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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Want to admit that every single time, you can't admit that your obaMao commie and biden never did anything good/Great for America in their entire political careers? When you never actually named one, it's really tough to claim you don't want to do it a second time for feeble reasons. Refusing to throw out legitimately held values about America and it's greatness isn't a closed mind. A closed mind refuses to admit the truth. Angrily parroting falsehoods reflects a closed mind. Try to have a nice day. At least once.
  2. https://www.jta.org/2019/05/02/global/a-vienna-high-school-acknowledges-its-own-harsh-truth-about-the-holocaust A Vienna high school acknowledges its own harsh truth about the Holocaust "(JTA) — On the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, a public high school in the Austrian capital corrected its own historical record. Along with a memorial to World War II soldiers, the Gymnasium Kundmanngasse now also has a plaque with the names of all 50 Jewish students expelled from the Vienna school exactly 81 years ago. And the life stories of these pupils – some tragically cut short – are contained in a book written by teenagers now attending the school."
  3. or, you could STFU for a minute, and learn something about history, birdbrain. Jewish Kids, Boarding Schools...and the Holocaust ... https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jewish-kids-boarding-schools-and-the-holocaust/ I began my response by saying Jewish children were kicked out of public schools and forced to attend Jewish schools. ... and the students could be shot on the spot. ... on the Holocaust in schools ...
  4. more TDS BS. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/judge-rejects-attempt-to-stop-critical-part-of-georgias-election-law/ Judge Rejects Attempt to Stop Critical Part of Georgia’s Election Law
  5. sounds like the nazis socially/economically putting Jews out of German life, doesn't it?
  6. I predict..... this will be attempted by the leftwing deep state feds. Like I keep saying - the left's emotions are sick - they demand total control. Of our country, our gov, all the money, our society, in America, the Land of the Free.... they know they have to create a false narrative to get to that control. and historically, they will never let it go. Let illegals come in, foster a traumatic rise in social division, gangs in cities, crime across the board. and then declare war on our rights and take them. Encouraging gun violence to be able to use it as an excuse to dominate all decent law abiding Americans and disarm them. All the while, the gun ownership by criminals will escalate. But, a corrupt socialist gov doesn't dear criminals. They fear the American people who won't fall in line. And that comes from that FBI agent who infiltrated the weathermen back in the day. or, is there anymore who never watched that video of him talking about the weathermen discussing how to deal with 180 million Americans who wouldn't go along with their new government? They would terminate them. remember - they say "never let a crisis go to waste". Even if they have to create the crisis to have an excuse for total power. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/07/06/andrew-cuomo-declares-a-state-of-emergency-over-gun-violence-n407294 Andrew Cuomo Declares a State of Emergency Over 'Gun Violence'
  7. https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2021/07/06/the-hole-biden-dug-over-canceling-the-keystone-xl-pipeline-just-got-deeper-n407156
  8. because their sice egos demand that emotionally, nothing else can be greater than them. they belittle everything and everyon who doesn't make them FEEL SUPERIOR.
  9. and it's a FACT = some dominion voting machines were CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET so you know who's can STOP DENYING IT. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/online-vulnerable-experts-find-nearly-three-dozen-u-s-voting-n1112436 'Online and vulnerable': Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet A team of election security experts used a “Google for servers” to challenge claims that voting machines do not connect to the internet and found some did.
  10. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/12/15/new-report-says-dominion-voting-systems-has-a-remarkably-high-error-rate-n2581624 Judge Kevin Elsenheimer of the 13th Circuit Court on Monday ordered a "forensic imaging" of the Dominion Voting Systems machines and software used in Antrim County, Michigan, where 6,000 votes for President Trump were incorrectly attributed to former Vice President Joe Biden. The Michigan Secretary of State stated the error took place because of "human error" not a software "glitch."
