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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. the problem with masks and covid still spreading is... people don't THINK. Not washing hands etc...what good does a mask do? I've seen people wearing masks below their nose. Hello? Is anybody home? and even below their mouth sometimes, on their chin. seriously? Nothing. So when they get in their car, after spreading it again and again, with their mask off, it gets spread everywhere they go, and they can get covid when they do take off their mask. Hand sanitizer should be included in the routine. It's available in most stores at the entrance, but I keep seeing people NOT wearing masks and NOT using hand sanitizer. just not good.
  2. the corruption of the obaMao commie/biden/clinton left is brazenly going for broke to take over our gov permanently.
  3. We wear them in every store. My Wife's best friend died of covid last year, several people got it, kids got it, neighbor got it this week.... (she teaches)..she was vaccinated. Temp of 101...really terrible headaches. Bronchitis...didn't get quite sick enough to go to the emergency room. Two tests verified it. I dropped off an extra test on their porch...... I went to the drugstore for some things she needed.... it's still out there. I still use a paper towel on fuel pump handles....and hand sanitizer is also a habit. Over 3000 new cases in one day sometime the past week or so.... and now, it has been PROVEN that the virus was dna "gain of function" modified. In communist rotten china. in that lab. Part of the FUNDING was by a company in NY. with Fauci being a LIAR about it. and that communist dangerous china COVERED IT UP. SO DID FAUCI - he LIED TO CONGRESS. so, it's dangerous to a lot of folks, just be careful out there. 4,000 miles out west and back - being careful worked fine for us. Take care.
  4. https://www.foxbusiness.com/media/white-house-considers-meeting-between-biden-xi-jinping
  5. I believe there's going to be a war. https://www.theblaze.com/news/top-general-us-military-possible-surprise-nuclear-attack-from-china Top general in US military warns of possible surprise nuclear attack from China, cites hypersonic missile tests and new silos: 'Should create a sense of urgency'
  6. remember when you let everyone know you were a woodpecker?
  7. Woodypeckerhead does have a point. pointy beak.
  8. gee, mr. pompous arrogant napoleon - you are wrong. Your x's and o's are apparently solid, but your conclusions are not. If you can't handle not being worshiped, don't try to be the board's "football greek god". It's a freaking TEAM GAME. And against the best secondaries - they are not getting open. They CLEARLY SHOWED that on the Browns-Patriots telecast. It happened to BOTH Baker and Keenum. So, you can shove it.
  9. my question is, this nuthatch (no sly reference at all to the local birdbrain) was a mental case - why not a psych ward ? prison will help how? he won't even understand enough to realize why he's there, I suppose.
  10. egad. don't give biden and the rest any ideas....
  11. Now, Bob. That is not true. He was upset with "gridlock" by both sides. The trouble is, the dems are far, far corrupt left, and the republicans are conservative...and liberal/moderate/frightened weinies........ which side is MORE anti-America, Bob??? Who caused the division he is talking about? Maybe the ones who want America to be a socialist country, ya? Maybe the ones who demand control over speech, eh? Maybe the ones who condone antifa violence, eh? etc etc etc. https://www.newsmax.com/Politics/latourette-chuckleheads-congress-gridlock/2012/08/03/id/447470/ " Ohio's Steven LaTourette told MSNBC it's more difficult for a reasonable person to get re-elected to Congress because "the red districts are turning redder and the blue districts are turning bluer." " ****************************************** gridlock now means the left wants to destroy America and the rest of us refuse to let it happen in 2022 and 2024. Meet in the middle??? let them permanently only destroy half of America? that isn't called meeting in the middle Bob. Work with the left? Gee, why didn't Jews "work with the nazis" ? Just makes no sense to me. May as well ask republicans to negotiate with Islamic terrorists and only let them take half as many Americans prisoners....
  12. So, you finally admit I am RIGHT about the wr corp. and, yes, Baker is having trouble, he is INJURED and probably should have sat since the squealer game. You are welcome. Now go have a nice quiet talk with your buddy Hoorta and set him straight - not that it will be possible.....
  13. yes, the Browns don't play a loose zone very well. The Patriot receivers got open most all the game. I watched it. It was pitiful. Like I said, Woods has finally admitted that the Browns play man to man better. But he doesn't play that much. Jacoby Meyers was a heck of a terrific find at wr for an UDFA. Nelson Agholor was a FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICK. The Patriots played man to man however much it was, and the Browns wr's were not getting open. and, the Patriots have Hunter Henry, SECOND ROUND PICK. Hunter Henry was labeled a PRO BOWL TALENT before he was draft. 7.0. NJoku is NO Hunter Henry.
