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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. which defies any legit explanation -
  2. Baker has been hurt the last two games. Wills, Tretter and Conklin have been questionable to play, and they took the field. I admire them for that. Tiam is right.
  3. I agree - the Vikings went for it on fourth down a few times when I figured they were punting. Both teams have offenses that can move the ball, and terrific defenses. Playing it safe isn't the answer I think.
  4. I think Baker's shoulder was banged up worse when he scrambled and took a minor hit on it. He has no fear, and he is as mentally tough as any other qb in the league. He had a bad game. It wasn't helped by a very good defense that took advantage of banged up Wills and Conklin on the pass rushes. Wills finally had to leave the game in pain. I respect them hugely for starting anyways. I'm sure it's harder to move with outside rushes with an ankle taped up heavily. and still Chubb got a hundred yards rushing. Under pressure, injured shoulder, Wills, Tretter and Conklin playing banged up... I'll take the win. And the defense started out giving up runs to the outside, then adjustments were made? and they saved the day. Greedy got his first interception - they don't give up. Admire Baker for his outstanding leadership and grit on a tough day.
  5. Hoorta, Tex, woodpecker and neo and all the rest who voted against America and Pres Trump... are responsible. blood, rape, death, torture and despair on their hands.
  6. Did your nanny Hoorta give you soggy fruit loops for breakfast?
  7. what next? fining employees because they vote republican? or their spouses support Pres Trump?
  8. again, typical stupid woodpecker - can't refute the op so he simply tries to feel good about himself and his bloated ego.... with a personal attack on the poster. What a waste of feathers.
  9. France should blame Hoorta, his little woodpecker, Tex and all those who voted against America, too. sad, tragic..... and stupid extremely destructive emotional knee jerk votes.
  10. I hope Greg Joseph has a bad day. Good luck to him later...... https://www.espn.com/blog/minnesota-vikings/post/_/id/31368/mike-zimmer-defends-greg-joseph-as-kicking-woes-continue-to-haunt-vikings
  11. I really like what Coach Stump Mitchell had to say about the running game. They are putting stopping Chubb and Hunt at the top of their list when they play the Browns. https://www.brownsnation.com/3-keys-to-a-browns-victory-over-the-vikings/ 3 Keys To A Browns Victory Over The Vikings " #Browns Stump Mitchell on patience in the run game: “We have to wear these guys down. Patience is the key. Defensively, those guys are keying the RBs, so we have to try and stress our running tracks—get our guys going where we want them to go in order to make the cuts we need.” — Camryn Justice (@camijustice) October 1, 2021"
  12. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/facts.html?s_cid=11365:%2Bcovid %2Bvaccine %2Bmagnet:sem.b:p:RG:GM:gen:PTN:FY21 Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines Updated Sept. 7, 2021
  13. which won't happen since nonsense rules so much of the controversy on the internet. and the msm. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/09/30/hysterical-media-claim-that-college-student-died-from-covid-complications-completely-misses-the-mark-n450248 Hysterical Media Claim That College Student Died From 'COVID Complications' Completely Misses the Mark
  14. breaking all his promises. Pres Trump KEPT most all of his. Still proud of their anti-America, pro-unlimited abortion, pro-violence to innocent Americans, -pro-illegal immigrant diseases and crime, anti-Pres Trump voters? https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/10/01/the-white-house-admits-joe-bidens-2020-campaign-was-a-scam-n450926
  15. Florida? why is Florida not in any of these lists? Just another moronic slur politically? How many older folks live in Florida? And Texas is on the list of one of the worst. Hello, thousands of diseased illegal immigrants flooding Texas and Florida and..... https://bestlifeonline.com/news-states-covid-surges-sept-14/ https://wallethub.com/edu/safest-states-during-covid/86567
  16. Our friend's Pastor's Wife has been in the hospital with covid. She ended up doing very poorly, went to ICU - on a respirator. After so many days, from what I understand, she is finally recovering - respirator has been backed off to less and less. Still in ICU, improving. She never got the vaccine. The anti vaccine crap is worse than stupid, with all the hearsay total bs going around on the internet. Sensationalism gets notoriety though. Kind of like "accidently" snowboarding off a ramp into a frozen pond. Intentional to be famous for a little while on youtube. The population of our country is roughly a bit over 331 million people. About half have been vaccinated. One knucklehead gets on the internet and claims that the vaccine turned him/her into a magnet and all hell breaks loose. This is stupid. It's a personal decision - but please make the decision based on legit information, not internet sensation rumors on nonsense data. My advice - get the vaccine unless your medical condition doesn't warrant it per your family physician. Which, I don't know what that medical condition could be. And one sad death after a vaccine - out of an estimated 175 million? But nobody is turning into a magnet, etc etc. My opinion - you are DEFINITELY a spreader of covid if you don't get the vaccine. By getting the vaccine, you are only a spreader via touch. Not coughing/touching hundreds of droplets everywhere you go. This "LOOK AT ME I AM SENSATIONAL" crap is plaguing our country like a zombie apocalypse in "World War Z".
