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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/motion-to-proceed-immediately-with-ballot-inspection-in-fulton-county-submitted-to-superior-court/
  2. but the wealth just keeps pouring in to biden and hunter. and farci gets dollars for siding with the left...including communist china. This turd needs to be prosecuted. Just another one of Hoorta's heroes. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/07/20/fauci-explodes-on-rand-paul-after-being-pinned-down-on-wuhan-lab-funding-n413507 Fauci Explodes on Rand Paul After Being Pinned Down on Wuhan Lab Funding
  3. Mussolini's party is a reminder of the fragility of freedom https://www.pri.org/stories/2019-03-12/after-100-years-mussolini-s-fascist-party-reminder-fragility-freedom After 100 years, Mussolini's fascist party is a reminder of the fragility of freedom. Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler stand together on an reviewing stand during Mussolini's official visit in ... Blackshirts - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackshirts Blackshirts during Operation Barbarossa, 1941. In 1940 the MVSN was able to muster 340,000 first-line combat troops, providing three divisions (1st, 2nd and 4th - all three of which were lost in the North African Campaign) and, later in 1942, a fourth division ("M") and fifth division Africa were forming. **************************************************** William Federer: Hitler's Brownshirts Used Antifa Tactics ... https://patriotpost.us/opinion/71208-hitlers-brownshirts-used-antifa-tactics-to-overthrow-germanys-republic-2020-06-08 Hitler overthrew the traditional leadership of Germany by using riots to destabilize the country. Hitler had radical homosexual activist Ernst Röhm and his feared Brownshirts, also called Sturmabteilung (storm troopers), to storm into the meetings of his political opponents, disrupting and shouting down speakers.
  4. Actually, you are getting some far more valid posts recently.
  5. on the Blaze, they have REASONS why they say what they say, often with factual historical background. on the view? the never have reasons, they just emotionally knee jerk with their controversial asinine unsubstantiated blurts.
  6. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage ... https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud The Heritage Foundation's Election Fraud Database presents a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. Each and every one of the cases in this database... Vote Fraud: Here's the Proof - The New American https://thenewamerican.com/widespread-voter-fraud-myth-or-reality/ A single update to the vote count enabled Biden to jump into the lead. This vote update arrived at 3:42 a.m., Central Time, in the early morning hours of November 4. In this update, Biden gained ... What Happens If The Election Was A Fraud? The Constitution ... https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-happens-if-the-election-was-a-fraud-the-constitution-doesnt-say/ The court's opinion maintained that federal courts had a role to play in ensuring free and fair presidential elections, arguing: "It is difficult to imagine a more damaging blow to public... Bruce Warner: How 2020 election could be overturned ... https://www.havasunews.com/opinion/bruce-warner-how-2020-election-could-be-overturned/article_0aaefcda-b22a-11eb-8996-83f78b4291c6.html Biden would have to lose only 26 more Electoral votes to put him below the required 270. ... It is obvious that the 2020 election was rife with fraud, between "mail in ballots", illegal aliens ... Actually, There Is Evidence of Voter Fraud | RealClearPolitics https://www.realclearpolitics.com/2020/11/21/actually_there_is_evidence_of_voter_fraud_529713.html#! Actually, There Is Evidence of Voter Fraud. Amber Athey, The Spectator November 21, 2020. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) I felt like I was living in a different reality when we moved into the Q&A and ..
  7. That is actually very relevant to the libfooks who refuse to admit they screwed up with their stupid, ego-driven, msm/.elitist vote against Pres Trump whoi did over 200 GOOD/GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA. they can't understand why they can't admit biden whorris was a dangerous serious mistake for our country.
