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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. You're a moronic birdbrain. Some of his stuff is crap. All of your stuff is far more worthless.
  2. you are being the idiot. How about your hero Clay Jenkins? https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2021/08/05/suit-filed-against-tiny-tyrant-judge-clay-jenkins/ Suit Filed Against ‘Tiny Tyrant’ Judge Clay Jenkins Says Attorney For Dallas County Commissioner J.J. Koch
  3. I wish they still taught history in schools. But then, inner city schools have a serious drop out rate.....
  4. Those who voted against Pres Trump and America First also are responsible for this.
  5. I understand. You're a long ways, I take it, from retiring and getting medicare and a great supplemental insurance. I hope you are going to be fine. The medical technology they have now is fascinating. But expensive. I honestly don't know what the answer is, but there needs to be one.
  6. that is stupid, even for you. Just because the seller of a document calls it "treason" doesn't mean diddley. But thanks for all the time it took for the reply - your ignorant posts are almost entertaining - like watching stupid pro wrastlin, knowing it's seriously fake, with the same scripts taking place today that they did when me and my friends in hs watched and laughed at some of the stupidity.
  7. Wait, I don't get that last cartoon...Hoorta's new nickname is "Fredo" ? (lol)
  8. so...adding 32 TRILLION to our current national debt? The national turmoil and despair will be historic. https://usdebtclock.org/ So... 28.6 Trillion in national debt and climbing fast... plus the 3.5 trillion the left wants to pass for "social architecture" ...plus 32 trillion for "medicare for all"..... = American economic CRASH and BURN. Think venezuela. Think far, far worse than the depression.....
  9. superficially, medicare for all sounds lovely. But like obaMaocare - it's a disaster that ends up like most liberal glorious emotional knee jerk moves do - it ends up failing. Utopian solutions are for voter manipulation etc, not legit, comprehensive solutions. Countries around the world have problems with socialized medicine etc. Dealing with societies - there is no simple program that solves the entire problem. Making some things very much worse is the usual. But giving it to everyone - is bs. It will bankrupt medicare. Most of us have been paying into it for years/decades before being 65 and getting it. It is excellent, with a good solid supplemental insurance. Flood the program with many, many tens of millions of those who never paid into it...disaster. Emergency rooms will be flooded with patients who don't/can't wait for dr appointments, more and more dr's etc will refuse medicare patients entirely.... https://thefederalist.com/2019/09/27/10-reasons-medicare-for-all-is-a-bad-idea-besides-financial-bankruptcy/ Health Care 10 Reasons Medicare-For-All Is A Bad Idea Besides Financial Bankruptcy Republicans and Joe Biden are making a huge mistake by focusing on cost. The implication is that government-run health care would be good if we could afford it. " Of course, policymakers should continue to talk about how expensive Medicare for All is. A $32-trillion price tag is concerning. But they should take care to emphasize that, even if we had the tax dollars necessary to fund it, those dollars aren’t the greatest cost of socialized medicine. Hadley Heath Manning is the director of policy at Independent Women’s Forum."
  10. Cross training is the Brown's goal. I guess that could create some significant playing time if there is an injury or some mild sickness. And, maybe creating some good mismatches at certain times... https://247sports.com/nfl/cleveland-browns/Article/troy-hill-being-counted-upon-to-bolster-the-cleveland-browns-cornerback-corps-Anthony-Walker-Returns-Myles-Garrett-Denzel-Ward-to-Miss-Practice--168932987/ Splitting Time: Top draft choice, CB Greg Newsome said that he has been working every day inside at the slot position, in addition, to his time on the outside. He said he estimated the split is about 60 percent on the outside and 40 percent on the inside. 9COMMENTS "You're trying to cross-train all of these guys," Stefanski said. "He's coming along and doing a nice job."
  11. Meanwhile.... https://www.brownsnation.com/news-and-notes-from-day-11-of-browns-training-camp/ Kicking Competition Continues Chase McLaughlin went 4-for-4 with his field goal attempts. Cody Parkey was 3-for-4 with a missed 30-yard field goal.
  12. Biden Wants To Spy on American Bank Accounts - Reason.com https://reason.com/2021/05/21/biden-wants-to-spy-on-american-bank-accounts/ Nazi principles, however, are alive and well; trendy, even. ... So now the zombie in the White House wants to rob Americans(at gun point) even further buy spying into their bank accounts.
