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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Well, I disagree on this point. There are GREAT reasons to admire how many great things Pres Trump did FOR AMERICA. thee list for obaMao and looney minded biden...the list is blank. Pres Trump: The Accomplishments of President Trump - Liberty Counsel https://lc.org/PDFs/Trump.Accomplishments.FINAL.pdf The Accomplishments of President Trump IGNITING A HISTORIC ECONOMIC BOOM: President Trump's pro-growth policies are unleashing economic growth and providing opportunities to workers across the country. Due to President Trump's pro-growth policies, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth exceeded 3 percent over the last four quarters. 125 Amazing Accomplishments of President Trump 125accomplishments.com Trump received the Bipartisan Justice Award at a historically black college for his criminal justice reform accomplishments. The poverty rate fell to a 17-year low of 11.8% under the Trump administration as a result of a jobs-rich environment. Full list of President Trumps Accomplishments | WSAU News ... https://wsau.com/2020/01/16/full-list-of-president-trumps-accomplishments/ 480,000 Manufacturing Jobs added since President Trump's election US job openings rise outnumber the unemployed by 1 million Economic Growth Has Reached 3 Percent for the First Time in More than a...
  2. your choice. but if they were a ticket, they would come in about 5th place..... you wasted your vote last time, why vote against your country AGAIN ?
  3. Has to be tough as hell being a new cb in the NFL. https://www.cleveland.com/browns/2021/07/greedy-williams-troy-hill-had-their-vertical-speed-and-quickness-tested-by-browns-receivers-on-day-3-what-did-we-learn-ellis-l-williams.html Greedy Williams, Troy Hill had their vertical speed and quickness tested on Day 3. What did we learn? Ellis L. Williams
  4. Let me see..... first, they bitch and bitch about not getting paid the same as men, then it's found out that they DO, and have. Then they bitch and bitch and bitch that they should be paid MORE THAN MEN because "women have to work harder"........and they bitch that they are representing a country they hate for the usual vague nonexistent self-glorifying fake victimization "reasons".... I suppose they felt entitled to win because they are so leftwing special. they suck. America-Hating US Women's Soccer Team Got Their Asses ... https://defconnews.com/2021/07/21/america-hating-us-womens-soccer-team-got-their-asses-kicked/ The Olympics is a time where we find ourselves rooting for sports we would otherwise not give a crap about because of national pride. And then there's the ultra-woke U.S. Women's Soccer Team, whose National Anthem-kneeling and America-hating makes it impossible to root for them.
  5. https://www.theblaze.com/news/report-mass-releases-illegal-immigrants-rio-grande-valley Report: 'Mass releases' of thousands of illegal immigrants happening in Rio Grande Valley over the weekend
  6. By God, I will blame china for this world wide epidemic any time I want to. too bad if Hoorta, Tex or woodpecker don't like it. https://www.theblaze.com/news/gop-report-wuhan-lab-renovations
  7. but hillary did, so what? obaMao commie doubled down with NO pretext, and showed, finally that that he lied about being post-racial, his own brother and grandmother insist he was born in Kenya, he lied about believing that marriage was only between a man and a woman, he lied about uniting the country, he lied about supporting our Constitution and Bill of Rights, he lied about "if you like your dr you can keep your dr"............ winning isn't about winning, it's about what WILL you PROMISE TO DO FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and then DO IT. Pres Trump was an outstanding president. The fake manufactured hatred for him - "orange skin" ? seriously? what if any of us had railed about obaMao commie with "black skin" "orange king" "traitor" and bs bs bs bs bs?
  8. Furthermore: https://redstate.com/tladuke/2021/08/01/pro-trump-political-committees-raise-a-boatload-of-money-first-half-of-2021-n419606 Pro-Trump Political Committees Raise a Boatload of Money in First Half of 2021 *********************************
  9. My opinion, Parkey isn't the kicker. Put him on the practice squad...... Parkey has choked so far in practice. We'll see. I just cringe when he comes on the field. https://www.brownsnation.com/cody-parkey-has-rough-day-2-of-training-camp/ Cody Parkey Has Rough Day 2 Of Training Camp
  10. your claims are not substantiated. blather nonsense. So many of your posts prove what I say absolutely correct - you elitist lefties use words emotionally - you disregard their actual meaning. Your childish cowardly assertions have zero legitimate content to back them up. this is a stupid statement. " It makes zero difference when a president tries to retain power by force instead of by election or through the courts. " Have a nice day and I sneeze in your direction.
