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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/07/hypocrite-biden-caught-mingling-maskless-with-dozens-of-people-after-forcing-all-americans-to-wear-masks/
  2. or you could stay around and cry and gloat about how your heroine AOC was "terrified of being raped during that Jan 6 protest...) https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/aoc-says-she-thought-she-was-going-to-be-raped-on-jan-6-she-was-never-in-capitol-building/ AOC Says She Thought She Was Going to Be Raped on Jan. 6 – She Was Never in Capitol Building
  3. aoc is such a dishonest belligerent arrogant loudmouth hack...... "I thought I was going to be raped on Jan 6th the Pres Trump supporters are so dangerous...." but she was NOT there.
  4. and.... getting rid of standardized testing lends itself to subjective appraisal. Meaning, if you are "woke/liberal" you get an "A". if you are not, you get weeded out. back in my early pre-Air Force days, I was in college, and wrote a pretty nice paper. I wrote it from a conservative point of view - obviously. and got a "D-". Not happy, I went to the Dean, and whited out the grade, and he read it and graded it. He said it was an excellent paper, and even if he was trying to be a bastard and screw with me - it was at worst a "B-" paper. but, he said all he could do was let me retake the class for free - because of...academic freedom. and, he knew which prof it was right away - he told me who it was. He said don't be surprised - he's a prominent leftwing anti-war professor who is actively engaged with protests on campus. So, with getting rid of the standardized tests - they can actively select those leftwing oriented students into a college, etc etc. too bad - it's a "look at me I hate" culture - courtesy of the msm these days.
  5. what a bitch you are? Why bother coming here and complain about our criticizing? lol. Seriously, Tiam. We enjoy the Olympics. Watched the U.S. Women's softball team beat Japan, but lose to them in the last game - with Japan girls getting the gold, and the U.S.A. Womens team getting the silver. And the classy male boxers - and the swimmers. When I watch the swimmers swim the butterfly in the Olympics, I remember Dave Solomon. Met him in WSI class in college. At the end of our class, the instructor chose another member of the class to "save". The "savee" pretends to be a panic stricken terrorzed resistant to being rescued person that one of us has to save. We got a grade on it. So, it came down to me, for I was the last picked to go up against someone. With an evil grin (I was already WSI in the Air Force - was asked to take over being the instructor class - I didn't because I was only 3 months from being a civilian again)....which btw, I was unanimously elected to be the lifeguard at our church retreats back at Keesler AFB, Biloxi Mississippi - two buses of friends elected me. (my girlfriend told them secretely I was WST qualified). So, the class went into celebration mode - the instructor chose Dave to be my "savee". Yep, Dave set all sorts of record at the college - and was an alternate - on the ISRAELI OLYMPIC SWIMMING TEAM. I succeeded in saving him, but only after he went big dolphin crazy and went to the bottom of the pool, and back up, over and around - lol lol. He finally let me save him and I got my "A". Anyways, watching him swim the butterfly was amazing. Some of us who got there early watched him fly through the water like a big dolphin. It was fascinating - how can any human being DO that? So, we watched them on tv, and they splashed as they swam. Dave went through the water with nearly no splashing. The butterfly - the only stroke I never could do. I think I'm not built for it. I mean, I think I will watch "Aquaman" and see if he could swim as good as Solomon..... So, have a nice day - but your appraisal lacks serious critical thinking, and I sneeze in your direction. Your emotional knee jerk reaction is false. We are very, very busy - I can get on here for ten minutes and type a lot of silly stuff. In real life, we're probably all busy - except for the woodpecker - he never has anything to offer the forum that is constructive and thoughful in any way. But Thanks for stopping in to complain about our complaining. That's funny. LOL
  6. Really hilarious - love it. In your rich stupid dishonest face, lebong: https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/donald-trump-wonders-how-great-lebron-james-would-be-at-basketball-if-he-became-a-transgender-woman/ Donald Trump Wonders How Great LeBron James Would Be At Basketball If He Became A Transgender Woman
  7. gloating about how aoc was "terrified she was going to be raped".... shows how corrupt the motives are of the left - especially posters who slurped it up as true. because they FELT they wanted it to be true. but it was a LIE, as most always. but....the left loves lies, because self-serving lies fits their emotions, and they live for that. emotions are their "god". Their emotional supremacy blew up in their faces this time. well....again. https://republicandaily.net/2021/07/aoc-says-she-thought-she-was-going-to-be-raped-on-jan-6-she-was-never-in-capitol-building/ AOC Says She Thought She Was Going to Be Raped on Jan. 6 – She Was Never in Capitol Building
  8. https://thepatriotjournal.com/federal-court-florida-biden-desantis/ Federal Court Reverses Course In Florida Case – They Just Went Against President Biden, Rules For DeSantis
