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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. so stupid a retort it isn't worth reading a second time.......
  2. https://www.channel411news.com/2021/11/13/psaki-admits-white-house-wants-to-use-high-gas-prices-to-push-alternative-energy/ Pissaki Admits White House Wants to Use High Gas Prices to Push “Alternative Energy”
  3. Vapor is absolutely correct. "situational awareness" is a major key. He was an IDIOT. but, that isn't against the law. As a ccw guy, you do not EVER deliberately go into a bad situation where you may have to defend yourself. Wrong, or absolutely responsible and correct.... your life will never be the same. Especially these days. It's about defending yourself, and you family and friends when unforeseen lethal trouble happens to stare you in the face. The idea is to DEFEND you and other's LIVES. The best way to do that, is stay safe as you can, and don't ignore risky situations. btw...... Is the felon with a gun being prosecuted or what? I suspect that Rittenhouse is being made a false example of, over leftwing political propaganda. but AGAIN, the dishonesty has blown up in their faces. New FBI Infrared Video Blows Kyle Rittenhouse Prosecutor's ... https://www.redvoicemedia.com › 2021 › 11 › new-fbi-infrared-video-blows-kyle-rittenhouse-prosecutors-case-into-a-million-pieces But as the video featured below, shows - Rittenhouse wasn't pointing his weapon, but his hand. What is most important about the video above is not only does it show from the perspective of witnesses, but it also shows the angle that the FBI infrared camera had. From the perspective of the FBI camera, it shows that the object being pointed ...
  4. You're a moron. https://www.cnsnews.com/index.php/commentary/father-jerry-pokorsky/four-stages-communist-diabolical-conspiracy The UN Plan to Enslave America... https://www.tldm.org › news49 › the-un-plan-to-enslave-america.htm The UN Plan to Enslave America... UNITED NATIONS. "You have allowed the evil to grow strong in your country. You will remove from your country this seat of evil [U.N.] that grows strong in your city. The mark of the beast has labeled your city Babylon! Open your heart and eyes now to the truth, before it is too late. Sarah Schmidt on Nations United: How the United Nations Is ... https://jcpa.org › article › sarah-schmidt-on-nations-united-how-the-united-nations-is-undermining-israel-and-the-west The Power of Words Nations United: How the United Nations Is Undermining Israel and the West, by Alex Grobman, Balfour Books, 2006, 192 pp.
  5. I've said it so many times before - corrupt "socialist/communists" use economics as a weapon. IN the quest for total permanent power.... everything is used as a weapon. Taxes, illegal immigration, inflation, they have corrupted our electoral process. The DOJ, EPA, CIA, NSA, FBI....the power players are everywhere. They have been creating FALSE prosecutions....FALSE evidence, and are now creating REAL CRISES to be able to use it politically.
  6. Remember how the leftwing trollers bragged about the deaths while Pres Trump was in office? and would NOT blame the corrupt and dangerous communist chinese? and ridiculed the notion that the covid virus was manipulated in the lab? Well, they made hippo rear ends of themselves. and now, as always, because of their bloated embarrassed egos, they run and hide from it all.
  7. Well, that was a disaster. The Browns roared right down the field and scored. Then, Wood's defense was completely out-coached. and to me, my dumb opinion,,,, he did not make ANY adjustments at halftime. The Browns wr's are going to have to be upgraded. We don't even have a #1. Landry has admirably played hurt, Schwartz isn't quite ready for prime time, Peoples-Jones will be a star next year, and..........tight ends? Njoku whiffs blocks and drops passes. I'm done. Need a new DC I think. I hope the Browns can trade Njoku. He will never get it consistently. And "Where in the World is Rashard Higgins??? No targets at all? I think this weeks defensive game plan made a fool out of the coaches. I missed by Togiai was in there .... NOBODY getting open. This defense works for some teams, and is a disaster vs others. It needs a Jordan Davis. Wr or two in the draft. or something. This team can't overcome injuries, AND covid, AND bad defensive coaching, AND a lacking talent in the WR room consistently. But, I'm just totally disgusted. I lost a whole dollar on the game.....
