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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. So, for all the jaw flappy over Jan 6 by Hoorta........ these are his heroes. yeah. what goes around comes around with the lefties. man made goober warning is a fake issue designed by the UN and the left to redistribute wealth. and control everything they can think of. and tax America into socialist poverty. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/10/15/watch-protesters-forcing-their-way-into-fed-building-looks-pretty-insurrection-like-n456982\ WATCH: Protesters Forcing Their Way Into Fed Building Looks Pretty 'Insurrection-Like'
  2. https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/a-misleading-narrative-about-the-unvaccinated/ On the menu today: A new study finds that blacks and Hispanics remain less likely than their white counterparts to have received a vaccine, which complicates the convenient narrative that the COVID-19 pandemic continues because of stubborn, white, anti-vaccine Trump Republicans; CNN accuses Republicans of wanting to hurt children; Biden issues the weakest possible threat to the Taliban; and a hard lesson about the #MeToo movement.
  3. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/the-most-vaccine-hesitant-group-of-all-ph-d-s/
  4. early on, it was slight, but the danger was there, and breached the edge of it. Now, it is vindictive full bore kind of communist power tactics. https://www.theblaze.com/news/virginia-mom-maos-purge-doj-school-board-communist-tactics Virginia mom who survived Mao's purge says DOJ and school board association use 'communist tactics'
  5. sept higher than august. Highest rate of increase in years? But it will get worse. Be afraid enough to store up food, water....medicines, whatever. Just take care to not be caught with no backup supplies. It CAN happen, folks. Some of us talked about it in my survival thread. Just like airlines canceling thousands of flights over covid mandates ....what if that happens with the trucker companies? very bad. empty shelves. It took MONTHS to be able to find lysol on the shelves again after covid broke out. BTW, the North Carolina pastor's wife died of covid after all. They thought they might have a miracle going - but it was temporary, and she was overwhelmed by it health wise. Very, very sad. Stay safe out there - covid and supplies wise. Tomorrow I'm going to collect a bunch of chicory roots, and a bunch of crabapples for jelly. and acorns to make stuff with. And rosehips, etc. It's fun. I avoided poik leaves - the berries are toxic, and the leaves have to be boiled in two sets of water.. nah. far easier and safer stuff out there. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/10/13/newest-inflation-numbers-strike-fear-into-middle-class-americans-n456148
  6. It's all about power and wealth and more power to get more wealth. and they will lie slander whatever it takes...to get it and more of it. the obaMao mafia has infiltrated and tainted so much of our gov. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/10/more-corruption-the-art-gallery-representing-hunter-biden-received-a-500k-covid-loan/
  7. Where's Hoorta whining about our "allies are upset with Us because of Trump" ??? why, I thought that respect from our allies was really important. They didn't LIKE Pres Trump being America First - too bad. but they have zero respect for Hoorta's hero bungling muttering biden.
  8. Then why did Baker complete 71.8 % of his passes and Herbert completed only 60.4 % of his passes? It's a team game. And the Browns have injuries to their offensive line? ???
  9. Another book - (we got several at a garage sale in some town - new development in S. Dakota)... we bought and read - "Crying Wind" - a fascinating autobiography....a look at the poverty stricken life of a 15 year old American Indian girl on a reservation - and her struggles to understand life around her, and understand their religious views - who moved into town...and learned to adapt to town life.... it's funny at times, early on it's very tragic and sad often, and uplifting later on. Not a big book. Just a special one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crying_Wind
  10. I will get a copy of that. Right now, I am reading... it is really terrific - about this man who was a frontiersman who had many, many adventures out west.
  11. Gutfeld is funny and nails many of his points. Carter was an emotionally warped ignoramus whose arrogance quietly hurt our economy and more. biden and the left are destroying our Country....are liars, traitors and sick twisted power mongering sombeitches. and biden is mentally damaged, and is 100% corrupt. So, Gutfeld is wrong.
  12. this time, it's the notorious SEIU. corruption. marxism. https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2021/10/13/ca-seiu-exec-director-indicted-on-corruption-charges-it-couldnt-have-happened-to-a-nicer-union-stooge-n456560 SEIU Confirms Democrat-Socialist Marxist Connection https://www.breitbart.com › politics › 2012 › 01 › 30 › seiu-confirms-democrat-socialist-marxist-connection Jan 30, 2012SEIU Confirms Democrat-Socialist Marxist Connection. 9. Trevor Loudon. 30 Jan 2012 0. I have long contended that the US's largest and most militant labor organization the Service Employees International Union, is allied to, or subordinate to the country's largest Marxist organization - Democratic Socialists of America.