  8. nope. The majority of America is with you. and NOT venezuela types. https://www.theblaze.com/news/record-label-ceo-defends-aaron-lewis-song
  9. corrupt people do that. They always claim "someone else" is to blame for their failures. They fail because everything they do is per their emotions, NOT with the intent of constructively solving problems. and they LOVE power and control over others. They demand to control all narratives to fit their FEELINGS about themselves. https://redstate.com/slee/2021/07/19/biden-refuses-to-take-responsibility-for-inflation-passes-buck-to-the-fed-n413348
  10. Meanwhile, a close friend who had covid and lost her husband........ plans to get the vaccine in another month - that will be four months since she got over it and has no symptoms.... get the vaccine folks. My opinion - moderna or phizer. We wouldn't have gotten the J and J if it was available.. not sure about that one. BTW, the percentages seem to overlook the fact that young adults and kids are not that susceptible to serious affects from getting covid, and strongly tend to not get the vaccine. Meanwhile, the blatant politicization of covid/masks/vaccine is just more corrupt behavior by the left. Very destructive. Destructive as in, most everything they are doing - reaping havoc on America society to eventually use the crises as excuses for oppressive, anti-Constitutional moves.
  11. and another thing - know nothing woodpecker slurred Republicans as being the major force behind a lack of Americans getting the vaccine. Corrupt slurs never end with the left. Another part of the whole truth is.... https://khn.org/news/article/black-americans-are-getting-vaccinated-at-lower-rates-than-white-americans/ and https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-race-ethnicity/
  12. they emotionally knee jerk with her about the utopian dream of free stuff, free ride, everything handed to them, yearly salary for nothing, everything for free. Sounds like woodpecker working for his family's business or something......... free stuff. free stuff. utopian free ride. feeling like "false gods".....
  13. this voting fraud was ignored for years - til it skyrocketed out of desperation to regain the obaMao deep state power the left craves and demands. The fraud has now been PROVEN LEGIMATE to a serious degree. Odd - never heard a leftie bitch about this: Hillary Clinton claims presidential election was 'stolen ... https://news.yahoo.com/hillary-clinton-claims-presidential-election-220135269.html Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger demanded the firing of two high-profile election officials in Fulton County, Georgia, on Thursday after it was revealed a number of ballots were double-counted during the 2020 presidential election. 'You can have the election stolen from you,' Hillary ... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2019/05/06/hillary-clinton-warns-2020-democratic-candidates-stolen-election/1116477001/ May 6, 2019Hillary Clinton says she has been telling candidates seeking the 2020 Democratic nomination that even if they run a perfect campaign, the election could be "stolen" from them, implying that was ... 'Morning Joe' Montage Of Democrats Calling Elections "Stolen" https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/10/20/morning_joe_montage_of_democrats_calling_elections_stolen.html#! In response to Donald Trump's statement that he will wait and see whether the election is fair before promising to accept its results, MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski narrates a montage of statements ...
  14. weimar republic.... Economy and Politics in the Destruction of the Weimar Republic surface.syr.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?filename=6&article=1024&context=books&type=additional Economy and Politics in the Destruction of the Weimar Republic Kurt Gossweiler The Marxist view regarding the relationship of economy and politics has often been presented in a distorted manner in Western publica-tions. This is presumably due to either ignorance or bias, even though Why the Weimar Republic failed - Alpha History https://alphahistory.com/weimarrepublic/why-the-weimar-republic-failed/ The Weimar Republic failed because it was at the mercy of many different ideas and forces - political and economic, internal and external, structural and short-term. It is difficult to isolate one or two of these forces or problems as being chiefly responsible for the demise of the Republic.
  15. the biden leftists are full on creating national helter-skelter to benefit and manipulate the crisis. and, it conveniently plays into their demand for permanent control of our gov. and us. as in, a manufactured excuse for: violating the Constitution - as in... every and any Amendment they want to violate... total control of our economy (marxism/communism)... they are dismantling America as we've built it to be one of the greatest nations on the planet. They have to sow discord, to tear it down and own it permanently.
  16. Nicolas Maduro media control censors news for Venezuelans ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/mar/4/nicolas-maduro-media-control-censors-news-venezuel/ Mar 4, 2019A 10-year Venevision veteran, Ms. Flores ultimately left Venezuela 's oldest network still in operation because she was tired of "censorship attacks.". With Mr. Maduro 's popular backing ...