  17. Meanwhile, back to legit opinion on the matter of ivermectin..... https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-new-study-shows-denial-of-ivermectin-is-a-crime-against-humanity Horowitz: New study shows denial of ivermectin is a crime against humanity
  18. Bad time to have our oline banged up. Imagine if Wills and Conklin can't go, and Hubbard, Conklin's back up can't either. it if was somebody elses team I would be happy to watch them struggle to figure out who could play and still win. Hudson would start at Lt? Hance at RT? I'm not worried about Harris starting at center that much. Those guys leave it all out there every game, though, and will start unless they just are ruled out. I notice on the depth chart, we don't have any third string offensive linemen.....
  19. It's political power activism long term. Teach the kids to be like you, and your party will always win elections. My opinion, even back when the lawsuits were flying over taxpayer's taxes paying for schools - the left FOUGHT against taxpayers influence on schools. Why? Because they wanted to enact leftism to children to influence them to be left. In the long run, they an run for office and have a lot of the same kids vote for them. Or vote for who the "teachers" want them to vote for. Controlling everything is their fake "god". and they could STAND to be accountable to the taxpayers for what they did. Afterwards, they can teach whatever the hell they want. No matter how sick or obscene, no matter how revolutionary stupid..... and they are, too many of them. It's similar to the Hitler youth. Turn kids against the parents, against what the parents teach. Teach them to be obiedient marxist traitors to their own families. https://redstate.com/heartlandinstitute/2021/10/01/virginia-gubernatorial-candidate-parents-should-not-tell-schools-what-to-teach-n450382
  20. it isn't just a handful of them anymore. It's a whole lot of them. Their arrogance and bloated egos demand full authority. Exterminating 40 Million Americans In Re-Education Camps ... https://thecommonsenseshow.com › martial-law › exterminating-40-million-americans-re-education-camps-goal The Weathermen Underground Leader, Bill Ayers, told former FBI Agent and informant, and my late friend, Larry Grathwohl, that he believed that when the Communist takeover happened, he would have to incarcerate 50 million Americans into re-education camps and exterminate 25 million of them. Larry was an FBI special informant who had penetrated ...
  21. Folks, this is who they are - drunk on power and arrogance. Remember the bill ayers - obaMao connection? ObaMao started his political career in Bill Ayer's father's basement in chicago. Here is the video again, of the FBI agent who infiltrated the weathermen, and he describes what they were saying. All Americans who wouldn't cooperate with them and their "new gov"....would have to be exterminated. not a joke.
  22. for instance: Leftists Suggest "Re-education Camps," "Firing Squads ... https://summit.news › 2020 › 11 › 19 › leftists-suggest-re-education-camps-firing-squads-banning-talk-radio-to-deprogram-75-million-trump-supporters Reeducation camps for those salvageable. Firing squad for irredeemable malcontents. Round up entire families to ensure the disease doesn't spread. — Sari Not Sari GigaCharlatan Dr. Musk for Prison (@xenomorpher1) November 19, 2020 "Generally speaking, I believe re-education camps are a good thing," added another. Leftists Propose 'Re-Education Camps,' 'Firing Squads ... https://newspunch.com › leftists-propose-re-education-camps-firing-squads-banning-talk-radio-to-deprogram-trump-supporters Leftists Propose 'Re-Education Camps,' 'Firing Squads,' Banning Talk Radio to 'Deprogram' Trump Supporters November 20, 2020 Niamh Harris News , US 9 875
  23. corrupt regimes always disarm the citizenry so they can instill insecurity and fear of voting against them, or speaking against them, or acting against them. They know they are so bad it will be happening - they want the permanent upper hand to do whatever the hell violence and intimidation they feel like.
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