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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Will the personal insults ever end with the sissy woodpecker? It's all he ever does. it's boring. But he tries so desperately to sound like he has any kind of legit clue. Most all? of the time, he makes assertions and never explains WHY he asserts what he chirps.
  2. yep. Damion Daniels, 6'3", 335. He'd be a backup. Upped his play this year hugely. His draft profile isn't at all what Jordan Davis's is. If Davis is there, I'd pick him in about two seconds in the first round. After watching Davis last week, wow. He dominates and can seriously move with balance and agility. And he has serious power. Daniels will be around later rounds in the draft, I think.
  3. no, of course not, Joe's words were paraphrased by me, and that paraphrasing ENDED with the period. (.) " Watching "Browns LIve" on tv - Joe Thomas said the Browns didn't run as well because with a hurt qb, hurt wr's, hurt RT, banged up LT..... they crowded the los to stop the run. "
  4. Watching "Browns LIve" on tv - Joe Thomas said the Browns didn't run as well because with a hurt qb, hurt wr's, hurt RT, banged up LT..... they crowded the los to stop the run. And just as I said - they cheapshotted Baker - one hit him low, the other hit him high, and good job THAT TIME - it was called. It was LATE. It's what they do. I had been waiting for Higgins to start making more than 1, maybe two catches a game. How many years has it been? My opinion, there is a lot more to being an "elite" qb than having a good arm and being ...."the best pure pocket passer". (Josh Rosen reference). It's fair to say Baker isn't at his best right now. But if his wr's had caught the passes they should have caught - Baker could have had an excellent game, a very high completion percentage. Me, I was amazed Baker could really zing some passes like he did. With a fractured bone in his nonthrowing shoulder ? a brace? I still think Keenum should have started vs the squealers. and, OBJ was a cancer with the Giants. Too bad obj didn't learn from Jarvis Landry how to be a team player. But with obj, it was all about obj and his "brand". Addition by subtraction, says I.
  5. liberals emotionally knee jerk falsehoods that make them FEEL GOOD. At least Bacon admitted it was his assumption. based on........................................................
  6. economics is a devastating tool of corrupt tryants. socialism must take all our wealth etc to pay for all the indigent poverty stricken folks in the inner cities, etc, including all those illegals they desperately want to give the vote to. They are damaging America intentionally - and have already corrupted our electoral system. Very, very big serious trouble is here right now. It took some years, but history repeats itself. and it will get worse.
  7. I listed over two hundred GOOD/GREAT THINGS PRES TRUMP DID FOR AMERICA. never said he was perfect. But look at the list. NOW, admit you can not name ONE thing that your ObaMao commie nor your hidin warped minden biden have ever done good/great for America. You can't name one, you're done. You can't even try to criticize your biden - and he is screwing up our country with his corruption and incompetence. Yep. You're done.
  8. maybe we need a list of things Pres Trump would NEVER HAVE DONE TO HURT AMERICA: like this: https://www.theblaze.com/shows/levintv/levin-biden-irs-surveillance-plan
  9. Major fail. Sure, you "don't have time". right. Your response is bs again. The reasons why: 1. My contention is, the ENTIRE BIDEN FAMILY. Your contention is, two slanted articles only about Trump. by bs sources. at least you are an honorable guy - you didn't bring up the fake "russian collusion" lol. 2. It is obviously not the entire Trump Family. So, you diverted to have a bounce back. not workin. 3. I even listed msn for goodness sakes. that is definitely not a biased source for Trump and conservatives. 4. It's all over the news - biden lied about hunter, hunter is in serious crap over ukraine and china, sells garbage painters for big political bribe prices, biden is violating Our Constitution and Bill of Rights and a lot of democrats across the country are getting seriously po'd about it. 5. Biden is damaging our country, being corrupt in everything he's doing. He's always been a liar and a plagiarizer and he isn't all there by a lot in his mind. Read up on other corruption by other members of the biden family. the "but Trump" is just a nonsense main stream media knee jerk self-defense mechanism - to protect against admitting the leftwing is completely corrupt and wrong. Having said that: Here is one of the lists of GOOD GREAT things Pres Trump DID FOR AMERICA. https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/ Now, you list even one good/great thing your biden (or your obaMao commie) ever once did FOR AMERICA.
