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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. can't impeach him out of office, unless whoris and and crazy pill-osi goes too.
  2. any anti-Pres Trump voter want to actually be honest and apologize ?
  3. at this point, to deny serious voter fraud is just extremely ignorant.
  4. Jeff Dunham is terrific - he should make a kamoola whoris puppet
  5. a major ploy to put all republicans, all conservatives, all white people, all Pres Trump supporters into disgrace per the leftists in our gov? Hadn't heard about that one....dirty politics - weaponizing the FBI again, the NSA again, the DOJ again......etc. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-government-agents-helped-organize-capitol-riot Tucker Carlson: Government agents may have helped organize the Jan. 6 Capitol riot The government is hiding the identity of many law enforcement officers who were present at the Capitol on Jan. 6
  6. NIH Deleted COVID Data | National Review https://www.nationalreview.com/news/nih-deleted-data-on-early-wuhan-covid-cases-at-request-of-chinese-researchers/ The U.S. National Institutes of Health deleted gene sequences taken from early COVID-19 carriers at the request of Chinese researchers, raising concerns about Beijing's efforts to conceal ...
  7. we told some of ya, and some of ya knee jerked and dissed the possibility. AGAIN - you were wrong: these corrupt fame-seeking (wealth seeking?) bastards did this covid to us. https://redstate.com/scotthounsell/2021/06/29/australian-scientists-determine-that-covid-virus-adapted-to-attack-human-cells-n403857 Australian Scientists Determine That COVID Virus "Adapted" to Attack Human Cells "In the earliest part of my reporting on the subject, I was alarmed to see that scientists, including Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina and Dr. Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, were conducting experiments on coronaviruses, including SARS viral strains, that would make the resulting modified viruses more deadly. It was found that these lab-created SARS mutants were most effective on “human airway epithelial cells”. These cells line the inside of the upper airway of humans. "
  8. https://thepatriotjournal.com/hours-biden-gun-owners-nukes/ Hours After Biden Tells Gun Owners He Has Nukes – Americans Give Joe A Constitutional Reponse Nobody has ever heard “guns won’t protect you from the force of the government” and thought “oh well in that case I’ll give up my guns.” They think “well I guess I better get a bigger gun.”
  9. widespread in the communist/socialist corrupt "democrat" party. Really, they need to rename the democratic party because it is no more. The fake charges against Pres Trump - and anyone who they can't control and/or intimidate - the constant slanderous unsupportable attacks - can happen to anyone now. They tried it again - all slander, no legitimacy threats to ruin Pres Trump again. In the end, no charges. The message is clear - oppose them and your life will be destroyed. Political weaponry, and they will shoot with it on their corrupt emotional whim. Liberal slugs preach about "checks and balances" when they aren't in power. But if THEY get the power - "to hell with checks and balances" and they are now going way, way, way overboard to try to solidify their hold on that power. Won't work - this is still Real America. That is why Pres Trump keeps winning, winning, winning. https://thepatriotjournal.com/trump-decision-case-charged/ Trump Just Landed A Major Court Decision – In NY Case Against Donald’s Businesses, He “Won’t Be Charged”
  10. https://redstate.com/andrewmalcolm/2021/06/28/bidens-half-hearted-bombing-for-irans-attacks-on-u-s-troops-is-a-dud-n403507 Biden’s Half-Hearted Bombing for Iran’s Attacks on U.S. Troops Is a Dud
  11. Say, I just learned to fly a Dehavilland DHC-2 Beaver floatplane. Practiced taking off from one lake, and landed in another. I hope to learn to fly an F-15 next year. ....... Microsoft Flight Simulator 10. It's amazing. Turn up the scenery, it's like flying around Alaska. I'm ready for my pilot's license, I think...
  12. full on racial antagonism, full on leftwing attacks at every turn on Real America, ... damaging our country. and the msm solidly and happily making $$$$$ from leftwing globalist billionaires... a very bad time. going to get worse. This is inspired by the left that has senile corrupt biden as it's puppet. Just a first example of many. https://redstate.com/alexparker/2021/06/27/harvard-will-host-a-free-music-business-course-open-to-all-races-but-white-n403304
  13. https://republicandaily.net/2021/06/newly-uncovered-emails-show-top-biden-officials-demanding-facebook-censor-their-opponent-then-president-trump-before-election/
  14. The biden team emails show they pressured facebook to censor Pres Trump's campaign. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/06/27/report-emails-show-biden-team-pressured-facebook-to-censor-the-trump-campaign-n403386 Report: Emails Show Biden Team Pressured Facebook to Censor the Trump Campaign
  15. well, that is a good move. Too bad there weren't a lot of enemy casualties though - they will just easily use another location as a launching point.
  16. what was disrespectful, was her attetion getting bigoted hateful stupidity.
  17. amazing to watch them play last year. This whole team is going to be exciting to watch, but the offensive line (the engine of the offense) is going to be great to watch again. If any defense sells out to try to stop Chubb and Hunt... they are going to be toast. https://www.brownsnation.com/3-reasons-browns-offensive-line-can-be-even-better-in-2021/ #Browns offensive line in 2020: 🔸 Pass blocking grade – 86.5 (1st) 🔸 Run blocking grade – 81.2 (1st)
  18. and Maher isn't a self-proclaimed health care expert, either. https://www.theblaze.com/news/bill-maher-big-tech-lab-leak-censorship Bill Maher trounces big tech over lab leak theory censorship: 'You were wrong, Google and Facebook!'
  19. apparently, they want to drive ALL CITIZENS who know better, and would vote against them... out of Oregon. That's one way for the left to take over permanently
  20. Evidence keeps mounting. https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2021/06/25/chinese-communist-party-says-wuhan-bioweapon-lab-bat-lady-should-get-nobel-prize-in-medicine-for-covid-n402163 Chinese Communist Party Says Wuhan Bioweapon Lab 'Bat Lady' Should Get Nobel Prize in Medicine for COVID
  21. The left is engaged in a danerously destructive cultural revolution. To get permanent power. That is exactly what communist china did. Exactly what venezuela did. What cuba did. Inevitably, it's occurred in history again and again. But that isn't Real America - I've been talking about Real America for years now. So many were manipulated to vote against a GREAT for America president because of his personality. Now, fewer are being manipulated to ignore the travesty of the left owning our government for a while. That isn't Real America. The left knows that - that is why they fight bad outdated voter registration, why they are desperately trying to federalize elections, why they desperately fight any investigation into voter fraud. They know how they faked a "win". They are covering up the fraud, frantically. Unlike everywhere else in history, this is REAL AMERICA. Not going to happen here. Watch 2022 and 2024. The pendulum will swing back again, unless the left simply throws out the Constitution by whatever means they could actually try to do it. https://gop.com/podcast
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