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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. They just DON'T think. They feel - 100% - and their feelings are egocentric to the max. Their bloated egos is the sole driven force behind everything. More and more, some of them are realizing it, and become aware that they are not supreme beings. Just haters/ridiculers/non-believers in anything. So, they adapt and overcome their personal feelings and egos. some don't.
  2. although, Pres Trump would NOT HAVE SPENT THAT MUCH, but he had your hardcore leftist antagonistic democratic party forcing the issue - make Pres Trump shut the gov down, helping them politically, or going ahead and having the gov spend more more money. It most certain IS a party thing - the dem party, Bob. That the reps go along with it too, is more by being in between a rock and a hard place.
  3. more and more of Hoorta's heroes. future demoquack voters for socialism handouts.
  4. Hoorta and his little woodpecker are on the wrong side of arguing. They personally insult, and their opinions make biden look not so dumb. that is very bad, since biden is one of Hoorta's heroes. Meanwhile, half of America believes biden is mentally unstable, and Hoorta pretends it's just us on the board who know how to THINK instead of emote.
  5. run across any of these illegals anywhere in the country, they could attack your family, take everything you have, and maybe leave you dead. they have nothing, are desperate. that is why they came here. ten thousand UNDER A BRIDGE? when illegals crimes skyrocket...watch the biden handlers demand unConstitutional gun control. It's coming.
  6. like nazis during WWII - all the their hideous crimes were sanctioned in the goal of keeping unlimited power
  7. "oh, look at the illegals - they are a crisis - we will have to solve this problem - by promising them a free socialist ride for their votes for us forever"
  8. I wish I was a cartoonist and made this one. Exactly on point.
  9. The problem is human beings are different - different chemistries, health concerns or not, physical conditioning. Our friends didn't get the vaccine - came back from vacation - she got it, went to the hospital asap, was ok to go back home in about 4/5 days. He wouldn't go. Waited with covid and wouldn't go to the hospital. Apparently lied and went and got the vaccine, got sicker...they took him to the hospital, too late, he died. Their daughter got it - ended up fine. Our friends in NC got it. quarantined themselves in their rooms, were sick and then were fine. Our friends in NC - their pastor's wife is very sick with covid - not vaccinated - haven't heard if she's ok or not yet. but they are hoping she doesn't have to go on a ventilator......... We drove about 4000 miles altogether on our excellent adventure out west over a few days over two weeks. Went in many places - wore our masks indoors, except sometimes not in the camp bathrooms. (who wears a mask taking a shower?). We were vaccinated. We are in great shape. Just be careful out there folks. And, try to FORCE everyone to get the vaccine? Not happening here in AMERICA. And yes, there would be a hell of a rebellion all over this country. The power to legally FORCE everyone (except for illegals, go figure) to get injected? Nope. Because once they can accrue THAT kind of power - they can/will try to keep on "legally" forcing. The tyranny power will have been established. But the left would love to have the power that communist china/russia/nk/cuba has.
  10. this is typical woodpecker crap - Project Veritas VIDEOS corrupt sombeitches with audio, that shows they are corrupt - and it's Project Veritas's lack of cred? just....you're a moron, woodpecker. Apparently not smart enough to keep up in ANY conversation.
  11. he needs to be prosecuted. He's a corrupt dirtbag. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/09/20/former-senior-military-official-milley-had-pattern-of-behavior-of-exceeding-his-authority-and-undermining-trump-n445466
  12. serious election fraud. proof. No wonder Hoorta "left".
  13. calfoxwc


    Cysko - I was wondering if you were ok - God Bless and hang in there, just keep on fighting it and beat it. Prayers your way, too.
  14. I've said it early on - they want to establish a new, dependent on gov services for their servival voting block. that is the ulterior motive. The illegals will be very easily manipulated to vote any way the dems say. They will have them over a barrel.
  15. Sorry, Tex - you don't get it because you don't WANT to. Bloated egos run amok. Your posts reveal ego-driven anger at reading but not comprehending the truth. Pres Trump would NEVER have let this happen. and you have sunk to neo's hateful level of slurring discourse. It's all about you, Hoorta, woodpecker and neo being the kind of people who are grossly EGO driven. Your all's blurtations are nonsense. as to neo's blurtation about 9/11: that is lower that stupid. 9/11 was planned for THREE YEARS. W Bush became president in 2001. 9/11 happened in 2001. Hey neonoob - guess who was president before Bush became president? Was president for 2+ years of planning for 9/11? Guess who was being "serviced" by monica lewinski - when they tried to get the go ahead to take out bin laden? but he was "unavailable" ? your clinton, that's who. And Tex, your drivel is your undoing - but your elite ego-centric feelings of grandeur keep you from admitting reality. Too bad. You four are only angry because no one is buying the stinking crap you are selling about yourselves. It isn't about us - it's about reality - politics - and laughing about the murder of those 7 children is a disgrace, no matter who feels that their ego is more important. You and Hoorta can NOT ADMIT THE TRUTH. You can't name ONE good/great thing that your biden has ever done FOR AMERICA. For most of us, our country is America. Your all's country is yourselves. Too bad. Liberals tend to feel superior - they can NOT allow anything to be more important than them.