  13. Biden's Border Crisis—Crime Problem in Texas a Bad Omen ... https://www.heritage.org/immigration/commentary/bidens-border-crisis-crime-problem-texas-bad-omen-rest-us The report by the famous Texas Rangers shows that over 344,000 criminal aliens were booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011, and June 30, 2021, of which over 235,000 were classified as ... Joe Biden went into a fit of rage when Texas' Governor ... https://patriotpulse.net/joe-biden-went-into-a-fit-of-rage-when-texas-governor-dropped-the-hammer-on-illegal-immigration/ With all the problems plaguing society, none is more pressing, or long-lasting as illegal immigration. Democrats continue to allow illegal aliens to flood into the country across the virtually non-existent border, and once they get in, they are allowing them to evade capture and deportation. Joe Biden has been disastrous on this. This Border Town Blames Biden for Flood of Illegal Immigrants https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/06/13/border-town-of-del-rio-blames-biden-for-flood-of-illegal-immigrants/ Residents of Del Rio, a Texas border down that is the seat of Val Verde County, say it is overwhelmed by the crisis at the southern border. Pictured: Illegal immigrants cross the Rio Grande River ... MADNESS AT THE BORDER -- HUGE LINE of Undocumented ... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/madness-border-huge-line-undocumented-immigrants-filmed-flooding-across-rio-grande-texas/ A huge line of immigrants was filmed waiting for smugglers to take them across the Rio Grande and into the US in Texas. The video was taken on Wednesday morning. Joe Biden opened the borders and the illegals are FLOODING IN! At the current rate, over three million illegal immigrants will have entered America by the end of Biden's first term. Texas Guard Deployed as Migrants, Some in Biden T-shirts ... https://www.newsweek.com/texas-guard-deployed-migrants-some-biden-t-shirts-flood-border-states-1574978 Immigrants at the southern US border, some wearing t-shirts that read "Biden Please Let Us In," seem ready to test Democratic Joe Biden's immigration policies after Biden rolled back hardline ... Buses leaving Texas border town packed with illegal migrants https://nypost.com/2021/07/22/buses-leaving-texas-border-town-packed-with-illegal-migrants/ Jul 22, 2021Buses leaving the Texas city at the heart of the border crisis are struggling to keep up with business -- because they're full of illegal immigrants released into the US by overwhelmed Border ...
  14. Laredo Sues Biden Over 'Flood' of Illegal Immigrants ... https://www.theepochtimes.com/laredo-sues-biden-over-flood-of-illegal-immigrants-brought-into-city_3909060.html The city of Laredo, Texas, is suing the Biden administration in an attempt to stop the transfer of thousands of illegal immigrants from among those apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley and Del Rio ... Biden's Border Crisis—Crime Problem in Texas a Bad Omen ... https://www.heritage.org/immigration/commentary/bidens-border-crisis-crime-problem-texas-bad-omen-rest-us The report by the famous Texas Rangers shows that over 344,000 criminal aliens were booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011, and June 30, 2021, of which over 235,000 were classified as ...
  15. bigger, far more serious trouble...is here. and going to get worse.
  16. Serious damage - but the more they screw with people's lives and futures, the more people will be destined to rely on handouts to get by. the socialism pipedream.
  17. I'll quote myself since the ignorant woodpecker didn't read it. Of course I'm not defending the magnetic vaccine stupidity. But I won't defend any stupid post by the whining pining woodpecker, either. At least Jaf has a few really good posts here and there. The woodpecker has had maybe one in the last so many years. And as to my post about the emotional worship by liberals, methings a few guilty parties got po'd. Don't get po'd, just think about how you knee jerk with little or NO legit reason to object. You just do - to protect your dominant "god like" emotions. And it is a strong trend.
  18. social media has become a two-edged sword. it is just as much as a provider of excellent informaton, and just as much a provider of the most outrageous, stupid-ass falsehoods and attention-getting intentionally dramatic falsehoods. I can't imagine folks refusing to get the polio vaccine or smallpox vaccine back in the day. No asinine garbage from social media. Millions and millions of folks get the vaccine, and are FINE.....but the conspiracy nonsense about the vaccine just is out of hand. Get the vaccine, I say. Early on, we asked our family dr about it, and she said get the moderna or phizer asap. I'm not sure about the J&J per some studies, but that is a different deal. Nobody is turning into "magneto" dammit. I swear... if somebody on the net says "My cousin got the anti-covid vaccine , and he turned into sasquatch...I saw it!... you have to wonder how many foolish people would buy into it and use it for an excuse to not get it.....
