www.cram.com/essay/Why-Did-The-German-People-Join-The/F3BPELP2M5ZQ Why Did The German People Join The Nazi Party *********************************************** " During Hitler 's early struggle for power he marched two thousand Nazi troops thought Munich to take over the meeting in Munich Beer Hall. This attempt was unproductive but the german people got a quick taste of the fear that would soon take place (Adolph 5-7). Propaganda was combined with the use of terror to manipulate and deceive the german people (Deceiving the Public 1-4). Joseph Goebbels stated a free-for-all against the Jews by writing works in newspapers. During this time almost one thousand synagogues were set on fire. More than seven thousand Jewish businesses were looted and around thirty thousand Jews were sent to concentration camps (Nazification 4-5). Hitler created the SA which were storm troopers trained to beat german citizens to convince them to join the Nazi party. Hitler used the death of a speechwriter for Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen as a way to bring fear into the german people (Persuasion of Hitler 1-3). This basically forced the german people to comply with the Nazi party because if they didn 't they would become a victim like the Jews. It got so bad that the german people lived their lives in fear. " ****************************************** So, the left owns the msm, and they take every cue from the leftists in our gov. Note: the article mentions the burning of businesses. that is blm/antifa now, and those "groups" are being applauded by the leftwing politicians up on high. Beatings? blm/antifa. "All Jews are the enemy" is the same dirty tool that is in leftwing America today 'All Trump supporters" , "all Christians", "all republicans", "all white people" ...... forcing Christian churches to betry their religious beliefs. We can't even wear a Pres Trump hat, or have a Pres Trump flag outside. or bumper sticker. or disagree with certain parties that don't tolerate disagreement with their crap. The nazis threatened everyone, instilled great fear into everyone - to force them to comply. Join, agree, or...be hunted down like they hunted down the Jews. Sound familiar to current event? ********************************************
  17. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/11/american_stasi.html November 26, 2020 American Stasi By Bruce Townshend History. It's a curious thing. We learn from it, or at least we should, and we try to use it as a guide for the present and the future. Of course, we all interpret it a bit differently. At the close of World War II in 1945, the nation of Germany was partitioned into two distinct nations. The Bundesrepublik Deutschland in the west, or West Germany, and the misleadingly named German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) in the east, or East Germany. Further, the then-former capital of Germany, Berlin, was divided into 4 sectors, with the British, French and American sectors becoming West Berlin and the Soviet sector becoming East Berlin. Democracy and republics in the western parts of both versus the eastern European version of communism in the eastern parts. The East German law enforcement apparatus was monstrous, cruel, brutal and pervasive. Although there were local law enforcement organizations, the primary responsibility for maintaining law and order throughout East Germany belonged to the Ministry for State Security, or the Stasi as it was called. It must be made crystal clear here that the Stasi and the governments of East Germany and East Berlin were decidedly not Nazis. A brief description of the Stasi from Wikipedia: "The Ministry for State Security (German: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, MfS) or State Security Service (Staatssicherheitsdienst, SSD), commonly known as the Stasi, was the official state security service of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). One of the Stasi's main tasks was spying on the population, primarily through a vast network of citizens turned informants, and fighting any opposition by overt and covert measures, including hidden psychological destruction of dissidents (Zersetzung, literally meaning "decomposition"). It arrested 250,000 people as political prisoners during its existence." Emblem of the Stasi Let’s focus for a second on that "vast network of citizens turned informants." First, those people could hardly be accurately described as citizens, as they were more like subjects, vassals, serfs and comrades in the communist system set up under the supervision of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The Stasi had a reputation as seemingly having been everywhere and knowing virtually everything. Nonetheless, there were nowhere near enough actual members of the Stasi itself to have been that effective in controlling the population. Rather, as the paragraph above makes clear, the Stasi used the people of East Germany against themselves to help them keep dissension suppressed, political opposition crushed and, most dreadfully, the population