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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. well, at least he started a thread and didn't crap up somebody else's thread this time like the birdbrain he is.
  2. pretty telling - the lefties want the board shut down, they get mad and get triggered so often, most times it's fake "offense" to play the victim. But they love being the triggerers. The emotions LOVE the latter. figures.
  3. Baker is terrific. His only weakness may be that he can't run and juke like Mahommes or Lamar Jackson. Speaking off, Jackson looked pitiful throwing vs the Bengals. I he couldn't run like a frightened jackrabbit, I don't know that he would be in the NFL. Keeping him in the pocket is the hard part, and stopping him from throwing to a wide open Edwards is another thing. Baker is seriously accomplished stats wise. He is the first Brown qb that I think is as smart as Bernie Kosar. Strictly from a layman's point of view - do NOT start Baker vs the squealers. He's turn. "He won't hurt it worse" was ok to try until his bone was broken. Gotta admire his desire to win, lead and leave it all out on the field every second of every game. My concern is, he keeps injuring an injured shoulder, and repeated dislocations happen - it would stretch ligaments, damage cartilage, etc and ruin his career eventually. Let him heal, keep him on the sidelines. Keenum can play the game, he showed that already. The Browns won, and I figure his first game - instinctively he was a little rusty. Especially with both backup tackles out - I figure Wills will be fine in ten days...hopefully Conklin will be back. "let Baker play" sounds pretty, but beauty is only skin deep. And the Browns will win the next couple of games with Keenum and they will be 6-3. But it will take more than a few weeks for the fracture to truly heal, apparently. https://woundcaresociety.org/long-fracture-take-heal When it comes to different body parts, average healing times can span from three to ten weeks. For finger fractures, the average healing time lasts about three weeks, metacarpal bones take four to six weeks, wrist fractures take four to six weeks as well, and lower arm will heal in eight to ten weeks. Humerus, a bone that runs from your shoulder to your elbow will need six to eight weeks to get back to normal, femur will need a little more than twelve weeks, and tibia, the bone that goes from your knees to your ankles will take about ten weeks to heal.
  4. a legit accident can happen. but deliberate irresponsible negligence is far different a legal situation. The gun was deliberately and stupidly used by the crew, maybe baldwin himself.... to SHOOT LIVE ROUNDS. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/10/not-a-prop-the-gun-alec-baldwin-fired-was-being-used-for-target-practice-with-live-rounds-say-multiple-on-set-sources/ Not a PROP – The gun Alec Baldwin fired was being used for TARGET practice with LIVE rounds say MULTIPLE on-set sources
  5. Congrats on everybody retiring ! it's awesome in my book. I dealt with knee pain for many years. My knee was reconstructed in the summer after the ninth grade. I was retired when my knee completely gave out one evening at the grocery. I literally fell into her and she kept me from going to the floor. I tried to hide it, but my Wife cried and said no more - you have to get your knee replaced. She knew I couldn't take the pain anymore. So, I did. My surgeon, one of the very best, said my knee was the second worst he'd ever seen of thousands in his career. Medicare and supplemental took care of most all the bill. Don't wait, guys - the pain takes it's toll... at least for a temporary amount of time. I hope your back surgeries go excellently. Find the best dr around.
  6. TV movie. Found it while scrolling through "Free Movies" on Spectrum. This is a funny movie. There's these two redneck goofball sheriff deputies in a back country town. The sheriff is a darth vader evil hard ass who comes in and ends their employment because there had been no crime, so why does he need them? He leaves the office after taking their badges and guns. But the phone rings, and they find out an escaped alleged cop killer was on the loose and headed their way. So, to get their jobs, back, they get their guns and badges and go after the "cop killer". Without the sheriff knowing. It's a comedy. It's funny. It's goofy. It's charming. The two deputies have goofy shooting challenges ... I recommend it. It's worth the time if you have any kind of sense of humor at all. LOL You know it's a very good movie because of the cool scenery in the woods.....
  7. wait, having said that, I had the board up while we watched ratbirds and bengals.... and fixed that link... and now the error message is finally gone. Hopefully for good. The link interfered a lot with stuff.
  8. It did it again. I simply copy and pasted it back in on edit, and then it worked. The error message I get on the Brownsboard is constant - because Zombo and co. haven't been able to fix it yet.
  9. still waiting for you to ask your nanny how to research online. You never answer your own questions - you just peck out and try to get a response you can peck more at. Once again, I'll spend one minute and do a quick search to give you an idea: Far-left WANTS civil war. So is it time for a NATIONAL ... https://www.glennbeck.com › radio › far-left-wants-civil-war-so-is-it-time-for-a-national-divorce It seems the Left wants a civil war and some on the Right want a national divorce. The country is split right now unlike anything Glenn Beck has ever witnessed. There are two sides: Those who want to fundamentally change this country and those who believe in KEEPING the experiment of liberty that the Founding Founders intended. The Left Preps for Civil War: - PJ Media https://pjmedia.com › news-and-politics › rick-moran › 2020 › 09 › 08 › the-left-preps-for-civil-war-the-potential-for-violent-conflict-is-high-n906809 The left is talking itself into a civil war. Civic order is breaking down and, like in 1860, Americans on opposing sides are seeing an enemy across from them and not a fellow countryman.
  10. that's how they roll. like youtube and facebook etc has encouraged them to be worse than they were before.
