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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. their all out push for electric cars? the peelosi's own a lot of stock in ......TESLA. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nancy-pelosi-tesla/ What's True In a periodic transaction report published in January 2021, Pelosi disclosed that her husband, Paul Pelosi, had invested between $500,000 and $1 million in Tesla stock options. The ethical considerations from that transaction are very similar to those that would have arisen if Pelosi herself had personally made the investment.
  2. Al Gore's Big Investment - The New York Times https://dealbook.nytimes.com › 2008 › 03 › 06 › al-gores-big-investment Al Gore's Big Investment. By Dealbook March 6, 2008 1:38 pm March 6, ... At some point it will become apparent that man made global warming is a hoax. Millions will be shocked that they were so easily fooled and Algore will just sit back and smile, thinking of his billions.
  3. Joe Biden's Son-In-Law Invests In COVID Vaccine Software ... https://freedomwire.com › biden-family-investments And, so far, the Biden Crime Family has listened. Of course, it's only been three weeks, but they've listened… Well, unless you count Sleepy Joe's son-in-law investing in a national COVID software to help coordinate vaccine response. Biden Family Business Tied to $Trillions in Lithium ... https://americanfaith.com › biden-family-business-tied-to-trillions-in-lithium-acquired-by-china-through-u-s-afghanistan-withdrawal The Biden family profits from the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and China's subsequent acquisition of Afghanistan's lithium. QUICK FACTS: Hunter Biden owns 10% of Chinese state-owned private equity firm Bohai Harvest RST. Bohai Harvest owns Contemporary Amprex Technology Co. Limited, the world's largest lithium-ion battery maker. How five members of Joe Biden's family got rich through ... https://nypost.com › 2020 › 01 › 18 › how-five-members-of-joe-bidens-family-got-rich-through-his-connections Jan 18, 2020The Biden family's apparent self-enrichment involves five family members: Joe's son Hunter, son-in-law Howard, brothers James and Frank, and sister Valerie. ... StartUp Health is an investment ...
  4. it;'s what they do. And they will lie, manipulate fools any way they can to get more and more wealth and power. nothing else matters. Nothing. Deep State Dr. Fauci Mysteriously Earned $9,000,000 in ... https://truth11.com › 2021 › 04 › 12 › deep-state-dr-fauci-mysteriously-earned-9000000-in-2020 Deep State Dr. Anthony Fauci had a lucrative 2020, netting $9,000,000 in "miscellaneous income," according to an NIH insider who told RRN that Fauci bragged about his newfound wealth and said he had earned enough cash in 2020 to retire, buy a private plane and jet set around the world. Fauci is hardly a pauper; his annual salary at the NIH ...
  5. our military LOVES PRES TRUMP. they despise and have zero respect for biden. Still waiting for Hoorta, Tex and woodpecker and neo... to admit their emotional msm-inpired "LOOK AT ME HAHA" kneejerk vote was destructive to our country.
  6. dammit. our country is going to go to hell ....just who is giving them assistance all of their journey? the UN ???
  7. The squealers will try to get in cheap shots. It's their edge to winning big games. It's history, all too often. They know their offensive line isn't playing well. They won't protect rapistbooger very long, expect quick throws. The Browns miss the playmaking of Owusu-Kamorah. and his speed and explosiveness. They know they can't stop the Browns running game. Watch for a flagrant violent unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on the squealers, especially if they are losing. it's what they do when they have to win. dirtbag stinking cheapshot sombeitches......... https://brownswire.usatoday.com/2021/10/30/steelers-offensive-line-struggles-are-real/
  8. EXACTLY !!! That is why so many leftie school districts are NOT teaching American History. It takes away from their stupid twilight zone narratives.
  9. Clinical lycanthropy - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Clinical_lycanthropy Clinical lycanthropy is defined as a rare psychiatric syndrome that involves a delusion that the affected person can transform into, has transformed into, or is, an animal. Its name is associated with the mythical condition of lycanthropy, a supernatural affliction in which humans are said to physically shapeshift into wolves. It is purported to be a rare disorder. The 76 Types Of A Xenogender (Full List) | OptimistMinds https://optimistminds.com › xenogender A gender that feels like, or can be compared to a bog, swamp, marsh or similar: Feel free to sing the Smashmouth song that plays in Shrek, because that is basically what this is. Caelgender. A gender who identifies with the elements of the space and the Universe - starts, nebulae, constellations etc. Caminus gender
  10. geez, even when the girliebird actually starts his own thread, it's a moronic op. consider the source. This woodpecker in my neighborhood hits this street sign ... https://www.reddit.com › r › funny › comments › mtbokv › this_woodpecker_in_my_neighborhood_hits_this Oh and here I thought the woodpecker who regularly bangs his face on our aluminum fascia near the roof was just a fucking moron It took us a while to figure out what was going on, it sounded like there was an impact wrench in use outside really fucking early but no one was around and then my husband went outside and saw the woodpecker.
