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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. I hope we don't have to discuss the virus size vs water droplet containing the virus size.... masks work.
  2. There is still hope for our country... a fuzzy, doctored up pic didn't sway the jury.
  3. an excellent read: https://modernsurvivalblog.com/lessons-from-history/8-lessons-learned-from-the-great-depression/ 8 Lessons Learned From The Great Depression
  4. yeah, that fuzzy pic is clear as mud......sadly, that picture was "found" just before the trial. and was doctored. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/11/one_fuzzy_drone_image_may_send_kyle_rittenhouse_to_prison.html "The "unicorn" evidence that the prosecutors successfully fought to get admitted is the drone footage that they just coincidentally found at the last minute before the trial. According to the prosecution, an incredibly fuzzy photo that was computer-enhanced (meaning that A.I. made "educated" guesses about where pixels should go) shows Kyle pointing his gun at Joshua Ziminski, who fired the first shot that saw Rosenbaum, who had earlier threatened to kill Kyle, chase the boy. " ****************************************************** pretty dirty trick by the deep state. manufacture evidence, manufacture false testimony (Kavanaugh reference)... manufacture fake "investigations" and "prosecutions".... and the obaMao commie/bumbly corrupt biden regime manufactured the infamous "Fast and Furious" scandal, while blaming AMERICAN GUN OWNERS FOR THE VIOLENCE IN MEXICO....... it's just dangerously, viciously corrupt works at gaining permanent control of our gov for the power and wealth that they will have permanent control over. Every single time, regimes like this have to disarm the public - for their own protection and ease of intimidating/arresting/murdering anyone they see fit to go after. Like nazis.
  5. except woodpecker long ago caused his own woodpecker identity. Disturbing a hornet nest, gets you repercussions. the woodpecker's own aggressively belligerent attitude warranted the nickname. He "pecks" at every opportunity, all the time, nearly? every time. Defending your little bird buddy is fine, though, albeit for no good reason. you libs never mind your own business. It's what you do.
  6. The one time he had a decent post, I replied decently. go figure. it's what woodpeckers do. they just peck, no matter how stupidly.
  7. I think most folks should consider prepping at least a bit. If this keeps on, we historically speaking, will crash severely eventually. Seems that this gov wants it to happen, to make us a socialist dicktatership.
  8. Yeah, Tex, your SNL source hasn't been funny for years. The old magic is long gone....
  9. Biden now rivals Woodrow Wilson as the worst, most unconstitutional, most destructive president in U.S. history.
  10. it's concerning - they take the American people for being no smarter than rocks. What ever huge lies they tell, the media won't call them on it. The phony "fact check" goes silent. It's all about wealth and power for them - how can so many just go with their falsehoods? Dangerous Lies make them feel THAT GOOD ???
  11. Baker isn't going anywhere. Pay him top money? nope. But it isn't all his fault. So, watching the Falcons-patriots game last night, per Gumby's list of salaries....I would give Baker a contract in Goff-Wilson range - mid thirties, with incentives. So, Baker had a very dismal game vs the Patriots. then last night.... Matt Ryan laid an egg. I suppose by self-anointed "expert" logic, "Matt Ryan sucks and is just average", eh? and Baker has a broken shoulder bone and torn labrum and knee/ankle injury? Matt Ryans' stats look dismal. Baker was only sacked twice I think. Baker had 1 TD. 1 INT..... Matt Ryan, healthy, had 0 TD's, 4 sacks. zero points. Note that Ryan's top wr's are an UDFA, fifth round pick, sixth round pick. Just an indication that they have not paid much attention to the wr position. The Browns are in better shape, and that isn't solid either. Also, I admit that Hoorta and Tiam's Josh Rosen actually got to play for 3 plays. He completed one pass for five yards and threw an INT, out of 3 tries at the end of the game. C/ATT YDS TD INT SACKS QBR M. Ryan 19/28 153 0 2 4-33 23.3
  12. My point is, there are differing opinions all over the place. You bragged on your football player. Get a grip on yourself - because I did in response. That's all. It doesn't make you superior on this forum, doesn't make your correct in your opinions. Sure doesn't make me correct, either. That's all of a point I was making. You really need to drop the darth vader complex. You don't own the narrative. Have a nice day. And, the 22 point type was exactly as it appears in the article. Go freaking READ IT.
