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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Tv movie - just watched it yesterday. About terrorists and a traitor somebeitch close to the president of the United States... who join in taking down Air Force one. Over Finland, in the remote mountains. The bad guy on the inside puts the president in a pod, and ships him out of Air Force One going down to crash, to parachute to land somewhere. Then they search for him. Meanwhile, a young 13 year old son - on the smallish side - goes out into the remote mountains to bag an elk and prove his worth as a hunter, in their tradition. The young man meets up with the president, and they are both chased by the bad guys. The scenery is amazing, and the story's silliness is surpassed by the courage and daring of the young man in saving the president. The special effects are cool, and the stunts/real and/or implied...are great fun to watch.
  2. that is worse than sick. Buying off the media should be prosecuted.
  3. the one on the right is not a sick and twisted stupid hardcore liar sombeitch....
  4. https://www.brownsnation.com/kevin-stefanski-has-request-for-sundays-browns-fans/ "To begin with, he needs defensive coordinator Joe Woods to call a different game with man-to-man coverage and blitzing packages to rush Fields. Joe Woods has a great opportunity this week is get rid of some of the hate. You have a rookie Quarterback making his NFL debut at home. You cannot let him look good. #Browns" ********************************************************************** Time to step it up aggression-wise - don't be a predictable defense. Don't leave big plays wide open in the process, sure.
  5. is this true? what the??? https://www.theblaze.com/shows/glenn-tv/biden-proposal-irs-bank-transactions-600 Glenn Beck: Biden's tax proposal targets bank accounts with more than $600. 'That's NOT for the wealthy. That's for EVERYONE.'
  6. how about us REAL AMERICANS CARE because we do NOT want it to ever happen again? as compared to losers who want it to continue.
  7. he showed up as Hoorta left. interesting.
  8. I've defended Woods a lot, because he didn't have the talent. Plain and simple. But, he does now. Maybe he can't start blitzing etc until the defense gells - to avoid crititical mistakes leading to quick scores. A lot of new faces, a few rookies and "rookies".... but if he doesn't start being aggressive soon - I think he needs an attitude adjustment you betcha. Interesting stats for 2020: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2020/opp.htm Ravens and Steelers were #1 and #7 in blitzing. Browns were 26th. dammit.
  9. is that similar to "if you can't tell which gender you are, please find another business that will help you" ?
  10. 9 hours ago, hoorta said: Cal doesn't get it. It's just that Biden isn't Trump. Said goofball is still trying to get the election overturned- (notice he sent yet another letter to Raffensperger last week?) unless he's batshit crazy now (a possibility) there's no legal way to get electoral votes "decertified", or that he's magically going to be reinstated- like some Q-Balls still believe that possibility. But Trumpie keeps on trying. And as I posted once upon a time Steve- a very astute political obsehttp://thebrownsboard.com/topic/62624-dementia-joe-covid-plan/?page=2#rver posted around 20 very valid reasons a couple months ago why it's totally OK to hate Trump's guts. **************************************************************************** LOL LOL LOL I need more "attaboys" I keep running out. LOL LOL
  11. btw, near as I can remember - the republicans have not controlled both houses of congress and the presidency since 2007. that is fourteen years ago. The dems control both house and senate and presidency. and look at the complete clusterfook damaging our country into the toilet, maybe beyond repair. Not "both parties" - predominantly democratic. Like I posted, look at the results when reps had both house and senate, but a democrat president- bill clinton. Most ALL Democrats <> some/a few republicans.
  12. to a degree, sure. But not one dem is calling for a balanced budget. Not one. When Republicans controlled Congress - during bill clinton's time.... ***************************************************************************** Most republicans do support a balanced budget. But Congress controls the purse. Pres Trump had a hostile spendthrift dem congress, Reagan had a hostile dem congress (remember Tip O'Neil? NOT a pelosi). https://www.quora.com/Which-US-presidents-balanced-the-budget?share=1 Gray Wilton , Ph.D. Ratiocination Applications, University of Life Answered 4 years ago · Author has 6.9K answers and 5.4M answer views First of all you must understand that Presidents do not serve in a vacuum. Presidents do not make budgets, they suggest them to Congress, who then funds them as is their power, the power of the purse. When Congress is finished funding it the President accepts the budget or argues for more money, or a different distribution of the available monies. So the real answer is that “NONE” of the U.S. Presidents balanced the budget during their terms. Knowing that you need more than that the big answer is not too many and almost none in the 20th Century, except Bill Clinton, but the House was under GOP control when the ground work was laid and the result was balanced and even returned a small surplus of no more than about 2.3% in one of the four years. Before that it was Harry Truman who has small surpluses in both 1949 and in 1951. Before President Truman it was President Hoover. Rarefied air indeed.
  13. Hoorta "left" because his/their false crappy narratives have rotted, and he can't even name ONE good/great thing obaMao or his biden ever did for America. They can no longer defend it, they exit.
  14. the benefits are what they can't admit: the poor tend very, very strongly to vote for dems and social services/welfare/etc. they are letting in millions? of poor. But remember, obaMao commie and biden BOTH FOUGHT LIKE HELL to kick a terrific well to do Christian German family OUT of America - they wanted to immigrate here to home school their kids (which is illegal in Germany). THAT EXPLAINS a LOT.
  15. So, all you fake angst squawking parrots can now apologize. (they never do - they just change the subject again) https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/09/22/the-feds-are-forced-to-release-january-6th-surveillance-footage-and-narratives-crumble-n446766 he Feds Are Forced to Release January 6th Surveillance Footage and Narratives Crumble
  16. TRUE. (but Hoorta and his little woodpecker won't say it.)
  17. Just to set Hoorta and his little woodpecker straight - with the TRUTH: you can't name one good/great thing your obaMao commie and biden ever did FOR AMERICA. and, Carter Page debacle? obaMao/biden ILLEGALLY SPIED ON HIM. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2021/09/22/fisa-court-ruling-confirms-obamas-doj-illegally-spied-on-carter-page-n2596275
  18. any lie that gets the left what they want....is a "good lie" to them.
  19. They just DON'T think. They feel - 100% - and their feelings are egocentric to the max. Their bloated egos is the sole driven force behind everything. More and more, some of them are realizing it, and become aware that they are not supreme beings. Just haters/ridiculers/non-believers in anything. So, they adapt and overcome their personal feelings and egos. some don't.
  20. although, Pres Trump would NOT HAVE SPENT THAT MUCH, but he had your hardcore leftist antagonistic democratic party forcing the issue - make Pres Trump shut the gov down, helping them politically, or going ahead and having the gov spend more more money. It most certain IS a party thing - the dem party, Bob. That the reps go along with it too, is more by being in between a rock and a hard place.
  21. more and more of Hoorta's heroes. future demoquack voters for socialism handouts.
  22. Hoorta and his little woodpecker are on the wrong side of arguing. They personally insult, and their opinions make biden look not so dumb. that is very bad, since biden is one of Hoorta's heroes. Meanwhile, half of America believes biden is mentally unstable, and Hoorta pretends it's just us on the board who know how to THINK instead of emote.
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