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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. the lefties HATE accurate definitions of words. Makes their egos deflate
  2. https://redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2021/07/16/a-u-d-i-t-of-elections-the-pot-is-boiling-out-of-control-n411324 A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: The Pot Is Boiling out of Control!
  3. Good point on getting off the los, but Ross was also a db at times in his career, and had several injuries starting in college. He didn't have the muscle? to take hits etc. But he certainly was talented, and a burner. I think Schwartz is more a smart, driven kid - quick to learn, and can hold up playing a rough game. He has outstanding Browns coaches and fellow players to get him learning how to be a better wr in the pros. Ross went to the bungles. lol.... we'll see. I think he will develop into a star - he isn't Ross fragile, he's Tyreek tough.
  4. Taken too long to prevent the damage, but the facts are.... voter fraud is huge in the last election. It must be STOPPED TO NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. Sure, keep trolling and denying it....but you liberal whackjobs know better now. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/dominion-voting-systems-website-goes-offline-right-after-tuckers-report-az-audit-findings/ Dominion Voting System’s Website Goes Offline Right After Tucker’s Report & AZ Audit Findings Dominion Voting Systems’ official website appears to have gone offine, only to have returned with password authentication. The timing of the password procedure being installed is odd, to say the least. It follows Tucker Carlson’s bombshell report on Fulton County, Georgia that shows the voter integrity group VoterGA revealing thousands of votes appeared to have been erroneously marked in ballot tallies for Joe Biden. “At least 36 batches of mail-in ballots from the November election were double-counted in Fulton County, that is a total of at least 4,000 votes,” he said. Tucker discussed the instances of double-ballots in the election. Tucker Carlson then discusses the “seven falsified” audit tally sheets discovered by VoterGA. “How is that not flat-out criminal fraud?” Tucker asked. “We’d love to know. Because it certainly sounds like flat-out criminal fraud.” As reported earlier, an independent election audit team poured through ballot images in Fulton County, Georgia and found numerous examples of fraudulent ballots double-counted in the election. In Arizona, auditors of Maricopa County’s election in 2020 revealed numerous disturbing preliminary findings. The auditors’ update showed 74,000 absentee ballots lacked documentation, thousands of ballots were duplicated without proper documentation, and most shockingly, over 11,000 voters were not on the November election voter rolls, but showed up later on the December voter rolls. As a reminder, Donald Trump lost Arizona to Joe Biden by 10,457 votes, or merely 0.3 percent of the state’s certified count. Trump lost Georgia by 12,284 votes, or merely 0.2 percent of the certified count. Dominion Voting Systems is used in Maricopa County, Arizona and throughout the State of Georgia. It is unknown why the voting systems company put a password on its website. The preceding story was brought to you courtesy of Trending Politics Click the link to visit their page and see more stories."
  5. and the illegals are bringing diseases into out country. believe it. (along with crime and dependency and permanent welfare applications) https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/it-begins-texas-border-city-struggles-with-covid-19-outbreak-at-migrant-shelter/ IT BEGINS: Texas Border City Struggles with COVID-19 Outbreak at Migrant Shelter
  6. socialism is their grand dream. Free ride. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/media-narrative-wrecked-poll-shows-1-8-million-turned-down-jobs-because-of-government-handouts/
  7. This guy is a hero. And made HISTORY. Another Real American wins election. Sign of things to come. https://thepatriotjournal.com/special-election-south-gop-paschal-black-al/ Special Election Just Went Down In The South – GOP’s Kenneth Paschal Becomes The First Black Alabama Republican Rep Since Reconstruction
  8. start thinking with their brain instead of emotionally knee jerking based on their stupid ego-based feelings and apologize and admit they voted stupidly. https://thepatriotjournal.com/kamala-harris-staffers-president/ Kamala Harris Staffers Turn On Their VP – They Admit They’re “Terrified” That She Could Become President
  9. lol. here ya go, Real America folks. Liberals use words to cover up their twisted feelings and failures. dangerous inflation means Hoorta brags about our "hot" economy. Biden is far, far worse and destructive that Jimmy "peanut brain" Carter. Inflation is hitting, but at least Carter was not corrupt- he was just stupid. " Why we're on path to a '70s-like inflation disaster https://nypost.com/2021/07/12/why-were-on-path-to-a-70s-like-inflation-disaster/ 4 days agoRecent inflation has the United States going down a dangerous road. Photo by DANIEL SLIM/AFP via Getty Images There's a simple reason why inflation is increasing: If the money supply rises while... The most dangerous component of inflation hasn't even hit ... https://www.kitco.com/news/video/show/Market-Analysis/3387/2021-05-15/The-most-dangerous-component-of-inflation-hasnt-even-hit-us-yet--Scott-Rothbort-Pt-12 The most dangerous part of the recently released 4.2% headline inflation, the highest since 2008, is the fact that higher labor costs haven't even kicked in yet, said Scott Rothbort, president of LakeView Asset Management. Bad News: Inflation Is Already Affecting Our Everyday Lives https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/personal-finance/articles/bad-news-inflation-is-already-affecting-our-everyday-lives/ Why is inflation hitting us so hard right now? The U.S. economy is in the process of staging its recovery after a brutal 2020 and rocky start to 2021. That's certainly a good thing. But a rise in...
