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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Aw, hate to disappoint you- bash Biden to your hearts content. It's SOP around here- and I'm not wasting my time anymore.. Hoorta. ************************************************************* How can we explain why Hoorta irrationally bashes Pres Trump on every thread, but will NOT complain about biden? or obaMao commie? Not once. but he says WE are biased? More likely, Hoorta "says" he's given up trying to control the narrative on this forum. I won't miss the bitching. But he'll probably come back - demanding to be controlling the narrative is a manifestation of extreme ego - that doesn't change easily.
  2. but you are assuming definitions of words that are not correct. "Aid and comfort"..... is a wide-reaching definition.
  3. I suppose this could have been a work in a lab, too? https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/745731.Germs Germs: Biological Weapons and America's Secret War by Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg, William J. Broad
  4. If there is a "power cartel" of unelected permanent bureaucrats who feel THEY alone run the country...it would explain a lot.An egotistical maniac like vindman - would happily be a witness for anything that cartel would want him to do. Sure, it's silly, but then again..... Milley may have made the mistake of being so egotistical a "cartel" thinks he can't be controlled. So, they use vindman to come out against him like they did to Pres Trump. Anyways, when I was in the military, there were a few totally dangerously corrupt members I knew of. One was a lieutenant, another a master sergeant... but you can find those kind of people anywhere - churches, doctors, politics, businesses, etc etc. I knew firsthand about the dangerous corruption of a msgt back at Keesler in Biloxi. He was harrassing troops he didn't like. It's a military story I rarely ever tell. Like in communist china, russia- you play the game or, you are not successful. or, you might also end up in prison to be "reformed". or, you can be poisoned and die..... ******************************************************************** Poisoning of Alexei Navalny - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_of_Alexei_Navalny Other prominent Russians including activists, journalists and former spies have suffered poisoning attacks in recent decades such as Alexander Litvinenko in 2006 and Sergei Skripal in 2018, both in the United Kingdom. In the former instance, the poison was administered by being placed in Litvinenko's tea. ********************************************************************* Demented egos explain why aldrich ames gave away the names of double agents in Moscow, for example. It explains why jonathan walker sold military tech secrets to the soviets. and then there is robert hansen. The dirty traitor spy way high up in the FBI. So how can you explain a milley? etc? It's tough to do. But they are out there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Hanssen
  5. I keep believing that it isn't just ObaMao. Like I mentioned before, there was this TV series based on the movie "shooter". Young veteran marine tries to find out the truth about the murder of his Father, a chief of police in a small town. He keeps being warned to not pursue it...and eventually finds out it was a power cartel in the highest levels of our government. You either join, or get ruined. Or, you get dead. They even pushed one of their judges to be on the supreme court. One of the deep state group - he murdered his own son who was a nut who was a threat to their power. He murdered him with poison so he wouldn't get gunned down. The deaths kept adding up - the threats were constant. The bureaucrats who were so powerful? unelected/appointed. Anyone who got in their way died. It was a crazy series, but I keep looking at their power cartel group - known secretly as "Atlas".... and I look at brennan, clapper, comey, mueller, his "pitbull" attorney, clintons, obaMao, biden, etc etc etc etc etc. Look at how many people who crossed the Clintons - "just so happened to have just died" in various ways. It's a long list. Anyways, sometimes I wonder. As much power as the unelected behind the scenes bigwigs in our gov have...is it any wonder that all the dems fall in line? that pelosi aoc, etc say the most stupid ass belligerent crap that no one believes? Is it any reach to say a power cartel could control the msm? Is it a reach to say that John Roberts would be terrified of being a total conservative on the Supreme Court? It is a reach to say a power cartel could organize to take down an American President no matter how great he wa for America.... because he couldn't be controled by said power cartel? Anyways, I liked the goofy series. But anymore, after all corrupt hell went after Pres Trump..... I wonder.
  6. just...God help us. There is NO low that the left won't go. Sick, twisted, satanic,... they are happy to have the power to be as evil as they feel
  7. Fauci is right there with Milley in the treason charge possibility. https://redstate.com/scotthounsell/2021/09/14/revealed-fauci-ignored-obamas-ban-on-gain-of-function-research-ordered-coronavirus-studies-to-continue-n442198 REVEALED: Fauci Ignored Obama's Ban on Gain-of-Function Research, Ordered Coronavirus Studies to Continue
  8. Communist China is most certainly our most dangerous enemy, and he gave assurances of an advanced attack, which would have resulted in mass casualties of our troops, along with mass civilian casualties. "aid and comfort" falls under those lines. It's very serious. "loose lips sink ships" - and he determined opposition to Pres Trump to get mass casualties of AMERICANS? He's a turd, and should be court-martialed. It's treason.
