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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. You betcha. I used to really respect Hoorta. Now, nope. That's the left - they can't legitimately win their emotional bashing and hatred, so they simply bash ANY source that anyone of us posts. Then he posts stuff with cnn? ap? etc etc? why not just pravda or something? Whatever makes them FEEL superior and in control - that is what they do.
  2. Why did Hitler hate the Jews? | Anne Frank House https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/go-in-depth/why-did-hitler-hate-jews/ Hitler is introduced to antisemitism The origin of Hitler's hatred of Jews is not clear. In Mein Kampf, he described his development into an antisemite as the result of a long, personal struggle. Supposedly, his aversion to everything Jewish came to fruition when he was living and working as a painter in Vienna (1908-1913). Video Diary‧The Netherlands The Roots of Hitler's Hate | The National Interest https://nationalinterest.org/feature/the-roots-hitlers-hate-25411 The Nazis claimed that because "international Jewry" was waging a war of extermination against Germany, the Nazi regime had an obligation to "exterminate" and "annihilate" Europe's Jews in...
  3. Pres Trump kept winning court battles - he didn't violate the Constitution. but biden has. so much for the ignorant screams of "king". as if openly denying, telling lies about his business/lack of dealings with hunter, etc., and bragging about coercing the Ukraine to drop the prosecutor who was going after hunter etc..... and more lies, more lies, and .... now, he's gone way too far. Separation of powers. biden has violated it in a huge way. https://thepatriotjournal.com/biden-legal-action-funds-wall/ President Biden Sent Spinning By Multiple Lawsuits – Joe May Have Committed Major Violation By Stopping Border Funds
  4. https://redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2021/07/19/a-u-d-i-t-of-elections-why-do-democrats-fear-a-forensic-audit-in-pennsylvania-n412678 A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Why Do Democrats Fear a Forensic Audit in Pennsylvania?
  5. it's what they do - they lie - their intentions are greedy, self-interest, corrupt ulterior motives. so they lie to get into office and have a field day. obaMao was the biggest liar - betrayed every single promise he made. Pres Trump KEPT MOST ALL OF HIS PROMISES TO AMERICA. garland is a slut. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/anyone-surprised-ag-merrick-garland-breaks-pledge-to-republicans-that-hed-stay-non-political/ Anyone Surprised? AG Merrick Garland Breaks Pledge To Republicans That He’d Stay Non-Political
  6. liberals= TDS bs'ers..... live solely on emotion and self interest alone. It makes them FEEL SUPERIOR and ELITE when they refuse to believe in anything good about America - nothing can be bigger than their egos. That is why people who DO believe in America, God, Real Marriage, honesty, our military, our hstory, fair elections, capitalism... are a "threat" - to their bloated feelings of superiority. Right now, it's all "liberal supremacy". and their cancel culture. and their fake mmgw. and their fake crt. Nothing else matters to them, except the rabid belonging to the symbolic "fuhrer" - socialism "utopia" and the sick idea that every gets a free heaven on earth and a money tree. I blame John Lennon's stupid song - "Imagine" ("there's no country...")
  7. ...I'm still waiting for one of the TDS BS'er libbies to be honest for once and complain about the illegals flooding in, and the damage to our country that their witless president is doing .....
  8. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/maricopa-countys-audit-update-inspires-call-to-add-to-forensic-audit-in-the-state-of-wisconsin/
  9. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/maricopa-countys-audit-update-inspires-call-to-add-to-forensic-audit-in-the-state-of-wisconsin/
  10. state sponsored trespassing. If they show up here, I'll say "Say, just the people I want to talk to, it's important..." and then I'll close the door and go watch TV......
  11. Top 20 ways to prove the election was stolen - Arminius ... https://arminius605642903.wordpress.com/2021/02/23/20-ways-to-prove-the-election-was-stolen/ 3) All the proof that this widespread Democrat fraud, cheating, and theft did in fact change the outcome of the election. Yes, It Was a Stolen Election. DOJ Adviser Says 368,000 Fraudulent 'Excess Votes' Tipped Election to Joe Biden 'The Smartest Man Alive' Is Convinced the 2020 Election Was Stolen and Recommends Another Vote
  12. Here's How You Know Democrats Rigged and Stole the 2020 ... https://townhall.com/columnists/wayneallynroot/2021/05/09/heres-how-you-know-democrats-rigged-and-stole-the-2020-election-n2589148 May 9, 2021In the end, that's the proof Democrats rigged and stole the 2020 presidential election. The truth is in their ridiculous, heavy-handed overreaction. They're desperate to stop you from looking into ... Here's How You Can Tell the 2020 Election Was Stolen ... https://www.realclearpolitics.com/2020/12/31/heres_how_you_can_tell_the_2020_election_was_stolen_532449.html By the same standard of statistical analysis that the left applies to everything, it is easy to prove that the election was stolen from Donald Trump. Read Full Article » Related Topics: Election 2020
  13. still trying to find a reason to kick conservatives off the board. Must be an influence from up on high....since the social media and daffy dem socialist sombeitches are all calling for censorship. sad.
  14. woody's roommate? seriously? I posted the nazi correlation in several ways. Your pablum generalization means nothing. The truth is, the comparison to nazis coming to power is absolutely legitimately similar to the left doing what they are doing now. Serious pertinent discussion makes me think you are woodpecker stoned.
  15. because destitute permanent welfare illegals will always vote democrat socialist. The Cuban people who crave FREEDOM will vote for AMERICA. so, the Cubans are not welcome. Everything the left does, even if they have to reverse themselves... is to accrue permanent total control and power.
