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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. I think his family owns the company. how else do you "graduate from college", go to work and then refer to your entire dept as "my people". that would explain why he has never lived a day in his woodpecker existence. just peck/bitch/lie/and pout. He's been proving me absolutely correct on his woodpeckeritis for at least a few years now....
  2. the board lefties are obviously convinced that the depression never happened. They feel very, very special. some deny the moon landing happened, and deny the Holocaust happened. Most of them deny that Pres Trump accomplished over 200 GOOD/GREAT THINGS for America..... and they can't name one measely thing their obaMao commie and biden have ever done good/great FOR AMERICA in their entire careers. They can't name one. Reality deniers for emotional egotistical gain. all in the same sick boat.
  3. Just...how long til fake Pres Trump haters admit the damage they've collectively done to America? https://www.askaprepper.com/8-signs-that-usa-is-on-the-brink-of-collapse/ 8 Signs That USA Is On The Brink Of Collapse
  4. Want more proof? https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/white-house-admits-it-is-coming-after-conservative-news-outlets/ White House ADMITS it is coming after conservative news outlets
  5. every move they make, every thing they say.... is dishonest politics. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/texas-democrats-will-no-longer-release-daily-covid-19-case-count-spokesperson/
  6. drug cartel, mafia, democrat leftist radicals....those who pretend to "hate" Pres Trump in the media... it's all about dishonest accrual of wealth.
  7. why aren't they "insurrectionists" who "plot to take over the American gov and are a threat to democracy? yeah - no political smearing against themselves - it's the leftist way. total dangerous corruption.
  8. all these matters are just fake intentional victimhood to get more and more power over ever aspect of American culture
  9. so, antifa...dea and fbi agents were part of the fiasco. Discrediting all political opposition. Pres Trump and all Pres Trump supporters were apparently set up for poltiical benefit of the deep state/corrupt obaMao commie/biden gov. just like this one: https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/it-sure-looks-like-the-fbi-basically-orchestrated-the-gretchen-whitmer-kidnapping-plot/ It Sure Looks Like the FBI Basically Orchestrated the Gretchen Whitmer ‘Kidnapping’ Plot
  10. apparently. at least for ... one breacher. See, one of them arrested was a....DEA AGENT. Can you say "deep state corrupt employees create tool to use against Pres Trump and all Pres Trump voters? https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/attorney-for-dea-agent-arrested-for-capitol-breach-insists-no-crime-was-committed/ (and get this....) "Protesters clash with police at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. (Julio Cortez/AP Photo) Ibrahim, who also took part in the interview, said that he had been encouraged by a friend and FBI informant to breach the Capitol on Jan. 6."
  11. that many are on the take? egad. https://redstate.com/scotthounsell/2021/07/22/house-democrats-cover-for-china-block-covid-19-origins-declassification-bill-n414339
  12. note to fuzzy brained biden: you're next to be found guilty of breaking the law......
  13. well, seems like he wants to stir up enough trouble to say "this forum is nothing but trouble" so he can shut it down. Not much other reason to troll like he is, except for that. Unless it is the booze that maybe he can't quit.
  14. DODO? Dodo - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodo The dodo (Raphus cucullatus) is an extinct flightless bird that was endemic to the island of Mauritius, east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean.The dodo's closest genetic relative was the also-extinct Rodrigues solitaire, the two forming the subfamily Raphinae of the family of pigeons and doves.The closest living relative of the dodo is the Nicobar pigeon.A white dodo was once thought to have ...
  15. corrupt obaMao commie mafia. whatever they can get away with to get more power and wealth.... secret messages to hunter. Wait til 22 election - impeach the entire biden bunch of deep state hacks. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/07/joe-biden-pulled-a-hillary-sent-government-info-under-fake-email-name-to-hunter-biden/ Politics Joe Biden ‘Pulled a Hillary’: Sent Government Info Under Fake Email Name to Hunter Biden
  16. the fix it in. The FBI, along with other major gov depts...has been corrupted by deep state corrupt leadership. sad dangerous state of affairs. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/senior-fbi-official-improperly-took-gifts-from-journalists-amid-trump-investigation-doj-watchdog/
  17. The Collapse of Marriage and the Rise of Welfare ... https://www.heritage.org/poverty-and-inequality/report/the-collapse-marriage-and-the-rise-welfare-dependence The 1965 Moynihan Report pointed to the disintegration of family asa major cause of welfare dependence. Building on the 1996 welfarereform, programs like the federal Healthy Marriage Initiative ... Kody Brown & His 'Sister Wives' Scammed the Government By ... https://allaboutthetea.com/2020/02/02/kody-brown-used-food-stamps-on-sister-wives/ Kody's second wife, Janelle Brown, declared bankruptcy in 1997, in a similar scenario.. Christine Brown declared bankruptcy in March of 2010, and was eventually forgiven $25k of debt. Christine listed a financial helper in her bankruptcy paperwork, as a "mysterious companion." During an episode of the TLC show, Kody spoke of one of the children he shares with Christine requiring an ...