  9. what a political lowlife. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/09/14/huge-mark-milley-pledged-to-the-chinese-to-commit-treason-in-order-to-undermine-donald-trump-n442812 HUGE: Mark Milley Pledged to the Chinese to Commit Treason in Order to Undermine Donald Trump By Bonchie | Sep 14, 2021 2:15 PM ET AP Photo/Andrew Harnik In political settings, the word treason is thrown around a lot, and in almost every case it’s used in a way that does not legally meet the definition of the world. Yet, courtesy of Gen. Mark Milley, the disgraced Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Joe Biden, we finally have a situation where the term is applicable. In a jaw-dropping report, it’s been revealed that Milley pledged to the Chinese military to commit treason in order to undermine Donald Trump. This report claims Milley pledged to alert his CCP counterpart in the event of a U.S. attack, quoting Milley as saying: “General Li, you & I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.” https://t.co/YSpp5X9wjm — Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) September 14, 2021 The move to alert the CCP would have taken place via a secret backchannel set up by Milley and not sanctioned by the White House. For those who want to quibble with the term treason being used, here’s the legal definition of the act under 18 USC Ch. 115. §2381. Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. Let’s think about this. This is a top US general secretly contacting a top Chinese general pledging to notify him of any coming attack without the Commander in Chief’s knowledge. In doing so, he would be betraying the American service members who would be carrying out such an attack, almost certainly leading to more casualties. Keep in mind in the event of an attack, we would then be at war with the Chinese, making them an enemy nation at that point. I realize the fact-checkers are going to do their best to defend this, but assuming the report (courtesy of a new book by WaPo associate editor Bob Woodward and political reporter Robert Costa) is true, that’s treason, folks. There is no “Well, I didn’t agree with the president” exemption to the law. And even putting aside the legal ramifications of what Milley pledged to do, it’s still an incredibly disturbing, disgusting act on its face. I understand he hated Donald Trump, but to promise to give aid and comfort to the enemy in response to that hatred is next-level stuff. It’s the kind of thing you’d expect to have read in a spy novel, not be admitted to by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Something has to happen here. Milley already needed to resign over the catastrophe that transpired in Afghanistan. Heck, he should have resigned for pushing woke-ism in the military. But this is far beyond any of that. This is a US general telling our top military and geopolitical enemy that he’d take their side in an attack and put American service members in grave danger to do so, all while hiding it from the president. Can we also note that this is another example of America’s establishment class being subservient to China? Does anyone think a Chinese official would give us a heads up in the event of a surprise attack? Of course, they wouldn’t. This is dangerous stuff. We do not elect generals and they do not have the right to operate this way. Milley, whether he likes it or not, is supposed to be accountable to elected officials. That he essentially set up his own military dictatorship while serving under Trump is one of the scariest things I’ve seen in a very long time
  10. He's been a fake and a liar his entire career. But woodpecker still would love to beak biden's toes.
  11. nobody mentioned "mastermind". You are peeing directly into the wind. You're all wet behind the feathers, and you are just an hateful woodpecker because biden hasn't sniffed you.
  12. Heard him interviewed on Hannity radio - and the atrocities are sickening that are going on and being done by the taliban. Torture/fingernails being torn out, rape, violent deaths/beheadings etc etc etc. It is because every single voter who wanted to be msm popular to "hate" Pres Trump and America and VOTE AGAINST their country... are responsible for every atrocity. Yes, BLOOD on their HANDS.
  13. I agree with you - the hell with mandating. We decided to get ours because we are retired. But you can't hide in your house forever. We stayed in for months, got our vacs, we go a lot of places, but we are careful WE decide to wear our masks indoors most of the time - we did on our vacation. That's a lot of gas stations, visitor's centers, museums, ....and hand sanitizer. And we are good. If you have health concerns otherwise, I would think you would get it, but it's OUR CHOICE. Like I said, nearly retired close friend went to Myrtle Beach over the summer, they came back with covid. She is fine now, but her husband refused to go to the hostpital and later, died in the hospital. But they have advanced ways of dealing with covid now. Everybody should just be careful out there, regardless of getting the vacs or not.
  14. Crazy ending, lol, I was surprised the raiders held on.... their defense kept leaving the middle of the field wide open for Jackson to run through, and Carr was off on so many passes. He did get hot later in the game.