  11. Dominion gets caught shorting GOP candidates https://onenewsnow.com/politics-govt/2021/03/05/dominion-gets-caught-shorting-gop-candidates A tea party leader says he is pleased that New Hampshire officials want to thoroughly investigate voting irregularities regarding Dominion-owned voting machines.</p> US election 2020: Is Trump right about Dominion machines ... https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54959962 The machines targeted by Mr Trump were provided by Dominion Voting Systems, and the accusations range from the deletion of votes to inappropriate influence over the company by his political opponents.
  12. unions like the NEA and SEIU have accrued so much forced dues - many teachers object to how they are being represented. Why the hell should they be forced to pay dues then? Right to Work. It's long overdue. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/nations-largest-teachers-union-approves-critical-race-theory-plan-for-all-50-states/
  13. that's the destructive aspect of socialism. And when the people realize society is failing - the government slams down on civil rights, freedoms to stay in power. It's history. Notice how the lost soul lefties never talk about history? but they love science - sure, right down to the mmgw fraud, 32 different emotional genders, minority superiority, and supporting china to develop the wuhan lab covid virus via military influenced research. etc.
  14. oops. the bb keeps interrupting with some error message about unauthorized connection attempted. copy didn't take. And really nice choice. https://thepatriotjournal.com/biden-second-record-sales/
  15. the left can eventually declare martial law after they can create helter-skelter across America. boost leftist revolutionary groups, boost crime with desperate criminal illegals, and boost central american gangs, boost drug cartels/drug traffic, disarm law abiding Americans, create hate and division at every aspect they can think of... til they can claim they have no choice but to remain in power by any means necessary "to keep the peace". Just like the weathermen, per the FBI agent who infiltrated them, talked about millions of Americans would have to be eliminated. Total power is their sick dream.
  16. yep. ObaMao commie surely is running biden's every official move. Out of spite, and pandering to the leftist/socialist moves. Going to catch up to them. https://thepatriotjournal.com/border-sue-biden-federal-statutes/ Southern Border Bosses Just Sued President Biden – ICE Officials, Sheriffs Accuse Biden Of Violating 3 Federal Statutes
  17. https://thepatriotjournal.com/biden-second-record-sales/ After Biden Hunts The 2nd Amendment – American Smith & Wesson Breaks Record, Over $1B Sales
  18. I think Woods annoyed a lot of us with that - but for good reason. With a lack of talent, having Joseph play in the box would give up quicker scores. "Bend don't break" was surely due to a lack of talent. Gregg Williams blitzed a good bit more, but Woods' defenses have gotten a lot more pressures. https://brownswire.usatoday.com/2020/10/18/browns-defense-blitz-rate-qb-pressure-joe-woods-scheme/ It's a trade off - Different coverages to cover up for a lack of talent/speed in the secondary. Blitzing is fairly worthless when you can't cover a TE or RB that floats over the middle of a loose zone. Play tighter, get beaten more. Lack of talent, the Browns had to try to bend but not give up dramatic quick scores. https://brownswire.usatoday.com/2021/07/04/browns-2020-pass-coverage-schemes-surprisingly-unique/ No worries for me - I think with the talent, Woods will utilize it to the max. We'll see.
  19. even the dems up on high in their leftist cult know he's not all there, and kamoola is just a nasty maniacal lowlife scum lower than a snail on the bottom of the ocean. The lefties voted for it, and won't admit they hurt America.
  20. Joe Woods actually did a good job covering for a lack of talent in the secondary and lb's. The Browns defense was lacking speed. I just can't see blaming Woods and asst coaches for a lack of talent. This year? I don't see Woods having the same problems. Does anybody, seriously? The truth is, imho, that Woods has tremendous experience in both the 4-3 and 3-4 and all the tweaks in between. He did a lot of good things in covering for a lack of talent - it's all you can do. The Browns know that - that is why they had to fix the secondary and lb position in the draft and FA. With the talent now? barring a flood of injuries, the Browns defense should be a top five defense. https://brownswire.usatoday.com/2020/02/04/4-things-to-know-about-new-browns-dc-joe-woods/ https://www.brownszone.com/2021/06/17/coordinator-joe-woods-knows-hes-under-pressure-to-produce-with-lots-of-talent-added-to-defense/
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