  19. For the willingly obtuse - my observation for decades, is that liberals worship their own FEELINGS. And on that, they FEEL SUPERIOR. It's often reflected in their arguments, actions, posts, etc. They can't stop themselves. Like gender. Gender isn't science to them. (they love to be about science, right?) except they warp out on their feelings - so the definition of biological gender - male/female - they can't do that. They go by how they FEEL instead. So, if they feel like a lizard woman/man, they FEEL they ARE that. It's their "FEELING GENDER". Everything has to be different to support their FEELINGS of being ELITE. So, they can't believe in actual gender, they invent about 35 ? "other genders". They can't believe in God, for that threatens their FEELING of superiority. They can't believe in anything greater than their "superior feelings". so, they don't believe in their country...or flag....or honor....family structure. They don't believe in Real Marriage. They don't believe in anything. They fight against anyone who DOES believe in great things. They don't believe in history. They love the strong FEELINGS of being "victims". They fake being "victims" at every chance they can muster. Sad to say, they can't stand being disagreed with, because that threatens their elitist FEELINGS> They are HAPPY to wail about liars. But they get angry when others don't like liars that make the liberals FEEL GOOD. They love unlimited abortion - being irresponsible and against the moral status quo make them feel elite. But,while they love the murder of unborn and even born children, they fight like hell against capital punishment, because it makes them feel good to fight against the norm. They just attack anyone who does believe in great things. Capitalism/Constitution/Bill of Rights/election integrity/ETC ETC ETC...they argue against it. But they hate those things because it make them feel ...not special, not supreme. They name call and berate others - but on the turn of the tale, they HATE being name called because they FEEL that THAT isn't FAIR. But it's okay if THEY do it, because then they FEEL GREAT. Have a nice day FEELINGS WORSHIPERS.
  20. the destruction of our country is their goal. That is the only way to permanent wealth/power and control. https://republicandaily.net/2021/08/democrats-unveil-3-5-trillion-social-safety-net-and-climate-change-spending-blueprint/ Democrats Unveil $3.5 Trillion Social Safety Net and Climate Change Spending Blueprint
  21. He probably poops in his nest, too, you will back that up too? You didn't even mention Pres Trump in your chirp. mulcho graciass. lol
  22. this passes, get ready for widespread food shortages in the future. biden and co will soak every America that has anything to fund the socialist state. Quote by Margaret Thatcher: "The problem with socialism is ... https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/138248-the-problem-with-socialism-is-that-you-eventually-run-out Margaret Thatcher — 'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.' Margaret Thatcher — 'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.' The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.
  23. Duly noted. I know about the Night of the Long Knives - during that time. Obviously, that isn't a similarity - except in symbolism with the current radical leftist movement. Symbolically, many were killed, as you say, and many were arrested merely for being, or at least suspected of being, political opponents - what is going on now is reputations/careers are being "murdered" and "arrested" - and they attack political opponents individuals and groups alike. The similarities stand, but all terrible hell broke loose after they ascended to total complete power. Some folks who lived during that era have been outspoken about the beginning similarities. There are some on the left who breach past the initial similarities though, today. Most all of us, with a few birdbrain exceptions, know about the "hitler youth"..... ********************************************* PBS lawyer seen on video calling for children of ... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/pbs-lawyer-seen-on-video-calling-for-children-of-republicans-to-be-put-in-reducation-camps/ar-BB1cH4Mn PBS lawyer seen on video calling for children of Republicans to be put in reducation camps Emma Colton 1/12/2021. Tennessee won't incentivize Covid shots — but pays to vax cows. Sanders employee: 'send all the Republicans to the re ... https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/bernie-sanders-employee-when-we-win-trump-supporters-will-be-put-into-labor-camps/ I mean, I'm serious," he says. Let's move on. In another part of the video, Weissgerber in his best Adolf Hitler/Joseph Goebbels voice, suggested imprisoning Republicans in re-education camps in order to help the country. "What will help us is when we send all the Republicans to the re-education camps," he said.
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