  10. Larry Elder is one very classy, brilliant guy.
  11. that is like the chubby leader of NK telling all the people to sacrifice and eat little.
  12. probably feared being smeared by the clinton/obaMao mafia. or, feared being dead. that is how bad it is.
  13. I see Hoorta is still singing the song of his people: Weather Underground - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weatherman_(organization) The Weathermen emerged from the campus-based opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War and from the civil rights movement of the 1960s. One of the factors that contributed to the radicalization of SDS members was the Economic Research and Action Project that the SDS undertook in Northern urban neighborhoods from 1963 to 1968. The Weathermen Launched a Terror Campaign in the 1960s and ... https://historycollection.com/diana-oughton-one-many-white-revolutionists-radical-left-group-weathermen/2/ The Weathermen In June 1969, the SDS held a convention, and the organization became divided. The Weathermen and the Progressive Labor Party split the SDS. Oughton and Ayers both followed The Weathermen, which was the more radical and violent of the two. Oughton actively passed out pamphlets to high school students about her strong opinions […] The Weathermen Launched a Terror Campaign in the 1960s and ... https://historycollection.com/diana-oughton-one-many-white-revolutionists-radical-left-group-weathermen/ Before The Weatherman, Bill Ayers founded the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in 1960 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and was a prominent political leader of the organization. Bill Ayers founded the SDS. He was arrested several times including in August 1968. Chicago Historical Society. Oughton joined, too, and her radical views bloomed. Who are Antifa? https://www.adl.org/antifa While some antifa use their fists, other violent tactics include throwing projectiles, including bricks, crowbars, homemade slingshots, metal chains, water bottles, and balloons filled with urine and feces. ' Calling out Code Pink's ignorance and hypocrisy | TheHill https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/foreign-policy/443275-calling-out-code-pinks-ignorance-and-hypocrisy While people in Venezuela are starving and dying due to a lack of medical care, Code Pink proudly stands by Maduro, whose regime has invited Hamas militants to establish cells in the country, is... New Study Shows Hundreds of BLM 'Protests' Turned Violent ... https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2020/09/08/new-study-shows-majority-of-blm-protests-turned-violent-n2575801 Sep 8, 2020New Study Shows Hundreds of BLM 'Protests' Turned Violent. For months Democrats and their allies in the media have claimed Black Lives Matter protests in cities across the country have been ... A Brief History of Radical Left-Wing Violence in America ... https://www.educationviews.org/history-radical-left-wing-violence-america/ But left-wing terrorism in America didn't end in the 1970s. The 1980s saw the establishment of the May 19th Communist Organization (M19CO) and the United Freedom Front. The M19C0 was responsible for a string of bombings, at least one bank robbery, and a break-in to release Assata Shakur from jail. America's "Days of Rage": The Extensive Left-Wing Bombings ... https://www.americanpartisan.org/2020/08/americas-days-of-rage-the-extensive-left-wing-bombings-domestic-terrorism-of-the-1970s-by-sam-jacobs/ While this specific form of left-wing violence is new, left-wing violence itself is far from new in the United States. Indeed, one of the most hidden and concealed parts of recent American history is the extensive left-wing violence that began in the late 1960s and continued into the 1980s.