  16. It's on. Real America is fighting back. There should be zero reward for illegal immigration. Meanwhile, the damage is escalating to crisis - and fixing it won't be pretty - get all the ILLEGALS OUT NOW. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/texas-judge-deals-blow-to-biden-administration-rules-daca-unconstitutional/
  17. hell yes it was a stolen election. MAJOR ILLEGAL VOTING by the tens of thousands. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/breaking-first-major-call-for-biden-electors-to-be-recalled-in-arizona-demand-for-new-election/ BREAKING: First Major Call For Biden Electors to be Recalled in Arizona, Demand for New Election " The audit results in Arizona revealed that in Maricopa County, there were 74,000 extra ballots that were received but allegedly were never even sent out in the first place. The stunning revelation caught the attention of Wendy Rogers who is now calling for a new election. “I have heard enough,” Rogers tweeted. “With the tens of thousands of ballots mailed without being requested, the over ten thousand people who voted after registering after November 3rd, the failure of Maricopa to turn over the 40% machines, the passwords that Dominion still refuses to turn over, & tens of thousands of unauthorized queries demonstrating insecure the election was, I call for the Biden electors to be recalled to Arizona & a new election must be conducted. Arizona’s electors must not be awarded fraudulently & we need to get this right.”
  18. a corrupt, all out assault on freedom, our Constitution/Bill of Rights is exactly what is happening. crt is just a fabrication of an excuse. so is mmgw. so it cancel culture. so is the politicization of the IRS, FBI, DOJ, NSA, CIA, EPA... complete permanent power by any means necessary. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/let-them-die-virginia-naacp-member-wishes-death-on-parents-who-oppose-crt-in-schools/ Politics ‘LET THEM DIE’: Virginia NAACP Member Wishes Death on Parents Who Oppose CRT in Schools
  19. Of course that is true - as to the military intent of the technology. But it's use against the American People? It's from a leftist gov in control that has used the IRS, EPA, FBI, NSA, CIA and various deep state cohorts in our military brass - to declare war on republicans, Pres Trump, any supporter, anyone who disagrees with crt, any political opponent. Dangerous times, I say. In conjunction with the left's overreach everywhere they can, and considering obaMao commie's "civilian security force" ..... no gov needs that civilian security force unless they intend on dominating/oppressing the American people and taking permanent control...... says I. I did forget to conclude with the link that started the thread in the first place: https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/whoa-capitol-police-to-start-using-same-milspec-spy-gear-u-s-troops-used-in-afghanistan/ WHOA: Capitol Police To Start Using Same MILSPEC Spy Gear U.S. Troops Used in Afghanistan
  20. If you aren't able to get past yer inflated darth vader ego, you just TDS TROLL.
  21. So, this is Obamao commie's "civilian security force" he made several speeches about, eh? "defund the police" so they can have a leftwing controlled kgb type of military oppression over all the American people? and they instigated Jan. 6th to have their excuse? May as well been lbj's "Gulf of Tonkin" incident all over again. This military capability is used to detect enemy fire. So, anyone who hunts with a gun will be found out. Every shooting range will be found out. If you go out on your farm to sight your rifle in...you'll be found out. Found. License plates of every attendee to gun shows will be found out. Hunting clubs, skeet shooting clubs with license plates will be found out. They can't get Americans to register all their guns - but they will eventually find a lot of them. Watch for fake red flags, courtesy of clapper/brennan types in the capitol police. You can bet this capitol police crap won't be in Chicago and going after all the gang/blm shootings there. It's a political dangerous wave of control. All with the Gulf of....er....I mean "Jan 6th" incident as an excuse to establish tyranny over all Americans who won't go socialist with them. Especially gun owners. ObaMao's "civilian security force as well funded and well armed as our military".... while they dilute our military with controversy and discord and low morale.......... Remember Obama's Civilian National Security Force? https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/10/remember_obamas_civilian_national_security_force.html Senator Obama introduces the idea of a Civilian National Security Force Is Obama planning to have a Civilian Security Force in addition to the military? "We cannot continue to rely on our military... "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." That plank in the future president's platform was quickly removed, but evidently not discarded. It seems that it was merely safely tucked away until a more opportune time. Now we see, perhaps, then-Candidate Obama's intent re-emerging -- not through the creation of a voluntary service program, but through the co-opting of various government agencies to suppress those whom this administration perceives as enemies. Evidence is not lacking: - The IRS has been used to target Tea Party groups and has leaked private information about other conservative organizations, such as the National Organization for Marriage. -The EPA has been heaping monstrous regulations upon the U.S. coal industry in order to, essentially, kill it. - When Tea Partiers organized a small protest/press conference in front of the IRS in Washington, D.C. last May, Homeland Security vehicles outnumbered the Tea Partier attendees. Homeland Security's overbearing, disproportionate presence was intimidating, as intended."
  22. https://www.theholocaustexplained.org/the-nazi-rise-to-power/how-did-the-nazi-gain-power/ This continued when a young Dutch communist, Van der Lubbe was arrested for the crime. The Nazi Party used the atmosphere of panic to their advantage, encouraging anti-communism. Göring declared that the communists had planned a national uprising to overthrow the Weimar Republic. This hysteria helped to turn the public against the communists, one of the Nazis main opponents, and 4000 people were imprisoned. The day after the fire, Hindenburg signed the Emergency Decree for the Protection of the German People. ******************************************************************************** and, with the fbi and some antifa egging on, and some nutjob planting bombs that didn't go off............... sound familiar to Jan. 6th? the left claiming that Pres Trump and all supporters "planned a national uprising to overthrow democracy? yes, it should sound familiar. the left in America demand the same kind of ruthless permanent control that the nazis did pre-WWII in Germany. Think about that.
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