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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. https://www.goodreads.com › quotes › 138248-the-problem-with-socialism-is-that-you-eventually-run-out "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." ― Margaret Thatcher tags: entitlement , government ********************************* and when the wealthy run out of money and business, they will come after all the rest of us. it's what they do. CONTROL. GET MORE WEALTHY and MORE POWERFUL, AND DOMINATE AND OPPRESS THE PUBLIC WHEN THEY RISE UP POLITICALLY.
  2. OP posted Sunday, it's now Wednesday. Still waiting for Hoorta, Tex, Woodpecker or neo to muster the courage to actually admit fauci should be prosecuted along with their biden. "no mas" is their creed, apparently.... they have no more belligerent troll remarks and fake arguments to try to change the narrative.
  3. "we are failing badly, we suck, we have no message, so let's get these morons dancing and having fun and they will vote for us they are probably 'holy rollers' -anyways."
  4. when I had a rotator cuff completely popped apart, after surgery, my arm hardly worked much at all. ya end up doing "itsy bitsy spider crawls up the wall" (cute little physical therapist gal laughed at the look on my face when she explained it to me) exercises to work to get the ability to lift your arm again. As long as they can win with Keenum, Baker should stay on the bench. Nick Mullens still hasn't played much in the NFL. He just doesn't have the arm to make all the throws effectively. If Baker has to have surgery sooner rather than later... I can see signing Cam Newton to have a legit backup for the rest of the season.
  5. So sad about that. Stay strong - I would probably go live in the woods in a tent or something I'd be so lost.
  6. The Dems and the msm knew full well that Pres Trump was too popular. ballot harvesting was their ticket to win, and they did. ObaMao/biden lies to fraudulently manipulate votes for gullible emotionally based voters to vote democrat was the other ploy. They have been losing the black vote more and more. Hence...the illegals flooding in from all over by hundreds? of thousands. What can we do? work to elect REAL republicans into congress and take back both houses. Next year may be too late though. When hard times, serious hard times hit, like the depression did, so many people will stop taking America, our Constitution/Bill of Rights, and good times and good things for granted. It will stop being a joke to them. But it may very well be too late. Clinton was outraged that THAT didn't even work. We were at walmart yesterday. No more guns, no ammo. very strange. gun stores have gone out of business - at least around here - Kames and Gander Mountain. A few others. Economic harassment is an effective weapon of choice by the corrupt govs in history. The worst case of it, was stalin taking food from the Ukraine - formerly "the breadbasket of the world". How Joseph Stalin Starved Millions in the Ukrainian Famine ... https://www.history.com › news › ukrainian-famine-stalin How Joseph Stalin Starved Millions in the Ukrainian Famine. Cruel efforts under Stalin to impose collectivism and tamp down Ukrainian nationalism left an estimated 3.9 million dead. At the height ...
  7. led by...federal agents. Garland refused to answer as to how many. dirty corrupt move by the deep state. this garbage is way, way out of hand. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/10/the-mystery-man-ag-garland-wont-deny-was-a-fed-inciting-jan-6-rioters-was-scrubbed-from-fbi-most-wanted-list/ The ‘Mystery Man’ AG Garland Won’t Deny Was a Fed Inciting Jan. 6 Rioters Was Scrubbed from FBI ‘Most Wanted’ List
  8. Ward is very, very good. But a huge contract? I don't think so. It's a very strong cb draft next spring....
  9. so, been studying more about wild plant edibles and medicines. mallow. common mallow is everywhere on our farm. Found out what it is, and it has strong medicinal properties in all parts of the plant, and it also edible. Going to go out today and pick a whole lot of wild crab apples to make stuff with. apple butter...or apple jelly.... can make a tea out of all parts of the mallow plant, especially the roots. Very strong anti-bacterial properties, indian tribes and pioneers crushed the leaves up and made a poultice out of them, put it directly on wounds. Tea is excellent for inflammation, sinus, etc etc. You need to research and properly identify, etc.... the only mushroom I trust at this point is morels. I think I'll go make myself some more pine needle tea. High in vitamin C.