  14. Cruz rightfully kicked her dishonest, corrupt, sold out to the left ass. No more of these kind of judges who are going to decide in accordance to their own bigoted garbage minded crap. And YES, "living Constitution" is a serious contradiction to "Constitution". It's a feeble attempt to justify wanton self-ruling decisions. These kind of judges rule to have a long lucrative career being leftwing buttkissers. Enough already - no more of them. She's also extremely corrupt and STUPID in her attempt to defend activist decisions, - so, there are Amendments to our Constittution, so it can be tweaked at her whim and fancy? Dayum. Only the woodpecker has gone with that bs. AT least I don't think Hoorta has.....
  15. Oh, look, an actual response of more than one line from the woodpecker. Except - Tucker has PROVEN his contentions - and has been CORRECT in his contentions - he has serious connections in gov/intel. He doesn't have to blabber superficial biased nonsense. And, to deny there is a serious culture war going on by the left ? SERIOUSLY? and the feeble attempt, again and again and again, to equate nonsense ("Q" etc.) to a legitimate question? Pitiful try. But, you may as well always be saying stupid stuff like " If your whole political strategy is to "own the libs" then any attempt at actual discourse is already out the window. ".... How about "if pigs had giant wings they could fly!" That would probably make you feeeeeeeelllllll just as smug and arrogant. But it's nonsense. You are just disagreeing to be obstinate. You make zero valid points. But, at least you didn't type "you're a moron" for the thousandth? time.....
  16. what the hell? to red states to help win elections eventually>?
  17. Tyreek Hill was mostly a kr when he came to the Chiefs - he had even been labeled a possible UDFA. Anthony IS a wr from the gitgo, even though he has a lot to learn, too. I expect to see Scwartz make a big difference with the Browns - not sure if he will be pressed into big productivity as soon.
  18. IT's really interesting - the Chief's defense is used to playing against Kelsey and Hill and Hardman in practice.... but the Browns have a huge advantage in DE's, LB's (now), and secondary (now) on defense. On offense, Baker can't run like a gazelle like Mahomes, but the Browns have a big advantage in oline, rb's and TE depth. The Browns can control the game? with their running game - but can Kelsey/Hill/Hardman get open often enough with this Browns secondary and linebackers? Can the Browns defense come together in time? Can Anthony Schwartz play as similar a dramatic role with the Browns offense his rookie year as Hill did with the Chiefs? Luckily, Anthony has competition for playing time - Hill was a necessary quick addition to their offense.....
  19. with all decent Americans. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/07/15/the-fbi-further-proves-its-an-irredeemable-dumpster-fire-of-corruption-n411357 The FBI Further Proves It's an Irredeemable Dumpster Fire of Corruption Poll: Majority of Americans say FBI showed bias in Trump ... https://thehill.com/hilltv/what-americas-thinking/399803-poll-majority-of-americans-say-fbi-showed-bias-in-trump-clinton A majority of Americans believe the FBI exhibited political bias in its handling of its high-profile investigations involving President Trump and his 2016 Democratic presidential rival Hillary ... Poll: Most Americans Disapprove of FBI Decision Not To ... https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/debra-heine/2016/07/11/poll-most-americans-disapprove-of-fbi-decision-not-to-charge-clinton-n47105 A new poll released Monday shows that most Americans disagree with the FBI's recommendation not to charge Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information on her private email server. Most Americans support inquiry into FBI decisions to ... https://thehill.com/hilltv/what-americas-thinking/444799-most-americans-support-inquiry-into-fbi-decisions-to-monitor Respect; Sustainability ... The poll found broad agreement across age groups in favor of the probe led by Connecticut-based U.S. attorney John H. Durham with more than 58 percent of voters under ...
  20. good article. worrisome too. When we are at our weakest, china and russia? will strike. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/07/15/new-revelations-show-how-absolutely-dangerous-our-military-leadership-has-become-n411212 New Revelations Show How Absolutely Dangerous Our Military Leadership Has Become
  21. I suppose obaMao commie has his hand up her butt and talks for her like his dummy.... https://www.theblaze.com/news/judge-christian-teacher-transgender-pronouns
  22. because it's total power and control (and wealth that comes with it) they crave. the communist governments have it.
  23. "the sun didn't come up this morning because conservatives didn't prove it in court"
  24. I wonder how bad America has to suffer before at least a couple of haters apologize for voting against their own country.
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