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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. looking at the eu and united nations alone... globalism gives the like of them complete and total power over the world's economy. which bypasses America's freedom. The ultimate dream of billionaire egomaniacs around the world. Not a good way to protect America and other western nations. Globalism is like the desires of Japan, nazis, communist china, etc.... to rule the world. The totally worthless and corrupt UN would have a field day - collecting big money from the entire world.
  2. Yes It was !!! ends at the visitor center. Saw a national monument log cabin, falls, and the ride up was priceless. Eleven of us were in the jeep, and one gal changed places to the center because the look down the edge of the road scared her. lol. She laughed, but her fear was legit. Hiking up there like you do, Tex... the dramatic beauty is tough to describe in words. I don't know how you do it - the thin air is seriously thin. lol and we all were putting on extra t-shirts and jackets etc. at a certain elevation. Bison, elk, pronghorn antelope, lots of deer, bighorn sheep..... https://www.sdpb.org/blogs/images-of-the-past/animals-of-custer-state-park/ Yes, it was Fall River Road ! We didn't go down the other side - our trip was 4 hours. I would go back and to the other side. Being up there is so much a one-time adventure for many. Driving all that way was great fun for us. Saw a lot of side stops like the Archway in Kearney, Nebraska (historical dioramas about the pioneers on two floors), ...Fort Dodge on the way back. The excellent Wall Drug old time western shopping mini-mall. The "largest truck stop in the world" lol. The famous Needles Highway, drover all over the Badlands on our way back....an actual homesteader historical farm still maintained today. Boy, that was a rough existence for a family of six. But feeling the wind and the wild flowers/pine scents, and the scenery...you have to be there. We couldn't hike that elevation Tex, but I'm impressed that you can. And now I know why you love it. The next trip, if ever, we think we'll fly there, and rent a camper van. lol.
  3. Started out early morning on Aug 17th, camped out three nights on our way to N. Colorado, Ft. Collins, N. of Denver. Now, the Denver stadium is called "mile high". But we and our friends went on a Hummer tour jeep adventure from Estes Park at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, on a dirt road up to 12,100 feet. It was one of the most awesome adventures anyone can have. A mile is 5,280. We ended up over two miles high. Not at all the highest point of the Rocky Mountains, but hiking up there got us light-headed because of the thin cold air. We were fascinated - saw a big harem? of elk... Stopped at a JAX store - camping/hiking/outdoors etc - I clerk asked me where we were from - we said Oho...he laughed - he was from Wadsworth Oh and was a big Browns fan ! From there, we went to our base camp at Custer State Park in South Dakota for a week and saw most all the sights - including over a hundred American bison surrounding our car and other cars. Sights so gorgeous you have to be there and be taken in by the beauty of it. A lot of amazing adventures - got home Sept 1st. We love tent camping - met fellow campers from Connecticut ... Arizona, Georgia.... have a nice quick set up tent - used a safe ceramic electric heater when it got down into the forties at night. Took many, many pictures and videos.... Adventures of a lifetime. Learned a lot about the Lakota American Indians - from Ryan Little Eagle - gives a whole different amazement at the greatest? movie "Dances With Wolves". Oh, the guy Wadsworth - he met his now Wife in College - they went on vacation with her parents - and fell in love with N. Colorado. He is excited about the Browns - thinks they may very well go all the way to the super bowl. If anyone goes out that way, feel free to ask me stuff - BTW, our third night of camping, a Nebraska camping night - it roared wind, rain and lightning. About 3 AM - I decided to ....go look at the stars, and got up to leave the tent. I stepped in about a half inch of ice cold water. The wind, we found out that morning - had pulled out a few of the stupid wire stakes - and when I nearly tripped over the sagging door way, I put my had up to the roof of the tent to steady myself, and about two gallons of ice water fell on me and a lot went into the tent. - it was the rain fly that was staked and holding rain water. But we laughed about it - and our tent dried out really well in the few days we spent with our friends. Our two week trip was just beginning, but it's great to be back home. Haven't watched the Atlanta game yet on record...... All in all, we drove about 2500 miles. Adventuring all the way.
  4. https://reason.com/2016/02/24/global-warming-hiatus-is-real/
  5. classic bait and switch. "you cherry pick" and then you cherry pick. op 15 Coldest Countries In The World - Earth and World 2021 https://earthnworld.com/coldest-countries-in-the-world/ 3. Russia. One of the largest countries in the world stretches from Europe to Asia and is a part of two continents. Most of the regions in Russia are very cold throughout the year and summer temperatures can also be below zero degrees. The northernmost region of Siberia is permanently covered in snow and was used as a place to banish prisoners by the Communist regime for a long time. Unusually strong cold weather outbreak spreads from ... https://www.severe-weather.eu/global-weather/south-hemisphere-america-cold-winter-outbreak-fa/ The source of the cold air was Antarctica, which is quite colder than normal this season. As you will also see, the Southern Hemisphere is also colder than normal, bringing down the 2021 global temperatures to the lowest in the past 6 years. All that, while record heatwaves are raging across the United States and Canada. COLD AIR FROM THE POLE Record Cold of 2021 Reminds Us: Be Wary of Climate ... https://townhall.com/columnists/vijayjayaraj/2021/01/17/record-cold-of-2021-reminds-us-be-wary-of-climate-predictions-and-energy-priorities-n2583143 Jan 17, 2021The Cold Winter of 2020-2021. ... record cold and snow events were registered across the country this year. ... countries should not bet their future on renewables.
