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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. not when plenty of couples out there would love to adopt. etc
  2. Yep. People who boo their own players just because things are going well....are not doing their team nor themselves any good. But super egos get in the way - they vent, but on the flip side, the entire team figures they are being booed. Counter-productive behavior solves no problem.
  3. Take it to the barber shop? You nearly never have legit political takes, and this is your latest attempt? whatever.......
  4. yet, you have not posted ANY link at all in this entire thread. Why don't YOU do your OWN research, and come up with a study that supports what you believe? Answer: you don't believe in anything, except to sound like a know-it-all when you are a moron that does not research any of your anti-everything contentions. Go peck yourself.
  5. just like you didn't name one good/great thing your obaMao commie or your biden ever did FOR AMERICA? if you had done research, then you wouldn't have had to ask the question, woodpecker. You do it a lot. Trying to make yourself look superior to every and anybody else. You're a moron birdbrain.
  6. or, the woodpecker could go and do his ? own freaking research on the internet for the first time. still waiting.
  7. they can do bad things. like throwing all people who were exposed or test positive into an internment camp. then chase them if they escape like they are escaped prisoners of war. and fauci and biden's handlers would LOVE to have that kind of permanent authority. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/12/01/omicron-hits-us-as-australia-goes-crazy-when-people-escape-their-covid-camp-n484874 Omicron Hits US, as Australia Goes Crazy When People Escape Their COVID Camp
  8. 100% apparently. The person got the vaccines, too.
  9. first case of the new omicron - found in californika. person traved in from Africa.
  10. Human infrastructure bill gives illegal aliens $300 a ... https://www.independentsentinel.com › human-infrastructure-bill-gives-illegal-aliens-300-a-month-per-child Human infrastructure bill gives illegal aliens $300 a month per child. At a Homeland Security committee hearing today, Senator Romney grilled DHS Secretary Mayorkas about the President's "human infrastructure bill.". As Romney said, the bill allows illegal aliens to get $300 a month, per child, by obtaining a tax ID number once they're ... 'INFRASTRUCTURE' Bill Contains Massive Benefits For ... https://www.usmessageboard.com › threads › infrastructure-bill-contains-massive-benefits-for-ilegals.929425 This bill allows 'parole' on a case-by-case basis for illegals in the US be applied across the board to approximately 6.8 MILLION illegals in the United States as long as they have been here since something like 2011. This gives them not only gives them PROTECTION, but work visas & STATE IDS ... which allows them to get ballots and vote. Cash Grab: Dem Bill Allows Tax Credits for Illegals ... https://ktrh.iheart.com › content › 2021-09-27-cash-grab-dem-bill-allows-tax-credits-for-illegals Cash Grab: Dem Bill Allows Tax Credits for Illegals. Human infrastructure apparently also extends to illegal aliens. The Democrats' massive $3.5 trillion "human infrastructure bill" contains a provision allowing non-citizens to obtain a tax ID number, which would allow them to claim a $300 per month, per child tax credit.
  11. 50 BILLION for global warming? and 21 BILLION for "environmental spending" duplicate much? just those two huge allotments end up being a slush fund that will buy more votes. and pay for illegals to have a free ride. all in the name of ..."environment" and "mmgw". With Passage of $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill ... https://redstate.com › mike_miller › 2021 › 11 › 06 › with-passage-of-1-2-trillion-infrastructure-bill-democrats-tee-up-massive-benefits-for-illegals-n470919 The socialists' $1.75 trillion spending dream addresses a wide range of pet issues, the majority of which have zero to do with infrastructure. Buried deep in the bill are, as Just the News described, "a series of provisions which, if signed into law, would amount to a windfall for illegal immigrants."
  12. fair point -except it's for emergencies. and at the same time, butthead shut down the keystone pipeline, and plans to shut another one down. at the same time, they want to shut down fossil fuels. at least that oil could be used. especially, if the world goes to war. The US military oil consumption - Resilience https://www.resilience.org › stories › 2006-02-26 › us-military-oil-consumption The US military oil consumption overseas and the world oil demand According to the Defence Logistic Agency's Web Site , as of November 2005 more than 2.1 billion gallons of fuel have been used in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (since October 2001; war on terrorism in Afghanistan).