  11. You have the read this to believe it. After all the sissy dishonest ramblings and lies about Jan. 6th..... this is true intent to assassinate. and the Capitol police SAID HE SHOULD BE ARRESTED. but the corrupt biden/obaMao DOJ refuse. That speaks volumes about how corrupt our gov is - because of the left. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/10/matt-gaetz-scorches-bidens-doj-for-refusing-to-arrest-lunatic-who-tried-to-kill-him/ Matt Gaetz SCORCHES Biden’s DOJ For Refusing To Arrest Lunatic Who Tried To Kill Him
  12. Amazing ! Illinois ran all over them most of the game. Illinois had 323 yards of RUSHING. lol and Illinois won in the NINTH OVERTIME. Fun game to watch. and get this - Penn State was 5-1....Illinois was 2-5 !!!! wow.
  13. https://www.heritage.org › crime-and-justice › commentary › crimes-illegal-immigrants-widespread-across-us-sanctuaries-shouldnt Opponents of federal efforts to enforce the immigration laws enacted by Congress repeatedly claim that illegal immigrants are "less likely" to commit crimes than U.S. citizens - and thus ... About Heritage‧Hans Von Spakovsky
  14. liberals who voted against Pres Trump and America First voted for this too. seems Hoorta, woodpecker and new and Tex should apologize to the rest of us. I think there's going to be a war. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/10/military-strength-survey-navy-approaching-weak-strength-rating-air-force-already-there/ Military Strength Survey: Navy Approaching “Weak” Strength Rating, Air Force Already There
  15. lies are wonderful to them unless it isn't politically expedient.... https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/10/23/confirmed-the-biden-administration-has-been-lying-about-americans-trapped-in-afghanistan-n461825 Confirmed: The Biden Administration Has Been Lying About Americans Trapped in Afghanistan
  16. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/10/23/the-problems-with-the-nsba-apology-for-their-domestic-terrorist-letter-n461800 The Problems With the NSBA Apology for Their ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Letter
  17. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/10/23/wh-tries-to-spin-as-biden-loses-more-support-than-anyone-in-the-office-since-wwii-n461909 WH Tries to Spin as Biden Loses More Support Than Anyone in the Office Since WWII
  18. they are probably running the country now anyways. No big deal
  19. how could I be retired when I was employed as president? egad. You suffering from dementia like your sex object biden? still waiting for your first intelligent, thoughtful post..................
  20. Being retired, we are in great shape. We've worked hard all those earlier years to be here in good shape. I think that anyone who loves their country and does not take everything for granted in life - and knows at least a bit of relevant history on the subject - has to look at the despair down the road. Anyone who lived through World Wars and the depression... they don't take life and good things for granted. They would protect current America from despair. I don't get it - we are headed toward dangerous despair territory, including illegals being shipped all over our country. Big serious trouble is now here, and it's looking far worse than we imagined. I'm working more and more on wild edibles and medicines - tinctures, poultices etc. It's fascinating to me - it's what the pioneers and American Indian tribes depended on in many ways. I'm concerned about all the corrupt fake mmgw taxes they want ot levee. Of most concern, is the plan to tax mileage. That should empty shelves in all grocery stores fairly quick when Trucker companies can't make a profit and the workers go on strike across the board. or, they raise prices sky high and most folks won't be able to buy food and medicine even if they could find it for sale. All hell could break loose, including crime everywhere, especially by illegals. However, America shifts direction to keep on course. Looking back - parties have switched majority authority back and forth, back and forth again and again. So, I expect that to happen with both houses of Congress in 2022. if we can prevent another election from being tainted by serious voter fraud - (mainly ballot harvesting).
  21. 1. I would assemble a team of experts to eval our gov and see who is disloyal and end their employment. Most of the higher execs, some down to the rank and file. 2. would build the wall, order all illegals to be kicked back out of OUR COUNTRY. 3. I would have the gov sue every major social media/news outlet for violation of free speech, and political conspiracy to defraud the American public. 4. Regarding the fake man made global warming ploy - I would designate a nice time of year as "National Campfire Day", and a "National Start Your Gas Engines and Rev Em Up Day". 5. ...would work with Congress to outlaw communist and socialist parties. By definition - they seek to overthrow our gov. 6. I would work with congress to enact a federal law against making woodpeckers unable to ever be put on any Endangered Species list. 7. I would order every single one of the chicken crap political dishonest mouthpieces out of the Pentagon. 8. I would work towards a balanced budget with emphasis on increasing our military and infrastructure allowcations.... and cut woke spending to about $1.13. 9. I would let the world know that once again, any group or country that unjustly holds/kidnaps/imprisons/hurts an American anywhere, will be destroyed. No fake democrat liberal cowardly fake "red lines". 10. I would work with congress to enact laws that would make deliberate violatations of our Constitution a FELONY. 11. I would establish one day of the year as "Real American Freedoms Day" 12. I would declare wokism a national security threat and I would outlaw unrequested mail in ballots and ballot harvesting. 13. I would make wild harvesting of wild food and medicines a research project by a commission. 14. Would declare a "National Green Tea and Root Beer Day" 15. I would set up a National Hotline number and have it "manned" by ICE agents - so when AMERICANS find out about someone who is ILLEGAL..... they can report it. 16. ...would declare the Cleveland Browns "America's Team" and advise the DOJ to investigate the NFL and referees behavior in games. 17. I would end the Dept of Education on the federal level. It's best left UP TO THE STATES. 18. I would emulate Pres Teddy Roosevelt and be a great trust buster - using the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to hammer giant corps and social media companies that violate monopoly laws, and especially those who deliberately and significantly try to dishonestly sway our electoral process. 19. I would order every political action against our military prosecuted - including "wokeism". Including anyone retired generals/active duty military officers or enlisted.... 20. I would make American GREAT AGAIN for ALL AMERICANS. Even for liberals who are to engorged with their own emotions and superegos who will never appreciate it, and those who want free stuff. and i would work to make work a requirement for welfare, except for those TRULY unable to work. and would work to make legit intentional fraud in social services a felony. not bad for the first hundred days. LOL
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