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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. a really terrific article: https://republicandaily.com/2021/10/the-dangerous-reality-of-the-lefts-hysteria-over-democracy/ The Dangerous Reality of the Left’s Hysteria Over ‘Democracy’
  2. https://republicandaily.com/2021/10/people-are-hoarding-executives-issue-warning-on-possible-food-shortages/
  3. I've been finding valuable wild plants all over the farm. Like burdock...chicory.....black walnuts....common mallow.....etc etc etc. so many plants are easy to identify, for food and to make effective medicines with.... inflation is hitting folks. Don't go hungry. They actually pass a law that taxes mileage driven.... we are headed for empty shelves at all stores because truckers will strike... all economic disaster will break loose. Just one example: https://www.ebay.com/itm/304116650373?chn=ps&amdata=enc%3A1uvu1iQ8XRCuyllplSAQ_hA0&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-213727-13078-0&mkcid=2&itemid=304116650373&targetid=4580702890871448&device=c&mktype=&googleloc=&poi=&campaignid=418640321&mkgroupid=1233652283797640&rlsatarget=pla-4580702890871448&abcId=9300602&merchantid=51291&msclkid=a19276b1ee2f1294224617c2d31176b3
  4. If I was a Gala apple tree gender, would I grow apples? more and more.... if they can manipulate society to accept perversion as normal.... and convince kids gender is how they FEEL.... then they can feel they can manipulate the American people to vote agaist their own country and against their own interests. ...against their own freedom.
  5. crime lords are always extremely paranoid. they know they are up to dangerous crap and society will be oppressed and resent it.
  6. dangerous times. The fbi can lie, probably rape and pillage, and as long as they are "good nazis"/"mafia in good standing".... they can have protection from their brass. They can destroy anyone who gets in their way. They all have a "get out of jail free" card for anything they do. But let a conservative telling the truth sneeze during a fake dem congressional inquiry, or fbi interview.... and it's prison time in solitary. dangerous times are here, folks. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/10/dojs-chief-watchdog-weighs-in-after-biden-restores-full-pension-of-disgraced-ex-fbi-official-clears-record-he-lied-to-investigators/ DOJ’s Chief Watchdog Weighs In After Biden Restores Full Pension of Disgraced Ex-FBI Official & Clears Record He Lied to Investigators
  7. It's a disgrace. I believe corrupt nutjob goodhell needs to provide some explanations. At times, Garrett is being held about like being tackled - no calls????????? It isn't all refs. But it sure the heck is SOME REFS - being corrupt. You can't be a "pro ref", look RIGHT AT THE FOUL INFRONT OF YOU, and ignore it. Something is going on, and the NFL (notice the commerical about the NFL ? btw) needs to hold the "bad call accident" refs ACCOUNTABLE. I wish the media would start asking the NFL. I guess the NFL doesn't have to admit the refs "screwed up" and made a team have a tougher time winning a game with outrageous unfair calls that are inexplicable. it's getting to be an epidemic with the NFL's silence. Apparently, they condone it.
  8. so there you have it, folks. pinegender. They can feel their gender is "tree". seriously .... anything to screw up America and the American people. psycho-brainwashing at it's stupidest.
  9. only neo wishes he was in a Haitian gang. liberals FEELINGS can really get screwed up. or maybe he feels like a tree. He and woodpecker can get together..... I mean, how stupid can the left go? Maybe they FEEL like their gender is "TREE". hahahaha. except....... I just looked it up. dayum.................. ******************************************************** https://lgbta.wikia.org › wiki › Treegender Treegender is a type of xenogender in which ones gender is related to trees or aspects of trees. It can be used as an umbrella term or as a gender itself. For example, one could identify with trees in general or with many trees, one could define themself as pinegender and categorize it under treegender, or example could be that someones gender feels like parts of a tree, such as branches ...
  10. Not implying intentionally.... but their brandon is in the wh, and his psycho-minions run the show. The left hates genuine leadership - they always feel like a fake "god", so no one is good enough for them to follow.