  17. the leflt desperately is moving towards getting total complete control of our country. It's what corrupt governments do - become power-mongering control freaks of everything. it's history folks. Note - even pissaki refuses to condemn the cuban gov. The left DEMANDS to have cuban/russian/china/nk kind of permanent power. The leaders in those countries are very wealthy.... the people suffer in poverty. Look at Venezuela. Has China Compromised Every Major Mainstream Media Entity? https://thefederalist.com/2020/05/04/has-china-compromised-every-major-mainstream-media-entity/ May 4, 2020 Despite the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) record of oppression, corporate media outlets are parroting the authoritarian government's propaganda, even in the midst of an outbreak the... Top U.S. Media Outlets "Compromised" by Communist China ... https://thenewamerican.com/top-u-s-media-outlets-compromised-by-communist-china/ A huge list of left-wing establishment media outlets have troubling ties to the mass-murdering Communist dictatorship ruling over mainland China, according to newly released documents. One leading...
  18. How Kremlin Controls Major Russia Media https://www.kremlinwatch.eu/userfiles/how-kremlin-controls-major-russian-media.pdf How Kremlin controls major Russian media Mass media in Russia have changed significantly since the days of President Yeltsin and the contrast with the free and independent media in Russia of just 20 years ago has been ever so evident for the past three years, with Russia's media turning from a market into a state-organized system of propaganda How the Kremlin gained control of Russia's media | Reuters ... https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/risj-review/how-kremlin-gained-control-russias-media How the Kremlin gained control of Russia's media. Allegations of Russian interference in global affairs, including the US and French presidential elections and the UK's Brexit referendum, have highlighted the Kremlin's influence on some of the biggest political issues. In her new paper, 'Human wrongs: How state-backed media helped the Kremlin ... The Man Behind the Kremlin's Control of the Russian Media ... https://www.occrp.org/en/investigations/the-man-behind-the-kremlins-control-of-the-russian-media Credit: kremlin.ru Alexey Gromov. Described as an unassuming man whose passions include collecting antique coins, Gromov is nonetheless a key manager of the Putin government's control over what gets said — or not — in Russia's major print and broadcast media. He is also a co-creator of RT, the international propaganda network formerly ... Putin's Press: How Russia's President Controls The News ... https://www.huffpost.com/entry/vladimir-putin-russia-news-media_n_56215944e4b0bce34700b1df Media outlets became more firmly incorporated into the Kremlin's policy efforts, moving from supporting the government with biased news to actively participating in an "information war" with its perceived adversaries. Russian state media: The Kremlin controls too many ... https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/07/russian-state-media-the-kremlin-controls-too-many-journalists.html Equally important, however, is the question of where they all went. Despite the auspicious beginnings, almost all of the Russian media have come under direct or indirect control of the Kremlin.
  19. How Social Media Helps Dictators - Foreign Policy https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/11/16/how-social-media-helps-dictators/ How Social Media Helps Dictators It's been hailed as "liberation technology." But it has a darker side. By Erica Chenoweth. November 16, 2016, 1:46 PM. The Press in the Third Reich | Holocaust Encyclopedia https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-press-in-the-third-reich Establishing Control of the Press When Adolf Hitler took power in 1933, the Nazis controlled less than three percent of Germany's 4,700 papers. The elimination of the German multi-party political system brought about the demise of hundreds of newspapers produced by outlawed political parties. Nazi Propaganda and Censorship | Holocaust Encyclopedia https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/nazi-propaganda-and-censorship Nazi Propaganda and Censorship The Nazis wanted Germans to support the Nazi dictatorship and believe in Nazi ideas. To accomplish this goal, they tried to control forms of communication through censorship and propaganda. This included control of newspapers, magazines, books, art, theater, music, movies, and radio. How did the Nazis use censorship?
  20. Our gov is out of control, in disarray, and totally screwed up and corrupt. The chances of war at our weakest are growing. There's gonna be a war somewhere. Probably the Middle East... or Baltic states and Ukraine... or...china goes after Japan and the Philippines while the American gov is helpless and corrupt and weak at the top. Sure hope it doesn't happen. But it's history, you know.
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