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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Should have known - any wonder so many media outlets say the slanted crap again and again? it's all about the money. And billionaires have it globally. "America First" loses them money. A lot of which is based in communist china, by china's design. They wage a money war for control and power. That is communist china. That is russia with the oil pipelines. that is....soros the rest of the world's globalist billionaires. (bill gates...steve ballmer..... etc etc etc. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/now-we-know-who-personally-made-the-order-for-fox-news-to-call-arizona-early/
  2. as in, the evidence has been mounting...too.....add it all up, and it's a logical conclusion https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/the-best-explanation-for-why-so-many-trump-supporters-believe-the-2020-election-was-stolen/
  3. Well, Dish NEtwork discount ended, and the bill about doubled. Called customer service, wouldn't let us talk to an account rep... so, bye. Went to Spectrum TV. It has almost all the channels we watch, and has a channel that is "Free Movies on Demand". Very cool. A big selection of old movies. A LOT cheaper. I think my adventure novel should be a movie. I'd pay to watch that....lol. Too many garbage movies out there .... imho.
  4. Last year, our NC friends wanted us to go with them out west, but it was late, will try again next year. Gip was really looking into helping us find lodging... That is the real Gip I remember. Sadly, I was going to text him soon about S. Dakota - he's traveled so many cool places and we are going this fall. Just sad.
  5. LOL LOL LOL although, the shirt can be pirate garb....the lava lava...not so much...unless it was a Scottish pirate?
  6. Wow. I have no idea, except to check settings on your phone - or stop by your phone service store and ask a geek there about it. The only thing I do web-wise, is look to see if I have any important emails in the inbox......
  7. crap. quoted twice before I could fix it to change it to "Tyreek Hill's number is ten". lol and Carlson - you don't cut a guy who can do this stuff for his team: (pass interference...?)
  8. LOL LOL. Just what I posted elsewhere ! The left is always desperate to disarm political opposition - to be able to make them feel intimidated by their black shirts/brown shirts/fake prosecutions etc etc etc. It IS about power.
  9. slurring other posters is ok, but not ok if the poster slurrer gets slurred. Total lack of integrety to dish it out and pretend to be offended when it bounces back. LIke blm hating the police, demanded police be abolished....but calling the police when they need them. Like woodpecker saying "you're a moron" for the hundred time, but if one of us does that once, why, offense will be pretended out of leftist demand for total control, strictly out of dishonest emotional knee jerking.
  10. Yep. Gov manufactured jobs - like going "door to door" to find out where gun are, who has been vaccinated, which one of 37 emotionally bent genders they are..... whatever. It's all a ploy to get permanent control - paying off student loans is a huge part of getting permanent votes. That, and teaching young kids to accept perverted reasons to vote leftwing/communist/socialist later on. It's about power and control by the left. That is crt. that is "mmgw" farce. And bringing up fake evidence and fake prosecutions and fake impeachment are also just tools to get that power. Which, includes wealth that keeps coming in.
  11. they really must feel that their constituency is made up of all very, very, very STUPID people.
  12. Nothing wrong with the link, I think. Unless you're on your phone. I'm old school, can't explain that problem....
  13. I don't know how to figure out my favorite training camp battle. But I'm intrigued with Higgins vs Peoples-Jones at third wr. It's too early for Schwartz to win 3rd wr, although, I"m not sure it's a matter of "third". Note: Schwartz's number is ten. Tyreek Hill's 's number... is ten. Watch how Schwartz eventually? brings those kind of plays to the Browns offense. The battle between D'Ernest and Felton is interesting bigtime, but I think the Browns keep both. The Browns' staff will go through hell cutting the roster to 53. How can Bradley, Willies, Hollins and Switzer all make the roster? Nope, I think. as much as I supported Higgins, he might be the odd man out - Hodge and Peoples-Jones make that possible. We never get to see HIggins much - I don't know why. But I think he could be traded.
  14. I believe the Browns have a top five defense - given that the offense will also be able to control a lot of the game as compared to earlier on, when they had three and outs with weaknesses on the oline. The offense will be able to be so balanced, defenses will have fits trying to shut down the pass, or shut down the run. Good article on the impact of Clowney - who will thrive at 3 technique, note: the second article is "Previewing The Versatility In Browns Defensive Sub Packages", which is a great article. Opposing qb's will have big trouble knowing what the Browns will do/can do to them. https://247sports.com/nfl/cleveland-browns/LongFormArticle/obr-daily-film-room-jadeveon-clowney-impact-164029039/
  15. "needle nazis" nope. I tdidn't make that one up. GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert calls Biden's door-to-door ... https://news.yahoo.com/gop-rep-lauren-boebert-calls-130015902.html GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert on Thursday called medical professionals conducting door-to-door vaccination efforts "needle Nazis," marking the second time in one week that a Republican member of Congress... Nazi Terror Begins | Holocaust Encyclopedia https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/nazi-terror-begins In the months after Hitler took power, SA and Gestapo agents went from door to door looking for Hitler's enemies. They arrested Socialists, Communists, trade union leaders, and others who had spoken out against the Nazi Party; some were murdered. By the summer of 1933, the Nazi Party was the only legal political party in Germany.
  16. so, stop the smears. and apologize unless you just want to refuse that you were emotionally knee jerking and passing gas. https://www.amazon.com/pirate-ruffle-shirt/s?k=pirate+ruffle+shirt BREAKING: Georgia Election Investigators Find Enough Illegal Votes to Potentially Tip 2020 Race
  17. YEP. Him returning kicks - maybe once in a while, but I want to see him make plays and be a decoy .
  18. again, arrogant one, you miss the point. It has nothing to do with private/public. Do I have to post a definition of principle to you again? it's about any school - kicking Jews out of schools because they were socially rejected by the nazis. Now, the political destructive hate-mongering crt crap is similar - rejecting students - socially rejected American kids out of schools to screw with parents who won't "join the nazi party". Surely you can't be this clueless in real life. I mean, seriously.
  19. and woodpecker. they LOVED them some avenatti. Their feelings brought them great fake happiness. and, like all their other happy false narratives... they end up with embarrassment. No wonder they are angry all the time.
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