  18. Welfare: Temporary and Forever | Mises Institute https://mises.org/library/welfare-temporary-and-forever The legislation was significant because, for the first time since the advent of the Great Society, it set a five-year limit on the amount of time one could be eligible for welfare benefits. Although this was a maximum time period, individual states could set shorter limits if they so desired, and half of them did.
  19. wait. You don't even know what the msm is? SERIOUSLY ? LOL. and you call anybody else a moron? egad. Mainstream Liberal Media Is On Its Deathbed — Here's Why ... https://thecontinentaldaily.com/mainstream-liberal-media-is-on-its-deathbed-heres-why/ Mainstream Liberal Media Is On Its Deathbed — Here's Why. America's news media has soiled itself, and the public recognizes it. A recent survey shows that only one third of Americans trust the media to report the facts, with conservatives having lower trust than other demographics. The global survey also found that American trust in media ... liberal mainstream media - Accuracy in Media https://www.aim.org/tag/liberal-mainstream-media/ Why is the liberal mainstream media ignoring Katie Couric's remarks on fake news? Couric, who currently works at Yahoo, recently said that fake news is the reason behind America "tearing apart ... Mainstream Media's Incessant Lies Are Tearing America ... https://townhall.com/columnists/christalgo/2021/04/27/mainstream-medias-incessant-lies-are-tearing-america-apart-n2588565 Apr 27, 2021The Media Research Council has prepared an exhaustive study on this subject, titled "The Liberal Media: Every Poll Shows Journalists Are More Liberal than the American Public — And the Public ...
  20. When you can man up and stop trolling/changing subjects to Pres Trump, you would probably do better than you are doing now. Referring to my post about my first job, you sure you aren't that dentist? https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/motion-to-proceed-immediately-with-ballot-inspection-in-fulton-county-submitted-to-superior-court/
  21. putting the rest of the world on the defensive and damaging their security and economy down to their level.
  22. very first job - caddyed at a ritzy golf club with my best friend. Needed money for the prom in hs. lol one time, I caddyed for the notorious arrogant twit dentist who was a crap golfer, hot tempered, and had every single club there is, in this big golf bag, along with a lot of stuff in his bag. AND his wife's bag. So, he would only pay for ONE caddy. It was my turn, so I carried both. At the ninth hole, there was this deep ravine with a creek, and he hit his ball into the creek. A sixth grader golfer could easily hit it over the ravine down the fairway, but this idiot used the wrong club. So, I walked over to the ravine edge, set the two bags upright off to the side, and went to climb down into the ravine. Mr. stupid went apecrap, getting near me and screaming that I was an idiot, that he was paying me to CARRY those bags, and to get down into the ravine and get his stupid golf ball, he didn't have all day. So, realizing the moron had no idea how heavy the bags were, who probably had a butler put them in the car for him .... He ranted, yelled and bitch and I got annoyed, smiled, and used a finger of each hand to tip over his upright golf bags, and walked away. there was this stunned silence, as I walked all the way back to the clubhouse. I had enough bucks for the prom, and figured I'd get fired. Instead, the crappy loudmouth rotten tipper dentist ungrateful sombeitch tipped me 20 bucks via the supervisor, after he came back - he had no choice but to carry his own bags from then on. But I quit, the supervisor asked me not to, and said that dentist was getting so bad the club was thinking to not let him renew his membership. But, we both quit, went fishing. Had a great time with our dates at the prom, dinner at a fancy Brown Derby I think it was, and ..er...talked a lot with them..
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