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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Bombshell Report: CDC Exaggerated Risk of Outdoors ... https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/05/bombshell-report-cdc-exaggerated-risk-of-outdoors-coronavirus-transmission/ A bombshell New York Times report claims that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) exaggerated the risk of coronavirus while outdoors. The CDC has cited the estimate to back up its recommendation that vaccinated individuals do away with masks in certain outdoor situations, but should keep wearing masks during others. CDC Greatly Exaggerates Risk of Outdoor COVID-19 ... https://reason.com/2021/05/11/cdc-greatly-exaggerates-risk-of-outdoor-covid-19-transmission/ The agency's chaotic responses during the Trump administration have now given way to absurdly cautious approaches under the Biden administration. Case in point: On April 27, CDC Director Rochelle ... COVID is not a hoax, but the numbers are: A look at the ... https://peckford42.wordpress.com/2021/03/09/covid-is-not-a-hoax-but-the-numbers-are-a-look-at-the-first-flu-season-with-covid/ First, I looked at COVID-19 deaths and the way they have been exaggerated and found evidence that, at most, 114,400 of the 205,101 CDC COVID-19-labeled deaths would have been considered COVID-19 deaths if we calculated COVID-19 deaths in the same manner as we have calculated flu deaths in the past. Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19 https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm As many deaths due to COVID-19 may be assigned to other causes of deaths (for example, if COVID-19 was not mentioned on the death certificate as a suspected cause of death), tracking all-cause mortality can provide information about whether an excess number of deaths is observed, even when COVID-19 mortality may be undercounted.
  2. oh yeah, where can I buy one.
  3. https://www.amren.com/commentary/2018/03/the-fall-of-california/
  4. Now that we have spectrum - NO MORE signal losses when storms approach ! and Spectrum has a channel 40o that lists a whole lot of movies for free. I watched one "Welcome to Marwen". About a guy who was beaten up within an inch of his life.... who lost all memory. Suffered terribly with panic attacks/PTSD. So, he lived a lot of his life escaping the stress by delving into his own little world. Physically populated by themed dolls, and built a city where they live, and he becomes one of the players - a soldier fighting nazis in WWII germany. One of the thugs at the bar had a big nazi symbol on his arm, see. Part of the movie is his imagination, with the barbie-type dolls becoming life-like, etc. Inevitably, he comes back to real life. I hope it doesn't spoil anything to anyone who wants to watch it, but at the end of the movie - it explains that the guy is real - lives in upstate NY, and still sells his pictures of the WWII dolls in staged events. The start of the movie seems silly - until you get the rest of the real life picture. His interactions with other regular folks is intriguing and very well done. Pretty amusing, at times very sad... So many stupid worthless movies, I'm fairly good at trying to avoid them. But one night I was awake, and decided to pick this movie. To me, it's a good bit fascinating. Really a creative entertaining movie- but when I found out it was based on a true story, apparently... I was amazed. I'm glad I watched it.
  5. The sad part is, just yesterday, folks can still die if they are hit hard, and probably with other health problems of the lungs - will be in serious trouble. but mandating the vaccine is a disgrace. Let folks decide for themselves - it's up to them to choose wisely for themselves and their family. But ridiculing those who fear getting the vaccine for whatever reasons, is counter-productive to put it lightly.
  6. A viciously corrupt gov can not make most Americans cower in fear...when they have a 2nd Amendment and can protect themselves. Marxist governments ALWAYS disarm innocent folks. Then the citizenry has no choice but to live in fear. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2021/07/25/heres-how-the-biden-administration-plans-to-target-gun-ownership-n416258
  7. There's going to be a war eventually - heading in that direction: U.S.-China Near-War Status Report - CounterPunch.org https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/07/15/u-s-china-near-war-status-report/ Bear in mind, however, that in a future war with China and/or Russia, the Pentagon doesn't envision large-scale ground battles reminiscent of World War II or the Iraq invasion of 2003. Pentagon document warns the world is moving closer to a ... https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2303795653393/pentagon-document-warns-the-world-is-moving-closer-to-a-nuclear-war-because-russia-and-china-are-developing-new-nuclear-missiles-bombers-and-submarines Pentagon document warns the world is moving closer to a nuclear war because Russia and China are developing new nuclear missiles, bombers and submarines - News Break The US says there is an 'increased potential' for nuclear conflict with the country's main enemies because they are stockpiling nuclear weapons.
