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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. true, but at least this time is for serious LEGIT reasons, unless the reps take back Congress - both houses
  2. yep. He's a lowlife. should go trial, along with the fool who ever let live ammo be on the set. I mean, come on. That is a ploy right out of Perry Mason and Matlock shows. now it happens for real on the set? come on.
  3. "Prove it in court or you are completely wrong. " BTW your obaMao commie won the presidency in 2008 and 2012. There is no "election was stolen from obaMao commie" nothing. You talk out of your tailfeathers. Rarely ever a legit link to support your birdbrain woodpecker contentions. There was serious electoral fraud in 2020. It's being found out more and more. NEVER any obaMao supporters who claimed obaMao had the election stolen from him. He WON TWICE BIRD POOP BRAIN. Perhaps you should look in a mirror, and read what your beak is saying before you post.
  4. apparently, the left wants to bankrupt us. so they can take over.
  5. crap. what the heck is wrong with our rino republican governor ???? Youngstown-Warren Air Reserve Station in Vienna, OH ... https://militarybases.com › ohio › youngstown-warren The 88th Air Base Squadron was the housekeeping unit of the air defense base while the 86th Fighter-Inspector Squadron was the operational flying unit. The 86th remained at Youngstown until 1960. On May 26 of 1952, the Air Force Reserve's 26th Fighter-Bomber Squadron was put into Youngstown which soon was initiated during the Korean war then ... Cost of Illegal Immigration in Ohio | Newsmax.com https://www.newsmax.com › FastFeatures › illegal-immigration-cost-Ohio › 2015 › 10 › 15 › id › 696293 The burden to Ohio law enforcement because of illegal immigrants was publicized in 2014 when Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones sent a letter to Mexico's president and secretary of foreign affairs, demanding $900,000 for "dealing with your criminals," according to the Cincinnati Enquirer.
  6. Diehard is correct - and it doesn't take a whole lot of training to know to handle weapons safely. Hell, I knew that when I got my first single shot 12 gauge shotgun for Christmas when I was in the sixth grade. I actually bought some .22 shorts starter pistol rounds. They do not have a bullet in them. When I opened it up, I laughed, my Wife laughed, and I gave them to a good friend to give to a terrific track coach. I believe stage bullets are made that way, with tiny charges to splatter blood for the audience's benefit. Alec is the anti-gun sludge character that did the extreme repulsive railing against his own daughter. Serious investigation needs to be made. Something surely isn't right with this story. Something isn't right with him. This story seems right out of several mystery movies and tv shows over the years. Alec Baldwin's Threatening Voicemail Message to Daughter ... https://www.tmz.com › 2007 › 04 › 22 › alecs-threatening-message Threatening Message to Daughter. 4/22/2007 4:05 AM PT. An enraged Alec Baldwin unleashed a volcanic tirade of threats and insults on his 11-year-old daughter, Ireland, calling her a "thoughtless ...
  7. AND they can get fake outraged and fake terrified........but can NOT bring themselves to be genuinely outraged and terrified over the destruction that their votes elected the most corrupt, dangerously inept and destructively leftwing "president/vp" and radical hacks in American history, by a huge, huge degree.
  8. the leftwing msm has emotionally warped and manipulated so many to hate and vote against their own well being, vote against their own country's well being, vote against freedom and honesty in life..... those who voted against Pres Trump and America First and all of us Americans... ARE "rabbitholes"
  9. "haha the election is fair because the electoral fraud is covered up, and those who know it happened, are refusing to turn over the evidence against court orders so they can't prove it in court hahahahahahahahahahha" and not one of them can admit biden is the worst, most destructive and senile president in U.S. history. Strange - they voted against their own country and all of us.....and can't get past their superegos enough to admit it. The only way they won is with voter fraud. Didn't read any of the links again.