intimidated. In other words, the Stasi didn't need to be everywhere all the time because it had effectively made the people of East Germany their own enemies! Fear was the most useful and effective tool that the Stasi employed. Any transgression of behavior would be reported to the Stasi and the alleged transgressor(s) would be confronted, most likely arrested, possibly beaten or tortured and even imprisoned. And as we all know, anyone attempting to leave the Utopian society of East Germany or East Berlin for the west were most likely stopped violently or killed outright. Anyway, try to imagine living in a society like that where everything you said or did was subject to oversight not only by the repressive government but also by your neighbors, your coworkers, passers-by in the street, or even your family. Such a society is completely alien to our American way of life. Or at least it used to be. In the wake of the pandemic currently wreaking havoc on our society and cultural norms, we have our federal government scrambling for the right response and the various states and territories doing the same. Right now, here in the United States of America in the year 2020, we have governors and other elected officials (I will never refer to them as leaders!) encouraging and even urging the citizenry to spy on itself and report to the state those who transgress the various orders, mandates, edicts and requirements handed down by them. To call the police if there are too many people in the same place at the same time, in the eyes of the person making the dreaded call. To be, in effect, tattletales and snitches for "the state." Folks, whatever the rationale behind those orders may be and whatever reasoning you or they might employ to justify them, actions like that by our political office holders smacks of state overbearing. Of repression. Of intimidation and fear. Of tyranny. I chose that word deliberately, and I did not do so lightl The resemblance to the tactics used by the Stasi, however cleverly camouflaged here and couched in whatever innocent sounding terms they like to use, justified by whatever seemingly compassionate motivations those officials tout, is inherently and incredibly dangerous. Far more dangerous than any germ, virus or microbe. This American urges you to do what you think and believe is right for yourself, your family and loved ones. Be responsible and be careful. But mind your own business. Leave other people to do what they do, whether or not you think it is in their best interests - or yours. Don't become part of the state, no matter how righteously indignant you become. I will never report anyone, anywhere, at any time, for any reason, for what I perceive to be a violation of an executive order. Our law enforcement professional friends and neighbors already have enough to do without such nuisances and annoyances taking up even more of their time and our resources. Have a wonderful day, America. God Bless you all.
  18. https://fee.org/articles/10-terrifying-facts-about-the-east-german-secret-police/ Stasi: The Untold Story Of The East German Secret Police ... https://www.amazon.com/Stasi-Untold-German-Secret-Police/dp/0813337445 The Stasi, which infiltrated every walk of East German life, suppressed political opposition, and caused the imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of citizens, proved to be one of the most powerful secret police and espionage services in the world. Koehler methodically reviews the Stasi's activities within East Germany and overseas, including ... Top 10 Chilling Revelations About The Stasi Of East ... https://listverse.com/2020/10/04/top-10-chilling-revelations-about-the-stasi-of-east-germany/ 2 The Sandoz Chemical Spill Conspiracy. Photo credit: ETH Library. Without a doubt, one of the most intriguing revelations about the Stasi's activities are the claims of their involvement in the Sandoz chemical spill of 1986. Supposedly, this was an attempt to take the world's attention away from the recent Chernobyl disaster.
  19. Time to take them seriously, folks. They mean serious communist oppression like business. https://redstate.com/streiff/2021/06/18/bidens-strategy-for-countering-domestic-terrorism-encourages-americans-to-turn-stasi-to-show-their-love-of-big-brother-n398783 Biden's Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism Encourages Americans to Turn Stasi to Show their Love of Big Brother
  20. like all those who actuallly DID vote against Pres Trump and America. I mean, EVEN HE gets it. https://www.theblaze.com/news/walter-shaub-joe-biden-white-house-ethics Former top Obama ethics official unleashes on Biden: 'I'm the stupid moron who fell for his false promises'
  21. They are so used to parroting the msm slurs, they don't care ....about making themselves look like fools.
  22. https://www.wideopenspaces.com/emergency-whistle/?tp=i-1NHD-Il-56-cQbT-1c-2up-1c-xD-OuIQ-l6CRcXXW10-HPuFG&submeta=WOMSPACES The Best Emergency Whistle of 2021 Is Under $8 on Amazon
  23. what a corrupt shameless fraud
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