  11. so the left can make us pay for inner city and illegals votes. and enrich themselves. ******************************************* Thirteen Democratic attorneys general have sent a letter to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) asking for restored penalties for automakers failing to meet corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards for model years 2019-2021 vehicles. CAFE standards regulate how far vehicles must be able to travel on a gallon of fuel, in a push to blame climate change on internal combustion vehicles and heavily favoring electric vehicles (EVs). Specifically the letter asks NHTSA to reverse a rule put in place just before President Trump left office. The rule reduced a 2016 penalty from $14 to $5.50 for every tenth of a mile-per-gallon that an automaker fell below the CAFE standards, beginning with model year 2019 vehicles. Unsurprisingly, the band of AGs is led by California AG Rob Bonta and New York AG Letitia James. “There is one thing we all know for sure: there’s no time left to waste in the fight against climate change,” said Attorney General Bonta. “Every year counts, and we can’t let anyone off the hook – particularly those companies that steadfastly refuse to do their part.” The climate-change narrative was similarly echoed by Attorney General William Tong of Connecticut, who said, “ “Vehicle emissions are the single largest climate crisis driver in our state and across the nation, and we cannot afford free passes for those who ignore federal law.” And because carbon credits are big business, it should also come as no surprise that EV giant Tesla is also pushing for stricter CAFE standards. The company has excess regulatory credits, which it can effectively sell at a 100% profit to other automakers to help them meet government vehicle emissions requirements. CAFE standards increase the value of these credits. Other major automakers have asked the court to reject Tesla’s request for stricter standards. “That Tesla might benefit from more certainty about the worth of the CAFE credits that it has amassed is hardly a reason to cut off an ongoing administrative process,” the group wrote in a court filing. And all this pressure in favor of increased CAFE standards is only heightened by President Biden’s declaration that he wants half of all cars and trucks sold in the United States to be electric vehicles (EVs) by 2030. With big money, “progressive” elected officials, and the might of the Biden administration behind it, the battle against outdated and unnecessary CAFE mandates will be an uphill one. You can help the fight by submitting your official comment. Submit your formal comment against Biden's roll-backs And if we lose, it’s sure to prove costly for average Americans like you and me -- and potentially perilous for America’s economic and energy future. Tom Pyle President American Energy Alliance
  12. https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States ****************************************
  13. going to happen more and more. It's common in Haiti too. brought to us by ....every single voter who voted against Pres Trump and America First
  14. we have a wood burner insert in our fireplace. Build a fire and the heat blows hot from around the outside of the unit. I want to fix up a battery/solar backup in case the grid goes down for days....
  15. right. so if you invest in that, you HAVE to vote democratic liberal garbage. just as much a corrupt power play as bringing in illegals by the tens of thousands to eventually have no choice but to vote for the left. They must be stopped by reps or America is lost.
  16. Hoorta, Tex, woodpecker and neo etc voted for this too. Bringing unvetted desperate dangerous criminals here, while trying to disarm Americans, brainwash kids away from their parents and God, etc etc..... this gov is fine with violent crime and arson by their brownshirts/blackshirts..... but they label anyone who disagrees with their leftwing extremism "terrorists"..... bizarro land. now why would any government do this garbage?
