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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. I think a lot of folks to should stock up on some important items. We could crash.
  2. Way back in the day, my best friend was going to Ohio State, went out there to visit. One of the roommates - had been driving back to college from home in Ohio...on his motorcycle. Driving at night, ....he hit a cow. He said he really wasn't speeding at all, was a careful driver. He got all busted up, spent months in rehab trying to walk again, back surgeries, etc..... but DRUNK WITH A LOADED GUN at 159 mph? It's too bad he won't get more than twenty. and killed a human being. way too much money, no integrity no honor. worse than stupid.
  3. yep - that was surely the worst all time stupid trade.
  4. Here's the problem, as Zombo noted - we don't see everything as Baker is seeing them. He threw to Higgins for a big gain instead of throwing shorter for a first down to obj, who would probably drop it and/or was playing hurt and was ready to get clobbered. Throwing to HIggins sounds good to me at THAT instant, but HIggins is not all that fast - if he was open on a fine route - a fast cb can close in on him no matter how fast the ball gets there on a long throw. Who knows? But it has to be tough without a blazing fast get open all the freakin time wr. Without a better, taller #1 wr, and Landry playing hurt, obj hurt and pouting as usual, and Peoples-Jones out with an injury, and Schwartz not ready for prime time much.... it's Baker's fault? I just don't think so. Peoples-Jones is 6'2", 212 lbs, and ran a 4.48 at the combine. and he was out for the pittspuke game. Claypool is 6'4", 238 lbs, and ran a 4.42 at the combine. guys like them are a terrific boost to the stats of a qb, and the performance of an offense. No surprise to me that Baker has serious trouble trying to make the passing game work vs better defenses. The Browns must fix the wr position, add a power big athletic DL, and draft a backup RT/LT. or starting RT. Oh, so close they are - but just not there yet. And I think Stefanski needs to let the OC call plays to give the offense a boost. The last two games, I have noticed that he quit running on first down so much....
  5. don't think so. that last game, barfsonhislegger missed an absolutely wide open wr/te in the end zone. Brady has had one of the greatest get open, rumble yac te's in NFL history. Gronk went to the Bucs with him. I wish the Browns had a Chris Godwin. He was a star wr out of Penn State. Excellent get open, good size, excellent yac, fast.... the Browns don't. And Brady has Mike Evans, 6'5", 235, first round draft pick some years ago. and Antonio Brown, another dynamic wr. and Gronk. Sorry, but Baker has obj and Landry playing injured, Peoples-Jones was hurt didn't play, HIggins who isn't fast or dynamic. and how long has Brady been in the league? and how long has Baker been in the league? and the Browns have had both OT tackle starters out of the play or playing hurt. You get Baker a Jalen Tolbert or two next year, and watch how Baker finds the OPEN wr.
  6. biden is a fool. Always has been. A plagiarizer, a grand fake story teller about himself, zero integrity. but it made him a career. His whole family is that way. pitiful. and he is getting worse. Seems he has legit mental disability problems from long ago that are far worse now. and anybody voted to get rid of Pres Trump, who did over 200 good/GREAT things FOR AMERICA. How is it that the left's fake utopian idealism caused so many to vote to start destroying our country? and won't admit what they did was destructive and ignorant?