  13. How about no more swimming in Egypt about inflation? and we haven't seen "anything" yet. https://www.theblaze.com/news/government-winter-heating-prices-spike Feds to Americans: Expect your heating bills to soar big-time this winter — as much as 54% Tucker Carlson: Inflation is not a temporary problem, it ... https://www.foxnews.com › opinion › tucker-carlson-inflation-not-temporary-problem Tucker Carlson: Inflation is not a temporary problem, it is real and it is here Tonight, the Fed is still partying with your currency like this is the richest country in the world Biden inflation is here, and its going to get much worse ... https://www.washingtontimes.com › news › 2021 › jul › 19 › the-biden-inflation-is-here-and-its-going-to-get-m Jul 19, 2021Biden inflation is here and it's going to get much worse. Both individuals and countries are very good at getting themselves into situations with no easy or painless way out. The U.S. now faces ... News - Inflation Is a Dangerous Way to Get Rid of Debt ... https://www.heartland.org › news-opinion › news › inflation-is-a-dangerous-way-to-get-rid-of-debt-burdens?vgo_ee=6fBUdck › EPl2Iovnndgl5377Wzdu9AWdq8PIdJp10mA= Inflation Is a Dangerous Way to Get Rid of Debt Burdens. Joe Biden's proposed $6 trillion budget for fiscal year 2022, will include a budget deficit of $1.6 trillion, or almost one-third of planned government spending. Suppose you lent someone $100, and when they paid you back they only handed you, say, $99 or $80. Here's What Inflation Is, Why It's Dangerous and Its ... https://www.youtube.com › watch?v=3BGJWcAHkHk What exactly is inflation, why is it so dangerous, and how can it be stopped? I answer these questions by showing how inflation almost destroyed the country ...
  14. total corruption and incompetence is ruling. America is in big serious trouble.
  15. Biden's FBI coming after protesting school parents ... https://coloradopeakpolitics.com › 2021 › 10 › 05 › bidens-fbi-coming-after-protesting-school-parents-compares-them-to-terrorists Joe Biden's Justice Department has now been dispatched to intimidate public school parents from speaking their minds. Much like the KGB, America's top cops are now being used as political tools to silence dissenters and enforce the will of government.
  16. so, as in a question: Are Hoorta, Tex, woodpecker and neo happy they voted for a traitor fake president? or, just ashamed to admit it because their egos can't handle it? https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/12/joe_biden_the_manchurian_president.html
  17. not just me saying it, I just found out - Tulsi Gabbard: Calls for Biden to embrace 'KGB-style ... https://www.washingtontimes.com › news › 2021 › jan › 26 › tulsi-gabbard-calls-for-biden-to-embrace-kgb-style Jan 26, 2021Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says it's incumbent upon President Biden to reject calls for "KGB-style" tactics in the U.S. if the nation is to avoid a dark future. The Hawaii Democrat told ... FBI Steals a Tactic From Communist KGB, Then Brags About ... https://wethepeopledaily.com › 2021 › 07 › 12 › fbi-steals-a-tactic-from-communist-kgb-then-brags-about-it-on-twitter FBI Steals a Tactic From Communist KGB, Then Brags About It On Twitter. July 12, 2021. The federal government of America has gotten even more creepy ever since Biden was installed as the president. There is a lust for federal power on the Left that has grown immense, especially after January 20th. National - Latest Action by Biden's KGB Against Gun Owners ... https://www.southwestfirearms.com › threads › latest-action-by-bidens-kgb-against-gun-owners.9230 The federal government - along with the mainstream media - is the enemy of the people. They have forgotten who they work for. It is beyond time to vote these dictators out of office and place massive term limits on ALL of them (and remove any congressional pension, along with reducing their pay permanently to $60,000 per year).
  18. the judge is absolutely correct. but how many leftist activist, anti-Constitution judges would allow the feds to violate Constitutional law any time they FEEL LIKE IT? getting to be very dangerous to America. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/10/13/judge-holds-authorities-in-contempt-for-violating-civil-rights-of-jan-6-defendant-n456288
  19. new voting block. More and more minorities are seeing the danger of democrat leftist corrupt rule.
  20. you can't own the United States of Amerca. but you can own a disrupted, anti-everything decent, inflation-wracked, stuffed with anti-God, immorality, asinine anti-everything good about America economically crashed country. That is the plan. the evidence is every freaking where.
  21. it's sickening. It was a kgb political attack on a political protester whose daughter was raped by a "trans" and they tried to cover it up from the media. The police pull on HIS ARM and he pulls it away and they go after HIM? why didn't they "pull on the arm" of gay leftist activist woman who was also yelling at him? because of politics in that school board. the police there surely must be resigning over that garbage. Scum police behavior - politically bent.
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