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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. I've said it for years now - the left craves the addition of illegals made into voting citizens in pres elections - since most Americans believe in America and freedom. Like I've also noted - the pendulum switches back and forth - except now, the left has done so much damage, and it's only beginning - they can't win without widespread voter fraud (anonymous mail in ballot/ballot harvesting, inaccurate/never updated voter rolls) and a new huge additon to their base - those who are destitute by choice - and want free stuff because they pretend, with fake rationale, to deserve a free ride.
  2. there woodpecker goes again. personal attacks, bitch, bitch, peck, peck, peck, bitch. why not just put everybody else on ignore, woodpecker?
  3. If it isn't, at least he led America like it was....
  4. where was the AP all the other times, like hunter biden's "contracts" from china and russia?
  5. That's a lot of players with a high ranking, I think. NFL.com rates the Browns as America's most complete team. That hasn't happened since...eh..... https://www.brownsnation.com/nfl-com-names-cleveland-browns-as-most-complete-team/
  6. https://www.theblaze.com/news/hillary-clinton-leaked-cable-wuhan-lab Hillary Clinton warned in 2009 of potential 'biological weapons proliferation' in Wuhan lab, leaked cable shows News
  7. F15's and nukes. Against American gun owners. They want to "nuke" our Constitution, you betcha. but it gets worse. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/06/25/biden-goes-over-the-slide-with-incredibly-offensive-comment-plus-more-confusion-n402065 " Biden was describing why he thought some African Americans were reluctant to get vaccinated because they were remembering when the “Tuskegee Airmen” were experimented on. Once again, Biden had no idea what he was talking about. He was confusing the Tuskegee Airmen – the famous black pilot contingent that fought during World War II – and the Tuskegee Study – an abominably unethical syphilis study where public health officials told black men they were being treated but then didn’t treat them. " ****************************** no outrage from those who voted against Pres Trump and America First?
  8. They can vote in cities, why not let them vote in federal elections? wait for it....
  9. Every single vote against Pres Trump and America .... was a vote for her to be president....
  10. Imagine what they would do if they came across an ordinary person with a flat tire on the road somewhere. CCW.
  11. divide and conquer. It's what revolutionary power mongering sombeiches do.
  12. Actually, Scwartz addressed that issue in an interview - of knowing he just doesn't want to be a straight line post runner - he's a GREAT kid - a great pick. https://www.cleveland.com/browns/2021/05/browns-wr-anthony-schwartz-says-training-with-jarvis-landry-will-give-me-a-jumpstart-on-probably-the-rest-of-the-rookies-out-there.html "“They just want to see more from me and not just being a speed guy or a guy who is just going to run verticals or run screens,’' he said. “I want to become a guy who can run every route in the route tree and that can develop into a top guy and not just a gadget player.” Schwartz will also learn the fine art of blocking from Landry, who never hesitates get physical with a defender. “We have not talked in depth about that part of the game, but that’s one of our three keys playing receiver for us,’' Schwartz said. “I know it’s something I have to improve on. It is something I want to improve on. It will help me to get on the field more. It will help me stay on the field more. I can’t wait to start that part and can’t wait to just see improvement from my college career to now in terms of from a blocking standpoint.’' "
  13. that is how bad biden is. that is how stupid it was for anyone to have voted against their own country/against Pres Trump. https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2021/06/23/new-book-about-hunter-bidens-laptop-joe-paid-for-the-hookers-and-blow-n401169
  14. that is just offensive. I guess they figure too many folks in the military aren't sold out lefties. But they figure the trans vote left... whatever. It's sick and twisted offensive garbage.
  15. another point that is happily emotionally knee jerked over by ignoring it.... Michael Flynn only submitted a guilty plea out of coercion - they threatened to go after his son and destroy him financially too. The swamp is that dangerous and corrupt. Hear brennan or clapper running their big fat corrupt mouths ? not anymore. the entire corrupt biden family of dirtbags should be investigated. but the corrupt deep swamp protects their own. List of 71 Clinton Associates Who Died Mysteriously or ... https://prepareforchange.net/2019/08/25/list-of-71-clinton-associates-who-died-mysteriously-or-committed-suicide-before-testimony/ 1- James McDougal - Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr's investigation. 2 - Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown..
  16. Just analytical. You are too boring to get emotional about. You've been afraid to stand up for any issue, you don't know much of anything, you just attack and ridicule other's beliefs. You're kind of an empty feather duster, woodpecker. With a beak.
  17. While I'm wondering - I wonder if Scwartz will eventually play a role in the additions/tweak to the offense that Hooper is excited about. At least once in a while a game. https://www.brownsnation.com/browns-austin-hooper-excited-to-add-wrinkles-to-offense/
  18. LOL - but I'm not a sports reporter, and was thinking "out loud" why he left for LESS money. What do you, think, Gumby?
  19. lie. You've never thought. You only feel. Your belief system is nothing. Your ego is based on what you do NOT belive, and bitching at others for what they do belive. You just peck. Peck and bitch. Like this post, you prove me absolutely accurate.
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