  11. does anybody refuse to believe that the leftwing corrupt dem socialists have invested in electric cars and global warming? Al Gore got RICH on it. come on, now. On our trip, we saw one electric car recharging station. No one was there. If all this hits all of us..... We will all be like:
  12. which should skyrocket the price of fuel. All hell economic wise will break loose. but the UN will be happy. The left will falsely prosecute, slander, libel, imprison, false testify, run wildly propaganda campaigns.... ridicule our military, condone leftwing violence, flood our country with undesirable criminal illegals (no, not all of them are criminals stfu) ..... and artificially create traumatic shortages. But play their game, keep them in power....or you get all or some of the above. it's the communist/socialist way. ike@sbcglobal.net Sat, Oct 30 at 12:05 PM Americans like you, who care about our nation’s economic and energy future, should be extremely concerned about the TCI gas tax -- a new, thinly-disguised cap-and-trade system threatening our families. “TCI” stands for the Transportation and Climate Initiative, and is a theoretical compact of 12 states in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions seeking to reduce carbon emissions by limiting the supply of gasoline and diesel fuels available to residents. So far only Massachusetts has fully committed to the project, but with other green-left friendly states threatening to follow suit, American consumers need to sit up and take notice. TCI is intended to limit carbon dioxide emissions by auctioning off “allowances.” These are tradable permits a company must buy in order to deliver or hold the raw material for gasoline and diesel fuel in the TCI region. TCI is designed to make driving cars and trucks more expensive, with some studies predicting TCI will cost consumers upwards of 50 additional cents per gallon. That’s because the cost of allowances will increase expenses for fuel companies, leading to price hikes at the pump. While TCI is a transportation cost increase, the real cost doesn’t stop there. Every aspect of the economy that relies on transportation -- including the millions of products delivered by truck each day -- will become more expensive, thanks to TCI. And the cost of TCI is more than just financial. In the first year it takes effect in Massachusetts alone, TCI is expected to remove the fuel required for over 80,000 vehicles from gas stations. This likely means gas shortages in the near future, if TCI is to take effect in 2025 as planned. And, don’t think you don’t need to worry about TCI if you live in another state. While the highest cost will undoubtedly be to Massachusetts and any other states who follow suit, families in neighboring states will also be impacted as demand drives consumers across state lines. And costs will also increase for any businesses doing business in, or trucking through, states with TCI -- which will in turn be passed along to families like yours. The nationwide cost of TCI will be almost impossible to escape. Make no mistake about it: TCI is a TAX, and it will cost families like yours -- without environmental gain. American Energy Alliance is committed to fighting for affordable, abundant, and reliable energy for America's consumers and businesses. And that means standing up against expensive, radical green policies like the Transportation and Climate Initiative. I hope you’ll stand with us. Tom Pyle President American Energy Alliance
  13. case in point, woodpecker. wonder who the guy was that asked the stupid, inflammatory leading question and put Charlie on the spot. https://redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2021/10/29/lincoln-project-issues-disgusting-statement-admitting-to-staging-tiki-torch-stunt-at-youngkin-rally-n466148
  14. dirty tricks to emotionally manipulate low information voters. the left's corruption is total - they can't win honestly.
  15. LOL. Najee is a very, very good running back. Big, fast, tough, durable. But it still depends on his offensive line. Advantage: Browns rbs. He isn't an elusive runner, but a tough one. First game - vs Buffalo - Harris had 16 carries for 45 yards. Against Denver - he had 23 carries for 122 yards and a td. D'Ernest JOhnson had 22 carries and 146 yards, with Hance at RT, and Wills playing despite being questionable. Just interesting. Doesn't make Najee another Franco Harris, for goodness sakes.
  16. Vag still thinks Troy Pollyfullapoopoo plays for his squealers defense this year.
  17. you are still proud of this too? sick stuff.