  17. getting worse and more dangerous to our freedoms more and more. View this email in your browser How Joe Biden plans to spend your money on the ‘gun violence public health epidemic’ by Lee Williams For gun owners, Joe Biden’s FY2022 discretionary budget plan is an assault on our individual freedoms and civil liberties – an assault that could cost us both billions of taxpayer dollars as well as our guns. Whoever actually wrote the plan is a master of creative writing – fiction writing, to be sure. For example, Biden’s budget plan first refers to gun violence as a “public health epidemic” in a paragraph that’s sandwiched between two legitimate epidemics: opioid addiction and AIDs. To address this “gun violence public health crisis,” Biden wants to give $2.1 billion – an increase of $232 million – to the Department of Justice, to “improve background check systems, and invest in new programs to incentivize State adoption of gun licensing laws and establish voluntary gun buyback pilot programs.” Don’t forget that the buyback program Biden has frequently called for is designed for our ARs, AKs and other popular rifles, and there’s nothing voluntary about it. It’s confiscation, pure and simple. His own campaign website shows that Biden wants to “institute a program to buy back weapons of war currently on our streets. This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act.” Those who don’t comply could be charged with illegal possession of an NFA-regulated firearm – a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Biden wants to give the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives $1.6 billion – an increase of $70 million – “to oversee the safe sale, storage, and ownership of firearms and to support the agency’s other work to fight violent crime.” In addition, he wants to double funding for “firearm violence prevention research” at the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institute of Health. Who better to help maintain the fiction that guns are a public health epidemic than the CDC and NIH, right? Most worrisome, however, is the funding Biden wants to spend on domestic terrorism, especially since the definition of domestic terrorism seemingly expands every single day, and now includes both critics of the Biden-Harris administration as well as parents who may object to the actions of their local school board. Biden’s budget plan would give $45 million to the FBI to investigate domestic terrorism, $40 million to U.S. Attorneys to prosecute more domestic terrorism cases, $12 million to the U.S Marshals Service to arrest domestic terrorists, $131 million to the Department of Homeland Security for domestic terrorism prevention and, of course, $4 million to the National Institute of Justice for domestic terrorism research. While I’m very concerned about real domestic terrorists – those who seek to kill Americans and/or violently overthrow our system of government – I’m more concerned about foreign terrorists. Foreign terrorists have killed Americans. Irate parents who may object to their school’s mask mandate or curriculum have yet to crash any planes. If Joe Biden has his way, it will only be a matter of time before gun owners are labeled domestic terrorists, especially those of us who own what Biden calls “weapons of war.” We’ve known for a long time Joe Biden wants our guns. This is how he intends to pay for it. The Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project wouldn't be possible without readers like you. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation now to support pro-gun stories like this.
  18. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/10/told-you-so-rand-paul-does-victory-lap-after-nih-proves-fauci-was-lying/ “TOLD YOU SO”; Rand Paul Does Victory Lap After NIH Proves Fauci Was Lying
  19. no, but the damage done will be solely on the hands of all those who stupidly voted against Pres Trump and America First.
  20. "waaaaa why do we spend money on the military? cut it back! waaaaaaaaaaaa"
  21. so, Hoorta has a medical background... waiting for an apology for swimming in Egypt on the subject.....
  22. it's only starting - they know our gov is helpless and in the hands of asswholes.
  23. That IS happening, and very well may be devastating. But that isn't what I was referring to - we have both been talking about inflation and economic crash. I'm talking about all the other hundreds of pages of nonsense that is vague, silly, strange, and never comes to pass. If you shoot a shotgun at a flock of birds enough times, eventually you can get one bird. The strong trend of nearly nothing ever transpiring is my point. The number of fails to successes in this thread is just astounding. But if it makes you happy, I"m fine with that....... but...there is going to be a war eventually. and America is going to hit the skids badly - that is the direction we're heading. I kept saying "big serious trouble" but it was a long way off. It's here now, going to get a lot worse. Maybe damage we can't fix, who knows.
  24. Stefanski is no dummy - Von Miller is 6' 3", 250. Johnny Stanton is 6'2", 240. I'd use a two back set a lot to throw their defense off track and frustrate Miller..... I look for our OT's to have a much, much better game. The Browns defense will step up again. Garrett will have more sacks than Miller. I think Schwartz will have his best game. I tried to pick up D'Ernest Jackson in one league - he will have a good or great day. Both teams desperately need a win. Browns will get it. 23-17....... But the Browns need to come out passing. Defenses are just keying on the run - especially on first downs when Stef calls a run so often.
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