  8. the obaMao commie/biden leftwing cult is creating severe crisis with unlimited illegal flooding of our country,. Watch - they will USE this crisis to persuade some "Americans" to let them take permanent control of our government. They are sending America down a terribly dangerous road
  9. LJ will probably get hurt for good one of these days - he is amazing at running, except vs Miami, but he doesn't throw long with accuracy at all. And some of his interceptions look very, very bad. With a bad offensive line, sure, LJ would run for ya. I'll take Baker every time outside of that.
  10. Although, a 5.56 can certainly shoot .223 bullet, a 5.56 bullet should NOT be used in a .223...
  11. so, we'll check with our family dr about the Phizer booster. Is there any kind of difference in the booster that makes it less safe than the vaccines we got? all the bogus nonsense is hurting a lot of people's understanding and decisions.
  12. you're delusional and use copy pastes of google searches as "proof". You're a lost cause. Your personal insults, woodpecker, are your brilliance in appraisal of any issue. Got it. But mix evangelicals, already nuts, with their love for Trump, and you get actual worship. Again, you don't know the difference between popularity and worship. Go freaking look up words you use, how about trying it at least once? Two different definitions. I'll do just one of them - Definition of popular 1 : of or relating to the general public 2 : suitable to the majority: such as a : adapted to or indicative of the understanding and taste of the majority a popular history of the war b : suited to the means of the majority : inexpensive sold at popular prices 3 : frequently encountered or widely accepted a popular theory 4 : commonly liked or approved a very popular girl *************** You called out Obama for not disclosing his grades to show the worship of obaMao was bs. he can't let his fake "godness" be shown. Pres Trump was never a "god". that is what I explained by posting the glory to obaMao commie song sung by schoolchildren. you can't keep up in any discussion. sad. You can't name one good/great thing your obaMao commie ever did, or biden every did. Don't go away mad, just ..... lol So, woodpecker, do you play with your tail feathers while you post, or are you just trying to think of a way to get negative attention? You're a moron.
  13. so, you bitch and whine about "why", then you pretend that you didn't want to know why, ...yep. Your posts are very odd. I have fun posting about politics. I just find stupid emotional whiny baseless opinions not worth much time. Maybe you could fix that, although, woodpecker never has, so it is what it is.....
  14. "oh, knose, global warming boo hoo whine" I'd fix you lefties a s'more but you know that graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate makes our planet turn into a volcano eruption, and I wouldn't mail it to you anyways. This is my campfire - the Great Lakes are still there! lol
  15. post a link to schoolchildren singing to Pres Trump like he was a "god". Or, STCU. lol Like I say a lot - you lefties misuse words and redefine them all the time. Nobody worships Pres Trump. He was outstandingly popular because he did all these GREAT GOOD things FOR AMERICA: Trump Administration Accomplishments - The White House https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov › trump-administration-accomplishments Trump Administration Accomplishments. Share: Unprecedented Economic Boom. Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world's most prosperous economy. America gained 7 million new jobs - more than three times government experts' projections. Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 - more than five times the gains ... The List of President Trump's Accomplishments is Huge ... https://unapologeticrepublican.com › list-of-trumps-accomplishments The List of President Trump's Accomplishments is Huge! Check the list out here. Many Trump-haters have NO CLUE as to what greatness President Trump has done for this country and All Americans. All you do is watch them (Trump-Haters) post memes that are mostly fake. They post lies and spread the Left's narrative every chance they get. The Accomplishments of President Trump https://lc.org › PDFs › Trump.Accomplishments.FINAL.pdf In 2017, real median household income rose to a post-recession high. President Trump's policies are helping to lift Americans out of poverty. African-American and Hispanic-American poverty rates reached record lows of 21.2 percent and 18.3 percent, respectively, in 2017. Since the election, 4.6 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps.