  9. the whole family is corrupt. The left loves lie about Pres Trump and they ignore real proof of biden family's corruption, and violations of the law that biden is all in on. The first time any democrat loses a family member to hideous violence by an illegal....the you know what will hit the fan. https://thepatriotjournal.com/biden-border-50k-court-date/ Joe Biden Gets Caught Sneaking Through Border Plan – He Just Let Loose 50,000 Without Giving Them A Court Date
  10. so, "if she performed poorly, it would hurt the team" ???? that is worse than stupid,. woodpecker. She had a whole lot of time to decide she wasn't going to compete. but no, she waits until it is too late, and dooms the Women's team to not have any chance at the gold. pity the fake victim. She waited til she got on the international stage to play victim. So, what i is the truth? Too many (white) girls on the team? they team wouldn't raise fists and moon our flag? I'll go with a brilliant guy - Jason Whitlock - on the matter: https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/whitlock-simone-biles-stars-of-black-girl-tragic-are-not-baby-seals-they-dont-need-empathy-feeding- Whitlock: Simone Biles, stars of ‘Black Girl Tragic’ are not baby seals. They don’t need empathy-feeding breasts. Op-ed breasts
  11. and everybody knows why. obaMao/clintlon loyalists are all over the doj. https://redstate.com/streiff/2021/07/28/department-of-justice-fires-warning-shot-at-ballot-audits-as-the-first-step-in-its-campaign-to-keep-democrats-in-control-of-congress-n417852
  12. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/07/national-police-assn-rips-congress-for-jan-6-focus-while-ignoring-2020-riots/ National Police Assn. Rips Congress For Jan.6 Focus While ‘Ignoring’ 2020 Riots
  13. "look at us, we want to be special too". I hope they flunk out. I wonder if Hoorta believes in only two genders. I figure Vagitron does.
  14. ok, we don't know who you DID vote for. You say you voted against Pres Trump both times. So, you voted against the over 200 good/great things he did for America. You voted against your own country's well being. So, you voted the second time to put bimbo biden into office. So, that makes you a democrat, you betcha
  15. well gosh, thanks for coming on board now that you don't have any choice. and as far as Barrett goes - nobody gives a crapola that you "object". Several justices have been put on the supreme court in less time. Your heroine Ginsburg was confirmed in only 50 days. Barrett was confirmed in 35 days. Who are you to be butthurt about not being able to decide the number of days the Senate has to wait? Fair vote. The reps won. Show me where the Senate has to wait at least 50 days to make lefty haters happy.
  16. of course, she might have been coerced to leave, if she wouldn't go all in with black lives matter. listen to this ignorant fool: https://patriotalerts.com/2021/07/go-woke-go-broke-gymnast-incorporates-black-lives-matter-demonstration-during-floor-routine/ At the end of her floor routine at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Costa Rican gymnast Luciana Alvarado took a knee with her fist raised above her head in an effort to diminish America while promoting the far-left group Black Lives Matter. While speaking to The Associated Press after the stunt, Alvarado confirmed that she was honoring Black Lives Matter. “Because we’re all the same,” the 18-year-old gymnast asserted. “We’re all beautiful and amazing.” ********************************* "and all white people are racists, along with asians, chinese, any other skin color"
  17. so, if THAT doesn't make the three pink gloating flamingoes around here feel like complete insipid whining fools, nothing will. Their theme song:
  18. yes, christine ford was a political attack hack. a freaking LIAR. guess what: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2019/09/12/so-thats-why-christine-blaseys-fords-father-didnt-come-to-her-defense-against-kavanaugh-n2553006 Oh My, So That's Why Christine Blasey Ford's Father Didn't Come to Her Defense Against Kavanaugh " Writing for The Federalist, Hemingway and Severino report Ford's father actually backed Kavanaugh's nomination. "Within days of Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, a fascinating encounter took place. Brett Kavanaugh’s father was approached by Ford’s father at the golf club where they are both members," they report. "Ralph Blasey, Ford’s father, went out of his way to offer to Ed Kavanaugh his support of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, according to multiple people familiar with the conversation that took place at Burning Tree Club in Bethesda, Maryland. 'I’m glad Brett was confirmed,' Ralph Blasey told Ed Kavanaugh, shaking his hand. Blasey added that the ordeal had been tough for both families." *************************************************************** and it gets a whole lot WORSE This news comes on the heels of new video showing Ford's attorney admitting that protecting abortion was one of the main drivers behind her testimony and accusations against Kavanaugh. Christine Ford's lawyer Debra Katz says putting "an asterisk" next to Kavanaugh's name in case Kavanaugh attacked Roe v. Wade "is part of what motivated Christine." pic.twitter.com/zoFr2T8Aec — Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) September 4, 2019
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