  10. your contention is stupid again. There are a lot of liberals I don't like.I rarely use the "slutty" adjective on anyone except for the most corrupt, sleaziest of them all, who are in the news, and have zero integrity. Is hillary clinton one of your nannies, you nincompoop woodpecker? Have you been hitting the crazy zombie sauce or what?
  11. simplistic, but bs. I say stuff for good REASONS. I don't just bounce back anti-conservative troll. To wit: ************************* https://spectator.org › biden-deception-family-corruption In Profiles in Corruption, Peter Schweizer points out that the Biden family's wealth "depends on Joe Biden's political influence and involves no less than five family members: Joe's son ... The Entire Biden Family is Utterly Corrupt | Headline of ... https://headlineoftheday.com › 2020 › 10 › 15 › the-entire-biden-family-is-utterly-corrupt The Entire Biden Family is Utterly Corrupt Oct 15, 2020 Since Twitter and Facebook are censoring the New York Post's bombshell stories on Hunter and Joe Biden and their corrupt activities in Ukraine and China, we will focus today's Roundup on the Post's new story detailing the Bidens' looting of China for personal gain. Analysis: A Look At The Corruption Of The Biden Family https://thepalmierireport.com › analysis-a-look-at-the-corruption-of-the-biden-family Throughout the entire 2020 election cycle, we were told that the corruption of the Biden family was nothing more than disinformation. Anyone claiming that Joe Biden was one of the most corrupt people in Washington DC was quickly denounced as a conspiracy theorist. Well, now all of the corruption has been confirmed. Over 300,000 demand probe into 'Biden family corruption' https://www.msn.com › en-us › news › politics › over-300000-demand-probe-into-biden-family-corruption › ar-AAM4dKs Over 300,000 demand probe into 'Biden family corruption' Paul Bedard 7/12/2021. Supreme Court justices wary of Texas abortion ban enforcement scheme. The Biden 5: Breakdown of One of America's Most Corrupt ... https://www.breitbart.com › clips › 2020 › 10 › 28 › the-biden-five-the-definitive-breakdown-of-one-of-americas-most-corrupt-families Oct 28, 2020Marlow highlighted Schweizer's latest book, Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite, as "the gateway into understanding not just Joe Biden and the Biden family, but also the entire institutional Democratic Party at this moment and their corruption." Report - Biden Family Corruption: 'We've Got People' to ... https://www.breitbart.com › politics › 2021 › 09 › 13 › biden-family-corruption-invest Sep 13, 20214:52. A new book released Monday indicates Biden family corruption schemes sought to enrich son Hunter and brother Jim Biden while Joe Biden was the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Author of The Bidens: Inside the First Family's Fifty-Year Rise to Power, Ben Schreckinger, was told by one of Jim's former business ... Hunter Biden's Entire Career is Insanely Corrupt and Shady ... https://www.conservativeglobe.com › articles › hunter-bidens-entire-career-is-insanely-corrupt-and-shady Was Hunter Biden profiting from his dad's political connections in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and China in recent years? Absolutely. But that's been Hunter Biden's track record for his entire career. Check out how insanely corrupt the Biden family is, just based on Hunter Biden's resumé. Bidens Incoherent Babbling And Family Corruption Should ... https://www.discussionsamerica.com › bidens-incoherent-babbling-and-family-corruption-should-scare-the-sht-out-of-us-all Biden Just Can't Give Up Trump. Biden, and the entire political left just can't seem to give up Trump. It's been going on for years, and it is going to end up hurting them again in the mid term. When Hillary lost to Trump the left lost their mind and the Democrat party never really came up with a new message. ALERT: The Biden Admin Is Already The Most CORRUPT ... https://americasfreedomfighters.com › crucial-new-report The entire Democratic Party is a morally bankrupt institution, headed by hypocrites, liars, thieves and shit bags who literally engage in the very activities they claim to be working against. ... not only are Biden and his handlers corrupt as hell and liars, they are hell-bent on destroying the fabulous economy Donald Trump and Republicans ...