  16. so much for taliban fan posting about the pentagon's cya dishonesty. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/09/18/tucker-carlson-eviscerates-joe-biden-for-droning-kids-and-raises-some-important-points-n444749 Carlson begins with the most obvious fact: that this strike was done to make Biden look good. The Pentagon went all out in playing it up in the aftermath, claiming — with no equivocation — that “multiple suicide bombers” were killed. They also claimed to have seen multiple secondary explosions, something that we now know never happened. Also, in what may have been a veiled swipe at Fox News’ Pentagon stenographer extraordinaire, Jennifer Griffin, Carlson put up one of the claims she had regurgitated. In the end, every detail she reported without question was completely false. At another point, Carlson played a montage of media analysts on networks like CNN and MSNBC lauding Biden for the strike, asserting that it was evidence that America’s ability to conduct counter-terrorism operations was strong. Of course, that “ability” ended up murdering children, in a strike that was meant to cover for the president’s asinine handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
  17. Why is U.S. Inflation Inevitable? https://isectors.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Why-is-US-Inflation-Inevitable.pdf To understand why inflation in the U.S. is inevitable, it's necessary to look at the numbers. The United States Government brought in (mostly from taxes) revenues for the 12 months ended August 31, 2009 of $2.2 trillion ($2,157,940,000,000). The U.S. Here's where inflation is hitting America's wallets hardest https://nypost.com/2021/06/10/heres-where-inflation-is-hitting-americas-wallets-hardest/ Jun 10, 2021Prices for fruits and vegetables rose 0.2 percent from a month ago, and 2.9 percent over the prior 12 months. Citrus fruits specifically are hurting wallets, 2.8 percent more expensive in May than ... Inflation Is Here, and It Is Going to Get Worse | Mises ... https://mises.org/library/inflation-here-and-it-going-get-worse Inflation Is Here, and It Is Going to Get Worse. As compared to September last year, the growth momentum of price indexes shows visible strengthening. Year on year, the rate of growth of the consumer price index (CPI) rose to 1.6 percent in January from 1.5 percent in the month before and 1.1 percent in September last year.
  18. You stepped in it, Tex, it's your fault your shoes stink. You want to buy the crap biden and his corrupt general is saying? Milley is a freaking LIAR. Lt. Col. Oliver North: 'No Americans left behind' in Afghanistan was a ‘blatant lie’ so, your trolling is making you look like you are woodpecker's other dumb bird friend. and your hero, Hoorta's hero, woodpecker's hero.... Vindman? ADMITS HE LIED TO CONGRESS. BUSTED! Lt. Col. Vindman Reveals He Lied to Congress ... https://freedomheadlines.com/freedom-wire/busted-lt-col-vindman-reveals-he-lied-to-congress-during-impeachment-sham/ Lt. Col. Vindman Reveals He Lied to Congress During Impeachment Sham. ... Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman has recently put out a new book in which he flat out claims that he was the primary source of the leak. He leaked the information to Eric Ciaramella so that Ciaramella would be "the whistleblower", but in reality, this is just a formality. ... Here's your sign:
  19. I was implying they were lying. How stupid of you to always play the dumb victim card. They were following the wrong car based on taliban misinformation. They SAY they followed the car for eight hours. I call bs. They COULD have VERIFIED. But they knee jerked to save a tiny bit of biden credibility, but it backfired, like most things they have done. They did a political thing to make biden look good. They COULD HAVE VERIFIED, and obviously did NOT CARE TO. They jumped at the chance to save the obaMao/biden corrupt presidency. It blew up in their faces, just like you stupid take blew up in yours.
  20. Apparently Tex stupidly keeps wanting another. His posts are self-destructive. Of course the military can make a mistake. With Hoorta's, woodpecker's and Tex's mentally incompetent fake hero as president. The president approves drone strikes. No need to bitch forever about anybody else because of your emotionally warped choice to vote against your own country, Tex. https://www.theblaze.com/news/french-military-kills-isis-leader-who-ambushed-us-soldiers and your asswhole hero murdered MURDERED SEVEN CHILDREN. MURDERED SEVEN CHILDREN. Admit it, you are a taliban fan just like your joe biden.
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