  10. no apologies from the smartass lefties swimming in Egypt yet........still waiting....
  11. That will go over like a lead ballon filled with plutonium..... dangerously sicker and sicker our government is becoming. https://keepandbearradio.podbean.com/e/democrats-sue-the-white-house-retreats-and-the-cdc-is-coming-for-your-guns/ Democrats Sue. The White House Retreats. And the CDC is Coming for Your Guns.
  12. posted Sunday....this is Tuesday.... how long shall we wait for one of the smartmouth lefties chime in to defend this ? or maybe even admit this fauci turd needs to be prosecuted? How many Americans and animals have to die because he funds research on horror movie type of "science" ?
  13. Hoorta, his little woodpecker, Tex and neo etc voted for these stranded Americans. And they won't admit it. Pres Trump sure the hell would never have left Afghanistan so stupidly.
  14. glad somebody in your family owns a business - hope they do well.
  15. he is the addams family woman on the lower right....blech
  16. https://www.askaprepper.com/the-mother-of-all-depressions-is-coming-by-the-end-of-2021/
  17. Hoorta's fauci is reminding me of the nazis in war camps during WWII more and more https://republicandaily.com/2021/10/fauci-is-screwed-puppygate-footage-emerges-of-dogs-tormented-in-taxpayer-funded-labs-including-inside-one-of-faucis-own-labs/ Fauci is Screwed: Puppygate Footage Emerges of Dogs Tormented in Taxpayer-Funded Labs, Including ‘Inside One of Fauci’s Own Labs’
  18. Smarting off about Florida and covid. well, guess what - they can NOT handle the truth: https://patriotalerts.com/2021/10/just-in-florida-now-has-the-lowest-covid-infection-rate-in-the-country/ JUST IN: Florida Now Has The Lowest COVID Infection Rate In The Country
  19. he got FINED for that? something is really wrong in the NFL referee rooms.
  20. You should be careful. Your nanny doesn't like name calling. And yes, you are a moron. Attributing "anger" to motivations is nonsense. I have fun talking politics - the majority of us here are good at it. You aren't. You have zero ability to intelligently discuss much of anything. You get triggered - it shows by how all you can do, is personally insult people who just have opinions and are interested in certain subjects that twist your feathers. Your take on nearly all subjects is well established to not mean much of anything at all. You are a moron, woodpecker. Just peck away - it's a free country. You are free to continue to make a birdgirl of yourself. or birdtrans, whatever. Typical woodpecker: A Bird Born in a Cage Will Think Flying Is an Illness ... https://exploringyourmind.com › bird-born-cage-will-think-flying-illness A bird that stays within the cage even if the door is open. Similarly to a bird, human beings are born to guide their steps towards where they want to go, freely and autonomously. However, there are people who, due to different reasons, such as education or social influence, park in their so-called "comfort zone" when they reach a certain age. And they can't seem to get out of it, even ...
  21. and another thing. The Bengals beat the ratbirds. During the game, Burrow got head slapped/helmet slapped bigtime..... no call. the nfl has their favorite teams. probably about $$$$$. But it has to stop, it's ruining the game and their credibility. "don't call too many holding penalties, I'll just let the referees pick and choose which ones they feel like calling"
  22. they are serious to get anybody to believe it. They want the power to control everything, and tax anything, and fine everything....so much. https://patriotalerts.com/2021/10/biden-gang-claims-climate-change-leads-to-illegals-crossing-the-southern-border-into-the-us/
  23. listen to Yellen - of course it will - LOOK AT THE CURRENT POLICIES FORCING IT ! https://patriotalerts.com/2021/10/biden-effect-treasury-secretary-janet-yellen-says-rising-prices-will-continue-until-the-end-of-next-year-video/ BIDEN EFFECT: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Says Rising Prices will Continue Until “the End of Next Year” (VIDEO)
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