  7. it is just common sense. Progressive gov's across the board historically paint "the People" with a profoundly, and stupid broad brush. Mostly because they want power over all the people, simple as that. Like, "No Child Left Behind". Great political theater. Phony ideals to get people admiring the phony ideals. Just one of the big problems is - special ed kids. Schools with big special ed programs suffered, because of the lower grades in special ed programs. All kids are not the same. Some learn differently, some have serious trouble learning certain subjects, have trouble reading.....standardized testing? seriously? that was STUPID. And it hurt a lot of great schools with great special education programs. Before the little woodpecker smarts off about "oh yeah it was Bush W" ...no, it was Ted Kennedy who got Bush W. to support it. Out of politics. NOT a legit solution. Just an idealistic cause. but no. The left wanted power to control every student. Which ends up controlling the parents. Same thing with Afghanistan. Political persuasion - "WE ENDED IT NOW". but over 400 AMERICANS WERE LEFT BEHIND. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF HIGH TECH SENSITIVE EQUIPMENT WAS LEFT BEHIND. What the hell kind of solution is that? it made russian and china delighted to get a hold of all that. Now they want to do a mileage tax. man made global crock of warming. soooooo ideological, yes? except, it will be devastating to vacations with campers and rigs, devastating to the trucker industry, devastating to a lot of manufacturing, and will hit a lot of people hard who drive a good ways to work. Trucker strikes, empty shelves? sound like a solution to anybody on the left??? Spend America into oblivion and default on our debt. More generalizations - " DEFUND ALL POLICE" what the crap is that? ObaMaocare - a big bunch of lies. "If you like your dr, you can keep your dr" haha. Big intentional lie. "it will lower all your premium costs" haha. another big lie. "everybody MUST buy insurance, oh, and you'll pay a fine if you can't afford it". haha. defeats the purpose of saving people money, right? nasty moochelle obaMao commie - the school lunch interference? how did that work out? it did NOT. All kids, AGAIN, are not the same. covid vaccine mandates??? All people are not the same. I could go on and on.... https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/10/26/1049298884/covid-boosters-questions-help-science " Aside from these groups, it's a closer call about who needs to get a shot, says Dr. David Dowdy, an infectious disease epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. "For the vast majority of people, there's not an immediate urgency to rush out and get this booster," he says. People who live in certain congregate settings, such as homeless shelters and prisons, and people who work in high-risk settings, like health care facilities, schools or grocery stores, may also be at higher risk for COVID-19. This is also true for people 18 to 49 with certain underlying health conditions. But the CDC's guidance is not as strong for these groups. You have the option of getting a booster, but whether you decide to get one will depend on factors such as how much the virus is spreading where you live, whether other safety measures are in place, your underlying health and your own individual sense of risk." and it goes on and on.......
  8. but it makes him? happy to slur that nonsense way, so, it's all good - to him. Pitiful. It's all he has to offer to any discussion.... = nothing at all.
  9. she would have made a locked in member of the manson family back in the day....
  10. Addition to last post: What I might do? It's way too early, but, I have time, I'm retired. lol FIRST ROUND: DL. Jordan Davis. 6'6", 340. Georgia. Not some fat guy - he played forward on the basketball team. Scary athletic tough dude and at that size? It's ridiculously early, but just an early guess. SECOND ROUND: Jalen Tolbert, Southern Alabama. 6'3", 195. who knows.
  11. Well, here's my opinion. Odell's Dad is out of line going public with it. Odell has, what from I gather he said himself - has played with a injury whatever for ten years. Never got it fixed. I thought early on, that Beckham was all about his brand. He played fine last year, but he's been dropping passes, etc.... I do think that Stefanski needs let go of the playcalling. He seems to over-think it. But the line between not being predictable, and generally doing what you do best when you need to, staying on course isn't his forte. The Giants were happy to get rid of OBJ. OBJ's happiness to play with his good friend Landry was good for one year. Now the old OBJ is back. OBJ not happy. OBJ this, OBJ that. center of attention. Interesting to note: https://empirewritesback.com/2018/12/02/new-york-giants-get-rid-odell-backham-jr/ “For once, can I come out of one game one time and not have there be a Beckham story of some type we worry about and everybody in this town worrying about whether he’s happy, whether he is being utilized right, whether he is content with the game plan, whether he is on board, whether the coaches are connecting with him? I am so sick of this Beckham garbage. It is so overrated, and it is such absolute nonsense, and the media’s caught it so badly.” Francesa added: “The preoccupation with these prima donna wide receivers in this new age of passing is so overrated it is unbelievable. Enough! The best thing that could happen is they kick his rear end out of town and start over. Has it worked? He played in one playoff game, and he stunk. I am so sick of hearing about him it’s ridiculous.Everything’s a problem,. Since the Giants started kissing his rear end, they haven’t won a game! Enough already!” ************************************************ now, about the wr crew. I love Landry's play. And Peoples-Jones is probably a #1 for the Browns next year, Landry #2. As much as I always thought Higgins would come on, he hasn't. He isn't that fast, and only gets open once in a while when he catches defends by surprise. They need a dynamic number one. Taller, faster, catches everything, gets yac. And in a weak DL class in the next draft, I'd be looking at a DL or WR in the first round.