  8. The left manipulates sorry people. "it's ok, I"m not robbing you, gimme your money or else"
  9. So, the looneybird biden openly says he wants to ban some handguns. But "politifact" says he doesn't want to. getting worse all the time. "white is black, red is blue, 37 "genders" .....til we dominate you. https://www.theblaze.com/news/after-biden-says-he-wants-to-ban-handguns-politifact-says-it-s-false-that-biden-wants-to-ban-handguns After Biden says he wants to ban at least some handguns, Politifact says it's 'false' that Biden wants to 'ban handguns'
  10. Yes, you ramble like a hyperactive attention-deficit sissy woodpecker, yup. Again, no comment on the thread content. Pres Trump has nothing to do with the thread about the stupidassness of the women's soccer team. Most of the rest of us have accomplished things you will never be capable of, have done amazing things you will never have the courage to have done. You just run your beak to try to get noticed, and sit around in your birdpoop. Not much to be happy about, I'm thinkin. Most of us have lived LIFE, and LOVED. You...seem to have never lived life at all. Maybe you never will. But maybe one day, you will start. Maybe. Let us know when you actually LIVE and have a story to tell. And do have a nice ornithological day.
  11. Seriously? demanding to be activist fake victims over pay....when they REFUSED to be paid the same as the men? wtf? they have to work so much harder because they are women..........WHAT? it is so stupid it isn't funny. this is surely an "American" olympic team that only woodpecker would admire. (although, having said that, maybe he is ON that team - that would explain a lot.....) https://patriotalerts.com/2021/07/loser-usa-womens-soccer-team-rejected-same-pay-structure-as-mens-team-still-complaining-about-pay/ Politics Loser USA Women’s Soccer Team REJECTED Same Pay Structure As Mens Team, Still Complaining About Pay
  12. interesting - Ben & Jerry's withdraws sales from Israeli settlements but ... https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/ben-jerry-s-withdraws-sales-israeli-settlements-clashes-parent-company-n1274403 When Unilever acquired Ben & Jerry's in 2000, the companies crafted an unusual acquisition agreement that legally vested an independent board with control over the ice cream company's social ...
  13. just the start of severe inflation problems. Weimar Republic. Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation_in_the_Weimar_Republic Hyperinflation affected the German Papiermark, the currency of the Weimar Republic, between 1921 and 1923, primarily in 1923. It caused considerable internal political instability in the country, the occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium as well as misery for the general populace. Germany, 1923: banknotes had lost so much value that they were used as wallpaper.
  14. maybe being "woke" is a requirement to being selected. wouldn't surprise me one bit.
  15. Just another emotional knee jerk ploy to manipulate people. it's full on out of contro, mostly because of the happily compliant msm.
  16. anti-Pres Trump/anti-America folks around here should take a look at that pic of antifa and grow the hell up. Get honest just once.
  17. Soros has been brought up for years now. He's one of the most prominent globalists who delights in having the power to undermine individual countries' economies when it benefits his wealth and power. He's one demented sick and twisted individual. And his vast wealth helps make him a dangerous darth vader type of player on the international scene. Just look at his history sometime. He's psychotic.
  18. these mentally warped sombeitches have brazenly gone way, way past the American Constitution "red line". far too many of these wannabe "Napoleons " and "chairman maos" obaMao commie made it popular, and globalists bought up so much msm in one way or another. .....and here we are - fighting to keep America, and freedom.
  19. Oh, what they didn't know back then. Kosar is right - the opening of MNF had two helmets crashing. But it didn't have to be so much a violent game as it was back then. https://www.news5cleveland.com/longform/former-cleveland-browns-qb-bernie-kosar-on-the-treatment-that-is-bringing-him-post-concussion-relief and it isn't just qb's - even one of the greatest lb's in history - Dick Butkus - had legit problems later on in life. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Butkus " Injuries sustained during Butkus's playing career have compounded with time. He had his knee replaced with a metal unit. An osteotomy left him with one leg one-and-a-half inches shorter than the other, which has affected his hips, back, and neck. Around 2002, nerve damage in his spine caused him to develop foot drop. He lost strength in his hands until he needed them both to lift a coffee cup.[6] Still, Butkus maintains that football had a largely positive impact on his life, and that its benefits should not be overlooked.[101] "
  20. good question - they are hard to find, apparently. I think that is why Zaven Collins went as high as he did. Good article about linebacker roles - https://www.footballstudyhall.com/2016/7/15/12188806/three-methods-teams-use-for-choosing-linebackers-method-3-attack-2-4-5-attack-backers
  21. that lefties around here are too afraid to admit https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-cognitive-ronny-jackson-resign Obama's former doctor predicts Biden will resign 'in the near future,' fears the president is a 'national security issue'
  22. and one woodpecker. He referred to it just the other day. It's a lie. Not mostly republicans, etc. https://www.theblaze.com/news/unvaccinated-not-who-media-says-they-are Unvaccinated people might not be who the media tell you they are, new data reportedly shows News Phil Shiver July 23, 2021 Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images
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