  13. won't work. Another wannabe democrat nazi type.....right out of a movie about a scary authoritarian government. FORCE all Americans to get vaccines and have our military run it? dangerous-er and dangerous-er. https://www.theblaze.com/news/cet nbc-anchor-vaccine-mandate-military
  14. sickening. why not just replace our military with china's you marxist one world government scumbags? Destroying America as fast as they can. 2022 can't come soon enough..... https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2021/11/30/large-portion-of-oil-tapped-from-strategic-reserves-by-biden-will-go-to-china-india-n2599696 'Large Portion' of Oil Tapped from Strategic Reserves by Biden Will Go to China, India
  15. looks like the woodpecker desperately changed the subject again .... to a picture of a corrupt fed agent undercover to inspire the left to blame Pres Trump. So, apparently the actual subject ruffled his feathers......
  16. oh, no. Ultimate weight bearing tendon, I think. Could threaten to end his career depending on how bad, maybe. or not. Violent game. Hope he comes back.
  17. I would have started Keenum to keep Baker from getting more than one surgery required for next year.... but Keenum would not have helped them win that game. Same wr's, same field goal kicker.... nope.
  18. ******************************************** Terrific takes. Baker taking hell is stupid. Yes, he's hurt. Yes, he had another obvious overthrow. But "holds onto the ball too long" ??? when you can't scramble well, and your wr's do NOT GET OPEN in 3 seconds, what is Baker supposed to do? I've been waiting for HIggins to be a star, but he fizzles out again and again. Time to fix the wr corps is coming. Putting in Keenum would not make our wr's get open often. Defenses KNOW THIS. The ratbird lb's were playing right up near the dl.... knowing that the wr's can be covered 1 on 1 a lot,..... run more? vs this defense? how about Hunt was 7 rushes for 20 yards? Chubb was 8 rushes for 16 yards? Mayfield is playing hurt, but how the hell is that HIS fault? I will say this, with each game, I keep saying "don't run on first down again" and most every time they do, it's a loss/no gain/gain a few yards. Then the defense plays the pass, no wr's open, 3rd and long all too often. Defenses KNOW Hooper is a high target, so they shut him out with no receptions. So Baker threw to Landry (6 receptions, 111 yards), Bryant at TE (3 receptions for 50 yards), Njoku 3 receptions for 35), Chubb (2 receptions for 23 yards) and Bradley (2 receptions for 18 yards) and Peoples-Jones (2 receptions for 10 yards). Peoples-JOnes is supposed to be the deep threat, but with being held etc no call and being covered a lot, it's Baker's fault? Sure Baker made some mistales. But the problem is NOT with the qb. Keenum will have the exact same problems. But I believe it was a glaring mistake to keep having Baker go out there. Admirable as hell, but....it's time to put Keenum in. The playoffs are lost, I think. and obj - as soon as he went to the rams, he magically was "UNINJURED". He wants to grow his "brand" in the big city - but the Rams are losing. Addition by subtraction for the Browns, subtraction by addition? for the rams? we'll see.
  19. opposing defenses have it figured out, by watching film. Play the run, stack the line a good bit, especially on first down. Then cover short and get to a fairly injured and not that mobile qb. Add that to deserved penalties (too many offense changes/additions too soon?), and then add the opposing offensive lines get to hold and not be penalized, until they really are so obvious and flagrant about it the 'refs' have no choice but to call it, then add it a great defensive effort, and a phantom totally uncalled for fake "defensive holding" on Jordan Elliot....... a close game with Browns missing a freaking field goal, and wide receivers not getting open quickly (except for Landry) and a loss. Teams are playing the short throws, and the Browns don't have a long threat except for Peoples-Jones and he gets serious attention now.... inconsistent, nice throws and catches here and there, not enough to win. again. But I was freaking PROUD of the defense. worse, chris collinsworth - does he EVER shut the hell up?
  20. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We spent this week at our friends like family in NC. Had a wonderful time. and, that goes for the woodpecker, who gobbles gobbles leftwing antagonism like every day is Thanksgiving:
  21. some lefties are left and will grovel,protest, assault, bear false witness, perjure themselves, etc etc etc..FOR MONEY.
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