  15. https://www.cleveland.com/browns/2021/09/browns-offense-comes-out-poised-prepared-in-kc-terry-plutos-halftime-scribbles.html
  16. getting out of hand. even a lot of dem party sheeple have to admit it.. https://republicandaily.com/2021/09/biden-planning-additional-measures-to-double-down-on-vaccine-mandate/ Politics Biden Planning ‘Additional Measures’ to Double Down on Vaccine Mandate
  17. no. This was the first game - we have new players on defense - that's critical. Just wait til they get the kinks ironed out, which should take about a week of practice. It did not help that Harrison got himself kicked out of the game. It was a tough matchup for the first game of the season. We're good. Our excellent punter won't make that mistake again. The defense shut down their running game. Nobody stops Hill and Kelce. The Browns didn't either. No other teams have the likes of a HIll/Kelce/Mahomes trio. We're good. We will win games - a lot of games. btw, I think Andy Reid is a whining putz for whining about Harrison, when it was his own asst coach that pushed Harrison first. Watch the tape, Reid, and STFU.
  18. strange - Hoorta and woodpecker never comment on these tragedies, because they love biden and whorris and the left. But let Pres Trump have orange skin, and all hell breaks loose. sad display of exaggerated self-aggrandizement
  19. Some new rules, and new emphasis on offensive holding calls. Interesting. but not good if you are a cb and taking on a powerful rb, I think. https://www.brownsnation.com/how-nfl-rule-changes-might-affect-browns-games/
  20. You can also make beef jerky, pemmican, etc, and store it in your refrigerator. Would still keep a good while if the power went out.
  21. that twerp deserved a kick in the nuts, lol. Or maybe just his beak tweaked.........The sick, extremely arrogant hatred of the left is off the charts. That is worse than offensive.
  22. I've been talking about the eventual skyrocketing of prices. Families on the edge of doing well will be hit badly. Already, a friend bought a new house - just in time to avoid an automatic across-the-board extra charge of30, 000 dollars. and the phase after that is ANOTHER 30 thous on top of that. There are many ways to save money. My latest tip is - to buy a big bag of frozen green beans - the biggest I've found was at Gordon's, 4 lbs. They have already been blanched. Simply dehydrate them, put them in a jar or special bag for sealing air out (regular plastic bags do not, it's a fact), put in an oxygen absorber packet, and they will last months/years. Corn, etc. Now, I can deer hunt, squirrel hunt, duck/goose hunt....wish we still had pheasants all over like in the old days....there are many plants you can add to your cupboards...but you have to LEARN about some plants - they have POISON look-a-likes. You have to know the difference. Morel mushrooms are easy to ID in the spring. You can make bread with some wild roots and flour. Pine needle tea is high in vitamin C... (not all "pines" are good for this). White pine is. and you can even collect some of the inner cambium layer bark and eat that, use it in recipes... like Pine Bark Bread ~ Traditional Scandinavian Recipe https://practicalselfreliance.com/pine-bark-bread/ The author of A Boreal Herbal notes, " The inner bark (cambium layer) has long been used as a survival food and can also be eaten in raw slices. I like to use the soft, moist, white inner bark for making pesto. Most pesto recipes call for pine nuts. But one day, when I was making pesto I didn't have any around. this time of year - rose hips should be able to be found.... Too late to grow a garden outside much, but you could learn to do seed sprouting indoors. If ...when? serious inflation hits.... so many folks will be scrambling to lower costs. Taking good times for granted will make the shock of hard times worse.
  23. Yep - I was going to post that. Years ago, I went out towards Brecksville somewhere, and found a place advertised as the best maple syrup. The guy was a science teacher, loved maple syrup - they used to make it back on the old family farm. He actually bought one of those small desalination units to expedite the processing of the maple syrup. Pretty smart idea. I don't know how it worked, though.
  24. biden is 100% INCOMPETENT. you happy Pres Trump haters/voters who voted AGAINST AMERICA have even more deaths, despair and blood on your hands. https://www.theblaze.com/news/us-drone-airstrike-kabul-family Drone strike ordered by Biden's Pentagon mistakenly targeted innocent aid worker, killing 10 Afghan civilians, including 7 children: report
  25. After we went out west - drive through N. tip of Colorado, through far west Montana, spent 7 days at Custer State Park, west to the Badlands twice, went to the Visitor Center, etc etc etc....heard a presentation from Ryan Little Eagle, have maybe 150 pics and videos of a lot of bison right next to our car..... it gives a whole new amazement at the making of "Dances With Wolves". https://www.blackhillsbadlands.com/blog/2009-09-21/costners-connection-black-hills we have pics of us with these statues - they are amazing. Costner explains that originally he had them made for a hotel in that area....but later put them at the Visitor's center. Actually, I think we drove about 4000 miles altogether. It was an awesome adventure of a lifetime.
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