  6. I thought you know whos would have grown up and started being honest about it. But no. Elitism and irrational hatred is addictive to certain people.
  7. More and more blood on the hands of every single voter who voted against Pres Trump and America. did it because the msm made them feel special by hating irrationally.
  8. yeah, seems like Hoorta, Tex and Woody haven't had an honest self-perspective the last few weeks. Did you know that American Bison can easily reach 1500 lbs? can run 40 miles an hour? and can jump 6 feet in the air? it's true. Having them within six feet of our car was a crazy experience. Last saturday, some gal wanted her picture taken with a young one, and went up close to it, and was attacked by the mother bison. Her sweater was ripped off, and she was pummeled and sent flying through the air. Like the signs say, ..."DO NOT PET THE FUZZY COWS". that is a sign for liberals. They FEEL like FEELING the bison fur would FEEL good.
  9. Wonder if Hoorta, tex and woodpcker will apologize for their vote to cause these deaths to happen?
  10. Just like the Josh Rosen thing - Hoorta demands not to be disagreed with. he breaks his own "rules" that have little to do with the Brownsboard rules. That isn't moderation, it's abomination. We had a legendary outstanding adventure in N. Colorado and Custer State Park, etc.
  11. for some reality about globalism... https://conservapedia.com/Nationalism_vs._globalism
  12. https://www.theblaze.com/shows/the-glenn-beck-program/biden-trump-afghanistan?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1 Glenn Beck: Why Biden’s Afghanistan failure would NOT have happened under Trump
  13. Still think voting against Pres Trump and America First is funny trolling TDS BS ? Make you feel special? blood, rape, despair, death on your hands for your vote to help biden ruin both America AND Afghanistan. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/08/16/reign-of-terror-taliban-going-door-to-door-looking-for-those-who-worked-with-americans-n427571 Reign of Terror: Taliban Going Door to Door, Looking for Those Who Worked With Americans
  14. liar. did not say immediately, and there were conditions. They TOLD the taliban that moving in would not be accepted. and would have nailed the taliban with strikes. Biden stopped all maintenance personnel from being in Afghanistan. too many jets/helis couldn't fly. it is ALL BIDEN. They know he's a coward, a corrupt sob.
  15. DAMN RIGHT. Hoorta can't stop trolling. Feeling guilty of your vote against Pres Trump and America First yet, Hoorta? How the hell can anyone seriously say it isn't all Biden's fault? I guess that makes it "ok" that terrified Afghanis are clinging to American aircraft and falling out of the sky, eh, Hoorta? Hoorta's "two cents" aren't worth a piece of air.
  16. are Hoorta, Tex and woodpecker dancing around laughing about this too? Their votes against Pres Trump and America First.... helped make this horror happen. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/08/16/horror-at-the-kabul-airport-n427145 Horror at the Kabul Airport
  17. https://www.brownsnation.com/3-browns-players-who-stood-out-in-the-preseason-jaguars-game/ Too bad - a logjam with talented receivers. Davis was IMPRESSIVE. Going to be serious hell with cutting so many good players. Yes, great problem to have.
  18. too bad. Seemed like Jordan Franks has enough skills to step up. https://www.brownsnation.com/report-te-stephen-carlson-out-for-the-season-with-knee-injury/
  19. Wrong. Staying in Afghanistan was keeping the world safe from fake religious idolatry. It isn't Islam - it's medieval unlimited power that the taliban lives for. It's like the hidden remnants of isil joined with the taliban. Do you see this happening in Iraq? NO. Of course it is BIDEN who has collapsed Afghanistan. HE telegraphed a definite date. Hell, how profoundly STUPID a decision is that? BIDEN did NOT LISTEN TO THE MILITARY EXPERTS> That is a crime. Do you think Israel let the enemy know the exact time and date they were going to go in and rescue their citizens from terrorists? Biden would have. It's all on biden - he has always been wrong about dealing with the world, especially military matters. Did everybody know that biden was AGAINST TAKING OUT bin laden???? Please stop the "no, it's everybody else's fault" crap.
  20. once they make all of 'America miserable and desperate, they can manipulate them and stay in power. It is the marxist way. That is why, ideologically, obaMao/biden went to court, trying desperately to kick that educated, Christian couple back the hell out of America. They desperately wanted to live here in freedom - home school their kids. Which was illegal in Germany. but they demand to have no southern border? and let hundreds of thousands of destitute riff raff in? Still waiting for just one liberal to actually explain how they support that flagrant hypocrisy.
  21. The current situation is just the beginning of the severe damage that is coming our way. Dangerous, far more serious trouble is here. The happy "look at me I'm so cool for hating" people will hopefully realize that social media "coolness" to hate and vote against Pres Trump and America First has put America on a collision course with bad history around the world.
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