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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. REALLY miss Owusu back there. And Troy HIll, Ohio kid, (Youngstown) had a GREAT game. I think Newsome is amazing as a rookie, he has done a few rookie things like not being looking back to the ball at the last moments, but that is easy to coach, I suppose. Troy Hill was outstanding. About Troy Hill - a very special story about him: https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news/how-family-and-football-saved-browns-cb-troy-hill In five plays, Greedy re-injured his shoulder that had the nerve problem. Not good. Hope he's okay. Was wondering what the difference was with Ward. I think he was playing hurt some weeks prior, but seemed his old self yesterday. The Browns really missed Takk McKinley last week vs the squealers..... https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/browns-takk-mckinley-says-he-lost-himself-in-atlanta-but-means-nothing-but-business-now/ar-BB1eLjno
  2. https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2021/11/07/again-70-flights-of-illegal-aliens-hit-florida-in-the-dark-of-night-n471542
  3. might be a great time to get a fireplace insert installed. and stock up on firewood for the winter. well, and stock up on extra food. and water. etc.
  4. 41-16 actual score. Not bad. Schwartz had one nice catch on a slant. Chubb was full steam. D'Ernest didn't score
  5. you constantly flatter yourself for no apparent reason. You post stupid stuff, we read it, we respond, woodpecker. You don't live in anyone's head. Perhaps you wish you did, because you haven't cleaned up your dirty bird nest for a long time, if ever. Which makes sense, since your posts are full of bird poop. have a nice day pecking.
  6. of course they did. obaMao's mafia finds ballots anytime they need them.
  7. people are different. that is why one broad sweep of a fake solution does not fit. Like I said "No Child LEft Behind" failed. why obaMaocare failed. why raising the miniumum wage too high fails. and why mandates will fail. Mandates have not succeeded anywhere, not even in some courts. people with blood clot problems should NOT take the J&J vaccine, as I understand it. Ayn Rand's "Anthem" comes to mind. Indiviuality is not tolerated by the left. In her novel, the words "me", "I' etc were outlawed. totally collective society to the extreme. sound a bit like the cancel culture of today?
  8. getting more and more apparent that biden is worse than corrupt - he is mentally disabled. it's worse than "attention deficit". He really is not right in the head. and he is extremely ignorant. but he incoherently rambles to try to sound like he knows....what he doesn't know and isn't aware of. to wit: https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/11/07/bidens-effort-to-explain-supply-chain-crisis-goes-off-the-rails-n471204 " The real problem here? He doesn’t know how it works. So he’s trying to cover his own ignorance by declaring everyone else ignorant. If he thinks it needs to be explained, why does he have so much trouble trying to explain it? " ************************************************************ " Um, Joe? You swiped the term for your campaign. It had been used by multiple people internationally before you ever used it including by the Japanese in 2015, Bill Clinton as his mantra for recovery in Haiti after the earthquake in 2010. If you’re familiar with how the Clintons are viewed in Haiti, you know it didn’t go well and they didn’t “build back better.” It even goes as far back as the 2004 tsunami when Clinton coined the term as a way of expressing how the world had to respond. So yes, Joe, just plagiarized a term widely used before his campaign even came along "
  9. Nope. lol. If you go follow the link, it's exact. I looked in the wrong freaking column. dammit. that was rushing TD's. dammit. My breakfast is distracting me. dammit.
  10. bicker, snicker, whine, bitch, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, did the forum's little woodpecker have a great halloween pretending he was only in costume?
  11. obj has obviously been a high talent wr. Of course he has. But he has to be a star, center of attention or sulks. He has been an excellent receiver, sure. But, once he made his brand and became a star, he only played in 4 games in 2017 with the Giants. He became a star with the Browns, in 2019, playing in 16 games. Then only played in 7 games in 2020. He has been a high talent pain in the ass to the Giants more and more. He became just that with the Browns. Now he wants to go to a contender. ah. It's all about HIM. no team player. Speaking of stats: obj has only scored ONE TD his entire pro career? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odell_Beckham_Jr. REGULAR SEASON Year Team Games Receiving Rushing Fumbles GP GS Rec Yds Avg Lng TD Att Yds Avg Lng TD Fum Lost 2014 NYG 12 11 91 1,305 14.3 80 12 7 35 5.0 13 0 1 1 2015 NYG 15 15 96 1,450 15.1 87 13 1 3 3.0 3 0 2 0 2016 NYG 16 16 101 1,367 13.5 75 10 1 9 9.0 9 0 3 1 2017 NYG 4 2 25 302 12.1 48 3 1 8 8.0 8 0 0 0 2018 NYG 12 12 77 1,052 13.7 51 6 5 19 3.8 11 0 2 1 2019 CLE 16 15 74 1,035 14.0 89 4 3 10 3.3 11 0 1 1 2020 CLE 7 7 23 319 13.9 43 3 3 72 24.0 50 1 0 0 2021 CLE 6 6 17 232 13.6 26 0 2 14 7.0 10 0 0 0 Total 88 84 504 7,062 14.0 89 51 23 170 7.4 50 1 9 4 Postseason Year Team Games Receiving Rushing Fumbles GP GS Rec Yds Avg Lng TD Att Yds Avg Lng TD Fum Lost 2016 NYG 1 1 4 28 7.0 11 0 — — — — — 0 0 2020 CLE 0 0 Did not play due to injury Total 1 1 4 28 7.0 11 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Source:[160]
  12. I'll be squirrel hunting next week. The tree canopy will hide me. lol