  12. the answer to the question is simple - liberals have no sense of humor. not at all. Their bloated egos won't allow it.
  13. the phantom facemask call was ridiculous. that was on the game winning field goal drive. The Giants had 3 wr's out, at least part of the time, Barkley was out... and the Giants just couldn't do it when they had to.
  14. listening to biden ramble on, is like reading woodpeckers posts. Both arrogant for zero reason, both make no sense, and both demand to be considered "know-it-alls" when they really don't know anything about anything. But, biden is a mentally disabled totally corrupt liar - woodpecker is just a constant "look at me" whiner. That's 2.5 points for the woodpecker. Out of ten. biden;s points are in the negative column....
  15. woodpecker whined: ^ this is what I am talking about here. As someone in the medical field Vapor I'd have to imagine this is somewhat annoying. And for guys in infectious disease (or Fauci himself) it has to be downright frustrating. And this is someone that at least got one vaccine. Imagine how off the rails the anti vaxxers are? Cal, do you have concerns about a yearly flu shot? Is that "communist China" too? **************************** Well, ignorant sissy woodpecker - the intent of the booster is to make the "waning" effectiveness of the vaccines far more a longer application of immunity... why then would a booster be required every year? Again, you don't EXPLAIN your bitching about a post. Admit it - you have no idea of what you are talking about in your stupid fake arrogance posturing. We got both vaccines. The booster is said to be different - not sure about why it's different, but there are questions. and for once, just say "NO" to being asswhole stupid. Covid is not the flu. A close friend's husband died from covid - got the flu several times over the years, was still ok. You never add anything legit to any discussion. You just peck. https://www.verywellhealth.com/covid-vaccine-additional-dose-booster-5205779
  16. he looks like his brain is not working, corruption is his cognitive disease.
  17. Woodpecker, just once, could you stop with the "look at me, I FEEL so superior, so I'll talk about vague incorrect assumptions so I can defend those, because otherwise, I don't know jack nothing about most everything, so I'll just bitch and peck and act like I'm so damn important" crap? maybe actually EXPLAIN your infantile incessant assertions to the contrary of everything just once? You come across as having feathers for brains.
  18. for us, I'm 70 - we were happy to get the Phizer vaccine. But...I've read where the booster with different vaccines is a different deal - changes inside of you afterwards? beats me, I'm not a medical guy. We'll check with our family dr. Got exposed to covid ten days ago- sprayed lysol around the house...we're fine. Good to be vaccinated. A youngster tested positive- got over it. No one else in their family got it. Maybe a false positve? who knows. But getting one of their boosters every single year? a bunch of horsecrap right there. damn communist china and fauci and their secret work on "gain of function" )_())*(_)(*_)&()*&^
  19. a healthy Rodgers, that is............. I don't know if the Browns would have won with Keenum at qb in this game. Not sure, but when Conklin went out, the pressure started getting to Baker. But Baker's injury, as much as he amazed by several passes, has caused him to float passes too often. Meanwhile, the Bengals' defense completely imploded, so there is still hope.
  20. It was high, Baker had to get it a bit high for the rush coming at him - Hooper had his hands on it - just bumbled it.
  21. A. No, not at all - depending on the reason. A lot of conservatives are in unions, and if they have to, they strike. Did you imagine that up in your vacuum of a mind? Justifiable strikes don't have to do with political persuasion, from my experience. Has to do with economics and/or unfair labor practices.... B. They held a sickout because of the mandate. Maybe you could actually read the article...that would help immensely. A new hobby for you perhaps?
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