  14. now it's getting troll time. You criticize Baker, compare him to Lamar, and Lamar has more a wr group than the Browns. Then you criticize the wr group Lamar has, but you won't criticize the wr group the Browns have. and no, they are not freaking getting open often enough with good secondaries like the Patriots. or squealers. etc. I say again, Landry is terrific but hurt, Peoples-Jones is young, Schwartz is a rookie and not ready.... Bradley was a UDFA.... Hello? **************************************** I guess when you disagree with certain people, they go off their nut and gang up on ya. lol. READ WHAT I POSTED. I DID NOT WRITE IT. The EDITOR OF SI DID. And have a nice pompous day. *************************************************************** I just found this - it isn't just me seeing it: https://www.si.com/nfl/browns/browns-maven-features/browns-poor-wr-roi Browns Poor Return on Investment at Wide Receiver Impossible to Ignore After Loss to Steelers After an extremely poor performance by Cleveland Browns wide receivers against the Pittsburgh Steelers, it puts the focus on how poor the return on investment the Browns have gotten from their top two receivers. Pete Smith A healthy Jarvis would be a giant boost to this offense.
  15. sure. it was stinko of a game across the board, except on special teams. That isn't all on Baker. The Patriots smartly shut down the sad group of wr's (Landry is terrific, but playing hurt, ya) after the first drive. The wr's can't get open, end of passing game. Defense - the talent is all over the place, except for DC. Just my opinion now.
  16. wait. Let's look at the ratbird wr's in 2019. You fail to mention the difference in wr's. Marquis Brown - FIRST ROUND PICK 2019. Sammy Watkins - FIRST ROUND PICK 2014. Rashod Bateman - FIRST ROUND PICK 2021. really?
  17. yes, but what does it mean ? It's one play with Njoku, who has had a history of drops since college. The trouble is, Jarvis is excellent, but playing hurt, Schwartz isn't quite ready for prime time, and Peoples-Jones is destined? to be a star wr next season. that doesn't leave much in the passing game, and Baker is playing really well for a guy with a broken, damaged shoulder and a knee/foot injury. But he isn't playing up to par - of course not. I would have not let him play vs the squealers. Anyone who thinks our wr's are just fine - should watch next year's draft and FA. No qb can complete passes to wr's that can't get open. Higgins - not fast at all. Knows a few tricks to get open a few times here and there is not going to make for wins. I just found this - it isn't just me seeing it: https://www.si.com/nfl/browns/browns-maven-features/browns-poor-wr-roi Browns Poor Return on Investment at Wide Receiver Impossible to Ignore After Loss to Steelers After an extremely poor performance by Cleveland Browns wide receivers against the Pittsburgh Steelers, it puts the focus on how poor the return on investment the Browns have gotten from their top two receivers. Pete Smith A healthy Jarvis would be a giant boost to this offense.
  18. well, think about that. Tenn has A. J. Brown. Second round pick, pro bowl player. The tenn head coach was hired in Jan 2018, So Vrable has a couple of years experience over Stephanski...to run with game plans etc. It's a team game. It isn't Baker that is holding them back, nobody could step in and force our wr's to get open quickly. It's a lot more complicated than to just bash Baker.
  19. Except you did already - Baker is playing hurt - serious hurt. Actually, I was amazed at the Cincy game. Hate to break it to ya, but Baker threw some serious hot throws right on the money during that game. Remember the score? and, hate to break it to ya - but Johnson is a rb. Not a wr, so there's that. I called for Baker to not play vs the squealers. Go back and look. The patriots took advantage of the Browns top two rb's out, and a wr gone, and a hurt qb still playing. If has affected Baker's performance. But when Keenum went in, they showed how the wr's were all covered - same old. They can double a banged up Landry, and hope they can limit throws to TE's.... and they are good. For instance - Higgins was on the field for 3 snaps vs cincy, big Browns win. He was on the field for 26 snaps, one target and dropped that one. Couldn't get open. It's pretty easy, imho, to have great field vision with wide open wr's and a Gronk for your TE. and, Baker has not been around as long as Brady, so the comparison seems silly.
  20. https://redstate.com/tladuke/2021/11/16/today-in-america-you-can-get-suspended-from-high-school-sports-for-believing-in-two-genders-n476868
  21. you lost me again. lol. who is responsible for gridlock? the dems are in complete control for the most part, of both house and senate and wh.... and you are complaining about gridlock? er.... the dems are screwing up our country, damaging our country. Period. They did it in a large, large group. complaining about reps is silly. Pres Trump was a GREAT president for America. Plain and simple. It does not matter WHO runs as a republican - the 99% corrupt democrat socialist party will try to destroy that person, no dishonest tricks barred. "we don't like Pres Trump/Desantis/anybody's personality because the msm told us so" will come to fruition. You watch. "Pres Trump is so divisive"... and obaMao wasn't? biden isn't? Low information voters - emotionally knee jerked by msm voters.
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