  11. Looking pretty dynamic so far. Just seems like Schwartz is destined (has the skills) to help make the offense explode. He is blazing fast, and he's making some great catches, and so far, displaying solid hands. He's the real deal. Will be intriguing to see how creative the oc is with getting him time and plays this season. https://www.brownsnation.com/anthony-schwartz-makes-highlight-catch-at-training-camp/ Anthony Schwartz Makes Highlight Catch At Training Camp
  12. Massive COVID Spike Erupts Among Detained Immigrants as ... https://clarion.causeaction.com/2021/07/20/massive-covid-spike-erupts-among-detained-immigrants-as-bidens-border-crisis-continues/ Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and other Republican senators introduced a bill last week to extend Title 42, a provision that allows the U.S. to turn away illegal immigrants at the nation's southern border due to the risk of their spreading COVID-19. The Securing the Homeland from International Entrants with Life-threatening Diseases, or SHIELD, Act would continue the public health protections enacted ... Mounting Evidence Points to Covid Refugees from Mexico as ... https://cis.org/Bensman/Mounting-Evidence-Points-Covid-Refugees-Mexico-Major-Factor-BorderState-Spikes Evidence continues to mount that spikes in Covid cases in U.S. border states are due to successive waves of infected people fleeing Mexico's dysfunctional and overwhelmed hospitals to get American medical care at least as much, if not more than, to the re-opening of those states' economies. This matters because officials in border states are beginning to base policy decisions for partial lock ... COVID cases reportedly surging in illegal immigrant ... https://nypost.com/2021/07/06/covid-cases-reportedly-surging-in-immigrant-detention-centers/ Jul 6, 2021COVID-19 cases are reportedly surging in crowded government detention centers, as the number of illegal immigrants being held in the facilities has nearly doubled in the past months.
  13. yeah. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/08/chicago-owes-trump-a-1-million-tax-refund-but-kimberly-foxx-has-filed-emergency-lawsuit-to-take-it-away/ but the attorney general is suing to not pay it back. boo hoo sob story. They OVER estimated hotels worth etc. Political hit job? we'll see. maybe.
  14. it's dirty corrupt politics. that is pretty much the only way to explain their extreme contradictions. Their emotions change, so do their "stances".
  15. My ccw instructor had a friend who never owned a gun, didn't need one (right) until one evening, he and his buddy went fishing at berlin reservoir. They started to go in as it started to get dark - but saw that their car was all alone, but a white car was parked next to them, and they were trying to get in his car - trying to open them, etc. They stopped at a distance, and waited. It was near midnight when the hoods finally left. Cig burns on his car, beer cans on his car.....windshield cracked. He said they were far too afraid to go in. When the car left, they waited another half hr before going in, and he went and asked my friend to teach him about guns and get him in ccw class. that was years ago before mass influx of destitute, uneducated illegals have flooded out country, some diseased, most desperate to resort to crime to have money, too many joining violent gangs, some violent career criminals, some not sane..... a tyrannical gov can't control and dominate a society without taking their guns and making them feel serious fear. illegals are being shipped all over - covid infected ones too. who the hell would DO THAT? a gov that craves dictatorship power and control over a country. permanently. Time to grow the heck up and stop bitching about Pres Trump. before it's too late.
  16. NOOOOOOOOO ! woodpecker got into a magnet forcefield vortex !!!!!
  17. great. a liberal asst prof at the u of oregon has wild ass claims about "lies" - which means in liberal way - "a lie is anything a conservative says that makes us cry". well, "biden tells 20 million lies a day" how do you like that? Pres Trump didn't lie about doing over 200 GOOD/GREAT things FOR AMERICA, and your asst prof political hack hasn't found out about all of obaMao commie and biden lies? how convenient. markowitless needs a hankie. "Election stolen" isn't a lie. It's an opinion. But then, lefties emote words incorrectly to fit their emotional narrative. and, markowitz can't name ONE good/great thing that obaMao/biden has ever done good/great for America in their entire lives. neither can Horota, Tex or woodpecker.
  18. woodpecker doesn't need that kick. It would do no good.
  19. spitting in America's face to the detriment of the rest of the world. Which, they helped china lie, lied for china, and covered up the truth about covid...also to the detriment of the rest of the world. read on - dangerous times. the UN/WHO - corrupt. https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/world-health-org-to-distribute-chinese-vaccines-over-u-s-objections/ World Health Org To Distribute Chinese Vaccines Over U.S. Objections Vaccine distribution network COVAX buys Chinese doses amid questions about efficacy
  20. been coming for decades - the "weeding out" of conservatives in the teaching field. Happened in the early 70's to some kids I wen t to school with - then it happened to me. I've told that story before. I knew some great people who left the education major because of it. Long time been going on, little by little - now we see how radical and owned the teacher unions are. https://freebeacon.com/coronavirus/top-teachers-unions-refuse-vaccination-requirement/ Top Teachers’ Unions Refuse Vaccination Requirement American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten previously backed mandates
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