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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. sold out America. what a bunch of corrupt pukes. Every voter who voted against Pres Trump because the msm made it popular.... voted for this damage to our country.
  2. Hatred like a cancer grows. Real America will win - just need a significant truth and reality treatment for the hatemongering leftist part of society. It's a mental anomaly - fostered by individual fame, control and power. Like the new black panthers, antifa, kkk, code pink..... normal people just post on facebook and youtube to get their activities available to others. Every society ? eventually resorts to hatred - nazi like mentality. "we demand to be in control" and "we are victims of....something" and "we are superior - you are not allowed to disagree with us - and you are not allowed the same rights as we have". The leftwing Pres Trump/republican/conservatives/Christians/God/Bible haters are just like the nazis pre-WWII. and there are many links to explain why it's true - in great detail - from people who lived through the nazi rise.
  3. pushing their hatred way, way too far. Real America will bounce back in a huge way.
  4. https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/12/why-trumps-election-fraud-lawsuits-flopped/ "The Trump lawsuits may have had merit. In Georgia alone, Trump lawyers alleged, in addition to mail-in signature problems: 92 mail-in ballots cast before voters requested them 217 voters whose mail-in ballots were “applied for, issued, and received all on the same day” 395 out-of-state voters 1,043 people who claimed to live at post-office boxes 2,560 ineligible felons 10,315 dead people 66,247 voters under the age of 18 305,701 voters who requested absentee ballots after the deadline In Georgia, Joe Biden won by fewer than 12,000 votes."
  5. IT's worse than him being a troll - their arguments are always contrary to the usual legit reasons we bring up subjects. They don't discuss, they disagree with malicious changes of subjects, and avoidance of truth. They "never bother" because they can't legitimately explain their hostility and abstinence. They claim to be "right" but they never explain legitimate reasons why they think so. TDS BS explains it. Per my post about the masonic lodge, I'm starting to wonder if a few haters are masons...that would explain a lot, per the video on that site.
  6. Ever wonder why so many hate? why they support any lie that fits, any undermining of other's beliefs and rights per our Constitution? Listen to the video sometime - it will take a good amount of time, maybe a half hour? You will be shocked. It's tough to dispute what the man is saying. It's about the masonic lodge cult. It's about who is more and more running our country - why so many are corrupt and on the page "page" in their offense and corruption. I don't know how it can be disputed on the surface of the evidence. It would explain what is going on today. It's about who the depraved and successful are. Who the power mongerers are in our gov.... maybe could explain certain people............ https://welovetrump.com/2021/05/08/ex-freemason-exposes-satanic-secrets-of-international-cult/
  7. Weird. It disappeared somehow. Anyways, if it was actually deleted, the deleter isn't coming forward.
  8. https://www.brownsnation.com/baker-mayfield-getting-a-lot-of-unfair-criticism/
  9. seems it always does. If it doesn't get originated by them, it's a threat to their egos and they hate that. Not in control, they troll.
  10. another couple years of this - I hope we can repair the damage done.
  11. some country music just really hits into the truth about life. https://www.theblaze.com/news/toby-keith-happy-birthday-america#toggle-gdpr
  12. anyone who voted against Pres Trump should realize the damage they've done.
  13. Yep. He loves the lincoln project. Which is, a bunch of deep swamp loyalists, all with their own corrupt reasons...greed, fear, bureaucrat career security.......
  14. you can bet nobody around here knew about crt until biden's handlers brought it up. they aren't serious about critical race theory - it's a weapon they use with force.
  15. Toxic workplace in Harris' office mirrors campaign woes https://nypost.com/2021/07/01/toxic-workplace-in-harris-office-mirrors-campaign-woes/ 1 day agoA report by Politico outlining the dysfunction and toxic environment in Vice President Kamala Harris' office recalls similar stories about the final days of her 2020 presidential campaign. Kamala's staff feel 'treated like s***' in toxic work ... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/15452503/kamala-harris-staff-mistreated-toxic-work-environment/ KAMALA Harris' staffers feel they are "treated like s***" as they branded her office "chaotic and tense", a bombshell report claims. The allegations come amid reports that some within the VP's ...
  16. it got deleted? That is sad. "AAAAAAAAAAARRRGH" MAKE the TRUTH STOP!!!!" gee. I wonder who deleted my post. LOL "Hopeless" is just being polite, you know.....
  17. that senator is a liar. https://redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2021/07/02/a-u-d-i-t-of-elections-democrats-getting-concerned-n405010 A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Democrats Getting Concerned "
  18. https://danfromsquirrelhill.wordpress.com/2021/01/01/stop-the-steal-2/
  19. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage ... https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud Explore a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. The database is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in ...
  20. Seriously? lol. ONE senator says what they want him to say, and THAT is the whole truth? all it takes is for one rino who is frightened of crossing the left, and there ya go. TDS BS from a senator - like another lefty pied piper hero. Here's How You Know Democrats Rigged and Stole the 2020 ... https://townhall.com/columnists/wayneallynroot/2021/05/09/heres-how-you-know-democrats-rigged-and-stole-the-2020-election-n2589148 May 9, 2021In the end, that's the proof Democrats rigged and stole the 2020 presidential election. The truth is in their ridiculous, heavy-handed overreaction. They're desperate to stop you from looking into ...
  21. Well, a hs friend of mine was in intel in Iraq. I asked him about us going into Iraq - was it proper or not. Now, he was always a serious independent/libertarian free thinker who was reading stuff about socialism, so he was never a right winger. I was surprised when he said that if the American people knew the truth, they would be all in favor of having gone into Iraq. He wouldn't elaborate, but he was very serious about it. A lot of guys on the ground are not privy to secrets up on high, and why some decisions are made. He said what they found when they went in, was scary. I just never could get him to explain what that meant.
  22. https://www.theblaze.com/news/wuhan-lab-director-chinese-military-scientists NBC News report ties Wuhan lab director Shi Zhengli to Chinese military scientists after previous denials News
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