  10. getting very very bad. The msm groupies pretended to hate Pres Trump because of the color of his skin with a tan......... but not one of them has criticized all the serious lies and destructive take-down-America moves. Have to get him out of office. What happened to looking at who the vp is? only when a republican is running. charles manson would have been fine with them. Emotional knee jerk voting and voter fraud. They were desperate to get their power back. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/10/articles-of-impeachment-accusing-president-biden-of-treason-have-been-introduced-in-the-house-of-representatives/ Biden Accused of TREASON! Articles of Impeachment Have Been Introduced in the House of Representatives
  11. get this..... demon gender. no kidding. I think all of these freaks should feel like a NUT. https://www.theblaze.com/shows/louder-with-crowder/crowder-deranged-tiktok-demons-explain-their-demon-gender
  12. so, all the left needs is any kind of fake opinion, and they jump on it and try to ruin conservatives, parents, Supreme Court justice nominees, a great president that kept his promises to America..... https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2021/10/22/the-national-school-board-association-apologizes-for-its-part-in-the-merrick-garland-domestic-terrorist-letter-n461637
  13. https://www.theblaze.com/news/americans-afghanistan-state-department State Department reveals there are 363 Americans still in Afghanistan, far more than Biden administration's previous estimates: Report
  14. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/10/81-million-votes-donald-trump-is-crushing-biden-with-independents-according-to-new-2024-poll/ 81 Million Votes? Donald Trump is Crushing Biden with Independents, According to New 2024 Poll
  15. https://republicandaily.com/2021/10/the-democratic-party-declares-war-on-parents/ The Democratic Party DECLARES WAR on Parents
  16. Here's How You Can Tell the 2020 Election Was Stolen ... https://www.realclearpolitics.com › 2020 › 12 › 31 › heres_how_you_can_tell_the_2020_election_was_stolen_532449.html By the same standard of statistical analysis that the left applies to everything, it is easy to prove that the election was stolen from Donald Trump. Read Full Article » Related Topics: Election 2020 Evidence that the 2020 Presidential Election Was Stolen ... https://www.wordfoundations.com › evidence-that-the-2020-presidential-election-was-stolen The 2020 presidential election was stolen. It was stolen in broad daylight in the sense that the theft was obvious to everyone seeing the evidence, paying close attention, and willing to reach reasonable conclusions despite the prevailing and pervasive leftist narrative. The thieves have bragged about their heist openly. Yes, The 2020 Election Was Stolen And The Shocking ... https://www.patriotinsider.org › yes-the-2020-election-was-stolen-and-the-shocking-evidence-is-already-public-see-it-here (Patriot Insider) - Every day, more and more evidence is coming to light proving the 2020 US presidential election was stolen. During Tuesday's broadcast of the War Room, Owen Shroyer pointed out that what Mark Zuckerburg was doing prior to the election was essentially canvassing major Democratic strongholds to get an idea of the margins and advantages held by Joe Biden.
  17. "let's go biden psycho" heart breaking. This would NEVER have happened while Pres Trump was in our WH. you Pres Trump -America haters should be ashamed. Really ashamed of yourselves. https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2021/10/22/american-trapped-in-afghanistan-pens-heart-wrenching-letter-to-biden-n461332 American Trapped in Afghanistan Pens Heart-Wrenching Letter to Biden
  18. corrupt biden regime and corrupt ignorant radicals running out gov. It's a fake "national emergency threat" if parents disagree with leftism in our schools. but, let a teacher ATTACK a parent? obaMao mafia hacks take care of their own. https://redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2021/10/22/merrick-garland-strangely-silent-after-indiana-school-board-member-tries-to-attack-parent-at-meeting-n461553 Merrick Garland Strangely Silent After Indiana School Board Member Tries to Attack Parent at Meeting
  19. Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America Look at what just happened in Arizona last night for the people that really won the Election, by a lot, us. The FORENSIC AUDITORS released a new report that discredits all of the disinformation put out by the RINO Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. The auditors said Maricopa County purposely misled the public and spread “outright lies” about their findings. The Board provided zero evidence for their false claims, including no accounting for the 12,772 illegal ballots (more than the election margin alone) who moved outside of Maricopa County before the election. They have no valid answer for how there were more early ballots returned by voters than received, why their official results did not match who voted, why there were more duplicate ballots than originals, or why they deleted and purged their Election Management System data in defiance of a subpoena, which is against the law, and they did it on the day before the audit began. These incredible findings affect tens of thousands of ballots, and therefore, the outcome of the Election. This does not even touch Pima County, which had precincts with more than 100 percent turnout for mail-in ballots. The Presidential Election in Arizona (and in numerous states) was a Fraud. Maricopa County officials lied, and then tried to cover it up. Now they are facing criminal liability since defying a subpoena and deleting election records are serious crimes. Hopefully Attorney General Mark Brnovich will do something about it. Regardless, based on these findings, and many others, Arizona should decertify their Fake Election results immediately!
  20. https://republicandaily.com/2021/10/biden-mocks-freedom-in-twisted-train-wreck-of-a-town-hall-2/
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