  13. do you know who Ike Taylor is? nopesies? https://heavy.com/sports/cleveland-browns/baker-mayfield-ike-taylor/ Former Steeler Defends Browns QB Baker Mayfield and, Hoorta, (and Tiamsies) do you know who Dan Orlovsky is? He was a pro qb. and he always knew more football than you and your buddy Tiam have ever known, probably squared more. https://www.wkyc.com/article/sports/nfl/browns/browns-baker-mayfield-dan-orlovsky-praise/95-004a6d7d-8128-4677-a65e-21abcf787efb 'Stop disrespecting Baker Mayfield': NFL analyst defends Cleveland Browns QB
  14. Never said that. Perhaps you could forget about putting words in there that are false so you can make some warped point...maybe....like you do elsewhere a LOT? My point is, you and Tiam don't get to blast anyone who doesn't buy into your surpremist football superiority. I can easily be wrong, but will not be intimidated into not having my own observations. You don't get it working your way on the other forum, and it ain't gonna work here. AGAIN, I'll have my own, perhaps dumb observations, and try to justify them the best I can. But saying I'm not allowed to have them, or belittle someone in a wheelchair because we don't bow in your direction.... is not going to work. Remember, your tirade over me daring to disagree with you and Tiam about Josh Allen and Josh Rosen? case in point. Rosen was your and Tiam's super=duper super qb. But you two know football, and I and others were NOT allowed to disagree. Have a nice day. (where is the world IS your Josh Rosen, anyways?) https://dawgpounddaily.com/2021/08/21/greenberg-defends-browns-baker-mayfield/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/myles-garrett-had-“no-doubt”-baker-mayfield-would-come-through-on-sunday/ar-AAQs4pn Time to sit Baker. He's tough, but the effects of his injuries are obvious at times. Other times, it's amazing he can still pull it off. at times.
  15. I don't like the mask thing, but it's a responsible choice. We do it for ourselves, for others we are around. and the hand sanitizer - we use it a lot. It works. Just wish we could be done with this covid crap. A lady online was talking about it - her son died from covid while hiking and camping on a mountain trail in Alaska. Too far from medical help. It's still out there. A LOT of folks, young and old, are not wearing them. Their choice, but it seems to be very, very risky.
  16. I know - you are a wimpy liberal, and you can't stand trying to control the narrative, and control everything else. You liberals are attention whores - you just......can't........stand it when you aren't in control and aren't the center of attention. You also try to mind everyone else's business when you FEEL lonely.
  17. of course I do not believe the reps have all the answers, Bob. But left has no good answers. They have corrupted the FBI, DOJ, NSA, CIA, etc. and some reps are without any legit merit as human beings. Trouble is, I don't know of any dems that are not that way, cept for a few. whatshisname in WV for one. The current division in our country is on the worse scale in our recent history. I could never stand Latourette, because he never stood for anything, he just went with the middle and "made friends" on both sides. Some of his votes were atrocious, some not. Yes, he criticized the Tea Party folks. That was stupid - I've been to Tea Party rallys a few times Wonderful patriotic people. Not extremist in any way. Just decent folks. Latourrette was a loser. That is why he had to quit. He had no principles, just wanted to be popular with both sides of the aisle. When a politician tries to be everything to both sides, he ends up being nothing to both. That is all I'm saying. Again, negotiating on freedom, "meeting in the middle" means you give up half your freedom? That is Latourrette. sp? Nope. And so many said "nope" he had to quit. IOW's....some things are worth fighting for. That is why we are a free country today. Those before us FOUGHT, BLED and DIED for that freedom. The dem left is SO far left, it's time to tell them NO.
  18. and yet, you did not address the content of the clip. You know, WHAT he was saying. and DO put me on ignore, Shirley. Because I sneeze in your direction, will never bow to it. Btw......Nice shoulder pads dude.
  19. anything that supports the accrual of total power of nazis and corrupt "deep state" officials and groupies... they don't care - they support it. sick, destructive stuff.
  20. nobody thinks about you. we just let you know yor posts are nearly always attempted self-aggrandizement, but it comes off like you are "off".
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