  12. Newsome at cb is playing great - doesn't play like a rookie. Not even in his first game. I am also freaking amazed that Baker can throw as well as he has been, with a big injury and a brace on. But he has been floating a few. I thought Case Keenum should have started the squealer game. Baker hasn't been perfect, I care but I understand. The only throw that rankles me, is the failure to throw underneath on the right side to Felton. But, if I figure the squealer fans were outraged when barfsonhislegger never throw to a wide open guy in the end zone, who was frantically waving his hands, but nope. It happens. I suppose, having Landry playing hurt doesn't help, having Peoples-Jones out of the game hurt doesn't help, having pouty whiny sissy obj dropping passes and not having his head in games this year doesn't help, and having Hance having a tough time with jj quatt. Once "quatt" blew past Hance without Hance getting a hand on him. Caught Hance offbalance with a move. But back to Baker - come on. He was 20 for 31. Might have been 27 of 31 if not for catchable DROPPED passes. Baker wasn't perfect. But the loss isn't all on him. Wills played a good game, but still probably has his ankle all taped up bigtime. Not has mobile has he had been. I did cringe when Stefanski called a run by Chubb to the wide left. not a good choice. I don't believe Stefanski makes the same mistakes twice, so we'll see. I still think our OC should call plays the next game, to shake things up vs the bengals defense.
  13. wait, Stephanski was hired in 2020. Coach of the Year. This year, everything is going wrong, and it isn't on Baker, not much. Infantile pouty whiny obj - glad he's gone. Too bad he still gets paid.
  14. wow, awesome ! That is even before MY time! LOL ( or I was at least really young at the time lol) I honestly never once heard about him. This is great: https://www.sportsmockery.com/chicago-bears/how-doug-atkins-got-himself-traded-to-chicago-is-legendary/ How Doug Atkins Got Himself Traded to Chicago Is Legendary
  15. baloney. You never give data for your contentions, woodpecker. You look at everything sideways:
  16. it's what those criminal politicians do when they seek unlimited, unwarranted power and control over people, and want their wealth, too. and weak emotionally based people go with it because THEY FEEL powerful, then, too. total authoritarianism. https://www.aier.org/article/the-totalitarian-roots-of-vaccine-mandates/ The Totalitarian Roots of Vaccine Mandates
  17. " buttock obaMao commie is a slimey piece of shit, but I don't think he's stupid. " FIFY
  18. the clintons are just dirtbags who got power and wealth by any? means necessary. the biden family is the same. comey, clapper, mueller, fake fbi allegations, fake prosecutions, fake witnesses, against Pres Trump (NOT deep state player), against Kavanaugh (NOT deep state player) and every single non-deep state player that gets in their way. It's getting seem like if you want to survive in D.C. politicians had better STAY OUT of their way. think about it: The TV series "Shooter" https://www.reddit.com/r/shooter/comments/92eva6/what_is_atlas_exactly/ then think about this: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/11/05/whoa-durhams-indictment-of-steele-dossier-source-directly-implicates-hillary-clinton-n470403
  19. and....another one of Woodpecker's kind of people - they just want a better life....
  20. bunch of blackshirts/brownshirts. it's what they do. Probably get paid.
  21. need evidence. Have a lot of evidence adding up. No evidence from Virginia. Meanwhile: https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2021/11/04/new-jersey-election-worker-caught-allowing-non-citizen-to-fill-out-ballot-by-project-veritas-n469744
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