  13. Every single voter member of this forum who stupidly voted against Pres Trump and their own country..... threw America towards the world's toilet. Their "great reset" - not a "conspiracy" - just listen to them. It's what soros and other world class billionaires and the UN is all about. Using mmgw to redistribute American success and wealth to them. And America stands in their way. a good read: https://stoppingsocialism.com/2020/11/john-kerry-joe-biden-great-reset-it-will-happen/ Climate Change & Socialism Commentary and Analysis front page Great Reset Biden’s ‘Climate Czar’ Makes Shocking Comments About the Anti-Capitalism Great Reset: ‘It Will Happen’ *********************************************************************** https://lidblog.com/omg-john-kerry-says-were-all-gonna-die/ John Kerry Says Global Warming Will End Life On Earth As You Know It *************************************** and that is from 2014? now that they have the power and the msm with them..... they are determined to take total control of our gov once and for all. Which means, they cannot be losing at elections - so they went for mass voter fraud with dead people voting, leftwing ballot harvesting. Remember the two "New Black Panthers" who stood in front of the door of a voting location? that is who they are. Permanent power over all of us. over America. NOw, they are in a rage to take over and never lose it. Remember? https://lidblog.com/voter-fraud-watc/ Voter Fraud Watch-Video Of Black Panther’s Intimidating Voters **************************************************** now, consider the damage to who we are - in America, and what we and our country stand for. They are working on dismantling our fair elections. They are crashing out independence from foreign oil. They are crashing our population with illegals. They SUPPORT their brownshirts/blackshirts' violence in cities - burning them down, assaulting anyone anythime they want, threatening the familes at their homes - of anyone who isn't on the same political leftwing page and gets in their way. and they know, as history has shown around the world, that they cannot truly take over permanently and ruthlessly without disarming Americans. Disarming all countries is the UN "mandate". Again, we stand in their way. and the soroses and the billionaires all locked into a one world economy and government... that is the corrupt UN. You just wait til 2022 and 2024. Unless they defraud our electoral process on an even larger scale.
  14. but Jarvis is also playing banged up. and the lack of a true deep threat scaring defenses lets them play closeer to the los. Tighter windows. obj played hard, but only played for himself. If he can't be a star and be cool with his "brand", he pouts, whines and is a distraction. It is a serious indication of the problem - big plays by others, he doesn't care. Baker gets blasted at the sideline while playing injured and wearing a brace - he doesn't care. He just goes off by himself, no emotion. He was that way with the Giants. If Peoples-Jones can play today - the heck with napoleon obj. I expect a big win today. This is a TEAM that bounces back really well, ....when healthy. I also expect Schwartz to start playing a bigger role. We'll see. He did fine last year. But Landry is a real team leader and player. obj is obsessed with himself. too bad. Case is point - Dwayne Bowe said recently that the "Browns are ruining obj's brand". That tells you why Bowe signed a two year contract, but only lasted a year.
  15. Today, I expect Schwartz to play a bigger role. He gets his first touchdown. Chubb comes back full steam, D'Ernest and Chubb both score at least once. BROWNS 35-16. Never give up.
  16. "Cuff him, Dano!....Let's go, Brandon"
  17. well, yeah. Except in all the riots, there were several blocks involved. But at the particular time, that exact time, the camera was on that exact spot. It's a good question - more than one drone or just one solely targeted on the exact area of Rittenhouse. Another question is, why did the fbi "lose" that video? Another question - why with video were there no arrests of all the arsonists, assaulters, looters, etc etc ? It reeks of the possibility of another setup like Jan 6.
  18. so....the dirty fbi (reference to the top higher ups) had a DRONE right over THIS AREA? like they had several drones...or maybe just one drone and they had it over Rittenhouse because....why? I read this and...remember the dirty role some federal agents played in the Jan 6th fiasco? maybe fed agents instigated Rittenhouse and got more than they bargained for? and now the fbi has "lost" the video? what the..... the legacy of dirty comey lives one. corrupt people put in place by corrupt dem top politicians. https://redstate.com/scotthounsell/2021/11/06/the-fbi-just-admitted-something-terrifying-and-no-one-seems-to-be-noticing-n470901 The FBI Just Admitted Something Terrifying and No One Seems to Be Noticing
  19. calfoxwc


    Appreciate the update, Tour. The tech they have is amazing - I said that before. Not me personally, but been there in a way. You are strong to stay so upbeat - that is going hugely in your favor. and you fight like crazy, with a sense of humor to match. and yes, I humbly apologize to you because when I read about "maggots" instead of magnets, I just started laughing while sipping my hot cider with cinnamon. LOL
  20. yep. He was the same way in NY. They were delighted to unload him. It really told the tale that obj admitted he has been playing with an injury for the last ten years. never got it fixed to be the best he can be. Just got big bucks to get injured again and again, with a few terrific catches here and there to keep his "brand" and endorsements. He only cared about himself. Good freaking riddance.
  21. so, the scorecard: Pres Trump - over 220 GOOD/GREAT THINGS ACCOMPLISHED FOR AMERICA obaMao commie and dirtbag slutty biden - 0 Hoorta can't name one. Tex can't name one. woodpecker can't name anything legit. can't name one. neo can't name one. Browns149. (and....wait for it... they will probably go "but, you know, I did name a bunch, except I er...don't have time to repeat myself, and Pres Trump had orange skin so biden is better and I would love to give my ObaMao commie great big smoochies"
  22. guess why? because they want to dilute the American voter's vote in Red States serious corrupt damage to our country. They want the total permanent power by any means necessary. and they do not give a (*(*&
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