  16. You are not worthy of a legit answer, your questions and wailing is nonsense emotionalism. You freakin lefties FEEL you are a "god" and want to control all narratives and troll... you should have a nice day in birdbrain land.
  17. All republicans don't worship Pres Trump with lofty songs and do not feel he is a "savior" and profoundly brilliant. but he was a GREAT PRESIDENT ! He did over two hundred GREAT/GOOD things FOR AMERICA !!!!!!!! That is his proof. So, tweetybleedbird and woodpecker: Name ONE good/great thing your obaMao commie or your bumbling incoherent biden has EVER done for America. You will fail again.
  18. Debunking The Media's Top 6 Lies About President Trump ... https://lovebreedsaccountability.com › 2019 › 07 › 26 › debunking-the-medias-top-6-lies-about-president-trump The most effective way to debunk the media's lazy and dishonest lies about President Trump being a racist, is to turn the tables on them. The media, along with their Democrat and establishment GOP allies, believe that black and brown people need pity and to be propped up — while white people deserve scorn and to be knocked down.
  19. Oh, I know why. Your whiny self-indulgent, erroneous and emotional knee jerk assumptions are so bogus they do not deserve being referenced legibly. Have a nice day in whinyland.
  20. https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2021/11/11/fbi-must-stop-data-extraction-on-james-okeefes-phones-per-judges-order-n473962
  21. https://redstate.com/scotthounsell/2021/11/12/some-heads-better-roll-at-the-fbi-and-doj-after-the-project-veritas-document-leak-n474172 Some Heads Better Roll at the FBI and DOJ After the Project Veritas Document Leak
  22. sounds very diabolical, self serving and severely racist. But, that is them. Still waiting for anyone who voted against Pres Trump and America... to admit they fooked up and damaged their country. and further corrupted our gov. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2021/11/12/new-bill-would-grant-gi-bill-benefits-to-descendants-of-black-wwii-veterans-n474584 New Bill Would Grant GI Bill Benefits to Descendants of Black WWII Veterans
  23. Is President Obama a genius? - Quora https://www.quora.com › Is-President-Obama-a-genius?share=1 Answer (1 of 5): I think well-meaning readers will have to take my word for it that Obama was not in the genius category as a young man. I knew the young Obama, and I can verify he was not a genius, at least at that time. One of the few insight we have into young Obama's GPA comes from a Los An... Obama's Problem as 'The Smartest Person in the Room' https://www.americanthinker.com › articles › 2010 › 12 › obamas_problem_as_the_smartest.html Since Obama first stepped on the national stage, pundits have fallen all over each other in a race to declare that Obama is special type of genius. Tom Shales of the WaPo recently called Obama ... ************************************************************************************** Barack Obama's Presidency Is A Complete Failure By His Own ... https://www.forbes.com › sites › peterferrara › 2013 › 12 › 31 › barack-obamas-presidency-is-a-complete-failure-by-his-own-self-imposed-standards Dec 31, 2013At the end of 2013, after serving five years, Barack Obama is a complete failure as President, by his own standards, as reflected in his own words. Barack Obama's Failed Presidency | Hoover Institution https://www.hoover.org › research › barack-obamas-failed-presidency Barack Obama's Failed Presidency. The week after the Fourth of July is a good time to take stock of the presidency of Barack Obama. It is highly unlikely that he will change course in his six remaining months in office, so he will be judged by history on his current record. That record reveals an enormous gap between his grandiose promises and ... It's time to face facts: Obama's presidency was a failure https://nypost.com › 2017 › 01 › 14 › its-time-to-face-facts-obamas-presidency-was-a-failure Jan 14, 2017Nor does Chait mention that Obama is the first president since Herbert Hoover to fail to preside over a single year of 3 percent growth. But hey, Obama fans, stay in your bubble. It's cozy there. Obama's Collapse - Texas Monthly https://www.texasmonthly.com › burka-blog › obamas-collapse That is a lesson Barack Obama should take to heart. He is on the verge of becoming a complete failure as president. His signature initiative is in ruins and for one reason only: sheer incompetence ...
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