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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. remember the fake news wailings of the lefties around here? They faked whining that Pres Trump asked our allies to pay their fair share of defense etc? and our allies didn't like that? well, now the lefties around here should realize they look pretty asinine - biden has totally alienated them, and has our enemies ready to go to war because the lefties voted in a complete asswhole loser. and they won't admit it for one second. I'm concerned there's going to be a war. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2021/09/06/biden-has-deserted-americas-allies-what-happens-next-n438964 iden Has Deserted America’s Allies – What Happens Next?
  2. woodpecker's vague sleazeball posts are the wrorst on this board. And that's REALLY bad, considering Hoorta's drivel, and Tex's silly trolling. See, woodypeckerhead, I have always voted for my COUNTRY, and my morals. It ends up never being the doofacrats - they betray both. The Real American democratic party is no more. Bobby and John Kennedy are long gone. In their place were Mcgovern...etc...sleazy lbj, peanut brain jimmy carter....all the way to obaMao commie and hidin mental case biden. I voted for Pres Trump for my COUNTRY, and morals. You vote? if you actually bird up and vote, vote for self-aggrandizement only. Hoorta votes? the same way. That is the difference between you two, and the rest of us who see our country being badly damaged, people dying unnecessarily right and left, by illegals, taliban, drug cartels......... and all you and Hoorta can muster is complaints about Pres Trump? pretty low-life behavior, I believe.
  3. so, abortion wasn't an important issue for you. Got it. But you are "offended" by abortion. But you voted for it. and you should deal with it - you voted against your own country and our AMERICA FIRST PRESIDENT that wouldn't have let America come to this tragic low point - a true biden and co. CLUTERFOOK. The damage might be permanent. But you voted against Pres Trump because of his unpopularity with the leftwing msm. You voted FOR abortion. You voted FOR the skyrocketing unemployment of the black and hispanic communities. You voted FOR Americans DYING, BEING HELD HOSTAGE, etc etc etc.... you voted for the most corrupt, dangerously inept and destructive presidency in American history. YOu voted FOR all the illegals coming in huge droves, and you voted FOR every violent crime they have committed and will commit. You can't justify diddly squat nothin, and you know it. YOu didn't vote for an issue. You voted for your own feeble ego-centric FEELINGS that betrayed your alleged morals. Let us know what you admit your vote was a total screwup. I dealt with the truth here, so you can deal with your own guilt that you won't admit.
  4. still waiting for any kind of sincere apology from an anti-Pres Trump/America voter.
  5. forget your arrogant social media darling inspired trolling. You hurt our country badly. Americans are being held hostage. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/09/05/it-begins-planes-of-americans-and-afghan-allies-currently-being-held-hostage-by-taliban-n438367 It Begins: Planes of Americans and Afghan Allies Currently Being Held Hostage by Taliban
  6. the bakery that went out of business because they took a moral stand didn't do it because they wanted to make money either...
  7. you voted for it, unlimited. partial birth abortion, etc etc. Please explain
  8. so, Hoorta is "against abortion" but voted to put proabortionists, even partial birth abortions...into office? now not one anti-Pres Trump/America First voter has the nads to apologize over this hunting Americans garbage>?? tragic
  9. no, noi the same thing at all. The harassers were liberal activist hacks. The restaurant policy is not harassers. The harassers did NOT own the restaurant. Customers can still go in and not be harassed - how does anyone know?
  10. still waiting for you and other fake haters for social notoriety to be honest for the first time........... https://patriotalerts.com/2021/09/biden-blasted-for-promising-to-help-ida-victims-after-leaving-americans-in-afghanistan/ Biden Blasted For Promising to Help Ida Victims After Leaving Americans in Afghanistan https://patriotalerts.com/2021/09/lost-in-louisiana-watch-biden-wander-away-and-ignore-warnings-hes-going-in-the-wrong-direction/ ‘Lost in Louisiana’: Watch Biden Wander Away and Ignore Warnings He’s Going in the Wrong Direction Joe Biden Flat Out Lies About Visiting Synagogue After Attack, Gets Called Out by Synagogue ‘Slap In The Face’: U.S. Border Agents Rip Biden For Protecting Tajikistan But Not America
  11. Oh my. Any election deniers swimming in Egypt want to apologize yet?
  12. Maybe they have an award for the illustrious floor scrubber award
  13. That is amazing hiking Tex. Wow. And our Tour Guide, an excellent driver - played that John Denver song way up on high. lol. I still have one bad knee - would never make it in that terrain very far........
  14. more sickening than Benghazi. Just wait - biden will say "After all this time, what difference will it make?"
  15. a sickening disgrace. Americans left behind to be raped/tortured/burned alive........ because of the leftwing social media made it "cool" for ego-driven "look at me" voters to vote against Pres Trump and America First. https://republicandaily.com/2021/09/shocking-texts-reveal-army-major-knew-americans-waving-passports-were-abandoned-at-kabul-airport/ Shocking Texts Reveal Army Major Knew Americans Waving Passports Were Abandoned at Kabul Airport
  16. Yep. In the health care field - the need to protect yourself from being exposed to diseases is paramount - I only know that from my friends who were in the field. You get to help so many people though - I admire that. I would have gone into physical therapist career, but my knees made that "not going to happen"....especially after I put them through basic training.
  17. yes - the left LOVES them when it makes them feel good though.
  18. I'm waiting for the board's illegals lovers to admit it's a severe crisis after all.
  19. Vapor - you need better insurance I think. Or wait til you are retired and on Medicare and a good supplemental insurance. You will have no worries. Til the left destroys it with their stupid self-serving political hack decisions....
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