  18. "sir you are out of order because you don't kiss our leftwing nazi rear ends" pretty much. it's history. oppression and control DEMANDS outlawing political opposition. Germans who resisted Hitler and the Nazis | Biography Online https://www.biographyonline.net › people › famous › people-opposed-hitler.html Bernhard Lichtenberg (1875 - 1943) A Roman Catholic Priest who condemned the Nazi policy towards Jews and the policy of euthanasia (killing disabled people). He was warned his activities could see him arrested, but he continued to speak out against Nazi policy. He died in transit to Dachau concentration camp in 1943. https://www.facinghistory.org/holocaust-and-human-behavior/chapter-9/protests-germany " Some of the first Germans to speak out against Nazi injustices were a group of students at the University of Munich. In winter 1942, Hans Scholl, his sister Sophie, and their friend Christoph Probst formed a small group known as the White Rose. Hans, a former member of the Hitler Youth (see reading, Disillusionment in the Hitler Youth in Chapter 6), had been a soldier on the eastern front, where he witnessed the mistreatment of Jews and learned about deportations. In 1942 and 1943, the White Rose published four leaflets condemning Nazism. The first leaflet stated the group’s purpose: the overthrow of the Nazi government. In the second leaflet, the group confronted the mass murders of Jews: Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl, and Christoph Probst in June 1942. They were members of the White Rose, a resistance group that condemned Nazism. We do not want to discuss here the question of the Jews, nor do we want in this leaflet to compose a defense or apology. No, only by way of example do we want to cite the fact that since the conquest of Poland three hundred thousand Jews have been murdered in this country in the most bestial way. Here we see the most frightful crime against human dignity, a crime that is unparalleled in the whole of history. For Jews, too, are human beings—no matter what position we take with respect to the Jewish question—and a crime of this dimension has been perpetrated against human beings. In February 1943, the Nazis arrested the Scholls and Probst and brought them to trial. All three were found guilty and were guillotined that same day. Soon afterward, others in the group were also tried, convicted, and beheaded. In March 1943, German author Friedrich Reck-Malleczewen wrote in his diary: The Scholls are the first in Germany to have had the courage to witness for the truth. . . . On their gravestones let these words be carved, and let this entire people, which has lived in deepest degradation these last ten years, blush when it reads them: . . . “He who knows how to die can never be enslaved.” We will all of us, someday, have to make a pilgrimage to their graves, and stand before them, ashamed. Although the Nazis were able to destroy the White Rose by executing its members, they could not keep its message from being heard. Helmuth von Moltke, a German aristocrat, smuggled the group’s leaflets to friends in neutral countries. They, in turn, sent them to the Allies, who made thousands of copies and then dropped them over German cities. As a lawyer who worked for the German Intelligence Service, von Moltke had been aware of the murders for some time but had taken no action. By late October, he was asking, “May I know this and yet sit at my table in my heated flat and have tea? Don’t I thereby become guilty too?” In February 1943, the same month that the first members of the White Rose were arrested, Nazi leaders began to round up the last Jews still living in Berlin and elsewhere in the Reich, in mass arrests the Gestapo called the “Dejudaization of the Reich Territory Actions.” Thousands were arrested and most were married to non-Jews; as part of “mixed” families, they had not been targeted earlier. Most of Germany’s Jews had already been deported and murdered, but these new arrests and detentions of about 2,000 Jewish men in intermarriages were the only ones to cause a significant protest. When the arrested Jews did not return home, their “Aryan” relatives began to search for them and quickly discovered that their loved ones were being held at the Jewish administration building at Rosenstrasse 2-4. Within hours, relatives began to gather there. Most were women—the arrested men’s wives. As relatives arrived, they began to loudly demand the release of their husbands. They feared that the men would be deported to killing centers; more than 10,000 other Berlin Jews who were not intermarried were deported to the East during the days of the protest at Rosenstrasse. When the guards refused to let the protesters enter the building, the group vowed to return every day in protest. They kept their word. The situation came to a h *************************************************
  19. last night Arizona lost. Murry was limping at the end of the game. I suppose the op author wants an exciting run and shoot offense? Arizona last night had a 5 wr set. The Browns only have two wr's healthy (Higgins and Schwartz. And both their tackles have been banged up. Now Hance is questionable. How anybody feels that the Browns can run a dynamic passing offense is .....ridiculous. Somebody needs a mug of ice cold root beer....
  20. different subject - sports. try to keep to it. And I hope you have a wonderful day except for while the Browns are playing the squealers.
  21. don't be stupid for change, woodpecker. The guy didn't say he disagrees so kill them crapola crap. his question was attention getting bs. To me - it was a deliberate set up question. or, he's looking into the future decades of oppression maybe and stupidly venting. bad form. stupid question. Charlie never fueled this garbage - the questioner probably has a burr up his rear about something and being outrageous about it. You slur and generalize so much of the time, based on....one goofball? how many single person examples could we use to slur you? code pink? woodpecker antifa? how about https://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2017/06/15/20-liberal-calls-for-violence-against-conservatives-in-quotes-n2341401 20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes *********************************** "oh no, ONE NUTJOB ON THE LEFT - Eugene Huelsman Threatened to Kill Matt Gaetz: Indictment https://lawandcrime.com › high-profile › im-gonna-put-a-bullet-in-you-man-arrested-for-alleged-death-threat-against-rep-matt-gaetz Just three days after the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, a man dialed up the office of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and threatened to kill him, prosecutors allege in a recently unsealed indictment. "Tell [M.G.] to watch his back, tell him to watch his children," defendant Eugene Huelsman told Gaetz's office on Jan. 9, according to the two-page indictment shielding the lawmaker's name ... "all lefties want to threaten Matt Gaetz and his children and wife" so stupid.
  22. more and more evidence. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/10/28/wisconsin-sheriffs-investigation-election-laws-not-just-broken-but-shattered-during-2020-election-n465329 Wisconsin Sheriff's Investigation: Election Laws Not Just Broken But 'Shattered' During 2020 Election
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