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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. so, can we not read any more stupid posts about how they only want to "tax the rich" ?? terrible-tax-scheme-in-the-behemoth-infrastruct-n2596669 Oh Yes, There's a Tax Hike That Will Clobber Rural Americans in This Infrastructure Bill
  2. what is sad, is when union members haveto keep paying dues when they get sick of the graft and giant salaries the big hochos of unions make.
  3. hold on, is that one of your swimming in Egypt new personal rules? How many times have you changed the subject abruptly because you can NOT name ONE good/great thing your obaMao or biden ever did FOR AMERICA? You can't name one. Your mexican hatdance swimming in Egypt doesn't get it done.
  4. HE needs to be the one arrested. He's a lowlife traitor. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/09/traitor-general-milley-admits-to-leaking-information-against-former-president-trump/ TRAITOR: General Milley Admits to Leaking Information Against Former President Trump
  5. He posted the video in private clothes - Article 88 is ambiguous as to talking disparagingly about an official, etc. I do highly admire him - and he is correct. Accountability is demanded, especially now. Article 88 might be interpreted to nail him - or not. Asking for accountability is not disparaging an official. Asking for accountability is the same as asking accountability for what he said. It's a valid principle, not derogatory. If he had said in the video - the president and the pentagon are a bunch of (*&)(&*) then he would be guilty, I'm pretty sure. That is just my veteran opinion. I haven't watched the video yet, but all the military are to be held accountable. It's pretty much the point of the UCMJ is it not? The issue is not cut and dried - in fact, a group of military folks can get up a petition of complaints against a superior officer - PROVIDING they have it ok'd by the next step up in the chain of command. I've been there, folks. My great friend and our squadron red rope was gone one weekend. Guys were being falsely written up for going to church retreats and/or ...being black. The msgt doing it, was getting away with it because our excellent commander was gone on family emergency leave. It was bad - some guys were past the technical qualification for an article 15. One guy got written up three times for cigarette butt under his bed. One....it was pot. He did NOT smoke ever. It was a lot of guys in trouble. That situation got resolved in a huge way. But I digress. The UCMJ rules. But as any Jag lawyer would explain - interpreting how they apply to the facts is often debatable. I think that on principle, asking/demanding accountability is NOT disparaging a superior officer or official. They may very well hate him for it, but that is on them. The UCMJ applies to them, too, whether or not they like it. https://www.thebalancecareers.com/punitive-articles-of-the-ucmj-3356854
  6. concealed carry, folks. Crime is skyroceting. And the same lefties who want millions of illegals to come vote with them... are a lot the same that want to defund police depts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Haiti
  7. but will Hoorta admit it? nope. woodpecker? nope. Tex? Nope. etc. https://www.theblaze.com/news/obama-open-borders-unsustainable-migrant-crisis Obama now calls open-borders immigration policy 'unsustainable' as Biden's 'heartbreaking' migrant crisis worsens
  8. deliberately causing despair and widespread crisis... to have a new voting block that will be locked in dem leftwing voters. https://www.theblaze.com/news/dhs-secretary-1-in-5-migrants-have-illness
  9. based on WHAT? What they admit to? Read the book "Germs". Communist countries would never divulge] what they actually spend. come on, man.
  10. your slurs are getting more ignorant now. Using "traitor" for someone who did over 200 good/GREAT things for AMERICA.... and kept most all of his promises.... sometime stop with the bloatation, and look up the definitions of the words you use. Unless sounding like a fool makes you happy.....
  11. Except that allowing it to continue is going to make it get so much worse it crashes our economy. It's a matter of integrity - and far, far too many people have little or no integrity. It's sad. It might cost more money to stop it - right now - but over decades, the savings would be dramatic.
  12. Hold on - you can covid and use a gas pump, and the next few people in line can also use the gas pump, and get the virus on their hands, and they can touch door knobs etc and spread it when they do not have covid. Touching your face with no mask could get you infected. That is regardless of being vaccinated or not. Hand sanitizer all the time, anytime you go somewhere and touch anything. That's the key.
  13. they lie about most everything. Especially benghazi and russian (none) collusion.... it's all to get power. and fools keep slurping it up. Lied about Jan 6, about being a transparent admin, about being "post racial", about supporting Real Marriage, about defending our security and Constitution/Bill of Rights. They just keep on telling lies to get more power. They have the power to get away with it. Not good. https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2021/09/27/afghanistan-rescue-worker-reveals-biden-administration-is-lying-about-number-of-americans-left-behind-n448491 Afghanistan Rescue Worker Reveals Biden Administration Is Lying About Number of Americans Left Behind
  14. It's sick - they defend it by reinterating how they don't like Pres Trump's personality - fostered by ego inflation by associating with the msm. But they seem to be unable to handle the truth - they are coming around less and less. Maybe.
  15. all those things are medical mandates. That is the huge difference. We got our vaccines, both one and two. Went 4000 miles, Colorado/Neb/Illinois/Indiana/Iowa/S. Dakota/Wyoming.... gas stations/museums/visitor centers/hardware stores/gift shops, Wall Drug old western mini mall, Biggest Truck Stop in the World, many many places. Usually wore our masks in most all buildings, except bathrooms at camping. Never got covid. Used hand sanitizer. I suggest getting the vaccines (I like the Phizers) and wearing masks and handsanitizer and using common sense. Just be careful out there folks. But passing laws forcing medical decisions like vaccines sets a hell of an extremely dangerous precedent. A precedent of tyranny run wild. Dangerous over-reach by our gov.
  16. Yeah,,,, I see woodpecker and Hoorta and Tex and...... they voted for their bloated egos - desperate to be social media elite darlings. They voted against their own country. They voted against themselves, and all other Americans. Kinda like driving your bike over a cliff into a tree and breaking your back and other parts just to be famous on youtube.
  17. whatever journalist it was....admitted he NEVER saw a whip or anyone whipped. But he probably made some big bucks from cnn/msnbc etc.
  18. 1950 here. "old farts" starts about 1949 and earlier..........lol
  19. well, I think I am a bit older, but it's true. I just don't remember what year it was. http://www.brownsdailydose.com/where-did-the-story-of-the-browns-really-begin/ " The Browns would go to play preseason games at the Rubber Bowl every year through 1973, the team being extremely cognizant of the need to promote itself in the next-biggest market in Northeast Ohio, and the contest 75 years ago is the one that drew the biggest crowd. " "What would have happened had the Browns lost the game? We’ll never know. As it turned out, the Browns hardly ever dropped a game during their four-year run in the AAFC through 1949, going a staggering 52-4-3 (.907) in the regular season and playoffs combined, and 5-1-1 in exhibition play, including 4-0 at the Rubber Bowl. And it all started that night at the Rubber Bowl exactly 75 years ago."
  20. "haha" over lack of evidence because of deleted records etc.... is stupid. Saying they've recovered the files.... means probably they recovered only the files that were not permanently completely deleted. HUGE! Maricopa County Audit Team Admit Files Were Deleted ... https://www.sgtreport.com › 2021 › 05 › huge-maricopa-county-audit-team-admit-files-were-deleted-but-they-were-able-to-recover-those-files-video They refuse to answer why files were deleted on the voting machines they turned over to the auditors. During the hearing today the Cyber Ninja team announced that they had recovered the deleted files from the voting machines. This is exactly what Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit reported in a Gateway Pundit exclusive.
  21. biden has always pretended the writings and speeches of others were his. back in college, he was a plagiarizer. He's always told fake stories about himself. Lied on his resume, lied about college he went to, lied about where he worked. He's never been mentally stable, and his entire family got rich off it. Still waiting for the fake haters to apologize for putting this turd into office. "turd" also based on the damage he and his puppeteers are doing to our country.
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